Funny Gay Day 2009 Experiences


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 2001
Ended up going to Magic Kingdom today. Had a great time and got to walk behind the 3 p.m. parade with the others creating a sea of red shirts (very cool). Saw lots of fun shirts (many pro-gay marriage).

Thought we should start a fun thread about fun experiences, things overheard, funny shirts, ect.

Here is mine: waiting in line for Pirates of the Carribean and group of guys all in red boarded boat. Older man in front of me turns to his wife and says "I think one of those guys is gay!" I had to stiffle a laugh and stop myself from saying "Honey, all those guys are gay!". okay, maybe you had to be there but it was funny at the time.

Only negative thing I had was that I grabbed my prime seat for the parade an hour before it started and 5 minutes before it started lady with her two kids makes them sit infront of me in the street! I was just about to say something when the two cast memebers I had been talking to while waiting came up and made them move. Lady got upset and said that they should make me leave as "parades are for the kids". She got put in her place by the cast members (who were family).:love:
:thumbsup2I like this thread! I hope more post so that some of us can experience Gay Days without being there! (Thats what a seasonal business will get you).

That was very nice of the CM's to help you out at the parade. I just do not get why some people think disney is only for kids. Didn't disney want a park for all family....and we are all family. :rolleyes1
Here is mine: waiting in line for Pirates of the Carribean and group of guys all in red boarded boat. Older man in front of me turns to his wife and says "I think one of those guys is gay!" I had to stiffle a laugh and stop myself from saying "Honey, all those guys are gay!". okay, maybe you had to be there but it was funny at the time.

I can just picture it now! lol
I was just about to say something when the two cast memebers I had been talking to while waiting came up and made them move. Lady got upset and said that they should make me leave as "parades are for the kids". She got put in her place by the cast members (who were family).:love:

DP and I have 2 kids. We would NEVER push our kids in front of ANYONE. Disney is for all of us and she is teaching her kids to be rude. If our kids did that they wouldn't be watching the parade, they'd go back to the room and no swimming for that night.

Kudos to the CMs.
We were coming out of Pirates when one of the men in front of us turned to us and said that someone had just asked, "What's with all the red shirts?" The reply? "We're all together." :teeth:

We watched the three o' clock parade from upstairs at the train station. There were some older men there who had saved a line up of chairs right along the center front. We sat to the right of them, no problem. Another woman came along and sat near us. Others started to filter in. Nearly in time for the parade a large family showed up, there was a heavily pregnant woman with them. They were VERY put out and not a little rude trying to get anyone to give the pregnant woman a chair. I actually had stood, and was leaning one knee on my chair, getting ready to give it to her when one of the men said something hateful.

Wrong time, wrong place, wrong people dude.

We too walked down Main St. after the parade, heading out. Got on a monorail to TTC and then EPCOT. We were in the red car on the red train. When we got to EPCOT the flow of red was pretty cool. Confused the daylights out of some people.

Nothing untoward (other than the unpleasant family at MK) but did notice a couple of (men, oddly enough or maybe not so odd) people give us seriously disgusted looks. One was wearing a Baptist church t-shirt...

On thing we did notice and found it wicked funny, quite often those in red who didn't "mean to be wearing red with all these gays" would clutch the hand of an opposite gendered person as if we wouldn't know the person wasn't gay by any other means! :rotfl: Trust me. As if.

All in all we had a great time. Enjoyed OKW. It was nice not to have to drive home at the end of a long day.

We did see ConcKahuna, and Rob and Scot! :teeth: They however, didn't know it was us, and we chickened out on introducing ourselves. :rolleyes:

It did seem like the attendance was down this year.

We were there at opening of the park and were able to do many of the larger attractions, and some of the smaller ones we've not done in a long time all before 10:00 am!

The Celebration parade was wicked fun too! There were some men there who joined in the dancing...they had red fans. Hysterical!!! They were having a grand time and let me tell you, so were the Disney CM dancers! ::yes::

We dropped by EPCOT today and saw quite a few of us there. ::yes::

Nice time, but some energy was noticeably missing and so were the guys in the matching kilts. :guilty:
We did see ConcKahuna, and Rob and Scot! :teeth: They however, didn't know it was us, and we chickened out on introducing ourselves. :rolleyes:

Okay, now my feelings are hurt!

I kept looking for the sticker in the middle of the shirt (it was you who said you'd do that, right?) because I wanted to meet you!

And now I find that you blew us off?


I've got some stuff to post as well, but don't have the time just yet. I hate it when the whole "work" thing gets in the way of my DIS time! :lmao:
I don't have any funny experiences. It was a great day in the park and met up with lots of friends including meeting Rob and Scott at BTMRR.

I posted a few of my trip photos in the podcast forum in case y'all want to see them.

We have a ton of funny stories, but the one that sticks out the most was when we were walking past Country Bear Jamboree, where around 500 bears were standing in line at one point, and a dad with a kid on his shoulders, one in a stroller and one holding his wife's hand, says in an excited voice, "Hey guys, who wants to see some singing bears?" I seriously couldn't stop laughing! This guy had NO IDEA!

We also had a blast with Zulemara, Conck, William, Jim, Steve and other new friends we made during the trip (Jeff, Sullivan, Taylor, Tamara, Sean and Robert). I missed getting to see Rob and Scott, but we will definitely have drinks next time.

The Epcot Drink-A-Long was another success. Next year, we will have t-shirts. :)
So funny how long the line is/was for Country Bear Jamboree! Bet it's the longest wait all year.:cool1: I did not see the "Red Hat" guys like I normally do. A few guys in skirts, a few drag queens, lots of guys who looked like they needed to eat a cookie, lots of guys who ate way too many cookies! Great group! I was surprised that the wait times for rides was very low (20-30 minutes) during time I was there (10-3:30 p.m.). Wish my partner had been there with me (he was busy working), but glad I came. :dance3:
On thing we did notice and found it wicked funny, quite often those in red who didn't "mean to be wearing red with all these gays" would clutch the hand of an opposite gendered person as if we wouldn't know the person wasn't gay by any other means! :rotfl: Trust me. As if.

Hope you don't mind a straight chick jumping in here. (I sometimes read the threads on "your" board because they're better than a lot of the others)

We were on our honeymoon 5 years ago this week. We didn't know anything about Gay Days. First night, we were having a romantic dinner at House of Blues, and noticed the large number of same sex couples. We joked to each other, "it's just like us to pick a gay bar for the first night of our honeymoon". We had no idea!

Next day, walking around Epcot wearing a red shirt by coincidence, I realized I had inadvertently joined the group without being invited! We laughed and laughed. We still kid if we're in WDW and one of us wears a red shirt that we hope we're not sending the wrong signal to the wrong people...or the right signal to the wrong people. Whatever. I know, you wouldn't have me anyway!
Okay before I post a humourous anecdote, I'll start by posting pictures of some amusing shirts from Gay Day 2009 (courtesy of my friend Sharon)







I don't know who Rosie is, but there's a fresh pot on and it's plenty to go around.

Make sure she promises to keep her clothes on before you let her have any of your coffee. :rolleyes:

Just sayin . . . :rolleyes1
Those t-shirts are a hoot! My fav is the klondike bar! I am still giggling.

Thanks for allowing us straight chicks on your board. Before I got married, I was one of the few straight people in our fun group. My friend Gary used to call me his "*** hag", he meant it as a compliment.
Thanks for allowing us straight chicks on your board. Before I got married, I was one of the few straight people in our fun group. My friend Gary used to call me his "*** hag", he meant it as a compliment.

Of course he did, but our dearest friend prefers the term 'fruit fly'

thanks for the coffee!


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