Love the AKL rooms, but I agree, the lighting in the bathroom isn't very strong!

I hope they sort this out in the future.

It was big and we could easily all fit in front of the mirror at one time but the lighting was awful.

Glad the balcony door got fixed. When staying at a deluxe, you want to be able to step out onto that balcony.

What's the thrill of a deluxe if can't enjoy the balcony.

Kidani looks lovely. Glad you got the balcony sorted.

Me too.

I always unpack too - I can’t be doing with rummaging around in my suitcase looking for my smalls ( though they aren’t as small as they used to be 😂).

Exactly! I'm usually getting ready before everyone else with very little light.

Amazing to be able to see the animals as you went through the lobby. My grandson would love that!

I know he would. I'm sure lots of people have trouble tearing themselves away from the lobby.

So happy for Danielle and her new adventure! It's nice that even though she's moving far away, it's somewhere you love to go and I'm sure you'll see her a bunch!

Thank you! I hope I'm able to make it there often. Once she has some vacation time I'm hoping she come home too.

We stayed in Kidani once with no view and didn't love it. If I ever stay again, I need a Savanna view 🦒🦌🐘🦓

If I were paying for Kidani I would want the Savanna view too.
I’m so happy for your daughter’s new career, congratulations to her!
Thank you! Our girls are growing up.

Andi dreamed of this before she started college, her dreams have changed now boo for me, lol

Andi's dreams sound great. I'm sure she will be very happy and you can still take Mother-Daughter trips together.

We stayed in a one bedroom at Kidani in 2010 with Joe and Jack, we really enjoyed it. I think it was pretty new at that time.

It sound like heaven, so much space and new.

Disney prices are crazy right now. I changed our late summer trip and was able to save 1400.00 with changing hotels and dates. I added 400 dollars for an extra night at Portofino Bay but still saving 1000 is awesome!

Disney is chasing people away.
Congrats! You're going to love it.
I think so too! :)
I hope she likes it. I don't remember Michelle complaining.
Don't matter...

I'm paying for this, so I get the bed. :snooty:
I'm pretty sure there was a tub with a shower.
Thanks. :)
We agree on this.
I think there is wifi on the buses. It may be spotty.
If there is, I've never been able to connect to it.
On the way to the elevator we had to stop to see the animals. We did not have a savannah view but we did see the animals as we came and went.
Lovely! I think the difference with the DVC rooms at Jambo is that you have a good chance of a partial savannah view even witha standard booking.
And of course the bathroom. The size was really great for 3 ladies but the lighting was not the best. I did like that there was a door separating the sink area from the rest so we could all be getting ready at the same time.
The bathroom lighting is quite dark.
Michelle and Danielle freshened up real quick then went back to look at the animals. I hung back and "moved in". If I'm going to be staying in a room for more than a night I like to take up some space. The girls prefer to live out of their suitcases. I also wanted to get some more towels. When you have 3 ladies and Florida heat you need lots of towels for lots of bathing. I lucked out when I looked out into the hallway and found a cart. I grabbed some towels and a CM that looked like a manager. He asked if everything was ok and I asked him to show me how to open the sliding door to the balcony. Well he couldn't open it either and called maintenance to get it fixed. I'm happy to report it was working when we returned to the room .
Good thing that got fixed!
Woot! So happy to read this update as DD and I will be staying there in August. :)
Awesome! You splurged for the grad trip!
I changed our late summer trip and was able to save 1400.00 with changing hotels and dates. I added 400 dollars for an extra night at Portofino Bay but still saving 1000 is awesome!
What are your new dates, Caroline?
Disney is chasing people away.
The rates are through the roof. Honestly the only way I can afford to stay on property anymore is that I bought into DVC back in 2019.
What are your new dates, Caroline?
I have changed to 8/29-9/9. I think I will miss you now by a couple days, bummer!
I was able to use the Chase Visa discount if I changed the dates and saved over $1000.00 moving from BC standard to YC garden view. Flights were also about $400.00 less. We are at Disney 8/29-9/6 and Universal from 9/6-9/9. It looks like it will be just my sister and I. Andi isn’t able to come with her new internship. She has orientation the last two weeks of August!
I have changed to 8/29-9/9. I think I will miss you now by a couple days, bummer!
I was able to use the Chase Visa discount if I changed the dates and saved over $1000.00 moving from BC standard to YC garden view. Flights were also about $400.00 less. We are at Disney 8/29-9/6 and Universal from 9/6-9/9. It looks like it will be just my sister and I. Andi isn’t able to come with her new internship. She has orientation the last two weeks of August!
So sad! I leave the the evening of the 28th so we just miss each other by a day! And a Disney trip without Andi? It will be very different for you!
I feel like I need to say Hello....

So, HELLO! I'm Michelle, or Winifred. I work from home, but work, life, kids (youngest closing in on 6 months) just get in the way too often of me taking part in the Dis anymore. Mom's doing a great job telling it all, so far!

I did want to say that Mom and Danielle had their trip planned and I totally just bombarded it. Now THAT was booked and set in stone before my husband and I decided to take our kids over Labor Day weekend that year. We paid and planned it all 31 days out and didn't tell the kids. At that time, my husband was working out of state and coming home one weekend a month. So that August he said, next month, let's just meet in Disney instead of me coming home. IT WAS GOING TO BE AWESOME. So even though our girls trip was booked first, I get a good glimpse into Disney Pandemic Life before our girls trip in October.

I "mailed" a box to the kids with things for the trip. What Could It Be?!

Get to work, Cinderella

What set Gia off was the "Will trade brother for fastpass" tshirt and then JP pulled out a magic band.

The next day we were headed out!
Since it was me alone with the kids, we flew out of the local airport and my in laws dropped us off and picked us up. But that meant smaller planes. We were used to wearing masks for the most part at this point, as was my 3 year old. So that wasn't an issue, thank goodness! The first plane we took, I had to sit behind the kids and hold JP's hand. Second plane, we were all together and everything was so socially distanced that it was like WIDE OPEN! It was awesome. We changed planes in Charlotte, I think, and I almost left the stroller at the airport. That was close.
But soon we were at baggage claim meeting up with my husband for the first time in a month!
I couldn't believe there wasn't just no line... but NO ONE headed to Magical Express.
This is what carrying all your luggage looks like. blehhhhh.
We were staying at Pop, but ironically, our bus was for that and Kidani, which you already know if where I'd be the following month! Rough life, huh?

We made it to the resort and to our room. We were hungry. This is when we had our first go at mobile ordering. At that time, ONLY mobie ordering was available. Now, we had figured out mobile ordering in Dec. 2019 and it was like we were royalty and only peaseants waited in lines. Now, it was more like an angry mob outside of the gift shop/food court waiting for their "your order is ready" thing to pop up. We learned to order ahead and click we were here as soon as we were close. Avoid anyone getting hangry! This came in handy during girls trip. We also loved any chance to eat because it meant no mask! Closed the night with swimming at the resort to get it out the way. Summertime, still, kids really wanted to swim. We promised it. Boom, it's over. We aren't big resort people. Maybe one day we'll take it slower and enjoy the amenities.

Next day: MK!
Yall! They were so good and sweet this trip. So this was when the buses were partitioned. But with so many resorts closed, the buses were coming quick and often. We never had an issue.
Temperature screenings and bag check. We eventually got this down to a science, too. Spread the bags between us all, have the clumpy heavy metal stuff separate to make it easy. But really, at the end of the day, you've got so much stuff, someone is bound to get searched and it just kinda is what it is.
We're over here thinking we lucked out, right? No crowds. This is awesome. AND MY MAGIC BAND WONT WORK. Back in December 2019, we went to a Christmas Party and it got rained out! They told us we would get a free park day, basically. Well it applied automatically and was technically used the next day after that party. I had to call Disney and fix it to where I could use it later. We had one year to use it. So I had it applied to my account and got tickets through Undercover Tourist to apply to my girls trip. Well this whole process was a mess and didnt like me and yada yada yada, after some time in Guest Services, we were on our way.
Here's the Church, here's the steeple, open the doors WHERES ALL THE PEOPLE?!
We quickly stopped at Starbucks... a sentence that can nearly never be uttered... then G and I were going for the mine train while Jimmy and JP did IDK what!
It only took us about 20 minutes to get on it. BUT IT WAS HOT. This is us taking our time when we finally got in front of a fan in line.
Small World. Family Favorite. Also... Jimmy's mask! HA! We had so many masks packed. And we sweat, OMG we sweat.

This is how we kept cool:
Chilly pad towels, neck fans under our masks, and LOTS of snack breaks.
This is what a socially distanced Pirates of the Carribbean line looks like. And I swear we were so bad at the line thing. Youmove up, you move back. Do you stand at the line, between the lines. Are you too close to someone? Can you spread out from your family to breathe? Can I eat a snack in line? So many things. This first day, it was overwhelming. At one point, I'm exasperated. Jimmy had to stop me and be like, LOOK HOW MUCH FUN THE KIDS ARE HAVING and we're TOGETHER. and he was right. It was just a lot to adjust to when you're so used to knowing it all.

Okay, hear my out. We LOVE the cavalcades! But this I hated...
Our meals were my favorite. I am SO glad we booked several sit down meals. Escape the heat, take off masks, ENJOY.
So many snacks.
We loved these character interactions, too. I mean, I'm ready to go back and hug Mickey! But I didn't hate this.
Then we did the teacups. Then one boom of thunder and the sky fell out. Not much cover there AND THE STROLLER WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF TOMMOROWLAND! I volunteered as tribute. I ran... until I got in the flood zone near Cosmo's and gave up and just walked. We all got some great new clothes and shoes after that. It actually cleared the park out EVEN MORE. It was getting close to closing, since the parks closed so early at this time. We got to see the rainy day parade. We got some pics in front of the castle with NO ONE AROUND. we shut the park down during daylight. It was all new expereiences, but SO FUN. We rode a TON of rides, ate a TON of snacks, and just had fun.

I'll do more... it was a short trip, I promise.
I feel like I need to say Hello....
(youngest closing in on 6 months)
How's it going? Getting any sleep??
So that August he said, next month, let's just meet in Disney instead of me coming home.
Great idea! Bet you didn't put up a fight on that one.
What set Gia off was the "Will trade brother for fastpass" tshirt
:laughing: That's great!
But that meant smaller planes.
Define "small"

The first plane we took, I had to sit behind the kids and hold JP's hand.
I almost left the stroller at the airport. That was close.
That would've put a slightly pricey damper on the trip.
I couldn't believe there wasn't just no line... but NO ONE headed to Magical Express.
Well... to be fair, no one heads there now either.

Now, it was more like an angry mob outside of the gift shop/food court waiting for their "your order is ready" thing to pop up.

Not sorry I missed that phase.
Summertime, still, kids really wanted to swim. We promised it. Boom, it's over. We aren't big resort people. Maybe one day we'll take it slower and enjoy the amenities.

When my DDs were that age, we made sure to schedule a resort/pool break every day.
Made for much happier chitlins.

(And parents, too.)
Yall! They were so good and sweet this trip.
Great! :)
We're over here thinking we lucked out, right? No crowds. This is awesome. AND MY MAGIC BAND WONT WORK.
Oh, no. :sad2:
You just want things to go smoothly.

Then again, Guest Services is pretty good at straightening things out.
Here's the Church, here's the steeple, open the doors WHERES ALL THE PEOPLE?!
Imagine you didn't complain about that too much. ;)
So... hot?
Also... Jimmy's mask! HA!
This is how we kept cool:
Looks effective. :)
This is what a socially distanced Pirates of the Carribbean line looks like. And I swear we were so bad at the line thing. Youmove up, you move back. Do you stand at the line, between the lines. Are you too close to someone? Can you spread out from your family to breathe? Can I eat a snack in line? So many things. This first day, it was overwhelming. At one point, I'm exasperated. Jimmy had to stop me and be like, LOOK HOW MUCH FUN THE KIDS ARE HAVING and we're TOGETHER. and he was right. It was just a lot to adjust to when you're so used to knowing it all.
Good that Jimmy was able to point that out. Puts it in perspective, doesn't it?
Our meals were my favorite. I am SO glad we booked several sit down meals. Escape the heat, take off masks, ENJOY.
Oh! Thanks for that. I might have to book more ADRs. Was thinking of a few ADRs and more QS meals. May revise that.
THE STROLLER WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF TOMMOROWLAND! I volunteered as tribute. I ran... until I got in the flood zone near Cosmo's and gave up and just walked.
Oh dear...
We all got some great new clothes and shoes after that
So... silver lining?
SO FUN. We rode a TON of rides, ate a TON of snacks, and just had fun.
Aw I haven't much time to comment but just wanted to say hi Michelle, great to see/hear from you. Love the surprise trip and wow it looks so empty in MK plus totally with you on the ways to cool down-we eat soooo much at disney just to keep cool lol
How's it going? Getting any sleep??
Certainly not enough. We're up to 4 hours between bottles, now. And teething. He had two teeth before he could even hold something well enough to teethe on it. But he just started daycare this month, so I'm not trying to work from home WITH him and all the challenges that present. So things are getting better and he's getting more adaptable and happy and we're finally starting to enjoy each other more LOL.
Define "small"
smallERRRRRRR. You'll never see me on a puddle jumper. But with the local airport and a few work trips under my belt, I've donned the 1-2 seat rows plenty enough. My kids weren't ready for that, though. But they did really great, and Gia played the big sis part really well!
When my DDs were that age, we made sure to schedule a resort/pool break every day.
Made for much happier chitlins.
My in laws have been on retired time since Gia was born, and they've always done that. We've never really been into it. We nap in the parks ahaha.
Oh, no. :sad2:
You just want things to go smoothly.

Then again, Guest Services is pretty good at straightening things out.
They are! They were really great. My anxiety had just started to creep up, which obviously later exploded in the day and Jimmy talked me back down. We actually ended up having like the most memorable trip. I think a lot of it, too, is because we're so used to having family and help. We love our village. But this was just us, and it was a great, new, bonding experience, at a time we really needed it!

Oh, and the only thing was that G and I were trying to run to Mine Train. So that put a damper on it. But a 20 minute line ended up not being so bad. We weren't sure what to expect.
So... hot?
sooooooooooooooo hot. September. Orlando. HUMIDITY!
So... silver lining?
It also cooled thing down a lot. The rain doesn't bother me too much. We had gotten Gia her first Loungefly backpack for this trip and it was leather outside. She was just a real peach after the rain and we were all soaked. She kept complaining that the rain soaked the inside of her bag. I'm like... unless you left it open, that's not possible. Because, of course, somehow it was our fault her bag was wet LOL. Ended up she left a water bottle in there with an unscrewed top. We laugh a lot about this now.
I'll try to finish up before Mom needs to get further in our Girls Trip journey.

Next day was Hollywood Studios. We were at Pop, and busses weren't running to skyliner resorts if it was skyliner accessible. This was not fun, but an experience nonetheless. So no buses, only a few resorts open, ours being one and it was a skyliner resort. Long line. Add in those social distance lines...
Then you get to the switch station and it's another line all over again. The good news is that it's always moving! This was Jimmy's first skyliner ride. The rest of us had already done it. JP and I went with Mom and Dad in Dec 2019 and G went with her Mom right before everything closed down in 2020.

We had no interest in ROTR this trip, just kinda winging it. Jimmy doesn't really ride rides, though he did this trip for the kids. So there was more of a crowd, but still not crowded, I'd say.
The kids were all kinds of jacked about Slinky Dog. JP was slightly too short to ride in December. So this was our chance. And Gia wanted to ride with him like she had on the plane. Then we learned that's not possible, and I was glad I didn't have to be the bad guy.

JP says he'll ride it again when he's 18. It was a bit much for him. Onto TSMM, family favorite! and then alien saucers. All before lunch at Mama Melrose. We really liked the way you check in for dining on the phones. That was cool, and kind of allowed you to do it a little early, not a line situation.

Then it was Battu time! Jimmy had not seen it yet, he was super excited about Toy Story Land first. Loved seeing his eyes light up. I wouldn't say we were huge Star Wars fans, but enough to spend soooooo much time here.
We shopped, we had cool cokes, we took fun pictures and made friends on both sides of the war.
And omg we had so much blue and green milk. FYI when you get it with alcohol, it's literally just a shot on top and a stir stick. VERY POTENT. so after two of those, JP needed a nap and Jimmy agreed to do the Falcon with G... I parked myself and JP in the stroller in a shady spot near the flacon and may or may not have fallen asleep on the cold concrete. BEWARD THE BLUE MILK WITH A SHOT. But we ended up going back for more (without alcohol) again and again. Great cool treat, quick, so the mobile order situation didn't suck. The kids loved it. It was great!
Another spot we kept going back to was the PJs coffee spot behind the Runaway Railway. So then we ended up in line for that. Now this line was long, but none of us had ridden this yet. Again with the socially distant lines, everything is outside, you don't reach the part with fans for a whileeeeee. But because of this, we were able to take turns going to get snacks HAHA. Probably mad some people mad, but eh, sorry not sorry.
Continued so mo'....


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RUNAWAY RAILWAY IS A NEW FAMILY FAVORITE!!! Danielle rode it as a CP before they closed the parks in 2020. So for our girls trip, Mom's the only one that hadn't ridden it yet.

Then back to Batuu.
Things you shouldn't take for granted... having their Dad around to take him to the Men's bathroom.

We did the Falcon as a family, everyone enjoyed it. More friends were made. Then we did everything in toy Story AGAIN, exept G and I were alone on Slinky Dog HAHA. All before leaving the park to take a boat to the Yacht Club for dinner at Ale and Compass.

except that boats weren't running at this time. So we had to walk. And it was soooooo far in the heat. Heat. keep that part in mind...

We were here in 2015 for our wedding trip...

We didn't love dinner, but it was okay. I think the heat and the day had just zapped us.
This is Gia with her special dessert because she was such a good big sister. The only bathroom was out of the restaurant and across the lobby and JP decided he needed to go back and forth. By the 3rd time she said she'd take him alone... I go check on them and she's cleaning him because he had puked in his mask from the heat exhaustion. She handled it like a champ! He did pretty good after that, too.
We ended up walking the other way and taking the skyliner home to Pop.
Certainly not enough. We're up to 4 hours between bottles, now
Oy... I remember those days. I do not envy you.
. And teething. He had two teeth before he could even hold something well enough to teethe on it.
But he just started daycare this month, so I'm not trying to work from home WITH him and all the challenges that present. So things are getting better and he's getting more adaptable and happy and we're finally starting to enjoy each other more LOL.
Breath. Just... breathe. :)
smallERRRRRRR. You'll never see me on a puddle jumper.
I have literally been on a puddle jumper... And jumped from one puddle to another. (With a very bouncy/jolty hour in between.)
But with the local airport and a few work trips under my belt, I've donned the 1-2 seat rows plenty enough. My kids weren't ready for that, though. But they did really great, and Gia played the big sis part really well!
Good for Gia :)
We nap in the parks ahaha.
My anxiety had just started to creep up, which obviously later exploded in the day and Jimmy talked me back down.
Glad he was there to lend a hand and provide support.
We actually ended up having like the most memorable trip.
Great! :goodvibes
I think a lot of it, too, is because we're so used to having family and help. We love our village. But this was just us, and it was a great, new, bonding experience, at a time we really needed it!
That sounds wonderful. :)
Oh, and the only thing was that G and I were trying to run to Mine Train. So that put a damper on it. But a 20 minute line ended up not being so bad. We weren't sure what to expect.
20 minutes is not bad at all. ::yes::
sooooooooooooooo hot. September. Orlando. HUMIDITY!
I'll admit that I'm concerned about our August trip. :scared: :faint:
We had gotten Gia her first Loungefly backpack for this trip and it was leather outside. She was just a real peach after the rain and we were all soaked. She kept complaining that the rain soaked the inside of her bag. I'm like... unless you left it open, that's not possible. Because, of course, somehow it was our fault her bag was wet LOL.
Oh, no! :lmao:
Ended up she left a water bottle in there with an unscrewed top. We laugh a lot about this now.
I'll try to finish up before Mom needs to get further in our Girls Trip journey.
Yeah, Michelle. Hurry up!

busses weren't running to skyliner resorts if it was skyliner accessible.
So no buses, only a few resorts open, ours being one and it was a skyliner resort. Long line. Add in those social distance lines...
Then you get to the switch station and it's another line all over again.
Frustrating... but glad the lines kept moving.
We had no interest in ROTR this trip, just kinda winging it
No... interest... in... ROTR...
And Gia wanted to ride with him like she had on the plane. Then we learned that's not possible, and I was glad I didn't have to be the bad guy.
That's Disney... thinking of you and taking the fall.
JP says he'll ride it again when he's 18. It was a bit much for him.
Oh dear. :laughing:
I'm betting he might change his mind before 18.
We shopped, we had cool cokes, we took fun pictures and made friends on both sides of the war.

Did you have the cokes in the little round bottles?
Nicely done! Jimmy did really well. :thumbsup2
And omg we had so much blue and green milk
FYI when you get it with alcohol, it's literally just a shot on top and a stir stick. VERY POTENT. so after two of those, JP needed a nap
Yeah, if you're JP's age, two potent alcoholic beverages would put you right out pretty quick.

You have a mask earring holder!!!
I parked myself and JP in the stroller in a shady spot near the flacon and may or may not have fallen asleep on the cold concrete. BEWARD THE BLUE MILK WITH A SHOT.
:laughing: Oh dear! Passed out momma.
But because of this, we were able to take turns going to get snacks HAHA. Probably mad some people mad, but eh, sorry not sorry.
Well... can't speak for everyone, but I think most people know that littles need to get out of line from time to time.
Really! I've not heard great things, but now you're the second person in a row who's said they liked it. Good!
We did the Falcon as a family, everyone enjoyed it. More friends were made.
except that boats weren't running at this time. So we had to walk. And it was soooooo far in the heat. Heat. keep that part in mind...
uh, oh...

And you have your foot up, too. :goodvibes
This is Gia with her special dessert because she was such a good big sister.
Good girl. Bet you were very happy with her.
I go check on them and she's cleaning him because he had puked in his mask from the heat exhaustion. She handled it like a champ!
Oh, wow. That's going above and beyond. Very impressed.
He did pretty good after that, too.
Oh, good. Phew!
Bet you were worried for a while.
So you look awesome with the dark mask and ears... but... Jimmy, with the Genie laughing mask... Nope! Can't take him seriously.
Jimmy. "Feel the dark side of the Force!"
Me. "Hahahahaha!"
Don't matter...

I'm paying for this, so I get the bed. :snooty:

I agree with this too. Bigger bill, bigger bed.

If there is, I've never been able to connect to it.

It is really spotty.

Lovely! I think the difference with the DVC rooms at Jambo is that you have a good chance of a partial savannah view even witha standard booking.

Bummer that we missed this.

The bathroom lighting is quite dark.

It really is. I hope they fix this in the future.

Good thing that got fixed!

Yes it was. We were determined to sit on the balcony with coffee.

These videos are marked private. Can you fix that?

I couldn't believe there wasn't just no line... but NO ONE headed to Magical Express.


Temperature screenings and bag check.

I do not miss these at all.

Here's the Church, here's the steeple, open the doors WHERES ALL THE PEOPLE?!

I' m still jealous you got to go with such low crowds and I missed it.

This is what a socially distanced Pirates of the Carribbean line looks like.

I do remember seeing this on our trip.

JP says he'll ride it again when he's 18

I'm thinking we'll get him on it again before he's 18.
Sounds like a pretty amazing day ( except for poor JP throwing up obviously). You must be so proud of Gia. What a great big sister she is. I love your photos especially the one of Gia using her superpowers on Jimmy.
In some ways I’m sorry I didn’t get to experience the parks during this time though I do think the masks might have been a pain. My glasses steam up here when I’m wearing one and that’s in not-so-sunny Ireland so goodness knows what I’d be like in Florida :crazy2::rotfl:
I did a very bad thing.

I'm afraid that Fuzzy Disney Math has struck again.

I caved and booked a room in the bubble.

My son Brent is now coming with us to help. He doesn't like Disney at all but wants to see his sisters and help, so of course we had to make sure we had the best set up for our only park day. It was killing me that I would be limited on when I could purchase a fancy ride since we want to try to get Guardians. I was finally able to find a room with the AP discount for our stay. So now we're staying in Coronado in the Tower, water view. Now I have to a very short time to research since we have never stayed there. If anyone has tips for our very short stay there please let me know.

I'm trying to forget I gave up my free parking and breakfast.
I did a very bad thing.

I'm afraid that Fuzzy Disney Math has struck again.

I caved and booked a room in the bubble.

My son Brent is now coming with us to help. He doesn't like Disney at all but wants to see his sisters and help, so of course we had to make sure we had the best set up for our only park day. It was killing me that I would be limited on when I could purchase a fancy ride since we want to try to get Guardians. I was finally able to find a room with the AP discount for our stay. So now we're staying in Coronado in the Tower, water view. Now I have to a very short time to research since we have never stayed there. If anyone has tips for our very short stay there please let me know.

I'm trying to forget I gave up my free parking and breakfast.
Never stayed there so can't help.
But... Fuzzy Disney Math is never wrong.


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