"First rule of leadership, Princess...." ~Overdosing on Ice Cream


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2006
Super quick hit list of who is who, real introductions to follow later-
Me- Michelle
DH- David
My Aunt- Aunt Pat
DD- Daisy
DS- Joey
DS- Adam

Pre-Trip Chapter 1- The Birth of an OCDTP that's Obsessive Compulsive Disney Trip Planner

"The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." -The Lion King

We have to go backwards to go forwards so here we go-

February 2006 David and I decide it is time to keep the promise we made to ourselves and take the kids to Disneyland. Being in Washington State going to California is a much more logical choice than Disney World. We decide to go June 2006. My OCDTP is born. David took care of transportation and lodging which left me to research all the various activities we could do. My mom and my aunt joined us on this trip and it really was a great trip.

However there were lessons learned.

Lesson One- Non stop commando style touring even with a fabulous Ridemax touring plan makes for short tempers and crabby people.

Lesson Two- Trying to do to many different activities lessens the enjoyment of all of them- ie Do not shedule an early am character breakfast, followed by a full day at Universal Studios, followed by a midnight premier of Cars in Hollywood. Half of your party will fall asleep during the movie.

Lesson Three- Most of the time just Disney is enough.

Lesson Four- You can't do it all! Which means you always have a reason to go back.

Once we returned from our June trip both my aunt and I were left with a sense of dissatisfaction and a desire to quickly return to Disneyland. So on the 4th of July we secretly booked a return trip to Disneyland for Halloween 2006. We decided we needed to try staying on property and booked two rooms at The Grand Californian. This trip included David & I, our three kids, my aunt, my brother and my niece. My brother had just announced his divorce and this trip was a great distraction for him and my niece. The trip was absolutely wonderful. So many high points- Trick or Treating during Mickey's Halloween Treat at California Adventure on Halloween night. Walking into the courtyard November first to the overnight change from Halloween decor to Christmas. Disney Magic!

Lessons learned on this trip-

Lesson One- Staying on property is better.

Lesson Two- Afternoon breaks are great. The kids loved the time to swim in the pool.

Lesson Three- They sell margaritas in California Adventure.

Lesson Four- Do Not do your shopping on your last day after you have already packed.

Pre-Trip Report
"So what you want I should dress in drag and do a hula?"

Ch. 2 Disney World? But I just learned how to do Disneyland!
Ch. 3 The Stork Bites
Ch. 4 The Fashion Police or Am I to Controlling?
Ch. 5 Cinderella! Rafiki! ADRs! OH MY!
Ch. 6 Disney World Training
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 1
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 2
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 3
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 4
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 5
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 6
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 7
Choose Your Own Adventure Part 8
Ch. 7 Joey Goes on Strike
Ch. 8 Aunt Pat Saves the Day
Pictures of the Pay Off
Ch. 9 Disney Fog Causes Accident
Ch. 10 The Disney Silver Lining
Ch. 11 It's a Disney Day

Trip Report: "First rule of leadership, Princess. EVERYTHING is your fault."

Ch. 1 Our Trip Finally Begins
Ch. 2 Fly By Night
Ch. 3 Temper Tantrums are not Magical
Ch. 4 "It Looks Animated."
Ch. 5 Dazed and Confused we do Epcot
Ch. 6 Under the Sea
Ch. 7 Where's My Bus?
Ch. 8 Coffee and Kali
Ch. 9 Jambo?
Ch. 10 The One With a Bathroom Break
Safari Pictures
Ch. 11 Rides in the Afternoon
Ch. 12 The Case of the Missing ADRs
Ch. 13 Bella Notte
Ch. 14 On This Magic Night
Spectromagic Pictures Part I
Spectromagic Pictures Part II
Spectromagic Pictures Part III
Ch. 15 Aunt Pat Almost Breaks Buzz
Ch. 16 On the Lazy River
Ch. 17 Humongous Humiliation
Ch. 18 Wet and Wild Water Coaster
Ch. 19 Burgers, Buses, and the Boardwalk
Ch. 20 Elegant Southern BBQ
Ch. 21 "Why Did We Get Here so Early?"
Ch. 22 A Dream Come True
Ch. 23 All Aboard
Ch. 24 The First Family
Ch. 25 I Get Ditched
Ch. 26 A First Second Time
Ch. 27 Lunch at Pooh Corner
Ch. 28 Home and Back Again
Ch. 29 Challenged to a Duel
Ch. 30 Parade Adventures
Enchanted Adventures Parade Pictures Part I
Enchanted Adventure Parade Pictures Part II
Ch. 31 Magic, Mayhem and Mickey's House
Ch. 32 At Minnie's You Can Make Popcorn
Ch. 33 Gummy Bear Adventures Part I
Ch. 33 Gummy Bear Adventures Part II
Ch. 34 Making Plans
Ch. 35 "Where's Lance Armstrong?"
Ch. 36 Churros and Stroller Assasins
Ch. 37 Sore Feet
Ch. 38 Halfway Around the World
Ch. 39 Lemon or Vanilla?
Ch. 40 The One Where I Don't Trick Them
Ch. 41 There is Crying in Epcot
Ch. 42 A Soothing Evening
Ch. 43 Hollywood Here We Come
Ch. 44 On With the Show
Ch. 45 Photo Ops
Ch. 46 "Why Bother?"
Ch. 47 At the Drive In
Ch. 48 Our DVC Tour
Ch. 49 Time to Rock N Roll
Ch. 50 An Evening With Josh
Ch. 51 A Giddy Good Morning
Ch. 52 Thanks Mom
Ch. 53 Circle of Life
Ch. 54 Can I Ever Stop Being Commando?
Ch. 55 Time for Some Grubs
Ch. 56 Oh Dark Thirty
Ch. 57 Spelunking
Ch. 58 Injury Time Out
Ch. 59 Overdosing on Ice Cream
"We will be perfect in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile. You miss a blocking assignment, you run a mile. You fumble the football and I will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts...and then you will run a mile. Perfection. Let's get to work." -Remember the Titans

After returning from our Halloween trip my brother kept talking about how we needed to try Disney World. I was skeptical. I resist change as a rule and I felt like I finally knew how to do Disneyland right. However I ordered the planning dvd and secretly already had in mind a time I wanted to go. The planning dvd arrived and of course being the OCDTP that I am I had already fallen in love with the idea of planning a Disney World trip. I decided we should go March 2008 for David's 40th birthday. Now I just had to convince everyone else to agree. This actually turned out to be surprisingly easy as it appears everyone really does want to go.

In March 2007 we book room only reservations for two rooms at Board Walk Inn. This trip will include all of us that went on the Halloween trip. In April we book or flights and I discover TGM which sends me into OCDTP overdrive! In July my youngest brother and his wife decide they want to come with us. They don't want to stay at a deluxe hotel though so we decide to switch to Coronado Springs Resort. My resistance to change rears up and I'm through into a short grieving process about not staying at the Boardwalk Inn. This passes fairly quickly especially the more I explore about CSR and discover that it sounds like a perfect fit for us.

August and football season arrived.



My interest in trip planning waned considerably, and by that I mean I was only check the Dis and TGM message boards once a day. Football season is crazy busy for us both boys play football, Daisy cheers and I'm on the board. So even though our 180 day ADR window was approaching I did not look at my Disney World itinerary plans all month. Turns out that was probably a good thing since a blow to our trip was looming. The Stork was circling overhead and looking to land.

Up Next: The Stork Bites
CUSCO: "Let me guess. We're about to go over a huge waterfall."
PATCHA: "Yep."
CUSCO: "Sharp rocks at the bottom?"
PATCHA: "Most likely."
CUSCO: "Bring it on." -The Emperor's New Groove

We entered September and school started. I work in a middle school special ed program so that meant back to work for me. Our 180 day mark was coming up and my brother finally decided to talk to his ex about my niece going to Disney World with us. Now a swirl of family drama has been taking place in the last few weeks before this. We are on an up swing of conflict that is leading to a huge blowout that the after shocks are still being felt today. So when my brother reports that his ex will not let my niece go to Disney World because if anyone gets to take R to Disney World it will be her. I was livid. Then the real reason came out, my ex sil is pregnant and due around the time of our trip. The Stork had landed! I still didn't think that was a reason for my niece not to get to go but it's a battle I couldn't win. Especially since my brother was disinclined to fight. With my niece not going my brother no longer wants to go. I'm sure his new girlfriend had something to do with that, but at that point I was so angry with him not even Disney Magic could make me care.

Good thing I hadn't made those ADRs yet!

School starts and our ADR window opens up. Our TA secures our dining requests. Not to many, after all I'm a recovering park commando and I didn't want to over fill our days. Plus I hadn't got my youngest brother and his wife to commit to which days/activities/meals they wanted to hang with us and which they wanted to be on their own.

Halloween arrives bringing memories of the year before and the fabulous time we had at Disneyland and MHT, and causing all of us to wish we were there again. We pulled out the Disney World planning dvd and watched again what we had to look forward to.

Roll onto Thanksgiving. I planned on finally getting my brother and sil to commit to some itinerary plans for our trip.

Watch out though The Stork was circling again.

The Stork lands at dinner. My brother and sil announce that they are expecting. Now once again my OCDTP rears up, and luckily only in my head do I say "But what about our trip?" As it turns out being pregnant means they no longer want to go to Disney World.

So that brings our Disney World Trip cast down to six members.

Up Next: Cast Introductions
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." -Winnie the Pooh

Myself- Michelle 37 recovering park commando and OCDTP extraordinaire. Sarcasm is my native tongue and it daily helps me at work with 6th graders. I embrace lists, schedules, and structure, but only as long as I'm the one in control of th structure. I don't like surprises or change.

DH- David turning 40 on our trip. Does not really understand my OCDTP but because he loves me he is willing to go along. He also does not embrace schedules or being on time. David appears to have a quota of times he feels the need to get me to use the word inappropriate in any given day. He is training our children in thie game as well, which is why I'm often referred to as "The Fun Police."

My Aunt- Aunt Pat 64 elementary school teacher for 30 years, now retired and homeschooling my boys. She truly has the patience of a saint and makes all our lives easier.

Daisy aka DaisyMae aka Miss Daisy 12 6th grade fashionista enjoying her first year of middle school. Miss Daisy like her mom enjoys plans, lists, and structure. She also like her mom hates surprises. Being 12 means that she is easily embaressed by any member of her family at any given time.

Joey aka Middle Boy aka Joey La Bean aka Bean Boy 11 Good natured and generally accomadating of others. He is in the 5th grade and currently obsessed with The Redwall series.

Adam aka Little Guy aka Prince Addy 9 almost 10 The baby of the family a position he enjoys and uses to his advantage to get his way with both his brother and sister. With his innate comedic timing he has been a born smart aleck from the time he could talk.

That's it, that's our cast of characters heading to Disney World.

Up Next: The Fashion Police Strike or Am I to Controlling?
Edna: "You need a new suit, that much is certain."
Bob: "A new suit? Well, where the heck am I gonna get a new suit?"
Edna: "You can't! It's impossible! I'm far too busy, so ask me now before I can become sane."
Bob: "Wait? you want to make me a suit?"
Edna: "You push too hard, darling! But I accept!" - The Incredibles

Now this chapter promises to be the most embaresssing about me, as I'm sure it's going to prove just how controlling I can be. Here I am.

I wish to begin with this disclaimer- I do not on a regular day to day basis pick out my families clothes. So why you may ask did I at some point in January offer to pack for David so that I could coordinate his clothes with the kids? Because I was blissfully imagining happy family pictures at Disney World with all of us coordinated and smiling in the posed photos. It's alright you can laugh I know I sound crazy.

However knowing that I sound crazy hasn't abated the OCDTP monster in me that wants my three children to be in coordinating outfits at the parks. I've had to let go of the delusion of including David in this since he declined my offer to pack for him. To this end I have begun laying out clothes and packing together outfits for the kids for each day of our trip.

I've even begun listing the outfits on the edge of my printed itinerary so taht I can keep track. It helps that I'm packing all spring/summer wear and it's icy and cold here so it's not anything anyone needs.

I'm sure I can get at least a few of you to agree that some of this pre planning is necessary. I mean really, I know we will be at Blizzard Beach on St. Patrick's Day so of course everyone needs a green swimsuit. Right? That's just heads up fashion thinking, not a mother with serious control issues. :laughing:

Up Next: Cinderella! Rafiki! ADRs! OH MY!
"I am a damsel, (struggling) I am in distress. I can handle this! (politely) Have a nice day!"
- Hercules

Late Sunday Night- Really Late!

Over the lat few weeks I had been slowly adding to my original adr list. Always with the idea that since it was so close to our travel dates we might not get our first choice so remaining flexible, which by the way is something that is terribly difficult for me. However I had been remarkably successful in securing additional adrs. I added a late dinner on our last night at CRT- A perfect end to our vacation, dinner in the castle and then Spectro Magic. I also added a late breakfast at 1900 Park Fare on our rest day. Perfect again, the kids want to ride the monorail that day and we can take the monorail to The Grand Floridian for our 11:30 adr. The key here is that I had deliberately booked the non princess meals at both of these restaurants. The boys aren't interested in princess and Miss Daisy isn't either. In fact on our last two Disneyland trips she declared that she couldn't stand Cinderella.

So fantabulous mom that I am I had snagged adrs at only non princess character meals. Beware of overconfidence!

Friday night I discovered all three children in the bedroom watching Cinderella.
Saturday night Daisy won a stuffed bear at the Father/Daughter dance that night, which she promptly named- can you guess? Cinderella!
What is going on?
Sunday night and the kids were once again watching Cinderella. Miss Daisy now states that Cinderella is her favorite movie and she loves Cinderella.
Oh my!
What is an OCDTP mom to do?
I went into a tizzy, my plans are already proving imperfect!
Panic attack ensued.
I have no adr for any princess meal, no Cinderella, and my daughter LOVES Cinderella! :scared1:

Adding to my character meal, adr, hyperventalating late night panic attack is the fact that I had just discovered a character meal that featured Rafiki and Timon. Prince Addy loves Rafiki! However the character meal is at Garden Grove at The Swan and not on the dinning plan.
We had just upgraded to the Deluxe Dining Plan and now I was looking at eating some place not on the dining plan?

Does anyone else get these pre-trip panic attacks?
Hold on, take a few deep breathes....

As any good OCDTP knows your first recourse when questions arise is the internet and message boards. I quickly post my character conundrum and receive reassurance and answers almost immediately. I love online communities.

What I learned was that we will probably see Rafiki at Animal Kingdom. I decided to make an adr at Garden Grove as a back up just incase we don't. Plus the restaurant looks really cool!

I also was reassured that Cinderella will most likely be greeting guests in the lobby for our CRT dinner so there is a good chance that Miss Daisy will see her there. AAAhhhh I don't need to schedule a princess meal adr.

Hurray the internet had reassured me that I was still fantabulous, my plans were still blissfully perfect and my panic attack had abated.

Up Next: Disney World Training
Mad Hatter: "Would you like a little more tea?"
Alice: "Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't very well take more."
March Hare: "Ah, you mean you can't very well take less."
Mad Hatter: "Yes. You can always take more than nothing." -Alice in Wonderland


Sat. March 8 Epcot Coral Reef 5:30 pm

Sun. March 9 AK Donald's Safari Breakfast 10:30am

MK Tony's Town Square 7:20pm

Mon. March 10 The Swan Garden Grove 6pm

Tues. March 11 MK Crystal Palace 11:35am

Wed. March 12 Grand Floridian 1900 Park Fare 11:10am

Thurs. March 13 Epcot Garden Grill 5:10pm

Fri. March 14 DHS Sci Fi Dine In 11:30am

DHS Hollywood Brown Derby

Sat. March 15 AKL Boma 5:50pm

Sun. March 16 MK The Plaza 11:30am

CSR Maya Grill 6pm

Mon. March 17 MK Cinderella's Royal Table 8:20pm
"It is not what things are; it is what they seem to be. Is that not so, Madam?" -Bedknobs and Broomsticks

It was five weekends before our trip and I had declared that Disney World training needed to begin. We as a family needed to begin a walking program to condition ourselves to exploring Disney World's vast parks. Sounds good right? What I really ment was that I needed to start getting myself in shape and I wanted company!

So on Monday, notice I had declared it on the weekend but didn't get started until Monday, :rolleyes1 after school the boys, Aunt Pat and I head out for Disney World Training. Daisy was at a soccer pratctice and David wasn't home from work yet. It was about 34 degrees out and rained ice pellets on us the whole time. We came home soaking wet, but it was for Disney so it was all good. The boys were thrilled, and thought it had been a grand adventure!

In fact they enjoyed it so much that over the next few days they expanded on my Disney World Training idea and created their own Disney World Circuit Training.

Here is their Disney World Training Circuit

-Walk a mile every morning, this means walking up the driveway to get the mail and back. And yes it really is a mile to do this!

-Five minute drills- Now I'm not sure what exactly this part is training them for, but it's what they do, who am I to judge? This involves setting the time for 5 minutes, grabbing a bottle of water for each hand, jogging in place while pumping the water over your head.

-Standing in line training :eek: - Here they start at the end of the hall and slowly inch their way forward, stopping and pointing out imaginary things to look at. There also is a secret hand shake involved, but I haven't been taught it yet.




-Ride simulation training- After completing a standing in line session end up at the couch. Seat yourself down and pretend to strap yourself in. :3dglasses Pantomime the take off of a roller coaster by pushing yourself back into the couch. Raise your arms and scream your way through the ride.


I have pictures as proof for their future spouses! :rotfl:

After the first day of Disney World Training Joey met me at the door when I got home from school eyes sparkling and bursting with excitement to tell me all about it. AAAhhhh Disney Magic!

Up Next: Choose Your Own Adventure
Hi Chel!
Happy to find your pre trippie!

I'll be starting mine soon, I had so much fun with my last one!

Nice to put faces to the names! Your kids are adorable!

Allyson :)
Hi Chel!
Happy to find your pre trippie!

I'll be starting mine soon, I had so much fun with my last one!

Nice to put faces to the names! Your kids are adorable!

Allyson :)

Hi Allyson! I'm so glad someone is actually reading it. Hey are you a Hercules fan too? Megara is my favorite "princess."
Hi Allyson! I'm so glad someone is actually reading it. Hey are you a Hercules fan too? Megara is my favorite "princess."

You know, I've never seen it! :rolleyes1 But it is the Team I am on over on the WISH board. We have a competition for the year as to which team can log the most exercise miles/minutes and our team is Herc's Heroes. All in prep for the Disney Half Marathon!

Allyson :)
"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."
~Winnie the Pooh

Now because I don't want to be to controlling! :laughing: I've decided to set up our itinerary with choices. Does anyone else remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books? You read part of a story and then chose which direction you wanted the story to go. Well that's the inspiration for my itinerary. If I can figure out how to scan and upload to my computer I'll also have pictures of the itinerary, because I am quite proud of how it is turning out!

Friday March 7th- Travel Red Eye 5+ hour flight from Seattle to Orlando

Saturday March 8th
****** Transportation to CSR
Check into CSR around 9am
Room probably not ready
Breakfast at Pepper Market

Choose A or B

Swim/Relax by the pool
Lunch at Siesta's Pool Bar or Pepper Market
Room ready
Leave CSR by 4pm for Epcot
Dinner ADR 5:30pm at Coral Reef (diver scheduled to wish David Happy 40th Birthday, which is a surprise for everyone else.)

Choose C or D

Go to Epcot for rope drop at WS 11am
Lunch Snack Around the World
Dinner ADR 5:30pm at Coral Reef (diver scheduled to wish David Happy 40th Birthday, which is a surprise for everyone else.)

Choose C or D

Stay in Epcot explore FW
See Illuminations 9pm
Do Not do rope drop at AK on Sunday Choice E

Head back to CSR
Early to bed.
Make rope drop at AK Sunday Choice F

*I swear it's less confusing layed out on the itinerary pages I made!*

Sunday March 9th

Sleep in a little
Leave CSR by 9:30am for AK
Breakfast ADR 10:30am at Donald's Safari Breakfast
Go on Safari, See FOTLK, acrobats, Flights of Wonder
Probably no EE, Dinosaurs, or Kali

Choose G or H

Get up early
Leave CSR by 8am for rope drop at AK
Breakfast ADR 10:30am at Donald's Safari Breakfast
Use Fast Passes we've collected

Choose G or H

Stay later at AK
Watch JAMM 4pm
Leave early evening
Cancel dinner ADR at Tony's in MK

Choose I or J

Leave AK early afternoon for CSR
Leave CSR 6pm for MK
Dinner ADR 7:20pm at Tony's Town Square

Choose K or L

Dinner at CSR Pepper Market
Dinner at AKL Mara

Stay for Wishes 10pm
Back to CSR
Stay for Wishes 10pm
and EMH 11pm-2am

Monday March 10th

Sleep in
Breakfast at Pepper Market
Head to Typhoon Lagoon when ready

Back to CSR no later than 3:30pm

Leave CSR 5:30pm for the Swan- Taxi
Dinner ADR 6pm at Garden Grove

Back to CSR- Taxi

Grab something from The Rix or Pepper Market for Breakfast
Early to bed!
Hey Chel,
Just started reading your PTR. All caught up. You seem very organized, Wow! Only 19 days to go. Lucky!:rotfl: :rotfl:
Hey Chel,
Just started reading your PTR. All caught up. You seem very organized, Wow! Only 19 days to go. Lucky!:rotfl: :rotfl:

Yes if by organized you mean controlling! :rotfl2: The boys just found out today that I intend to pick out their clothes for them.

Both asked: "Why?"
My response: "It's the price you pay for having a controlling mom. Deal with it, you get to go to Disney World."

They'll be fine!
Hmmm new idea... I wonder if we should plan on having room service(private dining) for our last morning? Probably not. I've been resisting making any plans for our departure day, we don't fly out until 6pm though.
Tuesday March 11th

Early Morning- Breakfast in room
Leave CSR by 7am for Magic Kingdom
Lunch ADR 11:35 Crystal Palace
Leave MK back to CSR

Leave CSR for MK by 5pm
pirate: Pirates and Princesses Partyprincess:


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