Getting married during college?

I totally agree with this whole post. When I was 16, I totally thought I was going to marry the guy I was dating....

I think being safe is better than being sorry!!! I started dating a guy when we were 17 and even though I knew I wanted to marry him, I knew that we should wait awhile before making that kind of commitment. Three years later - we moved in together. And 2.5 years after that we were married. :bride:

If I can offer one piece of advice to ANYONE considering marriage - WAIT UNTIL AFTER COLLEGE! We did and it made everything so much easier. Don't forget about things like insurance, which is much easier to handle when you both have jobs. :thumbsup2

We both changed a lot during college - but we were lucky enough to change together, which was a very amazing experience! Since we dated for nearly 6 years, the transition to marriage was a breeze and we have had no "marriage" problems because we already knew each other so well. :hug: Everyone says marriage is work - it hasn't been work for us, it's been easy.
I think being safe is better than being sorry!!! I started dating a guy when we were 17 and even though I knew I wanted to marry him, I knew that we should wait awhile before making that kind of commitment. Three years later - we moved in together. And 2.5 years after that we were married. :bride:

If I can offer one piece of advice to ANYONE considering marriage - WAIT UNTIL AFTER COLLEGE! We did and it made everything so much easier. Don't forget about things like insurance, which is much easier to handle when you both have jobs. :thumbsup2

We both changed a lot during college - but we were lucky enough to change together, which was a very amazing experience! Since we dated for nearly 6 years, the transition to marriage was a breeze and we have had no "marriage" problems because we already knew each other so well. :hug: Everyone says marriage is work - it hasn't been work for us, it's been easy.

I always say marriage isn't work, it's communication.:goodvibes
berlioz~ I'm glad to hear your story. It makes me happy to hear that everything went smoothly and happily for you. my fiance and I are doing almost the same thing that you did. Were living together and just had our 4 year anniversary. Were going to get married after I graduate which will be in another 2 1/2 years. Six or seven years to be dating is a long time and especially living together, you get to know each other very well. I expect that when we get married it won't be very different from how it is now, besides the school work.

Thanks for encouraging words.:thumbsup2
this is alittle off topic but are you into vintage volkswagens? just wondering from the photo.
ya, thats my 65 bug. the picture is one of my senior pics from high school. his name is gator, and Ive always loved vws. My fiance loves the busses, but was never able to get one since hes had to travel long distances to work and school everyday.
Slightly off-topic, but since we're talking about weddings, anyone have a Disney wedding planned? 'Cause i've had my wedding planned for ages and I think I went a bit overboard with the Disney wedding, hehehe :goodvibes:
ya, thats my 65 bug. the picture is one of my senior pics from high school. his name is gator, and Ive always loved vws. My fiance loves the busses, but was never able to get one since hes had to travel long distances to work and school everyday.

awesome to meet someone else who is into disney and VWs. my fiance has been in to them since he got his 1st bus at 15. Infact when we went to disney last nov we paired it with going to bug jam. DF is into the rat look, the convertible he has wasn't the best choice for the trip so one of our friends let borrow his westy.


the vert


the westy outside our room at POR
i wish i had more time to work on my car, but ive been busy with school. ug! I like the westy.

caribbeanprincess~ are you planning on a disney wedding? or at least is that what you have in mind? I would love to get married at disney just because my fiance and I have so many memories at disneyland together. Weve gone every year since weve been dating, and he knows it means a lot to me. I wouldn't be able to go to florida, but ive been considering having it at disneyland. What did you have in mind? I love hearing other ideas.
i wish i had more time to work on my car, but ive been busy with school. ug! I like the westy.

caribbeanprincess~ are you planning on a disney wedding? or at least is that what you have in mind? I would love to get married at disney just because my fiance and I have so many memories at disneyland together. Weve gone every year since weve been dating, and he knows it means a lot to me. I wouldn't be able to go to florida, but ive been considering having it at disneyland. What did you have in mind? I love hearing other ideas.

I am planning a Disney wedding, at Disney World 'cause Florida is closest to home. At first I was thinking of a Intimate wedding, but then I realized that it would be too little guests and I would love to have all my friends and family there, so now i'm planning big. The problem is that I know it will be pretty expensive (with air tickets, hotels and everything else), so I better start saving up from now, hehe
I wanted to give this thread a bump, see what has happened with everyone. :)

My boyfriend and I just turned 17 and 19 respectively and still going strong. :goodvibes
Recently i've been hearing from my best friend who still goes to school with him that he has expresed thoughts of wanting to marry soon. So I'm waiting a little more, but I am planning to propose to him around Christmas, or maybe sooner for our 2 year anniversary in October. I'm not sure yet though, I'm a little freaked out by being the one to propose.
I got engaged on our 3 year anniversary. We wanted to at least be engaged when we moved in together We are waiting until I finish school to get married (about 2 1/2 years) My fiance is already done with his school and starting his career as a firefighter. We are both about to turn 20.
I got engaged on our 3 year anniversary. We wanted to at least be engaged when we moved in together We are waiting until I finish school to get married (about 2 1/2 years) My fiance is already done with his school and starting his career as a firefighter. We are both about to turn 20.
Oh, that's nice.:goodvibes My boyfriend and I had been kinda dating before we got together, but we officially got together almost 2 years ago.
its wierd to think about how long weve been together because the time has gone by so fast. Its already been 1 1/2 years since we got engaged. It will be our 4 1/2 year mark in july. Time flies when your busy!
Wow, that's true, time flies by, hehe

My best friend is already going crazy and planning wedding stuff, hehe. She wants to be our flower girl. XD
I want to get engaged :( My boyfriend isn't ready yet, and I respect that. I think we're planning on moving in together when I get back from the CP.. we've been dating for two years.
That's nice, everyone seems to be moving in together now a days. I'd like to do that, but next year my boyfriend is heading to college in another city about 2 hours from here, so I don't see that happening. Unless I can convice him to stay here at my campus, hehe
If you guys are both really committed and willing to travel you could rent an apartment somewhere in the middle and you both can commute a short way. I know commuting an hour or 2 isnt a big deal in California, but im not sure how it is where your from.
That would be nice, but I don't think it will be happening. I'll probably have a car by then, but he probably won't and apartments in an area somewhere in the middle are hard to find and very expensive, plus with gas prices through the roof and hours of traffic it's just to difficult. If he did go to college there he would be staying in a dorm nearby with his brother while I stay at home. Though he would return on weekends.
Haha, I almost ordered that brochure DVD from the Disney Weddings site because i'm curious, but it ask about the bride and groom's personal info and since i'm not really planning a wedding I didn't dare order it... hehe


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