Getting in shape


DIS Veteran
Sep 22, 2004
We just got back from a short trip to Cooperstown (Baseball Hall of Fame and Hershey Park) My feet and legs are DEAD and my DH is saying his knee is killing him..

I know this sounds strange but does anyone do/know anything to get their legs and feet in shape :p for WDW? We arent going until next October but now I am afraid we will be dead from all the walking and not enjoy ourselves as much. Since its my first trip ever, I would hate to lose some of the magic cause my legs and feet gave up on me.

Aslo, DH says he is going to need to buy new shoes before we go, since he cant wear tennis shoes all the time, he wants to buy a pair after Christmas but maybe I will get them for him for Christmas, anyone know a good men's make and model?


Is a great way to build up your feet and legs for Disney,that is what doctor told us to to and it really did help.::yes:: :wave2:
I've been walking my kids to and from school EVERYDAY! ;) I'm also hoping to drop a few extra pounds that I put on, and trying to work out a little in the meantime. Every little bit helps. If you have the time and the place, I'd start walking now! I often wonder how I'll manage to walk all around the parks on our trip and not be exhausted... is it possible?
Walking is great, stationary bike. Just a little each week is great! I even started that Winsor Pilates dvd. It's about a 1/2 hour and there are excercises to shape up your legs. Watch out for the stomach....ouch!! No pain no gain!?
A long time ago, the DIS had a series of articles called "Getting Fit for Disney" or something of that effect. I have no idea how to dig for it in the archives.
I always get shinsplints by my 4th day at Disney ! I am in good shape , and walk a lot.....but not almost 100% on concrete like at WDW. So, I try and walk on concrete a lot prior to going.
We did the walk away the pounds tapes for 5 months prior, not only to get in shape for walking but to lose some pounds also.

Worked really well.....:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
The first few years we went to Disney, I would end up in a wheel chair for the second day. I have a bad back and combine that with the aching legs and feet and I was a basket case. 2 years ago, I started mall walking. Especially 4 months or so before the trip I would work my way up to 3 miles every other day of mall walking. I haven't needed the wheel chair for the past 3 visits!! Also a good pair of walking shoes (that are broken in before the trip) are essential. I also work out at curves but discovered that it doesn't work the same leg muscles so I make sure that I mall walk at least twice a week when no vacation is coming up and 3 times a week when a vacation is coming up.
Just wanted to put in another vote for walking! About two months before our trip, we started to take a walk about 3 or 4 times a week, after dinner. I really wanted to lose a few pounds, but I convinced DH that it would help us out in Disney, too! Anyway, we'd walk anywhere from 1 - 3 miles at a pretty decent pace.

Well, about halfway into our 2 week vacation, it occured to me that this was the first trip where we didn't need to take a break in the middle of the day - we didn't even realize it at first, we just weren't as tired! Last year, we were DYING by day 3, but this trip, we made it through the entire trip with no problems at all! We even did MNSSHP twice & stayed until the very end! The difference was amazing! I never would've believed it, but we'll be continuing with our walking & hopefully we'll get to check it out in Disney again VERY soon - we're not even home a week yet, and I'm already depressed! :(
If you need to get your thighs strong so your knees get stronger, try step -ups. Use a bench or chair that can support your weight.
start by going up and down.. then move to leaving one foot on the bench and bring the other leg up.
My trainer showed me this... Ihave a bad knee from a sking accident, this works wonders.
It was hard at first, but it got easier. One yr later, he still makes me do it. I see all the trainers using this, so it must be good.


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