From 8 to 80!Seeing the Magic through a new set of eyes-Updated7/15-NEW TR LINK pg 28

Hey guys, so I just wanted to jump in here and share something with you real quick. A lovely and amazing Disney friend Rob, also known as DisneyKid4Life on the Disboards shared an absolutely amazing thing on my facebook wall today that I really really needed right now!

It's the final Festival of the Lion King show! I'm not sure if it's the video of the ultimate final performance, but boy oh boy did I CRY! Seriously, the things I would have done to be in the audience that day, I would've sat there all day, every showing and cried my poor little face off. I can't express how much love I have for this show, or how much I recommend you watch the video. If not the whole thing, at least from around 27:00 mins to the ending.

The audience is SO into it, and just absolutely loving every second of it, 100%, standing ovations after every number, and just, UGH, I CAN'T I HAVE DIED AND IT'S AMAZING. JUST WATCH IT PLEASE.

I could not have asked for something better to get posted on my wall than that right now, it really lit the fire under me for the parade auditions next month and made me remember just WHY I want to do crazy things like work 18 hour days and 8 hour rehearsals in the middle of the night after the park has cleared with the same minute of choreo for a solid 28 minutes& it's just amazing, it's love, it's my love, and I WILL get this next audition, there's just&.something in the air that makes me feel like, well&the winds are a changing!


Since it was near by, and inside, and it was getting a little close to our ADR time, we ended up over in One Mans Dream next. Obviously, I have an insane love for this attraction, and it really does only cover the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning about Walt, how the company and the parks were created. If youre interested, I HIGHLY suggest picking up a biography or two, theyre seriously amazing!

Best part, in the model of Disneyland, if you look at the backside of the castle you can see a little Walt in Fantasyland&

Its just so amazing to think of how down and broke the company was, but they still managed to pump out some movies, and make enough money to build Disneyland, and then the way that they managed to actually create the Florida Project later on.

Epcot may not have turned out exactly how Walt wanted it, but hey, its pretty cool the way it is, and from what Ive heard, Celebration is actually pretty accurate on what Walt wanted to create, so thats pretty awesome too!

Theres so many amazing things that happened to that so few people know about. Like, most people know Walt, if youre above the age of like, 16, I expect you to know who Walt is, and that he created this. However, there are so few people who know or respect Roy at all, and its actually so thanks to him that anything Disney exists. I would go on, but Im sure Ill cover this in the KTTK update! Lol. It was an amazing thing that Roy dedicated Walt Disney World to Walt and seriously, this attraction gets me so freaking emotional! Thankfully there wasnt time for the movie right now or I can guarantee there would be tears comin from Katt&then again&when am I not crying at Disney&Bahaha.

Our ADR time was getting closer and closer so we did actually start heading over in that direction. I dont think Mom and Anne knew much about our dining plans for the week, even though they were included on the schedule  I made at the beginning of the week, baha. However, we pulled up to Sci Fi Drive In for lunch today!! Im always hesitant about DHS food, but this was what I picked this year, Id like to try Prime Time again, but Mom and I did that last time! We checked in quickly, and had some time to look over a menu before we were called in and seated in a real car! YAY!

I let Mom and Anne sit in the front of the car together while I caught up on some trip report notes in the middle seat, and eventually there was another couple who ended up in the back row of our car. We all liked the look of the place, thought it was cute, and a cute idea, but man was it ever DARK in there.

Eventually, our server made her way around for drink orders. Mom and Anne split a Corona, which seemed to be a complicated order for our server, like, one beer, two glasses please, thanks. I still wasnt feeling great, at all, but this is one place I can get a Cherry Flavored coke, so I opted for that and a water.

Strike two of great decisions from Katt, I dont drink pop regularly at all, ever, rarely juice even, I stick to my water, throw in a stomach ache and a cupcake for breakfast and pop seems like the best idea ever, right?

Eventually, our server made her way back to the table and took the orders for entrée and dessert right then, she didnt seem to be in the greatest of moods, but oh well. Mom got the Salmon BLT served on a crusty French Roll with Arugula, vine ripened tomatoes, bacon and chili chive aioli with a cucumber salad on the side:

Anne got the Shrimp Pasta whole grain penne pasta, sautéed shrimp with olive oil, garlic, basil and fresh tomatoes topped with parmesan.

And keeping on track of my I feel sick so I should order dumb things kick, I got the Famous All American Picnic Burger flame broiled angus burger patty topped with a grilled hot dog, sauerkraut, and sautéed onion

I know, I know, queen of DERP right here&BUT I COULDNT NOT GET IT! IT WAS A HOT DOG, ON A HAMBURGER!! Seriously, Disney food&.Verdict: it was good, not as good as I expected, but then again, Im not a burger in Disney person, Im also not used to the having to order how well done you want your hamburger. Like, maybe it wouldve tasted better if I had gotten it medium, but up in Canada we cook our burgers all the way so you dont like, you know, get sick&I dunno&its a weird concept to me&its not a steak&.

ANYWAYS, it was okay, probably wouldve been better had I been feeling better, I did enjoy the fries. I also ended up ordering a Vanilla Coke at some point because, that stuffs the best. Mom liked her BLT, she said it was a nice lighter choice, and the cucumber salad was much better than Cosmic Rays where it had a weird dressing on it. Anne enjoyed her pasta, she said there was a lot of shrimp in it too, bonus!

The downside to eating at a drive in is that we seriously had no idea what any of the meals looked like until I took flash pictures of them&no joke& Dessert time came and Anne made the healthy choice of getting the Fruit Salad:

While Mom got the Out of this World Turtle Cheesecake with heath bar, pecans, chocolate chips, caramel sauce, and whipped cream

Sorry that photos not better, I was definitely taking these from the backseat, baha! I chose the Apple Crumble for my dessert:

This, and the Vanilla Coke, were the best part of the meal for me! I picked at it a little bit, definitely avoiding the ice cream, and attempting to scrape off most of the syrupy caramel, and just get apples, but it was actually pretty good. Mom really liked the cheese cake, and Anne was happy enough with her fruit. I usually would have liked fruit, but I cant eat cantaloupe, and so many fruit salads are 90 percent cantaloupe that it sucks!

Our server EVENTUALLY came back with the cheque for us, Mom took the bill for tip and beer this time, and after she had filled it out, our server ended up taking the amount she had put in the total line as the tip in the machine&uhm&thats NOT OKAY! Mom didnt say anything so Im assuming it was not a huge concern of hers&Im guessing, I had ducked out to the bathroom sometime while they were settling the bill and finishing with dessert.

$6.25 Corona

$2.20 Pop
$16.99 American Burger
$14.99 Salmon BLT
$23.99 Shrimp Pasta
$6.99 Cheesecake
$5.99 Fruit Salad
$7.99 Apple Crumble

Total Cost:$85.44
We Paid: $6.25 (plus tip)

Food 4/5
-I like the syrups to put in the pops
-Fries were good
-Mom and Anne enjoyed their meals
-I find there just isnt much on the menu Id actually want to eat. A few years ago we ate here and I asked meekly if I could just have a grilled cheese with a side salad...not on the menu at all, but they gave it to me, thank goodness!

Service 1/5
-That just happened
-She did not want to be there, much less dealing with people
-No enthusiasm, no smile, she seemed kinda rude towards us, took orders even when you might not be ready, it just wanst pleasant
-Then the whole bill issue where she took the total as the tip is just NOT acceptable.

Ambiance 3/5
-Its way too dark in there, I get thats part of the themeing, but it was too dark
-Things playing on the screen looped around faster than Sonny Eclipse, it only keeps you occupied in there for so long
-Bathrooms shared by ABC Commissonary which wasnt enough room for all the customers

Needless to say, I wont be returning to Sci Fi any time soon, it just wasnt the greatest experience at all, and it just wasnt worth it. From now on Ill either go back to the resort for lunch, or hop to Beaches and Cream/Epcot, because THAT is way worth it.

We took a bathroom break on the way out of the restaurant, and I sipped some water, wished that Disney carried ginger ale, and then thought about our options for the rest of the day. I knew wed come back to DHS for Fantasmic, and had planned on going back for a swim/nap today, which would probably be the bright idea, but I had a tiny voice in the back of my head saying come to Magic Kingdom&.come to Magic Kingdom well, theres something I dont doubt, and thats gut feelings.

I laid out our options with Anne and Mom and they seemed like theyd enjoyed the amount of air conditioning so far today and were actually up to going over to Magic Kingdom!! YAY!
Nice pictures of the BATB show! I especially love some of Gaston's expressions you were able to capture, he's too funny!

I think costumes of the triplets and a Gaston would be SO perfect for MNSSHP, it would be so cute! Especially with all the photo ops available now at MK!

I just watched that youtube video of the Lion King performance, so amazing. I know when that show comes back it will be better than ever!

Pixie dust your way to make the auditions next month happen!
Wow, Belle IS pretty tiny. You really notice it in the chorus line.

I love your idea for MNSSHP (girls and Gaston). That would be hilarious.

Of course I'd love to wear Move it Shake it outfits if for no other reason than they look comfy.

Wait, the Animation Academy is MADE for horrible artists. Bad excuse Mom.

God I always seem to forget how HUGE Ralph is. Just massive. Haha, how cute that he decided to pick you up, lol.

Aww Katt, I am SO HAPPY that video meant so much to you. I of course knew you would cry. What I find so amazing about it is it felt like the show was closing with all the emotion, not just a hiatus. Just goes to show how important this show is and why it should never ever close. I hope Disney management was paying attention.
This post made me cry a little and just made my day. If that video in any ways gives you that little extra pop in your audition, well, I am so very honoured to play a tiny role.
Go get it girl!!

You're absolutely right. Celebration is basically what Epcot was originally supposed to be. So glad that little dream was realized.
AND so nice to see your shout out to Roy who so often gets overlooked. It was he that made this dream a reality. Those two made one hell of a team and needed each other to make it work.
You know, I've only seen the B&TB show once since 2010 but I knew that Belle was newer and recongized Gaston. All from your trip reports! My brother wants to see B&TB so hopefully I will finally make it to the show again in February.

Your meet with Wreck it Ralph sounded so cute! Awesome that he wanted to run away with you.

I love One Man's Dream. I'm currently reading one of the Walt Biographies and am finding it facinating.

Too bad you didn't have a great expereince at Sci Fi. I've always enjoyed it. We are going in February so I hope we have a good time.
Nice pictures of the BATB show! I especially love some of Gaston's expressions you were able to capture, he's too funny!

I think costumes of the triplets and a Gaston would be SO perfect for MNSSHP, it would be so cute! Especially with all the photo ops available now at MK!

I just watched that youtube video of the Lion King performance, so amazing. I know when that show comes back it will be better than ever!

Pixie dust your way to make the auditions next month happen!

Thank you so much! I do my best to get different pictures each time and I really love the close ups that I've been able to get!

UGH! SO EXCITED! I've found someone who works on costuming for the stage show and she's going to make them for us! BEST MNSSHP EVER! And that's only 1 of three! Lol.

I cannot wait for it to be back, mainly because I know I have to be a part of it, and that video was really what I needed, and thank you! Again! Lol

Wow, Belle IS pretty tiny. You really notice it in the chorus line.

I love your idea for MNSSHP (girls and Gaston). That would be hilarious.

Of course I'd love to wear Move it Shake it outfits if for no other reason than they look comfy.

Wait, the Animation Academy is MADE for horrible artists. Bad excuse Mom.

God I always seem to forget how HUGE Ralph is. Just massive. Haha, how cute that he decided to pick you up, lol.

Aww Katt, I am SO HAPPY that video meant so much to you. I of course knew you would cry. What I find so amazing about it is it felt like the show was closing with all the emotion, not just a hiatus. Just goes to show how important this show is and why it should never ever close. I hope Disney management was paying attention.
This post made me cry a little and just made my day. If that video in any ways gives you that little extra pop in your audition, well, I am so very honoured to play a tiny role.
Go get it girl!!

You're absolutely right. Celebration is basically what Epcot was originally supposed to be. So glad that little dream was realized.
AND so nice to see your shout out to Roy who so often gets overlooked. It was he that made this dream a reality. Those two made one hell of a team and needed each other to make it work.

Ahaha, I feel like when the wig looks way to big on your head, you're probably too small for the role…

Yes! SO GREAT! We're officially doing both of those, and another group for our Sept MNSSHP's!! I'd also love to do Hoop De Doo & Aurora, but we'll have to find time to fit those in!

Aahahaha, it happens so much with characters, some of the time I totally understand, because like, their "friend" is serious and actually is flirting with you, but then it happens with like, Chip & Dale, Donald, etc, and they're all my size/smaller, and that's just hilarious!

I will do my absolute best! I was seriously kicking myself after the last parade audition. It's not like a face audition where you can say "bad casting director day, I don't look like a cartoon, not my fault" whereas for the parade one, it all comes down to how much energy/emotion/over the topness/preparing you put in for it, and it's safe to say I'm actually going to do my best this time around!!

I know right?!? I talk a TON more about that kind of stuff when we get to the KTTK tour! Lol
You know, I've only seen the B&TB show once since 2010 but I knew that Belle was newer and recongized Gaston. All from your trip reports! My brother wants to see B&TB so hopefully I will finally make it to the show again in February.

Your meet with Wreck it Ralph sounded so cute! Awesome that he wanted to run away with you.

I love One Man's Dream. I'm currently reading one of the Walt Biographies and am finding it facinating.

Too bad you didn't have a great expereince at Sci Fi. I've always enjoyed it. We are going in February so I hope we have a good time.

Ahahahaha, classy, I guess I take enough pictures of it then?:p

It was awesome, I love when the fur characters are super interactive, some of them just kinda SUCK! Lol.

Awesome!! I've completed one and am in the middle of a very big one, but it's the kind of thing you have to be in the mood to read! I had been reading it at work, but it's not the book you can easily put down and pick up again a million times in 30 mins lol!

I'd totally go back to Sci Fi, I just need to give it a break for now lol!
Love all of your pictures of Beauty & the Beast! Every time I see this show, I think of Dawn's (punkin413) story of how they were watching it one trip and Chip fell down.

Awww, Ralph loved you! :love: I always forget just how BIG he is until I see pictures of him with people. He looks so huggable! :goodvibes

Sorry the server wasn't really on her game at Sci-Fi. But thumbs up for Vanilla coke! Yum!
Love all of your pictures of Beauty & the Beast! Every time I see this show, I think of Dawn's (punkin413) story of how they were watching it one trip and Chip fell down.

Awww, Ralph loved you! :love: I always forget just how BIG he is until I see pictures of him with people. He looks so huggable! :goodvibes

Sorry the server wasn't really on her game at Sci-Fi. But thumbs up for Vanilla coke! Yum!

Thank you! Lol, aw man that would seriously suck! I've seen video clips of Mike Wasowski falling and I can't help but think how horrible it must be, despite how funny it is to watch at the time lol.

He's so huge!! Lol.

It wasn't a great experience but I'd still go back!
Where I had last left off, the pull of the Magic Kingdom had been too strong for me to resist. I knew that all of us would have been better off with a nap and a swim break, but something was telling me that I should probably be in Magic Kingdom today… so it was there that we headed!

I was finally able to get a picture under the sign!! See, every time we’d come from French Quarter, we’d taken some back road and skipped going under the arch, so it was an exciting moment for me! Lol. Once over at the TTC, we debated our mode of transport from there on in, and since we’d already been on the monorail a few times, I figured the boat would be a nice change!

It amazed me to see how quickly the villas at the Grand were coming along!! And to think, now that I’m writing this, they’ve already had their CM sneak peak, those babies are ready to be STAYED IN! Uhm…wedding…just sayin…

I pointed out a few of the MK area resorts to Mom and Anne and explained a bit about them and if we’d been there so far and we just hung out til the ferry came. It was super awesome as there was this large-ish family with a bunch of young adults, like, older than me, had kids, but not older by much kinda thing, and I’m pretty sure the adults were WAY more excited to be there than the kids, it was super cute. It must have been their first day in the parks!

Few things beat that view!! We were through the bag check and turnstiles in no time and into the park! Yay! MY BABY! With no real plans as of yet, I figured we’d head towards Tomorrowland as we pretty much skipped it our other Magic Kingdom day. To keep with the relaxing pace, we headed towards the People Mover, and right when we got to the line, is when I started to realize that maybe getting in line for and getting on a ride wasn’t the best idea for me at that moment. I still wasn’t feeling too great, lunch had clearly made it worse, and I was in no shape for rides. I sent Mom and Anne ahead, and told them I’d meet them at the exit, and took a little break.

Still not feeling great, I took advantage of the air conditioning, and was sure to refill my water bottle, and then headed back out to the Peoplemover, saw Anne and Mom nowhere around, so I figured they had gotten on the ride, and I’d meet them later. I took a seat on the little benches they have there and just took advantage of the seat! A few minutes in, a couple of little girls walked past and I thought to myself “wow those dresses are beyond adorable” and almost completely DERPED before I realized it was Julia and Brynn, daughters of Jenn! Fantasyland_Mom here on the disboards, go check out her TR’s, they’re awesome!! :

Jen and I had been talking via Disboards, and then facebook about the trips, and we’d exchanged schedules, but of course, I was supposed to be at DHS today, so I had no idea that we’d run into each other! We said hi, chatted for a bit, I think they’d just gotten there the previous day? Julia told me all about her Lady stuffie that she had, which was super cute, Lady and the Tramp was my all time favorite as a kid! Brynn had a Duffy, which let’s be serious, he’s the cutest! They had dinner at Epcot the other day, and I’m not too sure what else we chatted about, but it was still a great Dismeet!! They had to run off to regroup with the boys and make it to an ADR, but not before we grabbed a pic!


See, there’s always a reason things happen, right? Baha. Mom and Anne eventually made it off the Peoplemover and turned out there was a little miscommunication, they thought I was meeting them back on the ride, so they had been waiting for me at the front of the line, and then eventually just gave up and went on, but they did see Jen and I talking, bahah! All three of us then decided that this whole sitting thing was a good idea, and in the shade, and we just kinda hung out and people watched for a bit, and then I asked if we could go see Ariel again. It’d be air conditioned, and I had a post card to get signed! We agreed that it was a good idea, and headed on over to Atlantica!

The posted wait time was at forty five minutes, but a quick glance into the queue and I knew it wouldn’t be that bad, plus we were moving pretty quickly. I was deemed right when we were inside the grotto in a mere 10 minutes…thank you…thank you.

I have no notes about Ariel aside from that, I got her to sign a post card for a friend for me, and that’s about all she did/said, and clearly the photopass wasn’t paying much attention either as those are the only pictures I have. I made the decision this trip to “just use photopass” when it came to characters, and that was certainly another headache and a half, but we’ll get there eventually. So, Ariel wasn’t great, we’d only killed say, 15 minutes, and here are when my notes go blank.

According to the time stamp on the photopass photos we have just over an hour before our next character greet happened. I wouldn’t be surprised if we just found some shade and hung out, we may have gone to watch Move It Shake It, but I have no memory of seeing my Stilts guy that day, so if we did, he wasn’t out.

….worst TR note taking ever…

The next update makes up for it…I promise…
This next character meet was one of those that we had been waiting for, so I think most of you who have been hanging around my trip reports for a while know who it is, lol. I did a quick walk through Liberty Square to double check that the right people were hanging out, and quickly jumped in line when they were!

Duh. Of course this is where we were. Mom had explained a bit of what was going on to Anne so that she wouldn’t be in the dark, and we did make sure to mention to Anne that these were the couple from New Orleans, so Anne had something to talk to them about to!

Naveen was of course quick to say hello and give me a big hug and then proclaim that it had been “SO LONG” since he’d seen me. I reminded him it was only since May, and he asked “has it really been that long?!” I said that I had come down in June for parade auditions, but hadn’t seen him out and about. He then went on a tangent to say that he had been off traveling and listed a bunch of places and attempted to prompt Tiana in saying where “they” went over the summer, but, that was why I hadn’t seen him over June.

We spent a bit moer time chatting, Naveen asked when I’d be back in Magic Kingdom and I said we’d be back for the party on the 17 and then again for a tour and the evening on the 18th. He replied saying that he would of course be here with Tiana, doing meets during the party, but a friend of his wouldn’t be around. He has a pretty good friend that also drives floats, so his friend would be literally hidden behind a float that night.

His friend did like to hang out in the Glen though, and would be back out tomorrow, and Monday the 16th, I said that we were headed to Animal Kingdom then Hoop De Doo the next day, but we had Epcot the day after and chances were that I’d get a little bored so I’d be sure to come back over. Then Mom and Anne jumped in for some fun too!

I’m pretty sure Mom was explaining in this picture that Anne had been to New Orleans, or something about her birthday, or probably telling them that they were on a gymnastics team, who knows?

Clearly I wasn’t paying attention, let’s be serious, Naveen likes to talk so we were busy chatting away at when I’d next be back, and when my next audition was. I mentioned that if I was small enough by February, I’d be doing FOTLK bird auditions, but that one was up in the air right now, otherwise I was waiting for the next parade audition! We got some more hugs, and then were starting on our way out of the garden glen!

As we were leaving out the gate, Naveen made sure to yell after me “Never give up!!” I reminded him that I never would, to which he said “no, seriously, don’t ever give up! Keep trying!” It was super cute, like, to know that I have someone in entertainment rooting for me is just great. The amount of support I have from lovely people like him, Shelly, and all of you just makes me feel all warm and happy inside. I know that when the day comes, there will be a TON of happy people out there! As we walked through the hub, Mom commented that the attendants must really get annoyed with how much Naveen TALKS! And this is something that’s true with everyone he says hi to, he talks a lot! I honestly don’t know how they keep their sets running on time….

Mom and Anne were starting to get little hungry around this point and in the heat, an Ice Cream seemed like a great idea, so we stopped at the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor at the end of Main Street, and believe it or not, this was the first time I’d been in here! Mom got a Mint Chocolate Chip one and Anne chose Cookies and Cream and they ate on their way out of the park. I chose not to get anything. I was JUST starting to feel better and thought that ice cream for a lactose intolerant girl would not be a good idea. I did try a bite of Mom’s though and it wasn’t quite minty enough for me, and she agreed.

Ice Cream Double Scoop: $4.29 x2

Total cost: $8.58

I’m not going to score this one as it’s simply ice cream, and I don’t remember much, I didn’t even wait in the line with them so I have nothing to say bahah! With Magic Kingdom behind us, we headed up to the monorail to the bus back to Hollywood Studios! Despite the fact that I’d been feeling sick, I was super happy I’d trusted my instinct to head to MK that day, a dismeet with Jen and a super awesome character meet, yes please!

With our group all back and ready to go at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, there was only one stop left for us at this time, it was getting a little late, so I think we all know what time it was! That’s right, Fantasmic!! I was a little saddened to see that the ENTIRE middle area was roped off for Fast Pass Plus holders(update as I'm posting this, I believe it's all for dining package patrons. Having now used the Fantasmic fp+ I can assure you they don't hold good spots for them!), I mean, I get it, and I knew the area wouldn’t fill up and we could probably move over later on, BUT, I still like the way World of Color fast passes works better!

We still managed to grab great spots though, so no one’s mad! The pre show entertainment was well, entertaining, I guess? Lol, I won’t lie, I spent most of the time waiting on my phone using internet stuff, after you’ve seen that pre show stuff enough times, it just doesn’t do much anymore lol! Luckily, Mickey was soon out and about and the show was starting!!

THAT FREAKING CANNON. Seriously. Every. Single. Time. It makes me jump!

I at least attempted to get some photos during the show, especially of Poca and the Princesses, but let’s be serious, tried is all I did!

The music was swelling, I was preparing myself for the ultimate finale of my life, and then it happened…I seriously had my camera lined up with the bend where the boat comes around to photograph and video it, and….nothing….there WAS NO BOAT. Like, WHAT?! I was so confused, so confused, and then the characters all came out onto the stage and this happened:

It threw me off, won’t lie, my emotions were so high up there and I was so preparing myself to at least attempt not to cry, and all of a sudden this finale was happening and there was no boat, and it threw me off enough that the entire finale of the show really wasn’t as majestic as per usual. I may have also audibly freaked out a bit!

Thank GOD Mickey still came up at the top of the mountain and saved all the world and all was good for the evening! We slowly then started to make out way out of the amphitheater. I relayed my disappointment to Anne and Mom and Anne mentioned that she really couldn’t see much of the show. Thanks to it beign all projections she was having trouble with that, and add in the fact that it was a little windy out that night, so the “screens” of water weren’t exactly clear. Needless to say, I wish we had had another night to see it again as it wasn’t as perfect as it could’ve been, but we still had fun!!

Mom, Anne and I took our time heading back to the resort, it had been a few hours more now, and since I was feeling better, I was actually hungry, so I decided to stop and grab a Kids Spaghetti and Meatball Meal! Yum!

Cost: $5.99

I thought it was pretty tasty, more than enough food for me at that moment! The meat wasn’t too greasy, and the noodles were cooked well and nice and fresh! Nom! I took the relaxing down time as time to take a pic of some of my pin trades!

I like to think that I lucked out superbly with the Rapuznel pin! Guarantee that CM hadn’t had it long before I got it! Also the EE fast pass! The stabby part of the pin was a little loose, but I made sure it didn’t break at all. When we got back to the resort I also took the time to run down to the front desk, as I was expecting a package! You see, to go along with my Disneybounds, I had ordered 5 hair bows! I had double confirmed with the maker on Etsy that she’d be able to make them and ship them in time for my trip, reminded her that I was in Canada and things usually took longer, especially clearing customs, and she said it would be more than fine. Weeks passed, and I heard nothing, so I messaged her for a tracking number, and she said she didn’t have one, it tracked them til Miami and that was it, eventually, it came to the day before the trip, and I had nothing. I messaged her again and she apologized and said she would ship them to my resort as she lived a few hours away from Disney and they’d be there on time.

SO, I picked two that I thought I “needed most” and said I’d ship the duplicates back to her when I got home. She was lovely enough in the end to say I didn’t have to ship them back, so Paige got some cute bows out of it too! Luckily, the two made it to French Quarter in one piece and I had my bows for the next couple days!

After a bit of relaxing it was time for bed, it’d been a long day for all of us.

Ups of the Day
-Running into Jen!
-Seeing Naveen and Tiana
-Great wait times for all rides
-The BEST ToT ride!
-Ralph attempting to take me on a date!

Downs of the Day:
-Feeling super sick throughout the day
-Only one ride on ToT and Toy Story Mania
-Anne’s broken gun on TSM
-Spending the entire EMH in the TSM queue

Food of the Day
Starring Rolls treats!!

Haha, I was actually starting to think you were in Disney again for some reason.

You threw me there for a second. I almost forgot the resort bus stops changed after this and bypass the TTC.

Yes, Jen's TR is awesome. She just needs top update the darn thing, lol.

Amazing that MK was kind of fluke and then you have a DISmeet. Yup, things happen for a reason.

Good job on the Ariel line calculation, but um, seriously, that's all you got for pictures??? That is not cool.

I always love your meets with Naveen. Just so cool to have a connection like that.

Ugh to FP+ for Fantasmic! That's all I have to say about that.

AHHHHH I love the cannon!!!! Just one of my joys of life to be just about to that point, I plug my ears, people look at me weird, then jump out of the skin while I laugh. Same reason I love Bug's Life.

I would be bummed with no boat though. I have seen other videos of that happening. Not quite the same. But at least the main finale was still there. That would be tragic otherwise!!
I totally agree that if MK is calling, you got to go! I love that you guys rode the ferry over, that is such a relaxing way to get across the lake.

Sucks that you weren't feeling well though. I can totally relate as the Disney food sometimes overloads my system. :rotfl:

I think that Ariel was the same one Jim and I saw in October. It was hard to tell though since she is looking sideways in your pictures.

Awesome meet with Tiana and Naveen! I tried to get Jim to meet them in October but he wasn't interested at all. :(

So that was why you were asking me about the boat at Fantasmic! I'm glad it's back, the ending you recorded just isn't the same!
I love all the beautiful shots you got on your ferry ride over! I've actually never taken that ferry before, always the bus or monorail.

I'm sorry you didn't feel very good that afternoon, but I'm glad you salvaged the day!

I need to meet that friend of Naveen he sounds like a ton of fun!
Haha, I was actually starting to think you were in Disney again for some reason.

You threw me there for a second. I almost forgot the resort bus stops changed after this and bypass the TTC.

Yes, Jen's TR is awesome. She just needs top update the darn thing, lol.

Amazing that MK was kind of fluke and then you have a DISmeet. Yup, things happen for a reason.

Good job on the Ariel line calculation, but um, seriously, that's all you got for pictures??? That is not cool.

I always love your meets with Naveen. Just so cool to have a connection like that.

Ugh to FP+ for Fantasmic! That's all I have to say about that.

AHHHHH I love the cannon!!!! Just one of my joys of life to be just about to that point, I plug my ears, people look at me weird, then jump out of the skin while I laugh. Same reason I love Bug's Life.

I would be bummed with no boat though. I have seen other videos of that happening. Not quite the same. But at least the main finale was still there. That would be tragic otherwise!!

Bahaha, I do spend a lot of time down there! Lol.

I know right!? If only she didn't have 3 little ones to take care of we'd see more updates, bahaha! I was super happy that despite not feeling great I still managed to get a dismeet in and was happy in MK

The connections just keep getting better with me! I swear I make a million more friends every time I'm down there!

The ending really threw me off, but it was still a great show, sucked that Anne didn't really get into it though!

I totally agree that if MK is calling, you got to go! I love that you guys rode the ferry over, that is such a relaxing way to get across the lake.

Sucks that you weren't feeling well though. I can totally relate as the Disney food sometimes overloads my system. :rotfl:

I think that Ariel was the same one Jim and I saw in October. It was hard to tell though since she is looking sideways in your pictures.

Awesome meet with Tiana and Naveen! I tried to get Jim to meet them in October but he wasn't interested at all. :(

So that was why you were asking me about the boat at Fantasmic! I'm glad it's back, the ending you recorded just isn't the same!

Love that ferry ride! It's so pretty! And yes, I'm such a person who's all "i feel like doing this now" and I'll just do it, lol

I'm bummed we don't have more pictures, freaking photopas and their losing of stuff!

awwe, next time!! I know that friend doesn't work a lot, heck, I haven't seen him in a meet and greet since Sept!

Yup!! It was seriously weird!

I love all the beautiful shots you got on your ferry ride over! I've actually never taken that ferry before, always the bus or monorail.

I'm sorry you didn't feel very good that afternoon, but I'm glad you salvaged the day!

I need to meet that friend of Naveen he sounds like a ton of fun!

Thank you!! I really enjoy the ferry, as much as the monorail is my love, it's such a gorgeous ride over!!

Awe, it's all good, and it was still a great day despite the fact that I should've had a nap! Bahah!

He's always so much fun!!
It was a day of firsts on vacation today, a day that you never thought would come in a trip report by Katt…a day of SLEEEEEPPPPIIIINNNGGGG IIINNNN. Spooky huh? Naturally, we were still up at 9:00am and slowly getting ready in the hotel room. Today was a day that I hadn’t really planned a big Disneybound, but I had an animal print shirt, and Animal Kingdom bow, so I threw those on, and Anne actually ended up matching me in the same print on a dress, it was quite funny and Mom said she clearly missed the memo!

Since we’d slept in we wandered down to the food court to check out their offerings but I didn’t really want anything they had there, the regular bounty platters and such, my mind was on something else so Anne and I agreed we’d pick up food at the park if that was okay with Mom. The busses ended up taking FOR EVER, and we stopped at Riverside, then at Blizzard Beach, and FINALLY made it to my beloved Animal Kingdom! I did notice that around 10 there were SO MANY MORE PEOPLE. Like, eck, I did not want to be doing that again! I’m sure it’s okay for arriving later than 11am at AK, but the time we got there it just wasn’t workin for me!

Food was our first destination, which is also an unheard of thing for me, but we were all hungry, and I had my sights on something delicious! PIZZAFARI! Mom and Anne looked at the menu and said that they’d rather have actual breakfast food, so after checking my menu times on my app, I sent them all the way back to Discovery Island to the little food cart they have there for some breakfast pastries while I jumped in line for some pizza!

I chose the Vegetarian Pizza with ceaser salad a chocolate mousse for dessert, and a coffee to drink. The pizza was super good as always, the mousse was super saucy on top, like, Nesquick syrupy and it was gross. The salad wasn’t too great either, but the pizza was the main point of that meal, and I never really like the salads they come with lol!

Mom had picked up a muffin while Anne had SURPRISE, gotten a cinnamon bun from the snack cart. It was nice to take the time to eat in Pizzafari, I absolutely love that restaurant, there’s so much cool stuff to look at!

Bats on the ceiling!

Veggie Pizza & Salad: $9.69
Coffee: $2.29
Chocolate Mousse: $3.99
Pastries: $2.99 x 2

Total Cost: $18.96
We paid zero once again!

Food 4/5
-Pizza was great, which is what you go to Pizzafari for!
-Other food not so much, but hey, it’s all good

Ambiance 5/5
-Pizzafari has SO MUCH SPACE and so many murals and awesome cute stuff to look at, it’s gorgeous in there
-Also because there’s so much space you can have a room practically to yourselves!

Not bothering to do service as it was counter service, and I don’t remember much lol! We spent some time wandering through Animal Kingdom, Mom and Anne were both still looking for hats, so we spent some time in the shops, and I’m pretty sure they both got one this time! Yay! I know eventually Anne picked up an animal print visor, and Mom got a wide brimmed sun hat! Yay!

We also stopped along the route into Asia because THE WILDERNESS MUST BE EXPLORED!! They have a new-ish game set up where you can “be” a Wilderness Explorer earn badges all through the park by completing tasks! I HAD BEEN DYING TO DO THIS FOR AGES AND WAS SO FREAKING EXCITED THAT IT WAS FINALLY MY TIME!! I had heard the CM’s weren’t too open to the adults playing the game, but the cast members we encountered were all amazing and super friendly. At the first stop we had to listen to some animal noises and learn about the forest? Lol, I don’t remember a whole bunch of the information, but it was awesome and we all got stickers and our first badge.

The next challenge was to go over to a building in Asia that had all the “backpacking” equipment up on it and we had to find all 11 or however many items, then go to the next CM to get a badge. It was honestly so much fun and the inner 6 year old was coming out hard core and I may or may not have told Mom that I wanted to get ALL THE BADGES! The last task before as we neared the Forbidden Mountain was to measure ourselves next to the yeti foot print and see “how many yeti feet” we were! Super cute.
Then it was off to BRAVE THE YETI!! FINALLY!! FINALLY!! I WAS SO EXCITED YET AGAIN, THIS WAS THE BEST DAY EVER! Anne took a minute to look at the drop on the coaster and claimed she wasn’t going to do it, Mom then immediately said it wasn’t that bad, and wasn’t much worse than the water ride we’d been on earlier in the week. Uhm…Mom…I don’t know what Splash Mtn you were on, but that’s so not true! I quickly said I’d ride in the single rider line so they wouldn’t have to wait as long, but Mom said she’d ride in the single rider too! Mom ended up getting in the FRONT ROW, so I immediately freaked out and as I was only a few rows behind her, made her swap quickly. The CM didn’t seem to like that very much but it was super nice of Mom to do it for me!

Yay! Seriously, I cannot express how happy I was to have been on Everest! It being down the first day was a real bummer, but at least I knew we were coming back to AK so I’d get on it later! SO HAPPY. It was nearing 12:30 after our ride, so we took our time with a few more Wilderness Explorer badges on the way to our next destination! The one that is to the Dinoland side of Everest had a really awesome cast member working, I wish I had got his name! He was super into it, and was super into explaining how the “forbidden mountain” and all that kind of stuff actually came into play where he was from, and he was super friendly! We thanked him and eventually were at our destination, something I hadn’t done since the very first trip I’d taken to Disney….any guesses??

Haha, I love that "sleeping in" in Disney means 9am.

Oooo, sounds like you hit the sweet spot for crowd arrivals meaning everyone's arriving at the same time.

Pizza for breakfast? It's Disney so OF COURSE!

I think it's awesome you did the Wilderness Explorer game. Any CM that isn't open to adults playing needs to leave. Now.

Ah Everest. And front row, yup I dig that! And the girl in the back row of your mom's photo is hardcore! But she loses points for the Bieber shirt.

Hmmm, off to something you hadn't done since your very first trip? Festival of the Lion King? :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Yeah, Ima go with maybe Nemo.


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