Girls Trip - NO BOYS ALLOWED - 10/2 to 10/10 - Pop, MNSSHPx2, F&W, DxDP - COMPLETED!!

I found your menu's on Pinterest! I read your trip stories and loved them! Your kids are too cute! Hanson is my fave band, too! :)

I haven't been since '01. I want to take my DD (1) sometime soon..maybe in the next year or so! Loved your ideas and outfits!! (I need to learn to sew..)

Okay, just wanted to say hi!
I found your menu's on Pinterest! I read your trip stories and loved them! Your kids are too cute! Hanson is my fave band, too! :)

I haven't been since '01. I want to take my DD (1) sometime soon..maybe in the next year or so! Loved your ideas and outfits!! (I need to learn to sew..)

Okay, just wanted to say hi!

Hi!!! Aww, Pinterest is my FAVE! Thank you so much! I'll be adding more to the report tomorrow. Adding it to my to-do list right now :)
We took a little time to do some shopping at Mouse Gears.

We had a little time to waste before 11am when the food booths would open so we checked out the cranberry bog, got some yummy craisins (a bunch of packs actually... good snack for later!) DD got her picture taken in front of the watermelon patch with her watermelon outfit on :)

Finally, it was 11:00 and the booths were opening. We ate the following foods (again, if you want more specifics, check out my dining report in my siggy)...




Now that we had all that yummy food, it was time to eat at San Angel Inn.. lol. Our 11:30 ADR was upon us.



We checked in immediately and took a seat. It took about 15 minutes before our name was called. I was really hoping we would be seated at the railing but no such luck. We were seated on the next set of tables... I'll take it.

Our meal was fantastic. The service was great, the food was good. I ordered an avocado margarita... yum!




Our waiter and two other girls came out with ice cream for DD and sang Happy Birthday to her in Spanish (at least I think that was the song) :) Then another girl came over and handed DD a Disney shopping bag and told her Happy Birthday! I could not believe it! Inside was a Duffy purse! The receipt was also inside the bag yet and it said $17.99! DD was thrilled. We have never had anything like that happen to us before at Disney... it was great :)

DD with her caramel filled face & her bear:

Next Up: Girls Find the Smallest Turtle EVER!
We finished up at San Angel Inn and took a ride with the Three Caballero's of course. Then we started making our way around the world. We made a quick pit stop in Norway to ride a super fun boat! This was DD's first time and she loved it (much more than her older brother did).

We stopped to play with the drums a bit...

It was time to grab a ride by boat to get back over to Future World. We wanted to go back to Pop to take an afternoon break. When the boat docked, I spotted the Hawaiian booth and the Desserts booth. We had to stop and try some food :)

I took a quick picture of DD because the Photopass photographer had a mile long line...

A nice lady asked me if I'd like her to take a picture of the both of us (this is why I love Disney) :)

We made our way out of the park and got in line for the bus (I really hate how Pop's bus stops are the FARTHEST walks.. ugh!) While standing in line, DD spotted this little guy:

How adorable! I wanted to scoop him up and take him home! (don't worry I didn't... I would not touch a turtle no matter how big or small.. lol) He kept us entertained while waiting for the bus.

Here's a picture of the cell phone on the end of our building:

We had a message on our board:

DD took a quick powernap while I tried to get connected to the internet again. Tonight's plans were to go to the Spirit of Aloha show but we had MNSSHP tickets... I could not decide on what to do... and the weather was NOT looking nice again.

We went to the Poly to cancel our reservation. I know we could've called but for some reason I just thought it would be easier to swing by and cancel in person (also explaining about the night prior)... I did not realize that show is SO far away from the main building!

We really enjoyed our walk around Poly though. Finally we arrived at the show and told the lady about our circumstances. No problem. She cancelled us and said that we would get a full refund (2 dining credits)... we did get a sneak peak at the end of the show though :)

and that was it! We were off and running to MK. We took the monorail over and there were tons of people dressed up (we were not.. our costumes were still soaked). It was shortly after 7 when we entered the park.

Next Up: Girls Get Candy
Looks like you girls had a blast! Would you recommend getting the Photopass? Is it worth the money?
Looks like you girls had a blast! Would you recommend getting the Photopass? Is it worth the money?

I actually did a Photopass share for this trip. I think my total cost ended up being $18 but with that said, I have done Photopass Plus in the past and regular Photopass. I HIGHLY recommend Photopass Plus. I'm doing it again in December. The ride photos alone are worth it and if you do a few meals with pictures, you come out way ahead. I still take hundreds of pictures each day but I like adding the borders and signatures to the Photopass pictures. The magic shots are really neat too!
We arrived at Magic Kingdom shortly after 7pm. The park was packed but lines were not long at all and guess what!? NO RAIN! We were in our Aloha clothes (since our costumes were SOAKED) but we still had tons of fun!

We began the hunt for candy and boy did we load up!

We took a quick ride on Haunted Mansion (it's a MUST do during the party)..

and then we caught the parade somewhere in Liberty Square..

Of course, DD got more candy during the parade...

Afterwards we found Jasmine & the Genie so we got some pictures with them. While standing in line we talked to the nicest family... they were dressed as Alice in Wonderland (the newer version).. super sweet people. DD was very excited to meet Jasmine & the Genie. She asked Jasmine where Abu was and she said that he's probably playing on the Magic Carpets ride.

Then we took a break for a Dole Whip & Root Beer float while we called daddy & DS at home and bragged about how awesome our night had been so far.

We headed back towards Haunted Mansion and got our ghost picture taken.

Then it was time to meet some fairies..

Next Up: Girls Get Candy Part 2​
We found a place for Hallowishes off to the side. It began to drizzle and I got worried but then it stopped. Okay, we can handle a drizzle.

After the fireworks we stood in line for Malifacient. We waited for the Villains show to start (about 30 minutes of standing there)... two women cut in front of us in line. I spoke up and told them that we were there first so they went behind us. I can't believe the nerve of some people. DD wasn't scared at all (but I was.. lol) She did great!

We spotted Gaston near the hub so we got in line for him.. he was GREAT! He talked about everything he does in the morning (eating 4 dozen eggs, doing 1,000 pushups, etc.) and DD just sat there. She looked like she wasn't even listening to him. He thought that was hilarious. Then DD asked him where Belle was and he said that she was probably off somewhere with that furry thing. Too funny!

Then we saw Jafar and decided to get some quick pictures with him. He was also great! Very spooky like..

We decided to go on Pirates (no line)..

and then Splash Mountain (also no line)..

We got one more Photopass picture taken..

I took this picture on our way out (around 11:45pm):

And then of course our haul from the party that night (the bag was so heavy, I could barely carry it anymore).. there was one place we stopped at where they kept giving DD 2 handfuls of candy (about 5 times!)

We also had a message on our board when we got back:

Next Up: Girls Get High Score​
Day #5 started out with breakfast at the Beach Club. We boarded a bus and asked if they would be able to drop us off at the Beach Club instead of Hollywood Studios. SURE! No problem! (gotta love having the private bus ride to your reservation)

This was our first time eating at Cape May for breakfast. We were there when the restaurant opened and seated right away. The characters came around in no time.

Goofy was HILARIOUS! He had his own Photopass photographer with him (first time I've ever seen that at a character meal). He was great!

The food was great here. Lots to choose from and different than the regular breakfast buffets we've been to. The waitress came out with a cupcake for DD and we sang to her. (In fact, the entire restaurant sang).. we left the Beach Club and went to Magic Kingdom for the day. We took some Photopass pictures..

Then we went on Buzz Lightyear and I will admit, I did a little extra research to find out how to max out my score. I was so happy when it worked! I spent the rest of the ride trying to take a picture of my score and post it on Facebook.. lol, check out my on-ride photo below as I'm posting to Facebook on my smartphone, teehee.

We took a break on Stitch and then headed to the newest area of Fantasyland that was open (the Circus section).

The wait time was low for Minnie & Daisy so we got in line.

Minnie had to fix DD's bow:

When we left the meetngreet area, we walked into the circus gift shop. This was a really neat area. We spent some time in there and there were some CM's standing near the entrance with a Photopass photographer. They saw DD and grabbed her to make some music and take some pictures. They announced loudly that it was her 4th birthday.

After the circus, we made a quick stop at Philharmagic :)

Up Next: Girls Start Melting​
After Philharmagic we walked over to the front of the castle to take some pictures. The Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It parade was just beginning so we decided to wait for that (it's usually a good time).

The parade seemed to take FOREVER to get to the dance party. It was HOT in the hub. I could see DD was beginning to sweat.

We danced one song with the characters and headed down Main Street towards the Town Square Theater.

Mickey was wonderful as always.

Our reservation wasn't until 11:50am for Tony's but we decided to try to get in earlier. We were there when they opened the restaurant (the singing was fantastic).. heck, we were just happy to be in some AC! After about 15 minutes, our name was called and we were seated in the back of the restaurant. This was our first time dining here. I had heard such awful things about it but that does not deter me from experiencing it myself. We had a pretty good meal. The appetizers were wonderful and so was the dessert.

We took a few more quick pics and headed out of MK for the day. Our original plans were to go to dinner later on and go back to see Wishes but I knew we wouldn't have another chance to get back to Downtown Disney so we took the night off from the Fireworks and decided to head there instead.

Up Next: Girls Meet The Steps​
We got back to the resort for a little nap and found this note on our door :)

After our nap we headed back to MK to take a boat to GF. DD requested the boat ride instead of the monorail.

I just love visiting this place. Not sure I would ever really WANT to stay here but it's a great place to visit.

We checked in at 1900 Park Fare. We got our picture taken in front of the mural.. the photographer guessed that I was from Wisconsin from my "accent".. great. lol... We were taken inside and seated right next to the horsey.

The food choices were okay. I heard the food wasn't the greatest here but I thought it was good. The strawberry soup makes it worth visiting this place every time.

I loved the sushi :) The desserts were great too.

DD was given a cupcake for her birthday.

The characters started making their rounds. The prince was off that night so the Fairy Godmother had taken his place. It was all girls :)

Cinderella was so sweet.. she told DD to leave some crumbs from her cupcake for Gus Gus.. he likes cupcakes. DD was sure to leave a few crumbs just for him.

The step sisters were hilarious. I wish they had spent more time with us.. I really enjoyed meeting them.

The Evil Stepmother was the highlight of the night. DD showed her the backside of her shirt where it says "No Boys Allowed" and the stepmother LOVED it! She said there were no boys allowed in the restaurant that night either, that's why the prince wasn't there.. haha.. then she pointed to a father and son sitting across from us and she whispered that they were allowed in because Cinderella "said so" and she always gets whatever she wants (as she rolled her eyes).. lol... too funny!

Up Next: Girls Make Treats​
After the meal we walked out to the bus stop. We had originally planned to go back to Magic Kingdom for the night but DD really wanted to make some treats at Goofy's Candy Co. so we decided to do that instead. They were testing the new screens showing bus arrivals at GF. We loved it. We had to take a survey while waiting but it was nice to see when the bus was coming.

We arrived finally...

We got to work making our orders..

DD loved it!

We ended up buying a candy apple too... I've always wanted one.

Then she played with Mr. Potato Head for awhile and we did a little shopping. DD bought a Jasmine Barbie.

We returned back to Pop and found this note:

We decided it was bed time. Tomorrow was a very busy day :)

Up Next: Girls Get Royal Treatment​
We woke up early and checked our board:

We took an empty bus to MK. Did I mention it was EARLY? Here's DD and the clock behind her says 7:00 :) Still dark out!

We had an early ADR at CRT... DD was first in line to enter MK.

Love this feeling..

We were the first ones in line at CRT. DD was given an "Honorary Princess of the Day" sticker. She was THRILLED.

DD was so excited to see Cinderella (again).

We were seated & DD was given her wand & wishing star.

We ordered and the princesses started arriving.

The food was excellent (as always). A lot of people complain that it's not worth it but I think it is. You can't get that experience anywhere else on property.. being inside the castle is just awesome. Our waiter even made a comment that he's sorry they don't give more food. I was plenty full by the end of the meal.

Our waiter came over and gave DD a placemat with all the princesses signatures & an ORANGE cupcake. Thank you so much waiter!

Next Up: Girls Meet Merida​
We stood at the rope waiting for Magic Kingdom to officially open. Once it did we took off running. DD ran ahead of me and got in line for Merida. She was FIRST! We were so excited!!! DD called her grandma to tell her how the trip was going.

We talked to the lady behind us and found out she was from Wisconsin as well. Small world! They finally opened the doors and let us in for Merida. She was standing up there waving at everyone coming in. It was so exciting. She spent a great deal of time with DD.

Then she got to try archery :) She didn't quite get the concept of letting the arrow go at first.. it took her a bit but when she did it, she got a bulleye :) The CM helping put his hand up hoping for a high five but DD just looked at me smiling.. lol, she left him hanging.

We walked back out in front of the castle and I took some pics of DD then a man offered to take both of our pictures (gotta love Disney people).

DD got some pictures taken on Main Street. This photographer was GREAT with her. She had her twirl her dress and jump around. It was so cute.

Then we went to see the princesses. We did meet them earlier in the trip (and at a bunch of meals) but DD wanted pics with her dress on. Of course, this ended up being the longest wait EVER for the princesses. The line just did not seem to move at all. I wasn't too thrilled with the Rapunzel. I don't know, she just didn't do it for me.

Next Up: Girls Dance With Jake​
We took the monorail to GF and got a bus to Hollywood Studios from there. We had a lunch ADR at Hollywood & Vine.

We tried to check in at H&V but they wouldn't let us in early :( We only had about 30 minutes to wait so we decided to go draw a character...

We got to draw Merida! Sorry, no after pic but it turned out great :) We made our way back to H&V and checked in. We were called in about 5 minutes and seated in a partial booth. The characters were there immediately.

Jake is DD's favorite. He grabbed her hand when the music came on and led her around the restaurant dancing with her. It was the cutest thing! The food was pretty good. Better than I was expecting. The highlight of the meal was lobster mac & cheese (YUM!)

Next Up: Girls Do Face Paint​
We went over to the Animation building and met Mr. Incredible & Fro-Zone. They went crazy over the princess.

DD has always wanted to get her face painted. We had a CM come up to us and ask if she would like to get this done.. first time for that! So we went over and in a few minutes she was done. It was beautiful!

We walked around the park for a bit and then decided to go over to Animal Kingdom Lodge for our dinner ADR at Boma.

Boma is my FAVORITE! Mainly because of this soup:

DD was given a birthday cupcake and she loved it!

Then we went out back to check out the animals.

We met the nicest family from Georgia that comes to Disney all the time with their camper. We talked for a bit with them and they took a picture of me and DD.

Then we made our way back to Hollywood Studios to catch Fantasmic.

I was so excited when DD got asked to do the new magic shot :)

We sat front and dead center for Fantasmic. There were a few drops of rain before it started but that was it. We were sitting next to three girls from Sweden. One of them had a bikini top on and was asked by a CM to change. She didn't have any extra clothes with her so the CM offered to go and buy her a new shirt! How nice!

Fantasmic was great! Just as I remembered...

We returned to Pop and found this message on our board:

As you can see, something not so nice was written and erased... some people... even at Disney, ugh.

We went to bed... big day tomorrow at Animal Kingdom!

Next Up: Girls go all Lilo
We are up to our Animal Kingdom day. We had an early reservation for Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge (I know, we had just been there the night before for dinner).. lol. We should've just stayed there for the night.

Here's a pic of DD waiting for the bus at Pop.

We went up to the buffet and the chef saw DD, she came over and said to hold on just a minute. She came back out with the biggest Mickey waffle I had ever seen.. just for DD. These aren't on the buffet.. DD's eyes just lit up!

The food was absolutely excellent (as always).

We headed to AK after we were done and arrived shortly after park opening.

We got some Photopass pics taken before entering the park.. they were great!

DD finally "gets" how to do Fastpasses..

We took a ride on the safari...

then we did one of the trails (can't remember which one..) but we saw this guy:

and then decided to grab a snack.. I've been wanting a jalapeno cheese filled pretzel for the longest time and we finally found them.

It was good but not as good as I was hoping. I was unable to eat it all (surprise surprise.. thanks a lot deluxe dining plan!)

We decided to go for a walk and we saw the characters from Up! doing a meetngreet. There were some people from another country in line with us. They had an interpreter with them and they asked us where we bought DD's Lilo dress.. where in the park did we find that? I told them that I made it and they could not get over it.. it made me feel pretty good :)

Next Up: Girls Hula at Tusker House


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