Good Conscience?

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DIS Veteran
Oct 18, 2017
Would you, in good conscience, be able to spend your hard earned vacation money in a state that passed a bill you find completely abhorrent? Something really extreme.

Could you spend your money somewhere in the state, a county or a place, that stood up against this abhorrent bill?
I know I have stopped buying products before from companies and even countries whose practices I disagree with.
I would do it, too, in a state, sure, if I felt strongly about it. In practice, though, it can be difficult to avoid completely, if, say, you're traveling there.
:confused3 It depends, I guess. If I knew everything there was to know, I suspect there would be few places left for me to visit, based on my own personal worldview. Heck, I'm with @tvguy - I'm not sure I where I'd even be able to live; likely not where I live now. That said, I often draw my own lines in the sand when it comes to spending my money and I respect anyone else who will actually live their convictions with integrity. It's a bit of a bigger deal though than just saying one wouldn't do anything or go anywhere they wouldn't normally be doing or going anyway. For example, me saying I wouldn't go to an oppressive country (or something like that) would only be theoretical.
Yes. I border MO. Do I agree with their most recent law? Heck to the no. But if I opted to not spend any money there it means no filling up gasoline there (so no driving too far), it means no Lake trips (well to the Ozarks which is the really only Lake I truly enjoy visiting), it means no concerts or shows as so many of them are held Downtown,MO, visiting family, and so many other things. Physically I could do it but in all honesty it's not going to impact the state whatsoever.

In fact tonight (if we're counting this as technically Saturday) I'll be on the MO side going to see Aladdin and to visit a tiki bar.

If we go even further there are some laws in the past my own state has passed that I think are absolutely disgusting (for instance removing employment protection to those who are LGBQT+).

It's not that I don't think on a personal note you can opt not to but I do think one would be hard pressed to find some law out there in every state (well ok just about all states lol) that one doesn't at all agree with (and I'm not just talking about trivial ancient ones).

I think boycotting businesses is a lot easier for most people than boycotting states IMO.
I think boycotting businesses is a lot easier for most people than boycotting states IMO.

I agree. Right now, I have no plans to visit several specific states. But I think if I lived right across the border, I might feel differently - because if I personally knew some business owners who were outvoted, I would feel bad about punishing them along with the majority.
We did that earlier this week during a drive to Orlando (which is terrible, but still not as bad as running the tsa/Uber, etc. gauntlet with 2 small kids). It was the first time I’d ever packed substantial snacks for a road trip. Turns out pbj otw makes you have much faster time! I worry about if something I find truly disagreeable gets voted into our state.
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I could. Just because a law passed that I don't agree with, doesn't mean everyone in that state thinks that way. Seems wrong to punish those people who were on the losing side of a vote by not visiting.
Honestly, I doubt I could find a place to visit (or live) that hasn't passed a law I disagree with at some point.
But, I don't see anything wrong with a person choosing to boycott an area or state.
I guess I think of it less in terms of the money and more in terms of the time and the people. These laws don't just spring forth--on some level they're a reflection of who the people are who live there. I wouldn't want to spend my vacation time surrounded by people with views I find abhorrent--but that's more about comfort than any sort of statement.
Would you, in good conscience, be able to spend your hard earned vacation money in a state that passed a bill you find completely abhorrent? Something really extreme.

Could you spend your money somewhere in the state, a county or a place, that stood up against this abhorrent bill?
No. I practice what I preach.

I don't want my children to have to refight the battles our grandmothers won.

Georgia and Alabama will never see any vacation dollars from me. And if Florida's bill passes, I will have no hesitation putting Florida on our no travel list. It is a huge world out there with prettier beaches amd more interesting sights.

It may limit my children's sports as we won't do any that travel to WWOS. Hopefully Florida will learn from Georgia's governor that losing a huge industry is not worth a bill that only 36% of the country supports.

I find it hypocritical to claim you have values and then ignore your values for self-gratification. Would it be hard to give up Florida? You bet. But then, I just have to look at all that came before us and the sacrifices they made for civil rights, the right to vote, etc. And our military families that sacrifice each and every day to make sure our freedoms and rightz are protected. Giving up a theme park is hardly clise to putting your life on the line.
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