Girls Only Trip ~ OLD Thread, see link in first post for new one

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. . . and I feel like that misunderstanding skewed my initial impressions of her, and perhaps her of me. I've been going over and over that in my mind. Really makes me sad. :sad1:

I am sad that you and stacielee (and others) won't get to know her better too. But, to quote another friend--"it's all good"--any misunderstanding had been cleared up. Stacielee--she really felt like that day they ran into you at the parks was a turning point. So don't fret either of you about any "misunderstanding."

and on a more pleasant note--pumpkin pie and gingersnaps with coffee are a good diet today, right?
I am sad that you and stacielee (and others) won't get to know her better too. But, to quote another friend--"it's all good"--any misunderstanding had been cleared up. Stacielee--she really felt like that day they ran into you at the parks was a turning point. So don't fret either of you about any "misunderstanding."

and on a more pleasant note--pumpkin pie and gingersnaps with coffee are a good diet today, right?

YUMMO!! I am jumping on a plane and coming to eat with you today!!
I am sad that you and stacielee (and others) won't get to know her better too. But, to quote another friend--"it's all good"--any misunderstanding had been cleared up. Stacielee--she really felt like that day they ran into you at the parks was a turning point. So don't fret either of you about any "misunderstanding."

and on a more pleasant note--pumpkin pie and gingersnaps with coffee are a good diet today, right?

On a day like today, that or some hot chocolate sounds perfect.
I'm okay. I feel bad because whenever someone I know passes away I don't get emotional. I've lost my great-grandma and my paternal grandfather and I didn't cry at all. I feel sad but I don't show it.


. . . and I feel like that misunderstanding skewed my initial impressions of her, and perhaps her of me. I've been going over and over that in my mind. Really makes me sad. :sad1:


and on a more pleasant note--pumpkin pie and gingersnaps with coffee are a good diet today, right?

Yes!!! :banana:
YUMMO!! I am jumping on a plane and coming to eat with you today!!

you would be more than welcome.

On a day like today, that or some hot chocolate sounds perfect.

I just finished the coffee--I bought some cappucino mix yesterday (mocha) so I think that is next. Unless I manage to get dressed and go to Starbucks.
I'm so scared. I'm leaving work early today to go get in line to get Ayden's H1N1 shot. I have been so back and forth on doing this. It scares me....but now after all that has gone on with Dawn and my nephew having it, I feel like this is the right choice. I mean it is right? :(

I'm so scared. I'm leaving work early today to go get in line to get Ayden's H1N1 shot. I have been so back and forth on doing this. It scares me....but now after all that has gone on with Dawn and my nephew having it, I feel like this is the right choice. I mean it is right? :(


Janelle, this is a slippery slope as lots of people have strong emotions/opinions on both sides of the immunization/vaccine argument. But, imho you are absolutely making the right choice to get Ayden his shot. I got Ty both the seasonal and H1N1 shots.

My thought is that if Ayden doesn't have allergies (their is some product in the shots that affects those with egg allergies adversely) you would much rather have him endure the pain of the shot and lower his risk of getting the flu. I know that there is still a chance of Ty getting sick, but at least I want the peace of mind of knowing that I did everything in my power to prevent it.

But, whatever you do, you need to make the best decision for yourself and your family. :hug:
. . . and I feel like that misunderstanding skewed my initial impressions of her, and perhaps her of me. I've been going over and over that in my mind. Really makes me sad. :sad1:
Same here. I didn't get to spend much time with her, and I fear some of my comments to her were taken ......... I don't know, wrong some how. I don't think she liked me much because of that, but that's of no importance now. I could always see she was a wonderful, caring person by the love she showed to her family and friends who were close to her, and even to those she'd just met, and that's all that matters. She touched so many, and because of that she will always be loved and always be with us.

and on a more pleasant note--pumpkin pie and gingersnaps with coffee are a good diet today, right?
So this Thanksgiving I'm thinking of making a pumpkin pie for the first time ever. I love to bake but never baked a pie before. We usually order ours. Hope I can pull it off.

I'm so scared. I'm leaving work early today to go get in line to get Ayden's H1N1 shot. I have been so back and forth on doing this. It scares me....but now after all that has gone on with Dawn and my nephew having it, I feel like this is the right choice. I mean it is right? :(

Ugh. I am back and forth on this too!! I hate it. At first, I said no. Then after all this happened with Dawn, I told Ruben maybe we should think it over.

He went to the head of the infectious disease dept at his hospital and asked her what she personally would do. She said she was in the position of having to publicly promote it, but that she would not be getting one for herself nor for her 9 year old child.

I was like great! Now I'm more confused than ever before. I still don't know what to do..... :confused3 :rolleyes: :(
This is what I bought for Dawn at Disneyland. I'd like to send it to Mel to be passed along to Sally. I was thinking of wrapping it in Christmas paper with a note saying to open it on Christmas. It would be kinda like she is getting a present from Dawn. Is anyone else still sending what they planned to give to Dawn? I think - hope - that it will make Christmas a little easier for Sally. So what do you guys think?
Same here. I didn't get to spend much time with her, and I fear some of my comments to her were taken ......... I don't know, wrong some how. I don't think she liked me much because of that, but that's of no importance now. I could always see she was a wonderful, caring person by the love she showed to her family and friends who were close to her, and even to those she'd just met, and that's all that matters. She touched so many, and because of that she will always be loved and always be with us.

So this Thanksgiving I'm thinking of making a pumpkin pie for the first time ever. I love to bake but never baked a pie before. We usually order ours. Hope I can pull it off.

Ugh. I am back and forth on this too!! I hate it. At first, I said no. Then after all this happened with Dawn, I told Ruben maybe we should think it over.

He went to the head of the infectious disease dept at his hospital and asked her what she personally would do. She said she was in the position of having to publicly promote it, but that she would not be getting one for herself nor for her 9 year old child.

I was like great! Now I'm more confused than ever before. I still don't know what to do..... :confused3 :rolleyes: :(

Beth, I think if your kids are generally healthy and can easily fight off other viruses, etc., they should be fine without the immunization. Dawn had a history of respiratory issues and pneumonia. It's people with that type of history that are in true danger of this virus. My kids were able to get through it relatively easily by me giving them Oscillo and large doses of Vit. D3. As a matter of fact, I would encourage everyone to be taking Vit. D3 since it has been proven to prevent and kill the H1N1 virus.

That's just my take on it, and I know others will disagree.
This is what I bought for Dawn at Disneyland. I'd like to send it to Mel to be passed along to Sally. I was thinking of wrapping it in Christmas paper with a note saying to open it on Christmas. It would be kinda like she is getting a present from Dawn. Is anyone else still sending what they planned to give to Dawn? I think - hope - that it will make Christmas a little easier for Sally. So what do you guys think?
Oh my gosh, Trudi that is so great. Seriously, Dawn would have loved that. Tink and bling all in one!! :thumbsup2 :guilty:
I think Sally would like it, and certainly appreciate the gesture. But then I don't know her very well so maybe others can offer their advice on whether to send it or not.

Beth, I think if your kids are generally healthy and can easily fight off other viruses, etc., they should be fine without the immunization. Dawn had a history of respiratory issues and pneumonia. It's people with that type of history that are in true danger of this virus. My kids were able to get through it relatively easily by me giving them Oscillo and large doses of Vit. D3. As a matter of fact, I would encourage everyone to be taking Vit. D3 since it has been proven to prevent and kill the H1N1 virus.

That's just my take on it, and I know others will disagree.
I was all set in my decision not to get it, but now........who knows. If I do, and they have a bad reaction or end up sick from the shot, then how will I feel. But if I don't, and God forbid they get the flu........I can't even think about it. So I'm torn. And of course without a crystal ball, there is no easy answer.

I've heard of and bought the Oscillo before, but what is Vit. D3? Can that be found in Target or Walmart?
This is what I bought for Dawn at Disneyland. I'd like to send it to Mel to be passed along to Sally. I was thinking of wrapping it in Christmas paper with a note saying to open it on Christmas. It would be kinda like she is getting a present from Dawn. Is anyone else still sending what they planned to give to Dawn? I think - hope - that it will make Christmas a little easier for Sally. So what do you guys think?

That is so cute and perfect for Dawn. She had told us that she was going to do her entire tree in Disney this year. My gift to her is two Alice in Wonderland Ornaments - I thought since she and Miss Sally were characters from Alice for the Oct. mini meet trick or treat party that she might like them. I have already had them sent to Melody so I'll talk to Melody about sending them to Miss Sally.
Hi ladies--here is an update on memorial services for Dawn:

Cheryl -
I just found out there will be a Memorial Service here in El Paso on Wednesday 12/2/09 @ 10:30 am. I will get more details to you to pass along to the other girls. My thoughts are with you, and again - our Dawn would not want people to be sad, but to celebrate her life and some of our most fond memories were in Las Vegas so I think you all should still go for her.


I'll give you more details as soon as I have them.
So this Thanksgiving I'm thinking of making a pumpkin pie for the first time ever. I love to bake but never baked a pie before. We usually order ours. Hope I can pull it off.

Ugh. I am back and forth on this too!! I hate it. At first, I said no. Then after all this happened with Dawn, I told Ruben maybe we should think it over.

He went to the head of the infectious disease dept at his hospital and asked her what she personally would do. She said she was in the position of having to publicly promote it, but that she would not be getting one for herself nor for her 9 year old child.

I was like great! Now I'm more confused than ever before. I still don't know what to do..... :confused3 :rolleyes: :(

Beth: I will say on the pumpkin pie issue--Claim Jumper frozen pumpkin pie. On sale at our Ralphs for $3.99. Unbelievable truly--I would never make one from scratch after having this.

On the H1N1 shot issue--i did get my seasonal flu shot last week but my doctor also does not recommend the H1N1 shot. Because it is too "new" and was rushed. Callie is right that Dawn had pre-existing conditions that made her more susceptible. Not that the shot may not have protected. her. But it's a hard thing to crystal ball.
Hi ladies--here is an update on memorial services for Dawn:

Cheryl -
I just found out there will be a Memorial Service here in El Paso on Wednesday 12/2/09 @ 10:30 am. I will get more details to you to pass along to the other girls. My thoughts are with you, and again - our Dawn would not want people to be sad, but to celebrate her life and some of our most fond memories were in Las Vegas so I think you all should still go for her.


I'll give you more details as soon as I have them.
Thanks for that update Cheryl.
I think it's true what she wrote about Dawn not wanting people to be sad. That just wasn't her. She always, always found the positive in any situation. :goodvibes

Maybe when you and Linda and everyone is here together in Vegas, we can put on our red lipstick and raise a toast to Dawn. I'm game!! Someone will have to finish my drink after though. ;)

Beth: I will say on the pumpkin pie issue--Claim Jumper frozen pumpkin pie. On sale at our Ralphs for $3.99. Unbelievable truly--I would never make one from scratch after having this.

On the H1N1 shot issue--i did get my seasonal flu shot last week but my doctor also does not recommend the H1N1 shot. Because it is too "new" and was rushed. Callie is right that Dawn had pre-existing conditions that made her more susceptible. Not that the shot may not have protected. her. But it's a hard thing to crystal ball.
Oooooh, I do love Claim Jumper. We go there for Christmas Eve dinner. Never thought to try their frozen pies. Thanks for that tip! :thumbsup2

And thanks for sharing what your doc said was her take on the shot. I'm sending Ruben after work to pick up some Airborne, some vitamins, some Oscillo, and some orange juice. No one is sick now, but all of that stuff can only help us all boost our immune systems.
Hmmmmm, to bad he can't pick up a crystal ball while he's at it.
I'm sorry I haven't been on our new thread before this. We've been living in a mess for a few days, and still living in it, and then Dawn passed away, and I'm just....well....a mess.

I love both the button and armband idea to wear in Dawn's memory.

Beth - Pumkin pie is one of the easiest to make and a great first pie to tackle. Go for it! :thumbsup2

Cheryl - LOVE those lyrics! They are beautiful.....but they made me weepy and tear up again.

Callie - Your grandma, mom, and family are in my prayers.:hug: Older folks can get stubborn (more stubborn and controlling than when they were younger) and messed up with their thinking, and I think it stems from being depressed. My dad is 82 years old, and he can be SO stubborn sometimes, and I know he gets depressed because he really can't do anything anymore and he requires quite a bit of care from my mom. But heck, we would never give up food.....or having a glass of wine in the evening! That's all he has to look forward to everyday - lol.

So I've had a terrible, horrible weekend, and with everything else going on here, Dawn's passing really brought me down to a point I've never felt before. Our gas water heater broke and flooded our basement Friday night and most of Saturday (it's a walk-out daylight basement where our family room is, so we spend a lot of time together there). Our carpet down there is completely ruined and needs to be replace. Our whole house smells like a really strong mixture of dirty wet dog and mildew. We haven't had any hot water for three days (and the cold water up here this time of year is COLD!). I couldn't take it anymore and had to take a bath today, so I had to heat pots of water on our stove to take a bath with. We are getting our water heater replaced tomorrow (no gas plumbers available to do it today) and that is going to cost $1600. I don't know how we're going to pay for that, let alone new carpet. Before this, I was wondering how we were going to buy our boys Christmas presents.....and now I'm just.....completely broken in so many ways. I'm just so sad and drained and emotional spent. I don't know what we're going to do. :sad2:

Crud, I'm crying again just writing about it all. Oh's just really tough right now. :sad1:
I've heard of and bought the Oscillo before, but what is Vit. D3? Can that be found in Target or Walmart?

Most pharmacies will carry lower ICU dosages, but what you want is the high ICU (2,000) or more. You can find that at a Whole Foods/Wild Oats/local health food store. I found 5,000 ICU that is a peppermint flavored chewable. My kids think it's candy. Vit. D3 is fat soluble, not water, so you do want to watch your dosages, but it is almost impossible to cause any harm by taking too much.

To find more info you can look at
Capri I wish you lived closer so you could come stay at my house and just hang out and we could watch movies and have popcorn and just forget about all your troubles! ((hugs)) I will be praying for you that things start to look up! I am so sorry that so much has gone wrong! Stay strong!
So I've had a terrible, horrible weekend, and with everything else going on here, Dawn's passing really brought me down to a point I've never felt before. Our gas water heater broke and flooded our basement Friday night and most of Saturday (it's a walk-out daylight basement where our family room is, so we spend a lot of time together there). Our carpet down there is completely ruined and needs to be replace. Our whole house smells like a really strong mixture of dirty wet dog and mildew. We haven't had any hot water for three days (and the cold water up here this time of year is COLD!). I couldn't take it anymore and had to take a bath today, so I had to heat pots of water on our stove to take a bath with. We are getting our water heater replaced tomorrow (no gas plumbers available to do it today) and that is going to cost $1600. I don't know how we're going to pay for that, let alone new carpet. Before this, I was wondering how we were going to buy our boys Christmas presents.....and now I'm just.....completely broken in so many ways. I'm just so sad and drained and emotional spent. I don't know what we're going to do. :sad2:

Crud, I'm crying again just writing about it all. Oh's just really tough right now. :sad1:

Oh Capri, :hug:

What a sucky, horrible, crappy thing to happen to you right now. I wish I lived closer so you could just come over here and take a long hot soak in my bathtub. Does your homeowner's insurance cover any of this??
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