Fort Wilderness was Awful

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It saddens me to say this, but I did not enjoy my most recent visit to Fort Wilderness at all! My family and I have visited fairly regularly for the past 25 years or so. This last visit (Jan. 2023) had a very different "vibe". It felt crowded, loud, and generally unpleasant. In my Loop, many of the sites held very large numbers of people (Multiple families sharing sites/ way over the "10 per" limit, and 2 or 3 cars). The site behind me held 2 or 3 groups of friends/families that included 6 or 7 infants and toddlers who screamed every single night at 3,4, and 5 in the morning! The same group had older children that circled the loop on scooters well past 10pm singing at the TOP of their lungs in Spanish. (That's loads of fun when you're exhausted from the parks and just want to sleep). I did have a discussion with "someone from the Outpost" who is in a position to make changes. However, the situation at the fort has deteriorated to a point now that it will take a long time to correct all of the assorted misbehavior that has become the new norm. Many of the newer campers simply don't seem to understand the concept of following rules and the result of that sort of thinking has ruined the fort for many of us. I'm not going to fly across the country to be aggravated and saddened at Fort Wilderness anymore. It has completely lost its charm. THEY can have it...
Our first visit to the campground was on the loop that has popups and tents.

Sounds like the same exact family was camped with us!
The singing, partying and car doors banging went on well after midnight. They were spread over 3 or 4 sites.

The FW CM's had did not do anything about the noise.
The group was there Fri and Sat night.
The rest of the campers were celebrating when they packed up and left.

We are thinking of trying the cabins next year in hopes of a more peaceful visit.
Yeah -- I've always wondered -- what about the emotional support/mental health of those who don't like to be around other people's animals? How is that taken into consideration?
Some people are genuinely uncomfortable around others pets and deserve consideration. Folks stretching the definitions because they want their pets with them aren't really taking the needs of others into account.
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Having been to the fort for a month total in the past 6 months, i can honestly say, i have not seen a single DOG not on a leash. Nor have a seen a ton of eBikes. I am bit disappointed that they have banned 'em because i wanted one so that i could pretend i was getting a good work out riding a bike when in reality i was not. Regardless of the ebike issue and stray dogs which i have yet to encounter, that's not enough to keep me away. The fort is the most relaxing place on earth IMO. If i could afford it, i would stay 365....
I have unfortunately noticed the extensive proliferation of discourteous and entitled dog owners throughout society lately, disney included. They flout rules, they dishonestly pass off their dogs as service dogs, and force their way into places where they do not belong, such as restaurants, grocery stores, and offices. They let their dogs bark incessantly, bothering their neighbors and disrupting the peace, let them go to the bathroom in inappropriate places, then make you feel like you're being the unreasonable one when you politely ask them to address the problem.

It's disheartening and frustrating. I have nothing against dogs, but there are some really terrible owners out there. If you have a dog, please consider the courtesy you need to have when taking it out of your house. Please ensure it is leashed and trained adequately. Please understand that not everyone likes them or subscribes to the "fur baby" culture. Please understand that they might be allergic, or that they may fear being bitten, jumped on, slobbered on, or that they don't want to play in grass that's been pooped on, or sit on furniture with dog hair all over it, etc. As the dog owner, you're the one that needs to be patient and accommodating, not the other way around.

Sorry for the soapbox, thanks for coming to my TED talk lol!
On my townie FB someone was looking for dog friendly churches. I agree this has gone way too far. Not one of these types of owners ever seem to take into account that some people are fearful and others are allergic to their fur babies. These (nondog) folks also need to be respected. Leave the dog at home. The dogs don't want to go to the grocery store. The dogs don't want to go to the beach. The dogs don't want to go to church and they sure as heck don't need a Disney Vacation.
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These (nondog) folks also need to be respected. Leave the dog at home. The dogs don't want to go to the grocery store. The dogs don't want to go to the beach. The dogs don't want to go to church and they sure as heck don't need a Disney Vacation.
Well Hitsme not much of a dog lover are you. I totally respect "non dog folks" by not forcing my dogs on anyone or making them come near them if they don't want to. Not sure if my dogs want to go to the grocery store but I don't want them to go so that wont happen, not going to church either. I will tell you my dogs would probably love going to the beach but that wont happen because of me, now about the Fort my dogs love going to the Fort. They love the outdoors as much as anyone and going on long walks on a lease, they are always on a leash and we always pick up after them. We don't do dog parks so you wont find us in there even at the Fort. I along with many others chose to bring our dogs to the Fort and others chose to bring their dogs anywhere else they are allowed. YOU have the choice to not go to any place that allows dogs so don't be upset with others that take their dogs along when you are in control of what you do. Oh and if you see us walking our Corgis ( yes more than one) at the Fort please just give me some sort of signal and we wont come anywhere near you. Happy camping.
I totally respect "non dog folks" by not forcing my dogs on anyone or making them come near them if they don't want to.

I along with many others chose to bring our dogs to the Fort and others chose to bring their dogs anywhere else they are allowed.
The two statements above are in contradiction with each other. By taking your dogs to places where they shouldn't normally be, even if they are "allowed," means that you are indeed forcing your dogs on others and making them "come near them" even if they don't want to.

YOU have the choice to not go to any place that allows dogs so don't be upset with others that take their dogs along when you are in control of what you do.
You exhibit the same problem that we've been talking about in this thread. It's not up to others to accommodate you and your pets, it's the other way around. You're the imposition and should keep your dogs away from others, not rely on them to avoid you.

Oh and if you see us walking our Corgis ( yes more than one) at the Fort please just give me some sort of signal and we wont come anywhere near you. Happy camping.
Again, putting the onus on others to accommodate you, rather than the other way around. Why do you need others to signal to you that they don't want your dogs around them? Shouldn't you just be respectful and keep them away?

To give you some credit, you actually do sound like a mostly respectful, reasonable dog owner that I wouldn't normally have a problem with. Unfortunately, most of the frustrations we have are with people who aren't as responsible as you are. They flout the rules, are inconsiderate, and entitled. Those are the people we are frustrated at, not all pet owners, but unfortunately when we complain about them, other (responsible) pet owners also end up feeling a little attacked, though that is unintended.
Wiltony, like I said just wave or you don't come near us. Where dogs are allowed I will not go out of my way to accommodate you or any other dog hater. And yes I like to think I am a very responsible dog owner for the last 52 years. If you know dogs are allowed at certain places like I said don't go there, if they are not allowed and are there then everyone needs to speak up and not just complain about it after the fact. Happy camping to you as well.
The two statements above are in contradiction with each other. By taking your dogs to places where they shouldn't normally be, even if they are "allowed," means that you are indeed forcing your dogs on others and making them "come near them" even if they don't want to.

In regards to this statement (and the statements they are referring to), I strongly disagree with the interpretation that they are contradictory in any way. However, I would also say that I would never just “shove” my dog into anyone’s business where they are not allowed, nor would I assume that everyone loves dogs and just let mine go up to anyone or not have control of my dog. They are like family to those who live with them, so going with them on vacation is quite natural and they are thrilled to be wherever we are and enjoy outside adventures wherever they may be (of course, making sure to respect dogs welcomed/allowed or not allowed is ABSOLUTELY required of responsible dog owners IMO). And no doubt you, as well as myself and probably EVERYONE on here has, unfortunately, experienced the disrespectful, poorly behaved dog owner, just as we have disrespectful/poorly behaved campers, smokers, or any lengthy list of poor behaviors that impact others when simple courtesy would help. Ahh well, we can only control ourselves and hope others become educated.
4077, very well said.

On my townie FB someone was looking for dog friendly churches. I agree this has gone way too far. Not one of these types of owners ever seem to take into account that some people are fearful and others are allergic to their fur babies. These (nondog) folks also need to be respected. Leave the dog at home. The dogs don't want to go to the grocery store. The dogs don't want to go to the beach. The dogs don't want to go to church and they sure as heck don't need a Disney Vacation.
I agree that dogs/pets don't belong in grocery stores, churches and many other places. However, there are many dog friendly beaches and there are many dogs who love the beach. I wouldn't know about mine as I HATE the beach and will never take them there.

Many people got into camping/RVing to be able to take their pets with them. The vast majority of campgrounds in the US are pet friendly, including Fort Wilderness. I don't think pets need a Disney vacation, but the people who live with them sometimes do, and since Fort Wilderness is pet friendly, I will continue to bring my dogs. Boarding is cost prohibitive and there is no one I would trust to stay in my house and watch my pets. Besides, my pets enjoy being with my family and we enjoy being with them. I do not think dogs belong in the theme parks or Disney Springs and would never subject my dogs to that's not always fun for the people either.

The two statements above are in contradiction with each other. By taking your dogs to places where they shouldn't normally be, even if they are "allowed," means that you are indeed forcing your dogs on others and making them "come near them" even if they don't want to.

You exhibit the same problem that we've been talking about in this thread. It's not up to others to accommodate you and your pets, it's the other way around. You're the imposition and should keep your dogs away from others, not rely on them to avoid you.

Again, putting the onus on others to accommodate you, rather than the other way around. Why do you need others to signal to you that they don't want your dogs around them? Shouldn't you just be respectful and keep them away?

To give you some credit, you actually do sound like a mostly respectful, reasonable dog owner that I wouldn't normally have a problem with. Unfortunately, most of the frustrations we have are with people who aren't as responsible as you are. They flout the rules, are inconsiderate, and entitled. Those are the people we are frustrated at, not all pet owners, but unfortunately when we complain about them, other (responsible) pet owners also end up feeling a little attacked, though that is unintended.

As Corgidad and 4077 said, it is the owner's responsibility to keep their pets within certain boundaries and not allow them to go into other people's personal spaces. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees/understands this and will allow their dog to do whatever they want, which is a darn shame. I move my dogs off of the sidewalk and out of the way until people have passed by.

I find that most (not all) people want to ask me about my dogs and when we go to move out of the way, they stop and want to pet them and ask what they breed they are, how much they weigh, etc, etc. And I require all children to get their parents' permission before they approach my dogs.

As to "taking your dogs to places where they shouldn't normally be, even if they are "allowed," means that you are indeed forcing your dogs on others and making them "come near them" even if they don't want to." If dogs are allowed, anyone going there should go with the expectation that they might encounter a dog. It's all about doing your research, I do mine to make sure I know where they are "allowed" and then decide if I would take them.

As everyone can see, there are dog fans and people who are not. And just as 4077 said, all of these things can be applied to inconsiderate campers, smokers, neighbors, the list could go on and on. I really wish people could respect each other and be considerate, but I guess that is just not a behavior natural to all people.

We've always had dogs until the last one died. We decided then that he was the last, and that was for reasons of our own. I don't have an opinion on bring or not bring.
The only issue I have is when you are at a place like Disney where people are gone a good portion of the day. What happens if the power goes out and the AC cuts off? Not uncommon at campgrounds. Yes, I know there are monitors on phones, etc. But they just tell you it's off. It can't get you back to the site any faster. I'd be interested to hear from anyone about what their plan is when they might be say, an hour and a half away?
Stratman50th, we have auto start on our gen set, if the power goes out the generator comes on automatically. We also have the newest thermostat that is wireless and hooked up to wifi so we can monitor the temperature when we are gone. And as a third back up we have a waze camera pointing directly at a separate thermometer. Of all the time we were at the Fort we only had the generator come on twice for a power outage, the A/C never missed a beat.
We've always had dogs until the last one died. We decided then that he was the last, and that was for reasons of our own. I don't have an opinion on bring or not bring.
The only issue I have is when you are at a place like Disney where people are gone a good portion of the day. What happens if the power goes out and the AC cuts off? Not uncommon at campgrounds. Yes, I know there are monitors on phones, etc. But they just tell you it's off. It can't get you back to the site any faster. I'd be interested to hear from anyone about what their plan is when they might be say, an hour and a half away?
We monitor the temperature inside the camper, but we don't leave for more than a few hours at a time.

We also use a camera inside the camper to check in on the dogs, they are always sleeping, lol.

Biggest thing is, we don't use Disney transportation so if we need to get back we can do so much faster.
Stratman50th, we have auto start on our gen set, if the power goes out the generator comes on automatically. We also have the newest thermostat that is wireless and hooked up to wifi so we can monitor the temperature when we are gone. And as a third back up we have a waze camera pointing directly at a separate thermometer. Of all the time we were at the Fort we only had the generator come on twice for a power outage, the A/C never missed a beat.
we have the AGS system also, no worries here
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