Girls Only Trip Report - new video added!!

I've just spotted your report! Great!

I love the pictures, Isabelle is SO cute! She has really grown up since your last trip hasn't she?!
The food at Walt's looks yummy - that might have to be a definite the next time we go.

Quite reasonable with the SH discount as well.
Wow, your Tiana and Naveen photos are fantastic. I am so excited to see my girls meeting them in November.
awwww such a cute video. would you believe when they did this during our meal in march ash and my mam had gone to the toilet. they just came back for like the last note of music and poor ash was like whats going on what are they doing lol
Hey Jenny!

Really enjoying your TR so far, Isabelle has grown a lot since we saw her in September! Can't wait to read the rest.

Hope your ok, if you have a FB Pm me so I can add you as I don't come on here much nowadays.
Thursday 13th May 2010
Our last day. We were up early and checked out by 8am this morning, as we left our luggage we saw the bus to the parks was there so we hopped on and set off.

We managed to ride Peter Pan, Tea Cups and IASW twice before our park breakfast at Plaza Gardens which was 9.15. When we got there though I had lost the voucher!!! :confused3 The lady was very kind and let us in anyway but we never did find that voucher – it’s probably flying around Neverland even now...

After breakfast we got our first inkling that today was going to be different, it was 10am and already the queue for Buzz was 45m and for Orbitron it was 1hr!!!!! Needless to say we skipped these! We went on Tea Cups and IASW before negotiating the Alice Maze rather badly!

We went to watch the Sleeping Beauty Show in the Castle Courtyard at 11.00 but could only see the tops of their heads as it was soooooo busy!
Next we went on the Carousel which was queuing back to the entrance but at least it moves quickly. Mum managed to get on a horse this time!!

Then it was time for a quick visit to the princess shop before lunch at Auberge!! (I got the Mickey head bracelet that I have wanted since Bob’s TR last year!!)

Isabelle was so excited and was wearing her Cinderella dress to meet Cinderella!

I knew to ask for a table by the dance floor (last time we were stuck in a booth!) and before we had a chance to sit down the music started and out came Snow White & her prince, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Suzy & Perla!

DD could barely contain her excitement!! I have got video of her dancing with one of the mice on the dance floor which I shall try and put on here – it was magic!

Snow White was just wonderful with Isabelle and so so pretty! Mum was thrilled to have another Prince sign her Autograph Book!

Belle was wonderful too she had a lovely chat with Isabelle.

Sleeping Beauty wasn’t English and didn’t have much to say to anyone from what I saw, just the basic smile, photo, autograph, wave and off she went. She looked a little lost...

The food was up to the usual standards but this time we had a fantastic waiter!! The wine and water arrived without needing us to ask and he did a pretty good Donald Duck impression!

We got the photos this time as DD was dressed up and smiling (sort of). We came out rather full and beaming!

We asked DD if she would like to see characters or go on rides and she picked characters so we headed off to Woody’s Round Up where we saw Woody, Jessie, Minnie, Mickey, Goofy & Scrooge!

Now we had some great photos and got all the autographs we wanted. Woody was messing around behind Mum’s back while she was taking a photo of Isabelle on Bullseye which I caught on camera! Scrooge was really messing around with the CM’s which was a scream! They were sweeping up all the stone chippings when he came over and took the broom to start sweeping. He wouldn’t give it back though and started playing air guitar with it. Then when they took the broom off him he was kicking all the stones around that they were sweeping up ! The CM had to give him a little talking to!

This was all going on while I was queuing up for the photos. Then I saw Mum talking to the CM and telling him that DD had got out through the gate and run off into the bushes beside Woody’s Round Up.:scared1: The CM radioed it through and went off with Mum to BabyCare to wait. I decided to stay put as I knew she wouldn’t have gone too far and spent the next few minutes (why does it always seem like hours?!) yelling her name out to the bushes. I tried to climb through where she’d gone but with no luck, so I waited and yelled, and yelled and waited. Eventually I heard a little voice saying, “Mummy I need dry pants!” She had run off to do a wee. :rolleyes1 I rang Mum and told her Isabelle was safe which prompted the inevitable tears of relief.

After our little drama we met up with our friends again and headed round to watch the parade. The crowds were huge and all we could see were the tops of the floats as they went by so when the last float went past we left to go on IASW one last time!

When we came out it was pouring with rain and we sadly made our way back to the hotel for Ezyshuttle transfer to take us to Airport. Not sure I have really said enough about what a great service this was! He even told us where we needed to go in the airport and where the restaurants were etc. and thought DD was very polite even after she blew raspberries for most of the journey!! He also revealed why the park was so busy today - it was a French Bank Holiday! (On a Thursday??!!!) Next time I'll check before I go!

We arrived at Southampton at 9.00pm and were back home by 10.00pm, DD fell asleep about half way home and I lifted her out of the car and straight into bed, no doubt dreaming of Disney...
Great TR MTB :) It's got me all buzzed about going next weekend (already?!)!! :goodvibes

Out of interest, was wednesday really busy also? My friend told me they are due to school children in france having a half day of school?
Next weekend???? Lucky you!!! I'm getting post-Disney Depression, the only known cure is booking another trip and although I've been pricing up a visit for DD's 4th birthday DH says he is putting his foot down, no more trips this year...

Wednesday wasn't noticeably busier and certainly nothing like as busy as the Thursday!!! :eek: Mind you the weather was bloomin' cold!

Last year we went Tuesday to Friday and the parks were a bit busier each day.
Aw, you'll just have to offer him somewhere to go or something to do to "balance" it out :P

I've not been since 2008 so am really really getting like a 10 year old over it, probably worse than my 8 year old sister :lmao:

Thats good, we're going over the british holidays but i've been told by a few people that May bank holiday is the least busiest of them all, as none of europe has that time off.

Did you ever do the stitch live show by any chance? Sister loves Lilo & Stitch and i'm curious as to what that is!
Loved you tr - you all look so happy, pure Disney magic :love:

Thanks for posting :thumbsup2
Yikes! Sorry to hear Isabelle went missing, Amélie did the same when she was just about 3 - we found her on the flowerbeds looking at the flowers and running up and down the hill - scary couple of minutes. Worse when she ran out the toilet and I was mid way through changing a rather smelly nappy. I know it's Disney and it's probably one of the safest places but it's still a real worry!

Loved the trip report, great photos, especially the princess ones! DW is planning that for next time!

I have to agree with you about Ezyshuttle, they were brilliant.
Wonderful trip report, your photos are amazing, I love the one of Jessie and Isabelle kissing, it's gorgeous! And your Mum seems to have had her fair share of attention from the princes too!!!!

Looks like you had a fab time, don't be too sad now!!!!!!
Thanks for reading everyone! :thumbsup2 And for taking the time to comment! :goodvibes Not so many photos this trip as I was also trying to video (I knew there was a reason I took DH before!) Still captured most of the best bits though... :cutie:

It was indeed a very scarey few minutes when Isabelle went missing... :scared1: but fortunately we found her quickly.

Mum had a great time - although I think she is still recovering!! :rotfl2: She says she wishes she were younger so she could go back again and really enjoy it! Maybe next time she should go for a week and stay at Disneyand Hotel so it's more relaxing...!! :lmao:

So for now I'm trying to persuade DH that we need to go back in October for DD's birthday but he's still saying next year... will keep you posted!
agh at isabelle going missing, i would have lost my mind. glad it was sorted quickly and i had to lol at her reason bless her.

halloween is my fave time to go, roll on october!!!
Thanks for sharing - what great photos/videos!!!:) A wonderful TR! Hopefully your hubby will change his mind about another trip!:rolleyes: Your daughter gave me a smile and a chuckle - bless her!:littleangel:
what a fantastic tr :goodvibes I love all the charcter interaction and your mum seems to have really enjoyed getting in with the princes ;)

I love the great pics and how cute is that dancing :lovestruc:!!!!! your dd is so much taller than in your last tr :)

I think we were defo checking out of the SL as you were checking in, it would have been nice to meet, next time ok :lmao:

shame about the weather it got worse and worse as our weekend went by and i think you seem to have gotten the worst of it as we left on monday eve it was lashing!

so did you get around dh's "no more dlp rule then??" :lmao: they try don't they lol

rosabelle x
what a fantastic tr :goodvibes I love all the charcter interaction and your mum seems to have really enjoyed getting in with the princes ;)

I love the great pics and how cute is that dancing :lovestruc:!!!!! your dd is so much taller than in your last tr :)

I think we were defo checking out of the SL as you were checking in, it would have been nice to meet, next time ok :lmao:

so did you get around dh's "no more dlp rule then??" :lmao: they try don't they lol

rosabelle x

Thanks hun! Glad you enjoyed! Are you on Facebook? I have video on there...

DH had to give in as I had a voucher for 1500 airmiles which expires 31/12/10 - couldn't waste that!! I'm going with DD & MIL this time though so he's staying at home again!! :rotfl2:

We're just going to miss each other again, as we go just before you! Next year then?!!! :lmao:


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