Getting married during college?

I spend too much time on the Wedding boards, hehehe. I even have a file in my computer filled with pictures of things I want at my wedding. Though the only thing I can afford is an intimate wedding.
I spend too much time on the Wedding boards, hehehe. I even have a file in my computer filled with pictures of things I want at my wedding. Though the only thing I can afford is an intimate wedding.

They are the BEST weddings! My mom was a wedding planner and she said it's nice with just a small group. And Disney does a wonderful intimate wedding. Good luck!
Yeah. I would love a Wishes wedding, but we could never afford that. Intimate weddings are simple and beautiful, so I'll try and convince him, hehe
I personally cannot get married in college because that's just me. I need to get my life in order with money on my own, etc before I do that. But if you can be financially it! Good luck ^_^

Ok - I clicked into the college board by accident & the thread caught my eye...

As a working mom of 3 who get married 2 weeks after college graduation I havd to laugh -- Life will never be "in order" or "with money" There is no such thing as "financially stable" unless you are a true blue blood...

Get Married when the relationship feels right & expect life to throw you some curves along the way. I felt I should come give another update again.;)

Im getting ready to go to FL for my CP. Ill be away from Marc (my handsom firefighter) for 5 months. Hes going to be coming to FL for a trip and Im really looking forward to it since it will be both of our first trips to wdw! While I am away marc will be searching for a paid firefighting position which would help a lot!

So my plans so far are to wait until after I graduate from undergrad to get married. If marc is able to secure a paid position he will be saving up for the wedding. I think 2 1/2 years should be enough savings. I already go to school full time and work 20+ hours a week to pay for rent. I just want to wait until im done with school and am able to put more of my attention and effort into things like planning and looking for a house etc. I dont think I could handle everything at once.

The only thing I am sad about is the fact that I will have such a long engagement. almost 4 1/2 years! :scared1: And I am very ready to be married to my fiance right now:lovestruc
Ok - I clicked into the college board by accident & the thread caught my eye...

As a working mom of 3 who get married 2 weeks after college graduation I havd to laugh -- Life will never be "in order" or "with money" There is no such thing as "financially stable" unless you are a true blue blood...

Get Married when the relationship feels right & expect life to throw you some curves along the way.

This advice really struck me.

I think it's great advice to us youngins as long as we are SURE the person is the one. I know I tend to be more on the cautious side, but this makes it a little easier to think that it won't be so bad to get married in college.

You are absolutely right. My parents have been married for 30 years and they still are struggling financially. So I don't see it being any different....

And as for stress all at once, like school and jobs and planning for a wedding and buying a house: Later on, we'll have stresses to the same amount. We'd have kids (which alone is a handful), more bills to pay, college and retirement funds to save for, a failing economy, and so much more. Life will never be free from stress. (and this is from a VERY nervous person, who gets stressed easily). We need to learn to deal with it, juggle our time, and move on.

That is of course, you are SURE the person is the one...if you aren't sure, or you PERSONALLY are not emotionally ready, that's another story.
This advice really struck me.

That is of course, you are SURE the person is the one...if you aren't sure, or you PERSONALLY are not emotionally ready, that's another story.

SURE -- Haha:rotfl:
Who the heck can be sure?! If marriage is forever, -- way too much pressure to be sure. I'm stressing over cell phone descions now & that is only for a 2 year plan.

We got married because we couldn't break-up. I was soooo NOT SURE. This was for life. And this many years later the fact I am stressing over cell phone decisions tells you how I overanalyze stuff

All we were SURE of is that the dating limbo didn't work for us -- we either needed to move on by breaking up or getting married. And the break-up phases involved us spending more time on the phone talking then dating other people, so that pretty much cemented it for us.

I didn't believe in living together (not for old-fashioned or religous reasons -- but because emotionally & financially it was the same commitment w.out the perks of sharing medical insurance & the legal descion stuff)

Would I do it again? Yup.

But I also wish destiny had us meeting at an older age so I could have gone to law school, etc.

BTW -- We met the week of my 16th birthday. Dated 6 years before getting married. Waited 4 years after that for kids.
I want to plan my wedding but can't really do that yet. DF proposed to me in February when he visited me while I was on the CP. We haven't told family yet (waiting until our three year anniversary). We're waiting until I graduate to get married since he's in the Coast Guard and he wants me to finish school (and now I do as well). It's so hard to do all this waiting, but I know it will be worth it =).

One day he asked me if I wanted to get married at Shades of Green and I was like "huh?" since he didn't seemed interested in getting married at Disney (but I told him I want to honeymoon in Disney, lol) so no idea where or when we're getting married.
I personally dont mind waiting until I graduate to get married. I know there will be a lot of stress all through my life, but I am only going through school once and I want to do it right and put a good effort into it. If that means waiting until afterward to get married then I am for it. We are already living together now, so its not that Im in that big of a hurry. I just want to be able to celebrate our love and share my happiness with my family and everyone else. Hopefully a few years down the line kids will come....but thats a different topic.
I personally dont mind waiting until I graduate to get married. I know there will be a lot of stress all through my life, but I am only going through school once and I want to do it right and put a good effort into it. If that means waiting until afterward to get married then I am for it. We are already living together now, so its not that Im in that big of a hurry. I just want to be able to celebrate our love and share my happiness with my family and everyone else. Hopefully a few years down the line kids will come....but thats a different topic.
Same here. I think both my boyfriend and I are pretty ready to wait until after we graduate for marriage. That's something I have no complaints about.
As for kids...well, my biological clock has been ticking since I was 17. :rotfl: I'm hoping to have kids somewhere in the 1st or 2nd year of marriage, fast I know, but I don't know if I could wait any longer.
well my sister is in college and she's waiting til she graduates next year to get married. she's been with the guy for 5 years and engaged to him for 1. remember all that matters is that you love each other... what's wrong with waiting? waiting shouldnt affect anything as long as you two are truly in love.
DH and I got married right after he graduated form college. We didnt' bother with a big wedding, just eloped. I am 11 months older than DH so I finished college a year earlier than he did. WE waited for him to finish so he didn't have any additional responsibility until graduation. He graduated on May 10th, we eloped on May 25th.
My sister did not wait, she married while a college Sophomroe, but the time she graduated college, the two of them resented one another so much the marriage ended the next year.

If I had to do it all over agian I would wait, it is just easier and if you love each other the "wedding" won't matter--you can still have a religious service even if you do not have the "big wedding". We got married in a church after hours, by a priest and invited my sisters, parents, his parents and two aunts. My parents could not make the time to come, but after 18 years we are still very happy!
Wow, I just found this thread again while looking through my subscribed threads. How's everyone doing?


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