Friends Reunited - TRIP REPORT!! - COMPLETE

Just caught up with this as BH means teenage sleeping children! Seems as though you guys had a great time I'm loving reading along. I'm now off to order some new crocs on line as a means of avoiding the blisters! I know they're ugly but my perfect park storming shoes died last summer at the beach club and I've been dithering about what to replace them with. Your report has spurred me into action!

O'hana is my favourite Disney restaurant of all time :) I have to be rolled out of that place!
The dessert at ohanas is to die for, your nighttime photos are amazing.:)

I'm going to look for some recipes for that dessert :) and thanks Andrea!

Just caught up with this as BH means teenage sleeping children! Seems as though you guys had a great time I'm loving reading along. I'm now off to order some new crocs on line as a means of avoiding the blisters! I know they're ugly but my perfect park storming shoes died last summer at the beach club and I've been dithering about what to replace them with. Your report has spurred me into action!

O'hana is my favourite Disney restaurant of all time :) I have to be rolled out of that place!

For me, the comfiest shoes have genuinely been those spongy cheap flip flops that you can get from the supermarkets or Primark for like £1-2! And definitely not harb bottomed leather sandals :rotfl2: Havaiiana flip flops are great too, but a bit more pricey. I do better in comfortable flip flops/sandals rather than shoes I think. Crocs are a good shout though! And there's tonnes of different styles available aren't there? Think I might join you in getting a pair for next time!

Haha! Definitely needed to be rolled out myself :)
Just discovered your fantastic trip report Bethan ... and now I want to return to WDW. You have highlighted so many food and drink options which I have never indulged in, and it all sounds so tempting. May just have to start planning a trip in the next few years. Sounds like you had an absolutely fantastic time. I know Taryn is suffering with withdrawal symptoms and is off to Disneyland Paris in September to try and ease it a bit. She is still planning to apply for an art internship in Disney Animation Studios in California once she saves a bit of money.

Congratulations on graduating and qualifying as a doctor, and on getting your first job. What speciality are you working in Liverpool. Any plans to return to BCUHB at some time in the future?
Just discovered your fantastic trip report Bethan ... and now I want to return to WDW. You have highlighted so many food and drink options which I have never indulged in, and it all sounds so tempting. May just have to start planning a trip in the next few years. Sounds like you had an absolutely fantastic time. I know Taryn is suffering with withdrawal symptoms and is off to Disneyland Paris in September to try and ease it a bit. She is still planning to apply for an art internship in Disney Animation Studios in California once she saves a bit of money.

Congratulations on graduating and qualifying as a doctor, and on getting your first job. What speciality are you working in Liverpool. Any plans to return to BCUHB at some time in the future?

Better late than never, 'ey Sarah ;) Thank you for your kind comments :)

The withdrawal is horrible - I see new students going to work there now and just wish it could be us again! That's great that Taryn is going for an internship! I would love to work for the Disney company again, but can't see a way how it would ever be feasible! Unless Disney open a range of hospitals or need doctors in the parks :rotfl:

Hope you and Taryn are well! You really do need to start planning a WDW trip ;)

I had a really good last placement at Ysbyty Gwynedd! I prefer the 'atmosphere' in North Wales so much more than down South! But first I must hit up Liverpool for two years - I've been given by first year rotations already. I'll be working 4 months in respiratory first, then 4 months in surgery (unsure of the specialty at the moment), and then 4 months in A&E. For my second year, I know that I'll have 4 months out of medicine to do a 'medical education' rotation in the University of Liverpool Medical School, but am unsure what my two rotations will be for the remaining 8 months. It's all very exciting but super terrifying at the same time! In the future, I will simply have to go wherever I can get a training place - if that turns out to be BCUHB at some point then I will be beyond happy :goodvibes :goodvibes

The original plan for today was to be out of the room by 9am. However, none of us could physically manage that this morning – how lame! Instead, we ended up getting up at 9! I ate the remainder of my Holiday EoS from yesterday – I know it sounds gross, but it really wasn’t! It was even better a day old! :rotfl:

Also, a little feet update, not that you want it! Whilst in the bath this morning, I think the big blister must have popped whilst in the hot water… I only noticed, because something felt strange… I was standing on two feet!!! I hadn’t managed this since our first day! The relief was immense! :cloud9: I changed the bandage and dressing etc. as I still wanted to keep it covered, but finally, it seemed that it was on the mend!

We eventually got to Epcot, took a few pictures and headed over to Innoventions.

That’s one way to get a picture altogether!

We wanted to ride the Sum Of All Thrills but wasn’t sure in what side it was located. Of course we headed to the wrong side first, but still had a quick look around. I honestly think that Innoventions could be so much better than what it is… it seems like there’s a lot of space and not a great deal going on! It could really do a lot more to engage the guests here and get the kids interested in science, and energy and all that jazz! I love all that kind of stuff, but no longer feel it here :sad1:

We eventually made it to the ride and didn’t have to wait long at all. In fact, we’ve never had to wait long to go on this. Do you think lots of guests are not really aware that it’s there? Anyhow, in 2011, Emma and I created an epic rollercoaster called the ‘Stealth Stuntmaster’ with the maximum number of loops and dives and upside down bits possible!! We now wanted to create version 2! However, we made a massive mistake by choosing the bob sled version – we didn’t realise it was the slowest vehicle available! It was still fun though, and we dubbed this one the “Slippery Phantom”! I kept accidentally referring to it as the Slippery Nipple – alcohol on the brain as usual! I love watching people in the robotic arms with just legs flayling everywhere! If this is something that you have never tried, then you really should! I believe it’s also in Disney Quest in DTD!

Introducing the Slippery Ni…I mean Phantom!

After this we headed over to Mission Space. Tanya and Emma had never ridden this before; Emma wanted to give it a go but Tanya was adamant that she was not going to do it. I claimed that if I could handle the green side, then Tanya definitely wouldn’t have a problem – that seemed to swing it for her :rotfl: Also, reason why I love this ride? Gary Sinise! Jo wasn’t interested in the piddly little green side and went for the orange – you go girl!

Our 'mission' finished earlier than Jo’s did. We were without an Engineer for the journey, but I think we made it OK ;) ! We sat and waited outside for Jo and soon caught her staggering towards us! She declared that she was feeling all “wibbly wobbly” and needed to take five! The orange side is definitely not for me – you will NEVER catch me on it. I think it would literally be the death of me! In Jo’s words “the force messes with my mind” hahaha!

Obligatory astronaut photo!

We decided to do Ellen’s Universe of Energy next, partly because it was a sitting down ride and relaxing (for Jo!), and also because Emma had never done this either! Seriously, what did that girl do for 3 months during our College Program!? :rotfl: I actually love this – I think Ellen Degeneres is great, and I just love how old and retro this is now! It was also a perfect opportunity to take a short nap and catch up on my TR journal. This show was a winner all round!

After Ellen, it was now time to head all the way over to Germany but not before dropping by Radiator Springs!

As we got to Mexico, the Friendship boat was docking and we decided to catch it over to Germany. I like the views of the World Showcase that you get from being on the water!

Today, we had an ADR for Biergarten! I had read lots of reviews saying how fun it was and the food didn’t sound too bad either! I like schnitzel, so I’m in! We checked in, and whilst waiting decided to have a little look around the glass shop. It was quite quiet in the shop when suddenly our pager went off – however, this was the first time that the pager had spoken to me, thanking me for waiting haha! It was a little embarrassing as it was quite loud – I rounded up the girls quickly and headed in to find our seater.

This is a German pose apparently…???

In Biergarten, you are seated ‘family style’… is that the right term? Basically, the tables are big and they sit you with other families and groups! That was another thing that appealed to us! We ended up being paired with a family from Miami – I’m not sure if they were too keen about being seated with us… I just don’t think they were expecting it! They were nice enough, but they didn’t really want to chat, and ended up just speaking Spanish to each other and keeping themselves to themselves. Their little boy was cute though – he kept coming up to me and wanting to chat about his knight toy that he had! I think he could have talked for hours about knights and horses if his Mum hadn’t dragged him away to eat lunch!

Continued in the next post...
I was really impressed with the buffet here; sausages, schnitzel, potato salad etc etc. What’s not to love?! We also ordered a couple of beers. There were two sizes available on the drinks menu: a half-litre and a litre. Jo and I were thirsty and so went for the litre, whilst the others went for the smaller size. For some reason, we had a mental block, and I think Jo and I assumed that a litre was the equivalent of a pint… ummmm duhhh! Where’s our High School maths?! As the drinks arrived, we realised that a litre was more akin to TWO pints! Ah well, can’t complain! The glasses were huge, and so heavy! I really wished I had been exercising my drinking arm more! I chose the Pilsner; it was really good, but we were in the middle of a boiling hot day and were dehydrated, so it wasn’t long before it started going to our heads lol!

A half-litre is so much more sensible!

Some more drinks that are bigger than our heads!

This is my best side…

I’m winning…

…and now victorious!

Powering through!

Drunken family photo!

I had two plates of food, managing to try most things apart from the meat available from the carving station. It looked very rare and I just didn’t fancy that today. Out of the rest though, I think the meatballs and hot potato salad were my favourites! I was pretty stuffed by now, and decided I’d hold off on dessert until later when I could get something from the caramel shop. However, that was before I saw the pear crumble and vanilla sauce. Nommy!

Half way through lunch, the band appeared on stage! We really took our time during lunch (I blame the beer), and ended up seeing two runs of the show! It was really cute – they were a German band, and as they played they had all the kids dancing on the floor in front of them. They also all had their own little segments; one did a song with cowbells, whilst two were really good on these big horn things. I apologise, I’m so uncultured and don’t know what these are called! It was really fun to have this alongside lunch, especially with the singalongs. It meant that this meal definitely got the vote for the ‘randomest’ meal of the trip!

Whatever that thing is called…

It turned out that it was the birthday of the little boy that had been sharing the table with us today! When both our groups settled the bills, our server came over with a big bag of gummi bears for him. This was a nice gesture, but the he didn’t like them and gave them to us instead. His parents insisted we take them – they probably didn't want to deal with the sugar high that would later ensue haha! We finally left after two hours – it was nice to just have a relaxed meal for a change! Even though we’d had great meals for the entire trip, we had all noticed that we had felt a tad rushed through most of them. It was just nice to be able to take our time now!

We then walked back through the World Showcase, passing China, Norway and Mexico on our way over to see Turtle Talk.

Duffy was out and didn’t have much of a line, so I just had to see him! Jo went off to ring her boyfriend, whilst Tanya and Emma queued with me. Now I love Duffy bear to bits, but Emma and Tanya could really take him or leave him! I don’t know what draws me to him – it’s either the fact that he is like the cutest thing ever, or because a lot of people I speak to just don’t seem to get him. Emma and Tanya for example! I was so excited and made sure I gave him a huge hug!! After I’d had my photos taken, we made to head off but the character attendant asked why was it just me out of our group that wanted to say ‘hi’ to Duffy today? She made Emma and Tanya go and hug them too! If I was Duffy, I would have refused :P I might be 24, but I really need to get a Duffy bear!

That’s true love right there…

The future Mr and Mrs Duffy Bear!

As we continued to make our way over, Tanya stopped off in Mousegear whilst the rest of us waited over in Club Cool.

The coolest purse ever! Not entirely practical though…

During the holiday, Jo had slowly been building a collection of glowy ice cubes! This was the biggest she’d seen yet! :rotfl:

Tanya was off to buy a pair of Mickey shoe slippers. She had bought a pair during her program two years ago but had worn them so much since that she had ruined them! This again reminded me of that Modern Family episode when they’re at Disneyland! One of the Mums on the show (Gloria) ALWAYS wears high heels, even to Disneyland and refuses to acknowledge she’s in pain to prove a point to her husband. He ends up getting her a gift, which turns out to be a pair of these slippers and which she ends up loving! Jay puts them on Gloria’s feet like a scene out of Cinderella! It’s a great little scene that you can watch here.

Next we rode the Nemo ride before having a look around the aquarium area. We spent a good while watching the dolphins – I would love to do the Dolphins in Depth Tour here one day! We headed to Turtle Talk now, hoping it would be as hilarious as it was last time! Whilst waiting for the show to start, this little guy kept popping over to say hello!

How cute is he?!

This time Crush’s accent…how shall I say this… varied throughout the show! The kids still made it hilarious though! Especially when they were so keen, shooting their hands up, getting picked by Crush to ask a question and then… silence! Apparently, that’s called a ‘Dory moment’! This time we had a question from a little boy: “what do dinosaurs eat when they’re hungry?”. It wasn’t a joke or ‘owt, he just genuinely wanted to know! I love how the kids get so enthralled in this show – they scream as if their lives depend on it when the whale comes! Again, it didn’t disappoint!

As we were leaving the theatre, one couple walking out in front of us really made us chuckle. Their conversation went something like this:

Girl: What was that? (really angrily) You did not tell me it was gonna be like that!! Oh my god, what was it!? You told it was gonna be like the Laugh Floor!
Boy: But that’s what the guide said baby when I looked at it quickly…
Girl: you said you had READ it!!
Boy: I just skimmed it, I’m sorry, I just skimmed it…

And this argument continued! I have no idea why this girl was so pee’d off, but this was so funny to watch! It was like her boyfriend had lured her into some horrible ride or something!! We were in hysterics! That poor bloke was definitely on the naughty step today!

Continued (again) in the next post...
After the show we headed out of the park – we were caught by the survey people who asked us if we’d had any food or beverages at the park today. We said that we had so they asked if we’d go to their little makeshift kiosks and answer some questions on the laptop. I agreed, but seeing as there wasn’t much room around the computer had to leave. So I sat and waited outside in the sun whilst the girls were stuck on some laptop… mwah ha ha! The girls were not happy considering that I had agreed and all! :rotfl:

We headed over to Hollywood Studios as the plan was to watch Fantasmic tonight. We were going to head to the Poly first for me to get my ring, but seeing as we thought that F! was on at 8.30 tonight, we decided to leave that until another day. However, on arriving at HS, we saw that there was two showings tonight, 9pm and 10.30pm. Never mind – just more time for rides! :goodvibes

First we wandered down Sunset Boulevard after buying some drinks from Sweet Spells. I went for a strawberry slush; I was looking forward to it but it was incredibly sweet. I really couldn’t drink it :sad2:. After drinking our drinks, the girls decided to ride ToT. I had forgotten to take my motion sickness tablets and was still very full on schnitzel and beer, so gave it a miss. I sat on the benches and started to get a bit chilly as the shade crept over. I must have looked so strange as I kept swapping benches, chasing the sun and getting further and further up Sunset Blvd! I decided to get a coffee to try and warm up a tad (it wasn’t really cold, I just think I was being a big baby!) and headed to ToT to meet the girls with the Photopass + card so they could get their ride photo.

Next we got a Fastpass for RnR before doing some ‘sitty-down’ rides before dinner and Fantasmic. A line was already building outside the Fantasmic theatre for the 9pm show – it was still around 2 hours before the show started, this was crazy :scared1:!! We decided we’d go for the later show instead – hopefully it would be much quieter and we wouldn’t have to start lining up so early.

We headed over to the Voyage of the Little Mermaid first – I love this show! I love how they spray the water out and then light it, giving the impression that you’re under the sea! I’ve seen this show lots of times – one of my friends used to work here when we were on the College Program, and she had the biggest crush on Eric! We followed this with the Great Movie Ride – pure cheese! I normally enjoy this ride, but didn’t quite tonight. I think it was just my mood – you know when you’re exhausted and the most random things annoy you for no reason? I know it’s all part of the role, but our CM was just a little too over the top tonight it seems, and it was really, really loud. I swear I'm not this grumpy normally :lmao: I love the Alien section of this ride because I find the Sigourney Weaver animatronic really creepy. I think it’s the half-closed eyes and the way her head turns really quick!

(Not my photo)

We now decided to get some dinner. Seeing as not a huge deal of QS places were open at HS during the night, we ended up at the ABC Commissary. The menu has changed since I was here last – there were now more salad options! That still couldn’t convince me to eat healthily though! I had the burger with shrimp – my first Disney burger since we arrived! How did this happen?! I swear it’s all I used to eat when we visited parks on the Program!

After a quick dinner we headed over to use our RnR Fastpasses. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to ride it, but thought what the heck! It will be my last chance for a couple of years! For some reason, it felt a bit slower and more ricketier this time… isn’t it strange how you can ride the exact same ride a number of times, but don’t get the same feel! We were close to having free shrimp and burger for everyone, courtesy of Bethan John! In fact, we all regretted riding it so soon after dinner!

We headed back over to Fantasmic now – it was around 9:40pm, so 50 minutes before the start of the second showing. 50 minutes before the first showing and the line was huuuuuge earlier! We had definitely made the right decision! There were just a few people milling around now, and so we decided to join them. At 10pm, they let us all into the theatre. We were herded into the middle section and could have had the benches right at the front! However, the girls didn't fancy that after spying the “You will get wet” signs, and so we opted for the next row back. I couldn’t get over our position – I thought the last time was great last week, but this was something else! I really regretted not bringing an extra camera battery now!

For the MK post you had Wishes/castle overload! Now I present to you Fantasmic overload…

Fantasmic overload over!

The show was amazing, and I now know in future that it’s worth queuing up earlier for to get a good view near the front. It was so much louder sitting up this close, and some of the bangs… well, we literally felt them! It was fab seeing everything up close, including everyone’s faces! It started to get a bit chilly, as it had every night so far, and we were really greatful for the dragon and the fire part to keep us warm :) After only ever visiting during the summer months before, where it is always hot and sticky, we hadn’t been prepared for the coolness of the nights! That’s a lesson learned if we come in May again – I will definitely be packing a hoody!

We ended up getting back to the room just after midnight! We’d had another great day where again we had tried new things! I don’t know how anyone can tire of this place!
Just caught up!

I love mission space! Missed it on my last trip because i was pregnant so cant wait to do it in Sept! If you ever visit KSC theres an Astronaut simulator thats so intense it makes the orange side feel like dumbo ;)

Biergarten sounds lovely, its one ive not tried yet but looking at the beers its def on my list!

Me and Megan love Duffy ( Megans my excuse!) But DH doesnt get it lol!
Woohoo! I've caught up! It's only taken me three days :lmao: thank you for my mention about the key ring, you've saved me much trauma! I was gutted when Samantha ripped him by accident :headache: thank you again for getting him for me xx

Totally loving every second...I feel like I'm there! I've sat imagining it all along the way :goodvibes I hope you have a photo of this elusive ring! I'm dying to see it now after so many attempts at buying it :thumbsup2

And some of the places you've chosen to eat look amazing! I'll have to try remember a couple of the more child friendly ones for next trip :cloud9:

Looking forward to more hun :woohoo:
Just caught up!

I love mission space! Missed it on my last trip because i was pregnant so cant wait to do it in Sept! If you ever visit KSC theres an Astronaut simulator thats so intense it makes the orange side feel like dumbo ;)

Biergarten sounds lovely, its one ive not tried yet but looking at the beers its def on my list!

Me and Megan love Duffy ( Megans my excuse!) But DH doesnt get it lol!

I'd looooooove to do KSC one day! Might give the simulator a miss though... :rotfl2:

Definitely give Biergarten a try - if paying OOP, the lunch is good value IIRC :goodvibes It's another 'meat' feast! We seemed to choose a lot of those!

Can I use Megan as my excuse to love Duffy too lol?! People are starting to worry! :rotfl:

Woohoo! I've caught up! It's only taken me three days :lmao: thank you for my mention about the key ring, you've saved me much trauma! I was gutted when Samantha ripped him by accident :headache: thank you again for getting him for me xx

Totally loving every second...I feel like I'm there! I've sat imagining it all along the way :goodvibes I hope you have a photo of this elusive ring! I'm dying to see it now after so many attempts at buying it :thumbsup2

And some of the places you've chosen to eat look amazing! I'll have to try remember a couple of the more child friendly ones for next trip :cloud9:

Looking forward to more hun :woohoo:

No worries! I can't believe that I haven't got round to sending it to you yet :scared1: I had a sudden realisation last night that I had put it away safe ready to send and hadn't actually done it! This week I promise :goodvibes

Thank you for your kind comments :goodvibes I shall definitely take a photo of the ring! Although, something broke off it last week! I'm gutted; it's not hugely noticeable but I know it's there and it wasn't exactly cheap so it shouldn't have happened! Guess there's nothing I can do now though as it's not as if I can pop back to the shop!
The show was amazing, and I now know in future that it’s worth queuing up earlier for to get a good view near the front. It was so much louder sitting up this close, and some of the bangs… well, we literally felt them! It was fab seeing everything up close, including everyone’s faces! It started to get a bit chilly, as it had every night so far, and we were really greatful for the dragon and the fire part to keep us warm :) After only ever visiting during the summer months before, where it is always hot and sticky, we hadn’t been prepared for the coolness of the nights! That’s a lesson learned if we come in May again – I will definitely be packing a hoody!

We ended up getting back to the room just after midnight! We’d had another great day where again we had tried new things! I don’t know how anyone can tire of this place!

Great update!

Fantasmic is a show that does nothing for me but maybe it's because we were right at the back. Might give it another go next time since 2 of our group have never done it and definitely try for seats at the front.

I completely agree about not tiring of WDW - i have lost count of the number of times we have been and still get excited at the thought of the next trip:) I just can't understand people who say they need to take a break as it has lost its magic for them:confused3
Catching up before I go to work. Loving this trippie Beth, you make it all so exciting and the photos are great:yay:

The beer steins remind me of when we used to go to Blackpool Beer Keller, standing on the benches singing along trying not to spill the beer :rotfl:

Glad your feet were better. I'm looking around for sandals at the minute as normally we go in Feb but this time it'll be boiling....... 3 weeks on Saturday :dance3:
No one can't believe your ring has broken, i'd look into seeing if you can get a replacement or some money back. They must have an e-mail address you can write to?

I've never gotten anywhere near the front of Fantasmic but I must give that ago one year to see the difference.
Great update!

Fantasmic is a show that does nothing for me but maybe it's because we were right at the back. Might give it another go next time since 2 of our group have never done it and definitely try for seats at the front.

I completely agree about not tiring of WDW - i have lost count of the number of times we have been and still get excited at the thought of the next trip:) I just can't understand people who say they need to take a break as it has lost its magic for them:confused3

Oooooohhhhh - I just love Fantasmic! In my opinion, it really is worth seeing up close, but I love it sitting anywhere! I may just be being over enthusiastic :rotfl: It's also all the technical stuff that fascinates me and maybe that's why I loved it being up close!

I will never tire :) I think my plan is to go every every couple of years; in that way, you're guaranteed to see something new and different every trip! There's so many more resorts and restaurants to try that I'll be occupied for a good few decades yet :rotfl2:

Catching up before I go to work. Loving this trippie Beth, you make it all so exciting and the photos are great:yay:

The beer steins remind me of when we used to go to Blackpool Beer Keller, standing on the benches singing along trying not to spill the beer :rotfl:

Glad your feet were better. I'm looking around for sandals at the minute as normally we go in Feb but this time it'll be boiling....... 3 weeks on Saturday :dance3:

Thanks for your kind comments :blush: I love the hot weather of the summer! May was a bit of a shock for us I am used to June/July/August! Was not expecting to feel a chill in the mornings and evenings! I can't believe how quick your trip has come around Lesley - you must be so excited!!!! Are you going to do a TR or something?

No one can't believe your ring has broken, i'd look into seeing if you can get a replacement or some money back. They must have an e-mail address you can write to?

I've never gotten anywhere near the front of Fantasmic but I must give that ago one year to see the difference.

Wylan Galleries are like an 'outside' company I think - will definitely try and find some contact details for them. It's just a little bit that's come off the ring, and is not hugely noticeable! It's just that I know!
Loving your TR, I'm nearly finished, keep it coming.

Your photo with the dolphin at DC literally made me lol, sounds like a great day, something I hope to do one day too, and makes me want to be a dolphin trainer too!

Interesting fact about the dolphin's teeth, surely that would work for all mammals including us...unless it was a joke?!

Also your friend Nick on the Intern program, is he from the USA or UK? Just curious.
1600 Seven Seas Dr. Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Gallery Director: Donna Gomez
Phone: 407-824-9635

You angel Claire! I'll pop them an email tomorrow - will report back if I hear anything :)

Loving your TR, I'm nearly finished, keep it coming.

Your photo with the dolphin at DC literally made me lol, sounds like a great day, something I hope to do one day too, and makes me want to be a dolphin trainer too!

Interesting fact about the dolphin's teeth, surely that would work for all mammals including us...unless it was a joke?!

Also your friend Nick on the Intern program, is he from the USA or UK? Just curious.

Thank you!! I have Typhoon Lagoon coming up next I think :goodvibes

I can't help but chuckle every time I look at the photo too :rotfl: wouldn't a trainer be the best job in the world?!

And nope, the fact about the dolphin's teeth is all true. I just had a bit of a Google in case they were pulling my leg, but found this page on the it talks about the teeth and ageing in the second section :goodvibes

Nick is from the USA - the Professional Internship program is only open to US nationals along with their extended College Program. The only programs available for UK residents are the International College Program taking place for three months during the summer and the Cultural Representative Program where you go and work solely in the UK pavillion in Epcot for one year!
Glad that your feet are getting better, great photos, I thought the sigourney one was yours and was way impressed...till I read below ;). Never been bier garden but it looks fab and you stole some kids sweets as well, nice one!
Spent all morning reading your reports and LOVED them, the excitement is defiantly building here!! Sounds like you had blast despite your sore feet :-/ looking forward to hearing more!!
Glad that your feet are getting better, great photos, I thought the sigourney one was yours and was way impressed...till I read below ;). Never been bier garden but it looks fab and you stole some kids sweets as well, nice one!

Haha - I wish that Sigourney Weaver pic was mine! And I hope people read my report before reading your last sentence, before thinking I'm some kind of candy thief :lmao: :lmao: Jokes :goodvibes Kids are waaaaaaaaaaay to easy to steal sweets from ;) They must try harder next time :rotfl:

Spent all morning reading your reports and LOVED them, the excitement is defiantly building here!! Sounds like you had blast despite your sore feet :-/ looking forward to hearing more!!

I saw your status earlier! Thanks for the kind comment Verity :goodvibes

I'm just writing a piece of work which I somehow managed to forget and which is subsequently due tomorrow! Ooops :rolleyes1 However, the next day is all written; I just have to battle with Photobucket and get my photos added to it!


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