getting fit for your trip - a place to share & ramble

alicia1506 said:
Lol. Yes. I need to get fit and healthy not only for my own health but for our trip too :) i have a bathing suit but i certainly dont feel comfortable in front of others in it :( gotta fit on those rides and slides and be comfortable on those 14+ hour flights!!

I am not doing anything special right now, my busted knee and back make walking difficult but i am trying to be really good at watching my calories which is really helpful with :)

Oh my, you sound like me. I also worry about how I will look in my togs and also how snug I will be on rides and airline seats. I also know how restricting a bad back can be. I'm in and out of physio quite a bit with mine. I know my back would be better if I lost some of the weight. But my weight-loosing exercise options are severely limited because of my back. It's like a vicious cycle.
Still, once again I'm making excuses. My back is fully capable of doing long walks and I'm going to need to build up my endurance if I'm to spend lots of days walking around WDW.

Your posts are inspiring me and I've decided it's time I put an end to the excuses. :-)
Oh my, you sound like me. I also worry about how I will look in my togs and also how snug I will be on rides and airline seats. I also know how restricting a bad back can be. I'm in and out of physio quite a bit with mine. I know my back would be better if I lost some of the weight. But my weight-loosing exercise options are severely limited because of my back. It's like a vicious cycle.
Still, once again I'm making excuses. My back is fully capable of doing long walks and I'm going to need to build up my endurance if I'm to spend lots of days walking around WDW.

Your posts are inspiring me and I've decided it's time I put an end to the excuses. :-)

my back does get really terribly painful (herniated disc presses on the sciatic nerve, making it physically painful to walk) but i have been building up my tolerance. to walk to my bus stop is approx 1km. i do it in stretches. i reach a certain point and then stop. stretch my back out, massage the muscles and go on. stop. stretch my back out. go on etc. to be honest, part of it is financial. catching a cab to/from work each day is financially ruinous ($35-40) each way, and i need the exercise. so again. baby steps. i also have a cardio twister (that i should sell, i never use it and feel like an idiot when i do) and a recumbent bike (waiting for my knee to heal then hitting it hard).

i read an article about a woman who used to weigh over 1000 pounds, and who is now down to like 400 pounds, so 600 pounds lost.. that's equivalent to weighing approx 450 kilos to start with, and ending up around 195. clearly she has some extra issues to deal with, but if someone like that can do it, i can lose the weight i need to.

i will be your aussie weight loss buddy if you like :) we will be healthy and fabulous for our cruises :)
alicia1506 said:
my back does get really terribly painful (herniated disc presses on the sciatic nerve, making it physically painful to walk) but i have been building up my tolerance. to walk to my bus stop is approx 1km. i do it in stretches. i reach a certain point and then stop. stretch my back out, massage the muscles and go on. stop. stretch my back out. go on etc. to be honest, part of it is financial. catching a cab to/from work each day is financially ruinous ($35-40) each way, and i need the exercise. so again. baby steps. i also have a cardio twister (that i should sell, i never use it and feel like an idiot when i do) and a recumbent bike (waiting for my knee to heal then hitting it hard).

i read an article about a woman who used to weigh over 1000 pounds, and who is now down to like 400 pounds, so 600 pounds lost.. that's equivalent to weighing approx 450 kilos to start with, and ending up around 195. clearly she has some extra issues to deal with, but if someone like that can do it, i can lose the weight i need to.

i will be your aussie weight loss buddy if you like :) we will be healthy and fabulous for our cruises :)

That sounds great! 10 months until the Sep 21st Fantasy and I'm aiming for a minimum of 15kgs (even though I need to loose closer to 30).
I've lost a lot of weight quite quickly in the past but have put it all back on and then some. I want to try and do this more sensibly through exercise as opposed to a crash dieting. That way, when I'm on the Fantasy, I can enjoy all the delicious food, but then have the motivation to hit the decks afterwards and walk it off.

Your back certainly sounds worse that mine. My back aches during a walk also, but not to the extent that I need to to stop and take breaks. Apparently I ruined all my core muscles when I had my son and unless I work on my abs and gluts I'm always going to always have back issues. The exercises I have to do are SO boring that I often skip them out. But the new, no more excuses, me is going to get back into doing them.

Those cab fees sound horrendous. You should keep a tally of every $35 you are saving each time you walk. Then whatever you save can be treat money for your Disney trip. I want to set a reward incentive for myself also. I like the look of those Disney Dooney bags, particularly the cruise ones. Maybe I should make it that I'm only allowed to buy one if I loose at least 15 kg.

Now if only it would stop raining so I could go for a walk now. I'm feeling all motivated for a change.
Ooh i was planning on buying a dooney bag. I could totally give up the cab in favour of a dooney bag :)

I plan on creating a kind of countdown calendar for the trip and include in it my exercise and diet each day. Trying to keep myself accountable :)

Also i think rewards are good.. Like everytime we exercise, $1 goes in the disney savings jar.
Ooh i was planning on buying a dooney bag. I could totally give up the cab in favour of a dooney bag :)

I plan on creating a kind of countdown calendar for the trip and include in it my exercise and diet each day. Trying to keep myself accountable :)

Also i think rewards are good.. Like everytime we exercise, $1 goes in the disney savings jar.

Sounds good! We'll aim for a Dooney bag together.
I've been for my walk and are feeling all the more better for it.
I now have about 5 hours of weekend work to get through and the goal is to avoid the frequent walks to the pantry for snacks.
WanderlustNZ said:
Sounds good! We'll aim for a Dooney bag together.
I've been for my walk and are feeling all the more better for it.
I now have about 5 hours of weekend work to get through and the goal is to avoid the frequent walks to the pantry for snacks.

Yay for you going for a walk :) My doc said walking and or jogging etc are the best kinds of exercise as it requires you to use your whole body, not just part of it like with an exercise machine lol. My exercise starts tomorrow with walking to/from the bus to work and then at least 20 - 30 mins on my exercise bike. I may even jump on my bike tonight and see how i go :)
So today was the first day of my 'new me' campaign. I admittedly cheated once by eating a few chocolate chip cookies, but otherwise I was pretty pleased with myself.
Tomorrow will be the real tester when I get home from work exhausted and walking is the last thing I feel like doing. MUST... STICK....TO....THE...PLAN...
Holy cow, I did a pump class yesterday and today my body has started a revolt against me!

I'm in so much pain, and I swear my weights weighed less then my handbag does!
Well no exercise for me today a rather lazy sunday but i did come in under my calorie limit and no binging so day 3 i am marking as a win. Tomorrow is the true test. At work with vending machines and 7/11s all around and a bake sale happening :(
alicia1506 said:
Well no exercise for me today a rather lazy sunday but i did come in under my calorie limit and no binging so day 3 i am marking as a win. Tomorrow is the true test. At work with vending machines and 7/11s all around and a bake sale happening :(

You can do it! :-)
I fear I have left my run a little late given we fly out in less than 3 weeks. So my plan is just to get a little fitter so the long days in disneyland don't absolutely slay me. So my grand plan is to go for a walk after work every day for the next three weeks, am sure the dog will appreciate it!
Holy cow, I did a pump class yesterday and today my body has started a revolt against me!

I'm in so much pain, and I swear my weights weighed less then my handbag does!

that was me last week......seriously why does pump hurt so much...i followed it up the next night with step, then couldn't walk without whimpering for 2 pump again tonight..will see how I go.
BecBennett said:
Oh dear... I was planning on doing step tonight... :eek:

Wow. You are both superwomen for doing pump followed by step. Eek!

Just made my first stuff up at work and broke out in hives. Sigh. Hoping this day gets better
I just started the Couch 2 5K again tonight. Not sure if my hip is ready for it or not. Will see if I can walk tomorrow...
So it's 3 days into my 'no more excuses' regime and I'm feeling really good about myself.
I've gone for about an hour long walk each day after work instead of blobbing on the couch with snacks and I've been eating fairly balanced meals. It's still early days, but I'm already feeling like my energy levels are returning and my stress levels are lowering (extremely intense time at work at present).

Thank you to Alicia and other posters on this thread for inspiring me to get moving. :-)
Joined a local gym today. It's only for a month. $15 for the month!!!! Gym and classes! How cheap is that.

Now I just have to go :rotfl:
wow aussie travellers, $15 for the month is super cheap :)

right now i am just walking and eating my balanced meals. normally (in my pre-diagnosis lifestyle) we would get pizza for dinner on 'cheaper tuesdays' and i would eat that for dinner.

tonight, we had fish. admittedly, i made them into burgers, but still within my calorie limit. my life is ruled by calories at the moment and that is a good thing. being honest with myself about how much i am eating and keeping a record is a good thing. i am measuring myself (in cms, eek) each week to record any changes, as this is the way i am measuring binges, daily walks and weekly measurements. my doc will do monthly weigh ins as well.

i have had so many temptations to eat poorly or to fall back into my old habits yet, and i certainly have a long, long road ahead of me, but i think i can do it.
alicia1506 said:
i have had so many temptations to eat poorly or to fall back into my old habits yet, and i certainly have a long, long road ahead of me, but i think i can do it.

I have a super long road ahead of me as well. Let's believe we can do it together. :-)


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