Glenn's When you Wish Upon a Star Trip Report Day 2


<font color=red>Wishes his work lift was ToT<br><f
Jun 19, 2008
Day Two

So after yesterday’s journey and Disney exploits we decided to head over to the Studio. So after a breakfast of bacon sausage hash brown and croissants we headed out via the bus which picked us up from the Holiday Inn. :thumbsup2

We arrived at the Studios nice and early and queued up patiently awaiting the gates to open, to keep us entertained Daisy, Donald and Scrooge McDuck turned up to make us smile while we waited. About five minutes before they opened a band turned up too and started playing which was a nice touch I thought. :)

So the gates opened and we were let in quite quickly allowing us to get the obligatory pics and character photos. We managed to get ones with the duck family and then caught up with Cruella De Vil as she parked up.


We then went to join Crush and were really excited even though the queue was already quite long but as we seemed to be in the middle of the queue we thought we had a good spot. We did get quite annoyed while in the queue due to the rudeness of some people pushing in. However to our disappointment the ride never opened and after 30 minutes queuing we were told the ride was broken and to go away so in the end it was nothing to get hot and bothered about. We went to walk round to ToT when Goofy and Pluto showed up beside Crush, I managed to get a pic with Pluto and then a great pic with Goofy:


We were glad by this time that we had decided to go for shorts and tees as it was a gorgeous sunny day and really hotting up. I had purchased life time fast passes from eBay and so decided to try these out getting tickets for ToT. They worked fine and so we used them on a rotation basis though out the stay to enable us to make the most of the ride times. This was a real help and made the hol much more pleasurable.

We then went on ToT anyway and saw Goofy dressed up as a ToT attendant, we were gutted we didn’t get a pic. Not sure if this is a common occurrence or not. My gf had been on ToT before in Florida so knew what was coming but to me it was my first time and boy did I enjoy it. In the end we must have gone on this at least 10 times over our stay, but as you can see below the first was definately the best. We’re at the front in the middle!


After this we then did Aerosmith which we did a few times in a row as there was no queue and then Armageddon which I though was a complete waste of time. We then decided to go to a show but just missed Animagique, we then wandered over to Stitch live after getting a pic with Sully and managed to get in. We thought this was great too and can understand why people recommend it so highly. We then realised Moteurs was starting soon and so managed to squeeze in the back of here too but left before the end when Cass heard the attendant saying Crush was just opening up.

This was a great move as we managed to join the queue as it opened. You could tell this was a new ride with the theming still new and untouched. It really made the ride that much better and we loved it all the way through, after doing it a few times we decided it was much better going backwards.

We were getting really hungry at this point so we walked around to find something to eat. However in the Studios we found nowhere that was the cheap and cheerful we were looking for and catered for Cass being a Veggie. We decided to wander over to Disneyland to get some more of those gorgeous toasted cheese sandwiches, I had ham while Cassie has mushroom. (Croque monsieur). On our way out the studios we found Chip n Dale and Lilo and Stitch doing their meet and greets leading to the photo below which I swear Stitch is waving at me. I waved back anyway!!! :rotfl:


We obviously didn’t realise how late it was as when we got to Disneyland as the parade was in full swing with the first float nearing it's 2nd resting stop for a dance.

This allowed us to get great spots against the rope to the right of the roundabout on the corner. I was glad we chose there as no one could get in front of you as they weren’t allowed past the ropes, yet if you were on the curbs people would. Cass found this great as she video taped the whole lot while I took load of pics. I’ve got a 5 megepixel Sony Eriksson camera phone and all the pics came out great. Even when I zoomed in as you can see. This parade really made our whole trip as we were in a great spot. :wizard:


We then walked up to the sandwich place on the right of main street, all the tables here were full but if you walked to the back corner and into the arcade walkway they had loads of tables in there too which obviously not many people know about. We settled down here to relax and gather our thoughts while tucking into our food. Realising how much Cass had enjoyed the parade I decided to suggest a character meal at Café Mickey’s tomorrow. She jumped at the idea and so I walked to City Hall and booked up a table for 7.30.

After that we did the main rides again except POTC as this was broken, we got on BTM, Buzz and SM before heading back to the hotel to chill out and recharge the camcorder and this evening we wanted to go to the rainforest café. We hadn’t made a booking and so realised we’d have to go late to get in.

We relaxed and got ready slowly and as 9 o clock approached we headed back to the village for our meal.

We luckily got in fine and were sat one table away next to the small baby elephant. This was funny as the couple next to us had no idea they all moved and so we all laughed when the elephant almost knocked their drinks over. We loved the theming and the food was great too. We had Garlic Bread to start and then Cass had a veggie burger ( hash brown but this time with bean shoots ) while I went for a meal deal of rainforest burger and pfish food ice cream for afters.


This deal saved us about 7 euros and finished off the meal. We were definitely glad we came here but will have to go again as the rain effect never worked while we were there, only the noise and sound effects… gutting. At least we have an excuse to go back I suppose!!!

We then took a slow walk around the lake again and then around the shops as we made out way back to the bus stop home. It had been a long day and we knew we had another two full days activities to squeeze in!

There's been much debate too concerning who looks more scared in out ToT pic, I stick with the fact that Cass decided to hold onto my leg with her nails instead of using the usual handle method to create my look! :)

Deinately the best ride i've been on for a while, the whole themeing and entrance for the first time is brilliant

Glenn's When you Wish Upon a Star Trip Report Part 3
Wow!!!! You did so much that day - I'm exhausted just reading it!
Sounds like a very busy day! I'd love to try the Rainforrest Cafe although I think the thunder and lightning would upset Kacee, he doesn't like it when it happens for real outside let alone inside above his head!!
Sounds like a fab day.

We are all TOT fans too :thumbsup2

I just can't get over how good it was the first time I did it, it's so much better when you get a good CM as well. Makes it sooo much better :)


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