First Mammogram


Aug 22, 2009
Just need to share with someone... I found a lump while doing a breast exam last month, and had a mammogram and ultrasound this morning to check it out. I'm currently hoping for the best, but bracing for the worst- we lost a much-loved aunt to breast cancer last year, and I'm just so scared right now:worried:
Waiting for medical results is horrible, you did the right thing in getting the lump examined straight away.

Hope everything turns out OK:hug:
Thinking of you during the wait. That is sometimes the hardest part.

If and when you can, please try to update us.

Giant hugs to you :grouphug:
Thanks everyone,
I should hopefully have news by next week, and will be sure to update.
It's hard but try not to worry. I've had four benign breast lumps, most involving surgery to remove them but I went through WEEKS of fearing cancer. I'm sure there's nothing I can say to calm you down because nothing worked on me. Just know that you are not alone in this.
You are defintely NOT alone! I went to my OBGYN yesterday and she also found a lump. She said it was small and "palpable," but wants a mammogram and ultrasound to be sure it's nothing serious. I seriously have myself dead and buried right now, I'm so terrified. I was able to get in for my mammogram tomorrow, and while I'm not looking forward to it, that test can't come soon enough to stop this worrying and pit in my stomach. Hope all works out for you, and keep us updated....just know I'm right there with you right now! :hug:
You are defintely NOT alone! I went to my OBGYN yesterday and she also found a lump. She said it was small and "palpable," but wants a mammogram and ultrasound to be sure it's nothing serious. I seriously have myself dead and buried right now, I'm so terrified. I was able to get in for my mammogram tomorrow, and while I'm not looking forward to it, that test can't come soon enough to stop this worrying and pit in my stomach. Hope all works out for you, and keep us updated....just know I'm right there with you right now! :hug:

Sorry you are going through this too Mookie.
Will also keep you in my thoughts:hug:

Joining the lump in the breast club....however I did find out yesterday mine is begnin - although very large - which is good:confused3! I am having surgery Nov18 to remove the mass....I will recover in WDW Dec 4-10.
I just went thru this in August also. I have a strong family history of Breast Cancer, and myself have already had Cervical Cancer, and Melanoma, so this would have been the icing on the cake. I'm not yet 40, but my Dr wanted me to have a baseline mammogram, so I went, and sure enough, they found something. Then had the ultrasound, and then the biopsy. It took about 6 weeks from start to finish, and it turned out to be benign. I agree with a PP, nothing we say will help you thru it, or make it any easier. I was totally freaked out thru the whole thing. So big HUGS to you, and will pray for the best for you!!!
Waiting is so hard. I have had numerous mammogrms, ultrasounds, one biopsy. Everything is benign. Just remember the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor. I lost so much weight and couldn't even focus during the wait times. Sleep,forget it Crying over everything. I had my docor give me a script for lorazapam at night just so I could relax.

Going forward, It helps to go to a large breast imaging center that can do everything, typically in one day and have the radiologist give you results on the spot.

Everything will be fine.

Going forward, It helps to go to a large breast imaging center that can do everything, typically in one day and have the radiologist give you results on the spot.

I agree with cinderellamom, if this type of service is available near you it is truly a blessing.

I have benign breast disease and the breast clinic that I attend does all the necessary testing etc and aims to give you results the same day. While it is a longer day than I would like it is always a comfort to leave knowing the results without having the anxious wait.

:grouphug: to all those waiting for news.

:hug: to everyone too.

Last years mammo - I knew I would get a call back - don't ask me why. It was in my gut and not just because my mom was going through her breast cancer treatments (and my sister and dad were dying from lung cancer). Call back the next day and had to go back again. I could barely function. Thank God everything was fine. My OB/GYN wanted me to go to a breast surgeon and I did not.

Just had mammo again and no call back. My OB/GYN wanted me to go to a breast surgeon again and this time I went. I have never had my breast examined like she did it. She felt something by my nipple and said it was nothing. I asked her how do you know/can you tell - and she said she can.

Waiting is a killer. Try to relax though. I know easier said than done. :hug:
Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words. It does help a lot. I leave for my mammogram in about an hour....just ready to get it over with. I worked myself up into a frenzy last night, but today I am doing better...just really want to get the pain of the test done and learn the results ASAP. I do believe I'm going to an imaging center at the hospital, so Im hoping I'll know quickly. JACH, I hope you are doing okay....let's get through this together! Thinking of you, and hoping we both get good news.
:grouphug: to all, and hoping for good news for Mookie and dopeygirl76 and everyone else who is waiting for results. And thank you *so much* to everyone who has shared their stories and experiences. It helps to know that others understand, and to have someone to share my fears with. Intellectually I know that the odds are on my side, but waiting for the results is still hard. Still waiting for news, hoping to hear something before the weekend.
I think the kind of Breast Center that Cinderellamom123 was talking about is where they do EVERYTHING the same day. You have a mammogram and ultrasound and they read them before you leave if they see something they don't like they will do a biospy right then, you have to wait until the next day for results. That is only one day of stressing out versuses weeks! I am a survivor and I was diagnoised and had my surgery within 10 days! I think that the waiting is the hardest part, the stress of not knowing my future far outweighed the surgery. I had surgery on Friday came home on Sunday morning and was off pain pills on Tuesday. The chances are greater that it is benign than malignant, just keep that in mind! Good luck to all those facing this terrible disease! My prayers are with you!
I too am a survivor of 7 and a half years. The stats are that about 80% of the biopsies return benign results.

This disease can be sneaky about hiding. You need to be proactive about doing the diagnostic testing. It is better to err on the side of caution.

Hope everyone gets good results, and do not have to play the waiting game much longer.

I will say that after I knew what I was facing after the breast surgeon called me with the results, I actually felt relieved. It is the uncertainty that can make you unable to function.
I think the kind of Breast Center that Cinderellamom123 was talking about is where they do EVERYTHING the same day. You have a mammogram and ultrasound and they read them before you leave if they see something they don't like they will do a biospy right then, you have to wait until the next day for results!
Where I went I even got the biopsy results before I left that day. It was hard enough just being there for a couple of hours.

My mother died from breast cancer that had spread to her lungs. Her suffering was awful at the end. When I had my "bad" mammo I had a case of walking pneumonia - I had the same symtoms my mother had when her breast cancer moved to the lungs. I sat there being prepped for the biopsy thinking - "oh I don't just have breast cancer it has already spread to my lungs and bones." Fortunately all was okay.

The first time my mammogram was read while I was there I was really shaken up when the doctor called me back to see the results. I thought it was because something was wrong. No that was just standard procedure there - you got the results before you left.
So relieved to report that my mammogram and ultrasound came back with no signs of cancer. Seems like the lump is benign. Thank you all for your support and for listening. Best wishes to everyone still waiting for news.


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