Fit Before 50: Barb's Journal to a Slimmer, Healthier Self

hope everything is going well...checking in one last before vaca...will catch up with your journal when i get back...keep at it, you've been doing so great!
Ack, I can't believe it's been a while since I checked in! I've been very busy with my jobs and then I went to a Disney media event for Flower & Garden yesterday. It ended with a luncheon at Tutto Italia that was not very dietary but I did choose a veggie and cheese panini that was much lighter than the tempting lasagna etc. everyone else was noshing on.

I recommend Demand Studios to anyone who likes to's not really passive income unless you do some of their rev share articles, but you can do the flat fee ones in your space time and rack up decent $$. Right now I make a minimum of $1000 a month there and sometimes closer to $2000 or $3000, but I've been writing for them for a long while and was included in a special travel project. You only have access to certain lower-paying titles when you first start out. They can be picky about hiring and also in approving the article but you can learn what they want pretty quickly.

I haven't been keeping up with my exercise like I should so I'm cracking the whip big time this coming week.
I haven't been very good on the exercise part either Barb....But, today is a new week, a new month, and it's time to get back on the bandwagon!!! :) Ya with me???

Good job choosing the healthiest option at Tutto you had available. You'll get back on track with exercise, sometimes life just gets too hectic!

That is awesome you make that much money with your blogging. I am impressed!
Hi Barb,

Just checking in to see how you were doing. I haven't been keeping up with my exercise either this past week. Wonder if it's something to do with this time of year?

Your blog sounds interesting - I'll have to check it out!
Thanks for the info about Demand Studios. :goodvibes That is wonderful that you make that much money blogging!:thumbsup2

You did a great job at Tutto!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a wonderful day!:hug:
So, did you work out today?? I know you can get back into the swing of things! :goodvibes
Yep, forced myself to work out as soon as I got up. Mainly did strength training; am hoping to get out walking this week but if not I'll kick up the in-home cardio. I might do WATP tonight. I'm with you, Bouncycat!

Demand Studios is a little different than blogging. They own sites like eHow and Livestrong so you choose topics they give you to write about and write them in specific formats. They also just partnered with a major newspaper (can't say the name yet as they are finalizing the contract but let's just say I'm very excited) so the Disney articles I'm doing for their travel project will go on the paper's website.

We leave for our cruise on Sat. and I am going to bring some exercise DVDs. DH said we can just bring his laptop to the gym so we have space and see if anyone wants to join us, hee hee. Our neighbors are sailing with us when we do the Wonder in May, so that will be fun.
Congrats on getting in a workout! Enjoy your upcoming cruise!
Cool, glad you got a work out in....I went shopping!! LOL Worked out my checkbook!! LOL I close tomorrow, so back on the treadmill once ds gets on the bus, if my face allows me!! DS fractured my nose at AK yesterday!!! Nice huh?
Great job getting your workout in, Barb!:cheer2:

Thanks again for the info on Demand Studios. :goodvibes I'll look into it soon.

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
I was bad yesterday and gave in to hormonal chocolate cravings with my favorite Publix cookies. I know better...that is what my yogurt with cookie bits is for...but I swear I could hear them calling me.

Oh well, got in a good WATP workout this morning that I enhanced with my weights and a faster pace. My weight is up a couple pounds but it can't be the cookies yet so I figure it's bloat...ugh. Oh well, at least that means it will go away quickly.
I wouldn't worry too much about the cookies. I think it was Jillian Micheals as well as some people on WISH/Dis who have said that a higher calorie day can be a good thing one in a while.

Which WATP do you have? I have the 5 mile one and am thinking about buying another one. TIA!

Barb, I thing sometimes its better to give into a craving (esp a hormonal one) and to get it out of the way before it becomes a big issue. Substitutes work well most of the time, but sometimes only the real thing will do!

You got in your exercise and that is the most important thing!:thumbsup2
No worries on the chocolate cookies, Barb. Like Amy said, I think sometimes it's best to give into the craving before it turns into something bigger.

Great job getting your WATP in yesterday!:cheer2: I really do enjoy those workouts. :goodvibes

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Just wanted to say bye bye for the next week as we're getting ready to head to Port Canaveral for the Disney Magic. I have given DH full permission to hound me on workouts.
Barb, have fun! I know you'll work out while you're on the ship!

You must be on a seven day if you're on the Magic. Enjoy, I am so envious!


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