? for parents of kids in wheelchairs/walkers


<font color=darkorchid>You'd think a sniff in the
May 23, 2006
I also posted this on the community boards...
DD, 7, is going to have a playdate with a boy in her class who uses a walker and wheelchair. I am kind of nervous about having him here, or even brooching the subject with his parents as to what he can or can't do. I don't want to say the wrong thing! For example, should I say we have a few stairs in front of our house? I don't want to make any assumptions, kwim? Thanks for any help you can offer!:)
Please don't worry about offending his parents. We like it when parents have the openess and honesty to ask us, in a kind way, what are kids can and can not do. If you explain that you have a few stairs, what is the best way to help him navigate them? They will tell you whether to lift him etc. Some kids who are in wheelchairs, like my son, do have mobility still for small distances. Ask! that is the best advice and the parents will appreciate that you are thinking ahead. Also, thank you so much for treating this little boy just like any other friend and letting him come for a play date. I am sure his family will appreciate it also.
Don't be afraid to have him at your house. I would love to have someone offer to have my Emma for a playdate.

Just ask what he can and can't do (but not in front of him). Tell the parents about the stairs so they are prepared (with portable ramps or what ever they may need).

Plan some activities for the kids in a place that the boy doesn't have to worry about stairs. Make sure there is some room in the house so he can get around without falling. And just make sure he can get into the bathroom ok.

You will be fine...he will be fine...your son will be fine and the playdate will be GREAT!

Thanks for the responses! My dd is more concerned with telling me he is her friend, not her BOYfriend. He has a huge crush on her! I need to call his mom today.


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