FYI, this is what happens when you sell your bib

I am in the position of having a PHM bib but I will be running in the glass slipper for a charity. It really sucks that I have to eat that money but I wasn't able to register for the Glass Slipper before it sold out. I wish that RD had a way for me to transfer the bib to a friend. Maybe I will just wear both bibs and have an extra medal. I should be able to do that right ::yes:: I thought about transferring my registration to 2015 but I have a feeling I will want to the GS again. Plus I have learned the register for the race the second it comes out lesson.
I really don't feel bad if the RD doesn't have a mechanism for the transfer of bibs from one person to another. Things come up and there should be a way for you to sell your tag and have it transfered to whomever bought it even if there is a charge. I don't care what excuse they have for not offering it, I find it unacceptable.

If it is a race that does offer bib transfers but the person didn't take advantage of it then I do feel as though they were wrong.

Back in 2011 one of my friends got hurt and couldn't run the Pittsburgh marathon. Another friend had waited too long to sign up and was closed out. Since the RD offered a way to transfer bibs for a charge the one friend sold the bib to the other minus the transfer charge and then they contacted the RD and had it changed in the system. This was a 20-something female selling a bib to a 40-something male. Had they not offered the transfer they would have still made the same arrangement but he would have just run as her. With current technology it is nothing more than a simple SQL statement to make the change.

I look at it like online piracy. Most people want to do the right thing but it has to be offered. If you aren't going to offer a legitimate way to accomplish the switch (or stream/download the content) people will just resort to illegitimate ways.

I haven't read the whole thread yet but I will respond to this.

There is a reason that many popular races do not allow bib transfers. The race sells out quickly or requires a lottery to enter. Many people were getting into the "business" of buying bibs early for races they never planned to enter and then selling them for much higer than the original price to people who were not able to get in. A few years ago the Houston Marathon allowed you to transfer with a fee your membership to someone else and people were selling their bibs for up to $500 to allow that transfer.

When you sign up for a race, there are rules you agree to and those include the rules against selling/transferring your bib. Most allow you to defer a year with guarenteed race entry for the next year due to injury. It might not save you money but it does allow you to race in the future. Many races if they find you have sold/transferred your bib will not allow you to register in the future.

When it is a legal transfer for a sold out race the price goes up. People register for races in many cases for qualifying times. A Fast flat course can get a lot of people who are willing to spend big bucks to get their qualifing time for an event.
Many people were getting into the "business" of buying bibs early for races they never planned to enter and then selling them for much higer than the original price to people who were not able to get in. A few years ago the Houston Marathon allowed you to transfer with a fee your membership to someone else and people were selling their bibs for up to $500 to allow that transfer.

But HOW would the original person get the money if it were all done through rundisney? If there's NO chance of it going to the person you intend it to go to, if the only transactions are being done by rundisney, how could this benefit a scammer? I'm definitely missing something here.

Maybe it's rundisney's way of limiting, in some way, the number of runners each year. But then they have to leave a certain number of spaces open for those who defer it to the following year, so maybe they're at a wash, numbers-wise.

Seems like they could meet a lot of demand for the races if they would allow the transfers and do it through them with no chance of communication between transferer and transferee.
But HOW would the original person get the money if it were all done through rundisney? If there's NO chance of it going to the person you intend it to go to, if the only transactions are being done by rundisney, how could this benefit a scammer? I'm definitely missing something here.

I did a bib transfer where Active handled it. I clicked the button to transfer my bib to my friend's e-mail address. The company automatically refunded my credit card. My friend got the one-time-use registration link e-mailed to her, and she paid Active directly. Even in this process, I could say "Paypal me $200 first directly, and then I will initiate the bib transfer to you my Nigerian friend."

Just like an airline ticket, Disney purposely oversells the tickets. They've done the math on how many are likely to drop out & how many they can afford to oversell. And just like airline tickets, it's hundreds of dollars that you have to use or lose.
I did a bib transfer where Active handled it. I clicked the button to transfer my bib to my friend's e-mail address. The company automatically refunded my credit card. My friend got the one-time-use registration link e-mailed to her, and she paid Active directly. Even in this process, I could say "Paypal me $200 first directly, and then I will initiate the bib transfer to you my Nigerian friend."

Of course you could, since you're involved in the process. But if rD made a process where you "return" the bib back to them, you get refunded a certain amount and then you're done with the process, and then THEY take 100% charge of selling it to someone else, then it's nice and clean and there's no chance of that happening.


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