Funny Things we Canadians hear!


Insane in the membrane!
Dec 16, 2004
On my trip last year I was talking to a CM at the Canadian pavilion. This American ma walked up to me and asked where I got my shirt if I was Canadian. I told him I got it at a store and he replied" You have stores in Canada?" I stared at him for a moment and slowly nodded my head "yes" I answered. He looked at me and asked" Do you live in and igloo?"....I looked at the CM stunned and told him politely that in Canada we have houses,clothes, pets,and all the regular things. He looked at me and asked "Do you have a pet beaver?" After that I just walked away. I really hope he was joking.
Isn't it funny how *some* people can have such misconceptions about other countries? I have heard about a TV show a few years ago where Americans were interviewed about Canada and its people and some of the things that were said were unbelievable. Isn't it funny that in our schools we learn so much about the US but is seems that the reverse isn't true? (Please correct me if I am wrong, I don't mean this in a negative way....this is a generalization) I have been asked before what it like to always be living in the snow!
You're probably referring to Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans". It was pretty funny, but I think if someone stuck a camera and a microphone in my face and asked me to sign a petition to help make staplers legal in Canada, I'd think it was weird, but hey -they've got the camera and microphone, so they must know something!
I thought it was a pretty interesting commentary on how people will believe anything if told it with enough "authority".

I don't think Canadians are educated all that much in school about America and Americans.

I think we learn because we watch their TV.
I remember learning a lot of American history and politics in school. We learned the presidents, the US States and capitals, etc. I also remember a class on the Boston tea party. Somehow I don't think the Americans are learning provincial capitals.
Ok, Canadians get a passing knowledge about America for part of a term.

I still think it's mostly TV.
I learn a lot off T.V but at school we get taught about America as well.....Anyone have any funny stories about that kind of situation?
I also learned alot about American history and geography. I can recall a test where we had to place every state in the right area of the map and also list all their capital cities. I belong to a game site with a chat and I can't believe how many Americans have never heard of Manitoba. I can maybe understand not knowing too much about it but these people have never even heard of it, have no idea its a floors me. If I say MB, they all think I'm from Myrtle Beach, lol. I guess that understandable but sorta funny. Its not all Americans (I apologize to my knowledgable American friends) but a surprising number of them that are pretty ignorant about Canada. I never hear the "igloo" comment anymore but many do not know we have a Prime Minister and not a president, for example.

I think the Rick Mercer show where they asked Americans if Canada should switch to a 24 hour day speaks for itself, lol
jewellmmc said:
On my trip last year I was talking to a CM at the Canadian pavilion. This American ma walked up to me and asked where I got my shirt if I was Canadian. I told him I got it at a store and he replied" You have stores in Canada?" I stared at him for a moment and slowly nodded my head "yes" I answered. He looked at me and asked" Do you live in and igloo?"....I looked at the CM stunned and told him politely that in Canada we have houses,clothes, pets,and all the regular things. He looked at me and asked "Do you have a pet beaver?" After that I just walked away. I really hope he was joking.

roflmao. That gave me a giggle.

I was working in the mall at the information booth a few years ago. These bunch of teenagers walked up to me which was nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly one of the guys pops out with "Do you guys barter?" I asked him what he meant and he looked at me funny and asked again. I laughed and told him that we aren't Mexico. We are just like the States. We don't live in Igloos, drive dogsleds, or live in the arctic.

Another time I was asked if I wear a seal skin coat.

Another time abunch of young people walked up to me in the mall again when I was working and asked where all the snow was because they wanted to go skiing. It was July. That made me laugh and I told him that the only place that has snow in July was the arctic because its summer in Canada and warm.

My god. How can people actually be this misinformed?

totalia said:
I laughed and told him that we aren't Mexico. We are just like the States.

I wonder how people in Mexico would feel about that. As part of the NAFT Agreement, I'm pretty sure they use cash too. What system of government does Mexico have? Who's the president? Do they have states, provinces, neither, both? I'm betting a Mexican version of Rick Mercer would have a pretty good time at our expense too. :scratchin
totalia said:
Another time I was asked if I wear a seal skin coat.

Another time abunch of young people walked up to me in the mall again when I was working and asked where all the snow was because they wanted to go skiing. It was July. That made me laugh and I told him that the only place that has snow in July was the arctic because its summer in Canada and warm.

My god. How can people actually be this misinformed?


Ditto for me. I've had this happen multiple times. I think one of the funniest things I have actually been asked was " How did you get to Florida?" The person didn't know we had airports and cars which I think is really stupid. The funniest part was I replied "My pet beaver towed me on my sled through the snow! How else?" I know I'm adding to the people who are misinformed about Canadians but he was stunned! And he actually believed me! :earboy2: :teleport:
I was watching a Jay Leno segment called "Jaywalking" one night. Jay walks out to the streets around L.A. and asks people questions. This particular day, he brings a picture of Madeline Albright (former U.S. Secretary of State under Clinton administration) and asks who is she. Guess what, all the U.S. citizens said "I dunno". He comes across a Canadian tourist, who promptly answers "Madeline Albright". Hmmm... :cheer2:
While toasting to a "Happy thanksgiving" a woman leaned over to ask why. I explained our Thanksgiving is in October. She then leaned over to ask
"so when is your Christmas"

I also do believe we are educated more about the states then they are about Canada because my kids can name quite a few of the states and yet when I tried to explain to a cm we are not from a state but a province she was totally confused.
hockey mom said:
While toasting to a "Happy thanksgiving" a woman leaned over to ask why. I explained our Thanksgiving is in October. She then leaned over to ask
"so when is your Christmas"

I also do believe we are educated more about the states then they are about Canada because my kids can name quite a few of the states and yet when I tried to explain to a cm we are not from a state but a province she was totally confused.

Yes, same here. I can name about 20 states.

Since I was the one who started this post I must add: This thread is not about all Americans only the ones who say funny things. Seriously though, this thread is not meant to offend anyone.
DisFan2 said:
I wonder how people in Mexico would feel about that. As part of the NAFT Agreement, I'm pretty sure they use cash too. What system of government does Mexico have? Who's the president? Do they have states, provinces, neither, both? I'm betting a Mexican version of Rick Mercer would have a pretty good time at our expense too. :scratchin

Right off the top of my head...they use cash but will barter in alot of areas, the president is Fox, they have regions, states and cities. Not sure about the system of government BUT I do know that they have 24 hours in thier day, LOL.

Feliz Navidad :)
Sandyincanada said:
Right off the top of my head...they use cash but will barter in alot of areas, the president is Fox, they have regions, states and cities. Not sure about the system of government BUT I do know that they have 24 hours in thier day, LOL.

Feliz Navidad :)


Quickly... How many fingers am I holding up right now? :D :D
hmmmmm, the middle one? LOL

I love Mexico... I couldn't resist. But I really do think the American schools could do abit better job in teaching about other parts of the world. We're only a few hours away from Grand Forks but the things I've heard when we've gone down there, sheeesh lol.
DisFan2 said:
I wonder how people in Mexico would feel about that. As part of the NAFT Agreement, I'm pretty sure they use cash too. What system of government does Mexico have? Who's the president? Do they have states, provinces, neither, both? I'm betting a Mexican version of Rick Mercer would have a pretty good time at our expense too. :scratchin

lol. Yeah I know. The problem is that one of his friends mentioned something about how they barter in Mexico so why not Canada. Thats why I said it. Sorry I didn't explain the rest. I guess I was in too much of a hurry.
I remember learning all about the American Revolution, when they signed the Declaration of Independence, all states, and the presidents - all learned in High School. 4 years ago, I signed up for a class in History in College, and was surprised that about 25% of it was American - thought it would focus more on Canaidan than American, but it didn't.
Just a little story for you....The first time I was in Florida in 1999, I met a Southern American (I will refrain from naming what state) and they were oblivious to what life in Canada was really like, and within 10 minutes of our converasation, I had them convinced that we had "fuzzy snow snakes" that lived in the snow and we had to be careful because we never knew when they would emerge and bite us. They completely believed me. There was another couple there from Mexico City that was dying with laughter, because they knew we were full of crap, but the Americans actually thought we were telling the truth.
I shouldn't add to the fire, but at the time, it was priceless.
Sandyincanada said:
hmmmmm, the middle one? LOL

I was hoping it wouldn't be taken that way! I knew I should have written "What number am I thinking of"? (In my defense, I did ask "How many"!) :earboy2: :earboy2:
ChisJo said:
I shouldn't add to the fire, but at the time, it was priceless.

Smae here. It's funny to lead them on.....but other times t can be really annoying when people ask you about the snow all year around. Oh well, such as life.


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