Fun with Dick and Kaz - A Cruisin' Trip Report... COMPLETED

Another couple of great days Karen. Palo is such a fab place, but my fave time is brunch - the food is so amazing :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing your great photos too

Mandy :)
Another great report me old Custard, I'm enjoying them very much.

Nice to see you are making the most of the many drinking opportunities on the cruise. We did the margarita tasting. And the wine tasting. And the beer tasting. :thumbsup2

Another magical couple of days. Palo brunch sounds wonderful, we had the evening meal there and I still dream about the food! I love all the special concierge touches, and the robes were a lovely gift too.

Laur's princess:
Oh it all sounds wonderful - our 25th will be 2024 so if I want to do something similar I should probably start saving now and gently mentioning it to DH! ;)
Thanks everyone! :goodvibes

Jules: Rumbled! I will, of course, return your t-shirt asap! I was able to get a new one on Castaway Cay later in the week so it's not like I'll be nude or nuffink... :eek:

Nat and Mandy: Glad you're enjoying the photos - I wish I'd taken more. Tho' TBH I'm finding it very traumatic seeing my grinning face everytime I open this thread to add an extra installment... :sad2:

Kaylee: The wine tasting is excellent and great value at $12 per head. As it seems to be subject to change, we're definitely doing again it next summer... :thumbsup2

Mr. Stringer: Happy to entertain you, sir! Plans are already afoot to 'taste' oh, so much more on the Mexican Riviera next summer... ;)

Laur's: TBH I expected very little from the concierge team, having read mixed reviews on the DCL forum, but these guys really went the extra mile and made our week even more special. :cloud9:

Jo: What are you waiting for? Start saving, girl! :rotfl:
Morning, and time for DH to put his newly devised breakfast plan into action - Mission Impossible-style! As our suite was just below Topsiders, he felt we should take advantage of their facilities. Donning gloves and a scuba mask, he showed me a Ballpoint presentation of a high-tech plan that involved drilling a hole in the ceiling of our living area to gain access. I nodded encouragingly - is this what it's like being Katie Holmes, I wondered? Unfortunately, he didn't have a drill so I convinced him that stealing up the backstairs to the buffet with a swag bag in hand would prove just as effective! By now, I just wanted him to Show Me The Brekkie! With the speed of a cheetah and the grace of a swan, he plundered the buffet and brought a range of items back to the room. Hey presto! Breakfast on the verandah is served, madam! Hurrah!

As we ate, we discussed our plans for the day ahead in Grant Caveman - as my DS calls Grand Cayman - and no, I've no idea why... We were booked on something called the Thriller Sand and Sea Adventure - but the weather wasn't looking great so we decided to forgo the excursion and spend a leisurely morning/early afternoon exploring George Town and nearby coastline on foot. With hindsight, this was a mistake. The port area wasn't that large and despite spending a couple of hours doing a lot of walking, we failed miserably to find an attractive beach. However, we did stop at a bar/restaurant called Rackham's for a spot of lunch which was an excellent choice! We ordered cocktails and DH chose crabcakes...


...whilst I ordered the conch (pronounced 'conk') fritters... Yum...


We were impressed by the range of condiments available.


And the waitress took our photo with the Magic in the background...


We caught the tender back to the ship...


... and returned to our room for some dessert - concierge had left us a couple of Mickey rice bars...


...but we opted for anniversary cake and coffee - and the 3rd round of the GSWSC of 2007!!! DH asked at the bar if we could borrow the scrabble set and we played in the living area of our suite. I'm not going to spend too much time discussing this. Maybe I was tired, maybe I needed a glass or two of champagne - who knows?! But I lost, OK!? And it still hurts - bad... :sad2:

Anyway, time ticked by and I had to stop sulking as it was time for us to present ourselves at the Vista Spa for our Couples Choice Spa Villas appointment! This was one of Dick's highlights of our trip and, to all guys out there, he can't recommend the experience enough! Praise indeed from a man who sees wearing Homer Simpson underpants as the height of sophistication... We arrived at the Spa 10 minutes or so early and duly filled in the questionnaires handed to us. Two therapists introduced themselves (sorry, I can't recall their names) and took us into the Spa Villa reserved for our afternoon of pampering. They outlined the treatments available and, as DH was a Spa virgin, we chose the taster facial and body massage experience in order to ease him in gently. After we'd undressed (but leaving on our swimwear) and swathed in comfy robes, the session began with a foot cleansing ritual on the open verandah area. This was very relaxing and I kinda wished it didn't have to end. After this, the therapists turned on the hot tub and added selected bath oils before stepping outside so we could get into the deliciously warm water. We lay back and relaxed in the scented bubbles as the Magic left Grand Cayman and the sun went down - a very memorable experience...

After twenty minutes or so, the ladies returned and it was time for our treatments to begin. They gave us instructions on how to lie on the massage tables - you lie on your front and put your face in the holes - imagine! - and left the room so we could clamber up and cover our modesty with the towels. Upon their return, the lights were dimmed, soft music turned on and the massage began. It was a grreat experience (tho' I've had better)and we both enjoyed being pummelled, prodded and poked - well, up to a point! Then it was time for the Elemis facial and I would have been happy for that to go on forever - I absolutely l-o-v-e-d it and felt very chilled as the session drew to a close. We were left alone to put on our robes and retire to the huge padded sunlounger on the deck before being served fruit and herbal tea. A fab end and DH, looking positively glowing, couldn't stop himself from raving about the experience! I was so pleased he'd enjoyed it and we happily sat on the lounger chatting away.

Soon it was time to get dressed and the therapists re-entered to give us some feedback about how to continue the good work. As Dick's a metrosexual maestro (maestrosexual, if you will), he already slathers himself silly with Elemis skincare products and, maybe because of this, we experienced no hard sell whatsoever. His lady repeatedly professed herself more than satisfied with the condition of his 44 year old face and body and I was just about to say, "Easy, girlfriend!" when my therapist piped up. Unfortunately it seemed she didn't love me quite as much as I loved her and I was a little taken aback by what happened next. I was told (in no uncertain terms) that my skin was very stressed and I really should use DH's products so I'd look as bee-oo-tiful as him! I sat there, surprise and shock registering all over my knackered old visage! Now I have uber-sensitive, crazy, reactive skin and, prior to the cruise, had been taking hard-core immuno-suppressant medication for severe psoriasis which hadn't done the afore-mentioned face (as well as my nails and hair) any favours at all! I'd explained all this on the questionnaire and to my therapist at least twice but she seemed not to hear me, so kept on. And on. In the interest of politeness, I sat on my hands, thought of a happy place and refrained from throwing a punch. DH, sensing the vibes, promptly made our excuses and escorted me from the Vista Spa back to our suite!

Fortunately, the promise of a Kir Royale meant I saw the funny side pretty darn quickly. But the clock was ticking and dinner was now only 30 minutes away! We spruced ourselves up and headed to Lumiere's to enjoy the delights of the Master Chef menu. We dined alone tonight as both of the other couples were dining a deux in Palo's. So we snuggled up at one end of the table and chatted about the menu. DH chose his customary bottle of red wine and then Oka took our orders. With our table-mates away, Dick decided to play and, in a fit of headstrong hedonism, ordered not one, but two desserts! What can I say? He's a wild man...

Kaz's Choice: Tropical Fruit Cup, Beefsteak Tomato and Baby Mozzarella, Tamarind Rubbed Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Triple Chocolate Terrine...
Dick's Choice: Tomato Risotto, Beefsteak Tomato and Baby Mozzarella, Oven Baked Orange Roughy, Banana, Rum and Chestnut Brioche Pudding, Caramelized Apple Cheesecake on an Oreo Cookie Crust...

After dinner - which we both agreed was one of the best we'd had so far - we returned to the room and I perused the Navigator for late evening inspiration whilst DH checked our messages and made friends with this little chap...


We thought we'd head to Sessions for a cocktail or two and enjoy the plinky plonky piano sounds a piano bar pretty much promises. But service was a little slow and the piano sounds somewhat sloppy so we decided to head to to the more comforting environs of the Promenade Lounge and enjoy those long-awaited Kir Royales in our usual spot. We reviewed the day and decided to do an excursion in Grand Cayman next time around - trudging along the side of a dusty road to a non-existent beach was definitely not the way to go! We had no intention of dropping tomorrow's trip to the Tulum Ruins and, remembering our early start, it seemed time to adjourn to 8602 for the night...
A great trippie so far Karen.The spa sounds lovely. You could get used to that!!
Another great day - what fun you had.

I have to sympathise with your spa experience - I also had a less than complimentary therapist on our NCL cruise last May. Deb came out of her treatment being told how her skin was fine etc., etc. I came out with a list of faults as long as your arm, dry skin, oily skin, large pores, small pores, lumps, flakes, you name it I had it.

Still I got my own back - whilst Deb indulged in the few products she was recommended - I didn't buy any of the 100 products my therapist said I had to have if there was any chance of looking half decent.:rotfl:

The nerve of these people honestly - can't believe she didn't read your questionnaire - what's the point of filling it out if they ignore the crucial info.

By the way I think you both look absolutely fab in all your photos - must be a lurve thing:love:

I sympathise with your spa experience too, Karen. I have eczema and nothing seems to agree with me no matter how religiously I apply it and beg it to submit! I hate the way therapists make you feel bad about it - I can't help it! It's a shame because it sounds like a lovely treatment otherwise.

Grant Caveman made me laugh :rotfl:

Laur's princess:
Thanks again, guys! Your kind comments are very much appreciated... :hug:

Kaylee: Thanks so much for getting my Jerry McGuire gag! You would not believe the tough time I had explaining it to to DH - apparently I should've gone for Show Me The Honey!??? I mean, what's that about...? :rolleyes:

Mandy: Hey you and Paul sound like our kinda people! If we played Draughts in Diversions and move Scrabble to Sessions, maybe we could try Rummikub in Rockin' Bar D!!? No? OK it was just a thought... :rotfl2:

Tam: Ooh that sucks! Was it an Elemis-affiliated spa by any chance? Maybe it's a tag-team approach to flogging skin-care to those that come in as a couple? :confused3

Therapist 1 butters up and flatters Client A, whilst Therapist B spews forth fire and brimstone about the terrible, nay horrible, condition Client B's allowed herself to get into!!? That way, Client A thinks they're being sincere as clearly they're not nice to everyone and is inclined to trust the therapist/product range, and Client B is now so terrified of turning into the Elephant Man she/he buys a shed load of products too! :eek: Mmm, I wonder... ;)

Kev: Actually, in this neck of the Sarf East London woods (just below Catford) they most definitely ARE. But I was trying to sound more exotic...

Nat: One of my best, as I would probably been escorted off the ship asap! :thumbsup2

Laur's: Poor you! I know eczema's awful as it can be so itchy! :hug:

I don't know where the Grant Caveman thing came from - idiot boy... :goodvibes
The alarm woke us at eight and DH was off like a shot! Beetling up those buffet backstairs and bringing back breakfast before you could bellow "Bacon butties!" Mmm, anyway, after we'd eaten and got our caffeine fix, we showered and dressed and were soon hurrying to meet up with the rest of the Tulum Ruins group in the Walt Disney Theatre. Or was it the Buena Vista Theatre? Can't remember - but whichever one it was, we went to the wrong one first! Ah well. It didn't matter as plenty of time had to elapse before the Magic was cleared for embarkation and doors were cross-checked to manual! But finally we were on our way and it was really only then that I noticed how hilariously under-prepared we seemed to be! Everyone else carried rucksacks that ranged from huge to the size of a baby elephant! I, on the other hand, was bag-free whilst Dick sported his positively diminuitive man-bag. "What were we meant to bring?" I hissed at him but he shrugged and looked more confused than me. He returned to debating whether the strap on his man-bag should go over his shoulder or across the body. Strangely, he didn't seem interested in my suggestion on where the strap should go - I can't think why...

We left the Magic and made our way onto a nearby Catamaran ferry boat that, before long, was whisking us away to Playa del Carmen on the Mexican mainland. The journey took a short 30 minutes and was very smooth. Once off the ferry, we paused to have our photo taken...

...and met up with our Mexican guides/bus driver who took us a few blocks to where our air conditioned and comfortable coach transfer awaited. Once onboard, the coach drove off and out of the town. One of the guides talked briefly, engaging us in chat and being very charming tho' I personally may have dozed as I can't recall anything that was said! I must've just sensed the charm vibes through my slumber... We stopped for a short time at a kind of Mexican Craft Market - ostensibly so we could visit the restrooms but really so we could spend some cash on silver jewellery and other assorted traditional Mexican wares. DH and I didn't see anything we wanted to buy so started playing hide and seek around the aisles whilst trying to keep out of the way of sales people. The experience was starting to feel like a surreal school trip tho' I was disappointed to discover that I didn't have a cheap bottle of screw-top wine in my tote bag. But wait, I didn't have a bag! Enlightenment and deep understanding flooded my brain! So that's why all the other older, wiser kids were lugging around those enormous duffles. They were concealing a small brewery! OMG I was losing it, so we headed back for the coach. Before boarding, we we given a drink of water and our packed lunch - a turkey Subway roll, crisps plus a couple of cakes, and in true school-trip fashion, DH and I ate the lot before we'd even left the crafty place's car park. Very good it was too!

After about another half an hour, we arrived at Tulum and we were told what time we had to be back at the coach before being taken to the entrance of the site and the start of the trip proper! The third man on our coach finally came to the fore and revealed himself as a Mayan archaeological expert. Phillipe aka Pic was absolutely brilliant! With various props and a genuine passion for his culture and ancestry, he brought the ruins to life!




Tho' sometimes the ruins had life of their own...



The guide explained the historical significance of Tulum and kept our attention throughout. It was a fascinating tour and I'd recommend it to anyone - we genuinely loved it!.




The setting is awesome and we couldn't believe our luck when the rain clouds which had been threatening all day, cleared away and we were able to access the beautiful white sand beach, dip our toes in the warm turquoise sea and feel the sun on our faces.




We now realised why everyone else had huge bags. They had been carrying huge beach towels whereas we had a lipgloss, two cameras and Marco Pierre White's autobiography - what a team!? We had no choice but to make do and I spent the rest of the afternoon modelling the latest in soggy daywear worn over a damp tankini.

All too soon, it was time to return to coach park area but we were able to sneak a quick trip in to the bar where we ordered a couple of genuine Mexican Margaritas!



There was Spanish football on the bar TV and we got to hear that traditional South American commentator rapid-fire chant of "Gol! Gol! Gol! Gol! Gol! Gol!" Some folk behind us ordered some delicious looking food but we had to knock back our (strong) Margaritas and hurry to the coach! We were the last two onboard - the others booed and threw empty plastic cups at us but we didn't care! We'd had a wonderful day and with Pirate Night was still to come, the negativity of others couldn't bring us down!

The return journey past smoothly and before too long we were back onboard the Magic, knocking back the champagne in our suite with only a Scrabble board between us. Again I lost. I permitted DH is victory lap but silently resolved never to play in the room ever, ever again. Well, not until DCL get a feng shui expert in to redefine the room's positive and negative energies. As we were level at two-all, I casually challenged DH to a final, deciding game up in the Promenade Lounge before the week was out! He accepted and we shook hands. And that brought us quite neatly to getting-ready-for-dinner time so we did. As I mentioned already, t'was Pirate Night so we made a few small concessions to the event. I wore a menacing skull & crossbones tee-shirt and denim cut-offs. Unfortunately, DH hadn't been able to get an Elizabeth Swann outfit in his size so wore black linen cut-offs and a Pirate Mickey shirt! Once the final touches had been made, we sped off to Animator's Palette as fast as our peg-legs would carry us! Arrrrrrrrr!!! We sat down at the table and Cap'n Dick spotted some brightly coloured piratical scarves laid out for us to wear. As the Cap'n carries a rather enormous head on his shoulders, he had to tie the scarf around his head, bandana style. The other salty dogs at the table didn't think it'd catch on but I'll wager he's as tough as any ninja-pirate you'll meet on the seven seas! Shiver me timbers! We all looked as pretty as a picture that night I can tell ye...


From left to right: Steve & Eva; Bob & Penny; Dick & Kaz...

Once 'dressed' we checked out the novelty menu and made the following decisions...

Kaz's Choices: Black Beard's Jumbo Crab Cakes, Mr Smee's Bib Lettuce, The Black Pearl's Oven-Roasted Beef Tenderloin, Walk The Triple Layered Chocolate Terrine...
Dick's Choices: Pearls of the Caribbean, Chilled-To-The-Bone Honeydew Melon and Mango Soup, Captain Hook's Macadamia Dusted Mahi Mahi, The Lost Banana Treasure...

Tonight was a fantastic night! We were all in fine spirits and we learnt some interesting details about our tablemates. It would be indiscreet of me to name names but, as I understood it, there are those who's hobbies involve drinking around the world and getting spanked by 'professional' er ladies. Then, when it all gets too much, they seek sanctuary in a hotel room where they're happy to pay an extra charge if they can get room service delivered in the nude!!! What can I tell you? It's a different world, it really is...

Anyway we had a fab time, so much so we were one of the last tables to leave and make our way up on deck for the Pirate Night fireworks! Unfortunately my photos were awful and didn't come out anything like I'd hoped so I can't share this excellent event. We were too full for the dessert buffet and rather tired after our Mexican adventure so we opted for an early night! Back in room 8602, we enjoyed a cheese platter, courtesy of the concierge team...


...and took the chance to study the schedule for tomorrow's BIG day!


Sated, we made our way to the bedroom where we wrestled an alligator...


...before finally getting some sleep!
Another fab day Karen, but where are your Pirate Night photos ?? pirate:

I can't wait to read about your vow renewal, your report could persuade me to have a Vow Renewal ceremony onboard the Disney Wonder (I can feel hubby's wallet clenching as I type this :rotfl2: :rotfl2: )

Roll on tomorrow

Mandy :)
fab day Karen, I can't wait to read about the vow renewal, that cheeky therapist the day before, I can sympathise with dry skin, whatever products I put on mine just gets sucked up in the same manner in which I drink a margarita ! Such boldness, she needs a slap !
Mandy: The Pirate's Night photo was bought onboard by another couple of our table - Bob's offered to send me a copy but as I misunderstood his email (honestly, for a brunette I have a lot of blonde moments...) I've yet to confirm that with him. I'm emailing him later and hope to be able to add the photo soon. :thumbsup2

There'll be a little delay for the Vow Renewal episode. I've gotta scan the ceremony photos in and mess around with them in Photoshop. I also want to take my time writing it up so I don't forget any of the details and do it justice... :cloud9:


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