February 2021 W.I.S.H. - Being your own Fabulous Self

I’m Sandy, happily retired from our local HS library. I live with my husband of 40 years in south central PA, but we hope to spend most of the year in our house in Ocean City, Md. We are slowly going through things to sell our PA house, so this week’s theme really resonates with me!

How will I clear out the old and make space for the new? Living in this house for 35 years and raising our daughter here means I have lots of stuff to clear out. It’s overwhelming, to be honest. So I have decided to go room by room and not move on until it’s finished.
What are healthy living goals for this month? To lose at least 3lbs by tracking meals and walking 5 days out of 7. Drink 64 oz of water.
What will help you be your own fabulous self this month? My daughter ordered a gel manicure set from Amazon and we’re going to give each other manicures. I haven’t been to salon since last March and I think it will give me a lift. Tomorrow I am zooming with friends which is good for me mentally! And the next time I’m in the grocery store I am buying myself some flowers!
What rituals do you and your family follow to celebrate life and each other? We have several, but my favorite is drawing names with my daughter’s family and my brother and sister in law for our Christmas at the beach-the gift has to cost only a dollar and have homemade wrapping paper. We vote on the most creative wrapping and the winner gets to pick what they want for breakfast. Even though we have a traditional Christmas with my daughter later, my 10 year old grandson adores this-he can’t wait to draw names at Thanksgiving.
Will you celebrate Imbolc? I think I will light a candle tomorrow (although just in the family room!) and think about how I hope Spring unfolds-we’re going to clearing close to a foot of snow by Tuesday morning, so I will be envisioning warmer weather!
As we start the new week and the new month with the earliest, tinsy-est, tiny-est start of Spring (buried under a heck of a lot of snow for some of us), what is motivating you this week? What seeds will you plant this week, that you will harvest in the future?

There are exactly zero signs of spring here, but I like your picture of the flowers peaking through the snow!

I have a snow day today, since the twins' mom does, so after a little extra DIS time, I will plant "housework seeds" that make the rest the rest of my week easier.
There are exactly zero signs of spring here, but I like your picture of the flowers peaking through the snow!

I have a snow day today, since the twins' mom does, so after a little extra DIS time, I will plant "housework seeds" that make the rest the rest of my week easier.
I assume that you will be hit as hard as I will by this snow storm.❄⛄ Stay warm.☕ I will be making chicken soup today.
We got some snow last night but not as much as others. We are getting more lake affect here then the actual storm that came through. It was just a bit south of us. Like others there is no real sign of spring yet but might get some as the month goes on. Next week we are supposed get down into the teens and single digits as highs. Hopefully that won't last too long.

My motivation today is that it is a new month. January and really December was a mess for me. I wasn't great at eating or moving. I am going to get the FitBit premium today. It has a 90 free trial to see if that help kick my butt in gear. I am also going to start tracking my food again. If this goes well I might get the paid service with My Fitness Pal. I just want to make sure I am going to use it before I pay.

I talked a bit about my sisters situation last week and just wanted to add to it. I can't talk to many about as we don't want the kids to hear what is going on with my nephew and well they seem to be attached to me if I get on the phone. I did talk to my mom yesterday and she told me that my sister was able to get my nephew in a resident treatment facility. This place will work on rehab and his autism which is really hard to find. He goes today and will be there for at least 40 days but they are working on getting that extended. So some good news here. My sister now has an apartment that her and the 2 youngest will move to. My nephew will find out once he is at the treatment facility where the councilors will be able to help as she doesn't think it will go over well with him that he will be moving out of the only house he knows. My niece will find out shortly what is going on as well. I don't think she has even told my brother in law that she has an appointment. He is not living at the house right now but is hoping they get back together. My oldest niece will stay at the house with my brother in law. She is 25 but is mentally challenged. Her IQ is really low. She does have a job at a nursing home where she helps prepare the food. It is close to the house and she can walk there. She is on a waiting list for housing that works with people that can't fully live on there one. They have workers the check in on them. So once that opens she will move there. So things are not better for my sister yet but are looking up at the moment.
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I live in the pink area. DH just bought a snowblower and battery-operated snow shovel. The days of shoveling snow the old-fashioned way are over. Too much to handle.
This Nor'easter is turning out to be worse than predicted. Two days ago, they predicted 6-12 inches...then yesterday 12-14 inches. Now it is looking more like 14-18 inches!!! Yikes!!! We haven't had a storm like this in a couple of years. We tend to get more of a messy mix living near the shoreline, but the shoreline is getting more snow than inland this time. I have an official snow day today, and tomorrow is remote from home with a return on Wednesday. Wednesday is normally remote from school. If the powers that be don't let us teach remotely from home on Wednesday, I think I will be taking my first sick day of the school year. Even though I have four wheel drive, the streets that I have to take to work are rarely plowed well, so I would rather wait for the melting on Thursday when temps go up into the 40's. Stay safe everyone!7A90F925-5F26-4985-8CC7-AC6A461EDF93.jpeg
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As we start the new week and the new month with the earliest, tinsy-est, tiny-est start of Spring (buried under a heck of a lot of snow for some of us), what is motivating you this week? What seeds will you plant this week, that you will harvest in the future?

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And Happy Imbolc!

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I think what motivates me is that February is a short month. I always pay close attention to Groundhog Day which is silly because it is far from accurate, but it is fun to talk about it with my students. Knowing that in 28 days it will be March and three weeks after that will be the first day of spring gives me hope. In March we do see purple crocuses pop up through the snow, but February is pretty dark and cold. I think that is why I put so much emphasis on Valentine's Day because it is a bright light in the darkness and cold of February. In the meantime, I look forward to spring...vaccinations...more light and hope.

I was a little naughty this weekend, but fortunately it doesn't show much on the scale. Today, I will cut up vegetables to add to my chicken soup and try to stay away from the junk I ate over the weekend.

I will sow seeds of healthier eating, moderate exercise, and accountability.
This Nor'easter is turning out to be worse than predicted. Two days ago, they predicted 6-12 inches...then yesterday 12-14 inches. Now it is looking more like 14-18 inches!!! Yikes!!! We haven't had a storm like this in a couple of years. We tend to get more of a messy mix living near the shoreline, but the shoreline is getting more snow than inland this time. I have an official snow day today, and tomorrow is remote from home with a return on Wednesday. Wednesday is normally remote from school. If the powers that be don't let us teach remotely from home on Wednesday, I think I will be taking my first sick day of the school year. Even though I have four wheel drive, the streets that I have to take to work are rarely plowed well, so I would rather wait for the melting on Thursday when temps go up into the 40's. Stay safe everyone!View attachment 553588
My husband has the battery operated snow blower-he loves it! The only thing is to blow snow before it gets to 12”-at least our model.
Sending warm thoughts to those of you in the path of the storm... we're having another rain front here, which I think will turn in to your next snow storm as the national weather was showing it move all the way across the country.

Didn't sleep soundly again last night, dang it. Saturday night I was up until 1:30am for work while we did a deployment, then last night I woke up at 1:30am and I think lay there awake until about 3am. Needless to say I'm feeling pretty crappy this morning.

This evening I will make my pie and do the candle/wishes ceremony. The idea of making wishes has really stuck with me as it is something I haven't even thought about for a very long time. I bought the first bunch of daffodils yesterday and they are slowly opening into little yellow bursts of happiness. The house feels sparkly and fresh from all the cleaning... there is of course more to do, so I'll keep at it.

For seeds I'd like to sow, I think I'll focus on sowing the foundational aspects of healthy living, which are also my goals for the month. Simply moving more, even if it is just to walk around the block and watch the neighborhood gardens start to wake up.
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐
Hi! I am Katina! My DH and I have been married over 20 years. We have two DD, 16 & 19. We live in western KY. I am a social worker. I have lost 75 pounds in the past 5 months. I began at 294 and I am now 219. I drink half my pounds of weight in ounces of water. In the beginning I thought I would drown. I have been on a program that is very regimented with eating. I am supposed to do some sort of exercise for 30 minutes per day but since it is cold I have dropped the ball on that. I have cheated on my plan in the past but I am trying to stay focused. It's a struggle in the winter and probably more so during a pandemic. I haven't been on Disboards in years but returned to see more positivity. The negativity of weather, pandemic, and political environment is exhausting me. Have a MAGICAL day!
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐

I assume that you will be hit as hard as I will by this snow storm.❄⛄ Stay warm.☕ I will be making chicken soup today.
Snow started here yesterday early afternoon. So I made chicken soup yesterday and chicken chili today! Virtual asynchronous snow day has been interesting. And looks like we’ll most likely be virtually synchronous tomorrow for school. Back to fun with kindergarten Google Meets. I haven’t done them since October!
Hello all... I'm new to this too! Wow... just needing to push thru with accountability and spend the time on my well being and health. I'm a mom to 4... generally I have been pretty active and in shape before but drat covid- I am a stress eater and.... yep, these might just be stressful times :scratchin We have a trip set for July- I truly think we will keep it. This will be our 20th anniversary too so - big deal! I'm hoping to get to a better place over these next few months b/c age and well being are really starting to get me down... and they shouldn't be!

Clearing out the old... continuing to streamline and sort our home. We are finally settled after years of moves with the husband's job so we are continuing to slowly make this house ours and purge all of the excess.

Healthy goals... doing workouts, back to those 21 day fix containers for me too!, fewer carbs (maybe a wkly walking goal?)

Fab self... take me time-- if only for trying to keep myself accountable!

Celebration... we try to have mini celebrations a lot... movie nights? we have a birthday this month too 🎉 Maybe even just dedicated time daily with dh appreciating the day...this is definitely something that has been harder to do with this pandemic... at least for me.

Will I celebrate... well, I will definitely light candles and the idea of a fresh start.... that sounds perfect today.

Happy Monday folks 💐
My motivation today was joining a 5 day “Mindset and Movement” Beachbody group. I forced myself (and there was lots of grumbling beforehand) to go outside for a walk! But once I was out there, it was nice and peaceful and the snow was beautiful! I didn’t last long walking away from the house as the wind was blowing the snow into my face. The walk back home was lovely!


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