For those folks driving!


Due to the fact that my husband is not a Disney lover (like myself), I am considering driving to WDW alone with my three children (6, 8, and 9). I will be heading out from Bainbridge, New York. Do you guys and gals think that this is a wise idea? I have a cell phone. I have Onstar. I will travel with a first aide kit and my children's medical cards. And most of all I have the most important invisible guest with me.

What do you think?
Thanks! :cheer2:

What time of year are you going? How long are you planning to take getting from NY to FL? I wouldn't think it would be a problem depending on the time of year, although, no matter how much I didn't like Disney, I wouldn't let my wife and children take that kind of a road trip without me. Call me old fashion I guess, however I'm only 31. Is your husband a negotiating kind of guy? How about he goes golfing or fishing while down there. There's lots of both of those activites. That way you could go to the parks on your own, and he can do his own thing, but your family will be together for the road trip.....

Just my two cents...
I admire your spunk! I've driven long distances with my sister and all our children, but not without another adult. I've driven long distances (500 miles or so) with just my son and myself, but we haven't stopped overnight. I know many women who wouldn't feel comfortable doing this, but it never bothered me. My mom took us on many trips alone when we were children, so I think it's just what I'm used to. Having a cell phone is a good feeling. That Onstar sounds so cool! I'd say go for it if you feel confident, but personally, I'd have more fun with another adult with me. My dh does, too.
Corinascot's message made me realize that I did not elaborate enough on my message.
Certainly another adult, a man or a woman would be suffice. I didn't mean to imply that it had to be your husband, it was just he was the only other variable included.

So to summarize my point: It is certainly doable, but my former points still apply with the comfortability factor. How many days to travel and what time of year? Another adult can make the trip easier and safer. It allows for switching drivers, and more eyeballs on the roads, company to talk to while the kids are sleeping, etc.

o.k. I'm off my soap box now.
Another adult, friend ,would be a great idea. If not, it sure would be a darn shame not to share Disney with the kids! Of course you need to be safe first and foremost, but it sounds like you are a levelheaded woman! Take your breaks, break the trip up reasonably, and relax! Enjoy. If you decide not to go, visit somewhere closer first and see how you do. I took my kids on a trip alone, not to Disney, but it is a trip we will always remember.
Tips on driving from the NJ shore/Philly Area to Orlando. We are tentatively thinking of leaving at 3pm from shore so that would be around 5pm from Philly and drive through. There are 2 drivers and 3 children , 13,9, and 19 months. We thought it easier for the kids if they sleep through the night but I wonder how my husband and I will feel! :guilty:Any hints are appreciated. I should add we are headed down over Easter...... :earseek:
I agree with corinascot & tmatthews, if you're comfortable with the idea, then go with it! I've been a widow for the past almost 8 years so I take my son (now 10) on trips alone frequently. I was a 'career woman' before getting married & frequently had to travel alone for business, so the thought never occurred to me to sit around waiting for someone else! It is incredibly empowering to know you can handle things all by yourself. You sound like you've really thought it through carefully - and that is the key to success, getting all the necessary information & planning ahead! If you wait for a man or another adult, life will just pass you by. Since you have Onstar & a cell phone, you should be fine. Once you are on I95, the drive is pretty straight forward. You can stay on I95 all the way to Florida's I-4, which takes you right to Disney. I'm lucky enough to travel with my sister & her daughter (her husband HATES to travel), but I wouldn't hesitate to go it alone as long as I had a reliable car & a cell phone - even without OnStar. We've done the drive 3 times & did not have a problem.

I would plan ahead though. There is a wonderful guide available at - as well as online at that site - that gives all the exit info for I-95 AND I-4, including available restaurants, lodging - even radio stations for the individual markets! With children, it works better if you plan where you're going to stay at night - though for me it is essential because I'm diabetic & need lodging with a fridge to store my insulin. My son & niece were both 6 when we first made the trip & they absolutely loved it. We don't take any of the loops around the cities. We make better time (though plan not to be around the cities at rush hour) and we see many interesting things. For example, when you come out of the tunnels in Baltimore, the big ships are right there. As you travel past Washington you can see the Washington Monument & capitol in the distance. My son still talks about his first sight of blooming cotton fields in the Carolinas - something we northerners had never seen. We truly look forward to the drive - when you reach the Carolinas & start to see Palm Trees - well it's just really exciting. My son likens the anticipation to Christmas Eve. But I truly love a road trip - you can't see the world by flying over it! Just my 2 sense - but I hope this helps!

Jessica :wave:
Mickey's Sister,

".....If you wait for a man or another adult, life will just pass you by....."

Was that directed at me?

While it is certainly laudable to want to care for your wife & family and I commend you for that, "I wouldn't let..." is pretty condescending. But that's certainly between you & your wife. I thought IGDDDF deserved to hear the other side of the argument - from a woman who has handled traveling alone. However, you did amend your original comments by talking about the comfortability factor, which is also how I began my post. If someone - male or female - is uncomfortable or afraid then they should never make the trip. But I just wonder if you would have given the same advice to a man wanting to drive his kids to the World? Ultimately the decision should be left to IGDDDF - only she knows what she is capable of doing. Gender shouldn't enter into it. What a shame it would be for her & her children to miss Disney just because her husband isn't interested!

Mickey's Sister said:

While it is certainly laudable to want to care for your wife & family and I commend you for that, "I wouldn't let..." is pretty condescending. But that's certainly between you & your wife. I thought IGDDDF deserved to hear the other side of the argument - from a woman who has handled traveling alone. However, you did amend your original comments by talking about the comfortability factor, which is also how I began my post. If someone - male or female - is uncomfortable or afraid then they should never make the trip. But I just wonder if you would have given the same advice to a man wanting to drive his kids to the World? Ultimately the decision should be left to IGDDDF - only she knows what she is capable of doing. Gender shouldn't enter into it. What a shame it would be for her & her children to miss Disney just because her husband isn't interested!


Mickey's Sister,

You are exactly right, that is between myself and my wife.

However, is it fair to judge me without knowing my own or my family's background?

If you must know, my wife is a former Military Police officer for the U.S. Army National Guard. She's trained in planting mines, thowing grenades, firing an M-60, M-16, 9mm side arm and hand to hand combat. If you knew me, you'd know my relationship with my wife is anything but sexist.

And yes, you don't know me from a hole in the wall, but I had a friend who drove to Florida 2 years ago by himself to visit his family. I urged him not to do the drive by himself as well. When he arrived, he called and told me he probably would not do that again.

You wrote:
"....However, you did amend your original comments by talking about the comfortability factor, which is also how I began my post...."

Agreed, but as I stated above in my comments:
"....Certainly another adult, a man or a woman would be suffice. I didn't mean to imply that it had to be your husband, it was just he was the only other variable included....."

I needed to clarify and elaborate on my original message to include any other individual. I think it's clear from my above statement that I did NOT mean to imply it had to be just her husband. This is a message board, so one cannot clarify or convey thoughts without posting additional comments. My original statement was using the original poster's variables, which included soley her husband. I noticed it was not complete enough to convey my thoughts. So with my additional comments, is it fair for you to infer something from my original post? I think not.

You wrote:
"....only she knows what she is capable of doing...."
Of course she is. Are you implying that I think she is incapable?
Please read comments above on wife's military training.

".....Ultimately the decision should be left to IGDDDF ....."

Of course the decision should be left to IGDDDF, who am I to tell her to go or not, but let's not forget this thread started because she asked for opinions.

Hopefully that clears everything up. I hope we understand one another and can get back to important topics at hand, Disney!
IGDDDF - I actually agree with Mickeys Sister (maybe not in quite as harsh a way)... but I am a single mom, and refuse to miss out on opportunties just because I don't have someone to go with me.

The drive down 95 isn't a difficult one (we start just outside DC). Just be aware of your limits. We like to leave in the afternoon, drive until we feel we should stop - usually 7-8 hours, and then find a hotel. This way we're able to reach Disney early the next day.

As you said, you have a cell phone, you have on star... what ARE your concerns?
Dear Guys/Gals,

Thank you for your replies. I would be the only driver. I am wiling to go it alone. However, my DH is not smiling about the idea. I think that if he believes that I will do it without him, he might just break down and go. I'm hoping. :rolleyes: I would be traveling from New York. We actually drove to WDW on our first family vacation and flew the second time. Due to financial restraints, I think that it would be cheaper to drive (using our own vehicle) and take advantage of the new vacation package the the World is offering.

Any way, THANK YOU ALL puckerup: for your input.
My recommendation (after figuring out where Bainbridge is) would be 1) avoid 95 until south of Washington 2)make motel reservations: Richmond VA should be about half-way. Do NOT drive until tired, then start looking. 3)Take plenty of breaks. If the kids are sleeping, you will want to as well.
This whole plan would work better late in the Spring, when there is plenty of daylight.
But a second driver is really the best solution.
Great tips, everyone!

DH and I are taking my youngest cousins (9 and 11) to the World in May (hopefully!) This will be our second time driving, we're coming from Portsmouth, NH (about an hour north of Boston). I like that we can take I-64, but I think we'll be able to get through the big cities at night when the traffic shouldn't be too bad, so we'll probably just take 95 the whole way.
Our first trip (just the two of us) was in Feb of '03. Left around 4 am on a Friday, stopped in Florence, SC at 10:00 pm and stayed at the Super 8. On a side note, it was the most ghetto motel either of us had ever been too...there were cigarette burns in the sheets :(
Anyway, we left Florence Saturday am around 6, and got to our DD hotel at about 4pm. Not a bad drive, and we stopped ALOT, as we made the drive in my little sports car and felt like accordions after a couple of hours :rotfl2:
This time we've upgraded to an SUV, and we plan on leaving Friday afternoon around 5pm, and driving straight through. I figure we'll get almost into MD by midnight, and hopefully we'll reach the World by Saturday around 6 or 7pm. We're making a ressie for Sunday at WDW, so if we do happen to get to Orlando on Saturday, we'll probably just stay at a cheaper offsite so we can unwind and the kids can play in the pool before the Disney fun begins on Sunday.
Anyone have any tips or any events they know of going on near I-95 at the very end of May? TIA!
areno79 - we make this drive from NH too.

We always leave at 4AM from Manchster in April and get into Roanoake Rapids, NC by dinner time and stay at a great Sleep Inn, exit 173 right off the highway. It's super clean with a small indoor pool and continental breakfast. With having a AAA card, I think we paid $62.00 for the night. It's located near alot of restaurants, gas stations and a Walmart. Perfect location and safe. There is a Hampton Inn right next to it, without a pool (we checked both).

I would strongly advise against driving through the night though, especially with kids. By the time we reached NC, my kids (11 and 6) really needed to get out of our roomy SUV for the night and sleep in a comfortable bed for some much needed rest.

If you push yourselves too hard, you're destined for cranky kids once you get to your destination. You and you're DH will be exhausted too, not to mention the hazards of driving at all hours through the night.

I've had so many friends try to do drive straight thru only to make their trip seem longer and their kids have meltdowns, no matter how old they were.

I hope this doesn't sound like a lecture, I just wanted to add some personal experience and share some knowledge from others too.

Hope you have a wonderful vacation and feel free to ask any questions :wave2:
Thanks for the tip Lori. I suspect once we've gotten past NJ we'll probably want to get a hotel for some sleep, which is why I'm not making our Disney ressies until Sunday. I'm hoping to make it at least until MD before we have to get a hotel, but it'll depend on traffic.
Do you take 95 the whole way down or do the loop around NY, NJ, and DC?
Let's see...we take 93 to 495 to 84 to 684 and pick up 95 in I guess we do go through that loop. We came home once through Philly, but I don't know which route that was, DH does all the driving.

Do you have AAA? I love them for mapping out our route, discounted theme park tic's, discounted hotel rates and of course the road assistance as well.
Oh yes, the folks at AAA know me very well :rotfl2:

I just put a hold on a room for Pop Century for May 1-May 7 directly with Disney using my AAA discount. $93 a night including tax...not too bad, but hey, at least it's not rack rate :)
Last time we didn't get a Triptik but my grandpa's a truck driver and had us take this route through wasn't a highway, but it got us from having to go around Baltimore and DC. I think this time we'll try to do 95 down, although I hear 84 is a pretty nice drive :)
Glad to hear you have AAA, I think everyone should.

Yes, 84 is a nice drive. Great rate you got for the Pop.

We'll be coming home on the day you check in.


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