figmentfan814AAR~LivingSeas~French Is. *I'm back and married! Will start TR soon!*

Could you Possibly tell me where you got the "Around the World in a single day" clip art with the characters on it that is on your newsletter? I love it!
Could you Possibly tell me where you got the "Around the World in a single day" clip art with the characters on it that is on your newsletter? I love it!

I actually found it one day when I was on the Creative Board, everyone over there is so great :yay: I'm not sure who designed it, but I have it saved on my computer at home. If you would like me to email it to you just PM me and I can send it tonight.
Everything sounds wonderful! I LOVE the snowglobes. I just bought one from our trip this year, and about a month after, it got knocked off a shelf and smashed. I think I cried for an hour!
Anyway, if you don't mind me asking: which program did you use to make your newsletters? I can't find the disney font anywhere!
Good luck with all future planning.
I'm sorry to hear about your snowglobe breaking. I have one that my DF bought me a few years ago that has Mickey and Minnie that sorts looks like a Romeo and Juliet kind of scene. I would love to use it at the wedding, but since I don't have the original box I am worried about transporting it down there.

I just used InDesign to layout the newsletter; I'm still learning a lot about the program because I was used to laying out in Quark back in my college days. I did download the Disney font for free from a web site. All I did was Google the font which is called "Waltograph." I think this is where I got it, but it's been a while so it might not be the same site I used, but it should work too.
holy cow....i vote you the bargain queen of the day.!!!!!

I need to get my but over to TDS!!

I love snowglobes!!!

great fight over them;)
holy cow....i vote you the bargain queen of the day.!!!!!

I need to get my but over to TDS!!

I love snowglobes!!!

great fight over them;)

I am definitely always on the look out for deals. The best part is that I have been able to get way more stuff while still sticking to my budget. My welcome bags for the guests are going to be a lot better than I originally anticipated. I've been keeping a spreadsheet to see how much I save :surfweb: ... so far it's over $500 on stuff for the bags and other gifts (bridesmaids, parents, etc.) I am definitely a nerd when it comes to that sort of stuff, but it helps me keep track.
I am having some issues with my FMIL once again. I had to go down to Cleveland for a couple of days for a training seminar, so I stayed at my DF’s place since he lives about 35 minutes away from there. His mom has been staying with him doing traveling nursing for a couple of months (way too long of a story there.)

Anyway, since my planning session in May, I have been trying to get her to look at all the different options for a rehearsal dinner site. She has shown no interest and said she didn’t care where we picked, so I made a decision on my own. I decided to go with FRESH Mediterranean Market at the Dolphin Resort. So, first let me give the background on the dinner.

I picked this one for a couple of reasons. First, our rehearsal will be in the morning and will take place at the Yacht or Beach Clubs or at the Boardwalk, so everyone can take the boat over for the dinner. Plus, we want to have the rehearsal in the morning because the wedding party wants to head to Epcot for the rest of the afternoon. Our other two options were for restaurants at Downtown Disney. We figured that keeping it within the Epcot area will allow us to save time in getting back to the park.


Another great thing is that they have a private area that is off in a separate room which we can have to ourselves. The windows look over to the Boardwalk and have a great view. They will also set up all of our favors, etc. too and will do one long table for the set up.


Instead of a plated menu (they do offer this option) we are opting for their buffet that has a changing menu every day. They have carved meats, roasted chicken, soups, salad station, sandwiches, and some other entrees with a Mediterranean fare.


Plus a pretty decent size dessert bar. I should have gotten a closer picture of the desserts!

The price is great too. We don’t have to pay anything for the room and it is only $21 per person including beverages.

So, last week I talked to Kris and we decided to just go ahead with FRESH. I emailed Kris some of the pictures to share with his mom on Sunday. Once I got down to Ohio I knew Kris hadn’t showed them to her yet, so I started downloading them on his computer to show her. I told her I was downloading pictures for the rehearsal dinner site to show her and she turned to me and said, “So what’s your point?” then she turned around and left his apartment.

I was so upset because I know she doesn’t care about the wedding at all, but to say such a bluntly rude statement I didn’t know what to say. :headache: My DF was really mad and wanted to talk to her about it right away. I asked him to wait until I left this morning. I guess when they talked she said she didn’t know she had said anything rude; I also think she was put off that he was standing up for me against her. I told my DF at this point I would prefer for us to just pay for the things that she originally offered to cover. I just don’t want the headache of having her continue to be angry because we aren’t having the type of wedding that she wants. She has been against a DFTW from the very beginning.

Thank you for listening to my rants about my FMIL! I have lots of other things to share. Over the last few weeks there have been a lot of small things that have started coming together.

I was experimenting making Mickey Rice Krispie treats to include in the Welcome Bags. Next time I make them I am going to put the chocolate further down on the head and not just on the ears because it weighs them down a little:


Here are all the canvas bags done for our wedding party, parents, and grandparents. The smaller bags are for the flowergirl and hostesses. My friend Amanda did all the embroidering on the bags for me. I wanted people to be able to use them after the wedding, so I made them personal instead of putting “Kris and Vanessa” on everything. I put family names on some and then for the singles we did the intial monograms. I got the bags half off at Hobby Lobby for $2 each and all together the thread and Velcro for the pockets was only $12 for all 18 bags. Our regular guests are getting regular gift bags with our wedding monogram on them.

I still need to show some pictures of the updated veil which we finished up last week and some more great stuff we got for the gift bags. To be continued...
Sorry your FMIL is not "playing nice with others". Be very glad your DF stood up for you, I know if it were mine...he would just let it slide.

Those Rice Krispy treats look so Yummy!!! You are making me hungry for one!!!

Can't wait to see what else is going in your welcome bags!
FRESH is a great decision!! I love their yogurt parfait and the one time I had strawberry stuffed french toast...YUM!! My FMIL still talks about it and that was over 2 years ago. I hope you have a great time.

The bags and the treats look great!! :thumbsup2
Dremwvr;19692854 "Sorry your FMIL is not "playing nice with others". Be very glad your DF stood up for you, I know if it were mine...he would just let it slide."

It was nice to have him do that and it kind of took me by surprise. He is an only child and his mom raised him on her own, so he has a problem standing up to her sometimes. I think it took her by surprise too.
FRESH is a great decision!! I love their yogurt parfait and the one time I had strawberry stuffed french toast...YUM!! My FMIL still talks about it and that was over 2 years ago. I hope you have a great time.

The bags and the treats look great!! :thumbsup2

That is good to hear, I was a little nervous about choosing it since we have never eaten there :upsidedow It just seemed to be a perfect fit and they have been really great to work with so far on everything.
FRESH is a wonderful choice. We've been there for breakfast and thought it was one of the best buffets ever. The food was outstanding and there was truly something for everyone.

Don't let FMIL get you down -- you've made a great choice!!
Here are some pictures of my friend Amanda and I working on my mom's veil. I know I posted pictures before, but here are the before shots.

We removed the lace, added Swarovski crystals in clear and sapphire (to match my ring) and added a comb to replace the headpiece since I have my tiara. I'm having some blue crystal added to the beading on my dress too. Here are some shots of it in progress.



Here is the final product.


I am so grateful for all of Amanda's help. It took us over 4 hours to put all the crystals on the veil. We were originally going to work on it over a period of a few weeks and she ended up having to go back to Georgia where her husband is stationed at Fort Benning 2 weeks early (she was riding back with her mother-in-law.) She volunteered to come over to do it two days before she had to go back and we were up until 1:30 am finishing it up.

On top of everything, she made me these really cute wedding pillowcases as a gift. There are so many cute sayings on the material.

Oh my gosh!

I love, love, love your veil!!!

I love the addition of blue to the veil! My colors are going to be white, blue, teal, and silver! That is absolutely gorgeous!!
Oh my gosh!

I love, love, love your veil!!!

I love the addition of blue to the veil! My colors are going to be white, blue, teal, and silver! That is absolutely gorgeous!!

Thank you so much, it took us forever to find the dark blue crystals. I was so excited :yay: when my friend called me from the craft store to tell me that she had found some!
Everything looks great! You did a great job with the veil, and I love the mickey rice treats!!! They are sooo good!!!

I like where you are having the rehearsal,I am having such a tough decision picking a place...Anyway I went to to see the menu and i only saw a menu for breakfast and lunch,do they have a dinner menu or do they only serve breakfast and lunch?
Everything looks great! You did a great job with the veil, and I love the mickey rice treats!!! They are sooo good!!!

I like where you are having the rehearsal,I am having such a tough decision picking a place...Anyway I went to to see the menu and i only saw a menu for breakfast and lunch,do they have a dinner menu or do they only serve breakfast and lunch?

Unfortunately, Fresh is only open until 2 pm. I was completely shocked when I first found this out and figured it would not be an option for us. But, after some discussion we are opting for a morning rehearsal around 10 am, so we will have time to relax and head to Epcot later that afternoon. Once this decision was made Fresh became the obvious choice. We also checked out Wolfgang Puck's and Portobello Yacht Club at Downtown Disney, they have some really great options too.
Wow, love all the photos, love the bags, love the snowglobes and the viel is stunning! Congrats and I can't wait to see more.


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