"Five Mickey bars hit you like two glasses of wine!" a Jan 2019 adults-only TR *COMPLETED* 6/25


Wow I uhhh really left you hanging there. My bad. Life and work and trip planning all got in the way of TR updates but hey I never said I was perfect.

So our next park for the day was….

Hollywood Studios!

We had time until our ToT FP (which we had snagged once we got off of Space Mtn) and the line for Star Tours was shorter than a Wookie’s tail (I’ll give you a minute to figure that one out….) so we rode that, then we made our way into Toy Story Land.

This moment was exciting because all of TSL was completely new for all four of us, so it was fun to see it all for the first time together. Usually what happens is that I experience something for the first time by myself, then I drag Jon along and get to watch him experience it for the first time. (I actually could have gone to see TSL during my birthday trip but I resisted, knowing that it would be special to see it this way instead. Feel free to applaud my incredible self-restraint).

And it’s so cute! The details are awesome, like the footprints in the ground and all the toys scattered around. Probably my favorite part is that they used Kenex for the fencing, because I grew up playing with my brother’s Kenex all the time (not sure why I never asked for any of my own…). We didn’t have any FPs, so we really just looked around and pointed and said things like “oh cool that’s neat.”

[Is this the Tangled sun??]

The group decided that they wanted to watch the Indiana Jones stunt show that was about to start. Jon and I hadn’t seen it in several years and I don’t think P&A had ever seen it so it was fun to watch it again. Although I’m glad that it’s getting changed up. The fake audience member is really only funny the first time.

After being thoroughly impressed by explosions and stage punching, it was time to get our rock and roll on. We made our way to downtown LA for a high speed limo adventure on Jon’s favorite ride- Rock N Roller Coaster.

Two things in this queue were awesome: 1. I realized for the first time that the pillars in the room right before the FP merge points are guitar necks. How have I never noticed that?? And 2. There’s a poster in there for a venue on Sunset Boulevard called Whisky A Go Go, and Jon’s band played there on tour once so I made him stop and get a picture.

[Yep this one's a keeper]

When we finally got parked for the show (honestly impressed by the flexibility of that super stretch) our room was waiting for us across the way in the Twilight Zone.

Our plans for the rest of the night were dinner and then Fantasmic, but first I needed to stop for some popcorn. While I was in line the woman behind me coughed and I felt her spit hit my leg. An actual fleck of a stranger’s saliva made contact with my leg skin. It was one of the more disgusting moments of the trip (and that’s including that lovely night spent in the bath tub).

We decided on ABC Commissary for dinner but I wasn’t really feeling anything on the menu. So naturally I got the outrageous looking burger.

This was called the southwest burger and the nice thing is if you find a better burger there’s no charge to change it (little bit of airline humor to keep things spicy in here). But for real it was fine. The seasoned potato wedges were really good. And now that’s what I’m hardcore craving.

P&A were feeling a funnel cake to take to Fantasmic so we stopped at the funnel cake stand. Jon couldn’t resist the cookies and cream funnel cake. It sounded good, but I didn’t like how soggy the ice cream made the center funnel cake. Jon didn’t mind though so I ate the dry bits around the outside and he ate in the center. (#teamwork)

[Why get a normal, boring funnel cake when you can get one with ice cream that looks like Mickey?]

We power walked over to the amphitheater (while eating funnel cakes, which is a combo that I do not recommend). We got there with about 10 minutes to spare and had a decent view of the show. It was my first time seeing it since 2015 (every trip I always put it on the plan but end up skipping it to go watch HEA instead) so it was nice to watch again.

After a great show we shuffled out with the crowd and caught the tail end of the Star Wars show from the street. And after that it was back to our resorts to get rested up for another day of adventures and shenanigans.


but hey I never said I was perfect.

Are you sure? I could've sworn I read that earlier. Huh.

So our next park for the day was….


Sea World?

Hollywood Studios!

Oh! I was this close!

shorter than a Wookie’s tail (I’ll give you a minute to figure that one out….)

What the heck!!!


This moment was exciting because all of TSL was completely new for all four of us,


(I actually could have gone to see TSL during my birthday trip but I resisted, knowing that it would be special to see it this way instead. Feel free to applaud my incredible self-restraint).

And it’s so cute!


like the footprints in the ground and all the toys scattered around.

Kinda loving that. :)

I grew up playing with my brother’s Kenex all the time (not sure why I never asked for any of my own…).

Because your parents thought "She can play with her brother's..."

Although I’m glad that it’s getting changed up.

Oh? Hadn't hear that.

The fake audience member is really only funny the first time.

Yes. Agree completely.

1. I realized for the first time that the pillars in the room right before the FP merge points are guitar necks.

::yes:: so many instrument/music touches in there.

There’s a poster in there for a venue on Sunset Boulevard called Whisky A Go Go, and Jon’s band played there on tour once so I made him stop and get a picture.

How cool is that! Great photo op!

:laughing: Great contrast of photos.

When we finally got parked for the show (honestly impressed by the flexibility of that super stretch)

It's like those long bendy/accordion busses they have now.

Another great photo with lots going on. :laughing:

While I was in line the woman behind me coughed and I felt her spit hit my leg. An actual fleck of a stranger’s saliva made contact with my leg skin. It was one of the more disgusting moments of the trip (and that’s including that lovely night spent in the bath tub).

Ew... sooooooooo gross! :crazy2:

We decided on ABC Commissary for dinner but I wasn’t really feeling anything on the menu.

Loss of appetite from the cough?

So naturally I got the outrageous looking burger.

Appetite back!

This was called the southwest burger and the nice thing is if you find a better burger there’s no charge to change it (little bit of airline humor to keep things spicy in here).


It sounded good, but I didn’t like how soggy the ice cream made the center funnel cake.

Which is why I'll never do it.

Nice shot. :)
The difference between kid-less adults and parents: I get coughed on all the time. Usually by my own kids, often by my friends' kids. As long as it's not directly into my face, I consider it a win. Now, they aren't total strangers, sure, but it's usually much more of a direct shot than the back of a leg.

That funnel cake looks so good!! I really wanted to get one but every time we were in that part of the park, the line was insane or we had just eaten. Next time...
Oooo that funnel cake looks yummy! I don't think I knew that they did that lol

Also, that was some major restraint not going to TSL without DH! I don't know that I could have done that lol

[Is this the Tangled sun??]
I was wondering the same thing!!!

You win for amazing ride photos!! :) This one is just great!

After a great show we shuffled out with the crowd and caught the tail end of the Star Wars show from the street. And after that it was back to our resorts to get rested up for another day of adventures and shenanigans.
After a "great" show...I'm always hesitant to call the Walt Disney World Fantasmic a "great" show. :D :rotfl2:

Great update! Finally getting caught up on my Trip Report reading! :)
Ew! Ew! Ew! I do not want anyone's bodily fluids hitting me and I would have had to slather myself in hand sanitizer or something.
Oh I definitely wanted to. It was soooo icky.

I could've sworn I read that earlier.
Nope! I mean...pretty darn close, though...

Oh! I was this close!
Ooo you would have got it next time, I'm sure.

Because your parents thought "She can play with her brother's..."
But this is AMERICA and I DEMAND my OWN!

so many instrument/music touches in there.
Of course Disney would do that!

How cool is that! Great photo op!
I thought so. Jon wasn't as enthused.

It's like those long bendy/accordion busses they have now.
Yes! I stood on the bendy part of those for a bus ride once and it was strange.

Appetite back!
Exactly. Even a stranger's saliva couldn't keep me away from dinner.

Nice shot.
It's so moody!

The difference between kid-less adults and parents: I get coughed on all the time. Usually by my own kids, often by my friends' kids. As long as it's not directly into my face, I consider it a win. Now, they aren't total strangers, sure, but it's usually much more of a direct shot than the back of a leg.
I spend a fair amount around kids and I gotta say there's definitely something different about being spit on by a grown adult :P

That funnel cake looks so good!! I really wanted to get one but every time we were in that part of the park, the line was insane or we had just eaten. Next time...
It was yummy! Hope you get a chance to indulge soon!!

I am cringing at the spit on your leg...gross moment!

Otherwise sounds like a great time at DHS!
Yes, luckily it didn't ruin my night :P

Also, that was some major restraint not going to TSL without DH! I don't know that I could have done that lol
Right?? The things we do for love...

I was wondering the same thing!!!
So it must be!

You win for amazing ride photos!! :) This one is just great!
P&A really made them come alive!

After a "great" show...I'm always hesitant to call the Walt Disney World Fantasmic a "great" show
How did I know you would say that? hahaha
Ooo you would have got it next time, I'm sure.

Oh for sure, I'm very obser...

But this is AMERICA and I DEMAND my OWN!

(This is Canada... and we apologize.)

I thought so. Jon wasn't as enthused.

Kick him out! Get a Disney Prince!

Yes! I stood on the bendy part of those for a bus ride once and it was strange.

I once saw a movie where a man and a woman did that and that's how they got talking... they kept meeting and then being moved apart... meet... move apart... meet...

Exactly. Even a stranger's saliva couldn't keep me away from dinner.

I've been stalking these boards for a few months, but FINALLY signed up so I could comment on your trip reports. :teeth: I LOVE your style of doing Disney! I have a trip coming up in September (planned BEFORE I knew I'd be fighting the Star Wars crowds. D'oh!)....and your reports have helped me think more creatively about poses for ride pictures. Yay!!! Thank you!!!!
I've been stalking these boards for a few months, but FINALLY signed up so I could comment on your trip reports. :teeth: I LOVE your style of doing Disney! I have a trip coming up in September (planned BEFORE I knew I'd be fighting the Star Wars crowds. D'oh!)....and your reports have helped me think more creatively about poses for ride pictures. Yay!!! Thank you!!!!

Okay wow I feel so honored to be the catalyst for your Dis membership!! So glad I can help inspire you. You are going to have so much fun in your trip- even with the Star Wars craziness!


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