Game Boy Advance SP


<font color=33CC99>Still waiting for "the talk"<br
Jan 29, 2000
I was wondering if anyone had any information about the new Game Boy Advance SP systems. I never knew they existed until this week when a friend mentioned it, but I know nothing about them. My son is turning 7 in a few weeks and he wants a Game Boy Advance (currently has Color), then my friend mentioned this new one and I wondered if it was something I should consider. I understand that both the new and the old Advance systems will use the Color games, so that is a plus, but I would love to hear from people that know more about this than I do.

Thanks in advance.
DS8 has it and he loves it. He never had the color so I can't compare. It is a benefit that it plays both types of games.

To me it's just a little box that makes annoying noise but it stops him form fighting with his sister (sometimes) while driving in the car. :)

Go for the SP!!! It is a much improved version with a built in light...the other one was vry difficult to see without a light (an extra thing that you buy to attatch tot he system. ). The SP is also smaller and ds just loves his!!! Don't buy the old one!
My DS9 love his, too. He had the GBA, and got the GBASP for his birthday. It is much improved--smaller, more compact and most importantly, you can close the screen to protect it from scratches. The built in light is also a big plus, and the screen is a little bigger as well (better for the eyes).
Have had both too, the built in light is something the GB has needed all along and it's great they finally integrated it. It also has a built in replaceable rechargable battery. It works with all the cartridges and some of the plug in accessories too. The only thing it does not have built in is a headphone jack, you have to buy that separately. Don't waste the money on a regular Advance.
DS's DGM wanted to buy him one for an upcoming party, and had a heck of a time finding one. She ended up calling every retail outlet in SE WI (ToysRUs, KMart, Walmart, etc). Finally got one at TRU after about a week. They said they only get a few in every shipment, and, as soon as they hit the shelves, they're gone! DS will be thrilled, though, and I'm just happy for the rechargeable batteries...
You should shop here, all our stores have them in stock. We only have color and the regular advanced, but I would definitely get the new one. The built in light is a great idea and I wish we had one.

Thanks for all of the replies. They have them here on our base for $99.00. The regular Advance systems are $69.00, so I guess I will go with the SP after reading the replies here. Now a couple of more questions.....

What accessories do I need to buy?

What games should I buy?

Thanks again.
Definitely buy the SP. I really wish I would have gotten this one. The GBA is very hard to see, even with an external light. I am thinking about purchasing the Afterburner kit for ours

Also, I believe the SP comes with rechargeable batteries.

Pete is 6 and he loves all the Mario games as well as Pokemon. My recommendation would be to rent some of the games and see which ones your son likes because they are expen$ive and once you open them you cannot take them back! ;)
Originally posted by tiggerlover

What games should I buy?

DS9 doesn't have SP yet just GBA (I'm planning on getting him an
SP for his 10th birthday), but he's just gotten Pokemon Ruby and
Pokemon Sapphire (the 2 newest-they're for GBA only) and he
has not stopped playing them since he got them. He has alll the other Pokemon GB games and hasn't been interested in playing them for quite a while but these two new ones apparently are
quite different from the originals and have him completely hooked.
Even my DS13 wants to play the new ones and he gave up on
Pokemon LONG ago!
My son says the Mario Bros is the best. He also has about a dozen other ones (Pac-man, Shrek, Tarzan, Tom & Jerry, Toy Story 2, etc....).

Happy B-day to your son!
Figment-my DDis doing the exact same thing- I thought she gave up on pokemon along time ago(she is 9) but she got pokemon sapphire and man is she hooked. She plays it constantly...she is playing it right now! And apparently older boys at her school all play it, and they hook up to each other(their GBA's, literally) and trade pokemon from one game to the other. So now shes back to watching pokemon cartoons again!!!While all her friends are watching Brittany Spears in Crossroads:rolleyes: She does'nt have the new GBA yet....would like to hold off till Christmas but she'll probably nag me to death before then.
I have been playing the new gameboy at work. (I refurbish video games at systems for EB/game world) They are great! The new pokemon games are great for all ages. I like the bigger screens also, even I can see the games well. Try to buy used games when they become available, they are usually trade ins, and not refurbished. We very rarely get broken games, we can usually just have to swab them with some alcohol (dust or crumbs is usually the reason why the games won't work.) Don't forget you can trade in your old games and systems and get credit for something new.
Originally posted by ez
So now shes back to watching pokemon cartoons again!!!While all her friends are watching Brittany Spears in Crossroads:rolleyes:


Bet you never thought you'd be happy to see Pokemon again,
right? I'm sometimes glad I have only boys--the thought of a
pre-teen or teenage daughter scares the daylights out of me!
(Although DS13 may be the death of me yet!)

My husband is a programmer at Nintendo here in Redmond. We love the new gameboy. It is the first time they have had the technology to have a battery that would last long enough with a light on.

My son loves the spongebob game. He is 5. I think it is dumb, but it is just his speed. Just like everyone said, pokemon and mario are good. I like tetris, but I don't know if it is "in" anymore, but it sure is addicting. Zelda is good if he likes adventure games.

Good Luck!!


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