February 2019 - Love, Love Love ... A month of loving Disney, Healthy Living, Yourself

Well, I had one bad night of eating and gained back a few pounds. And actually, it was just the small popcorn and peanut M&Ms that my husband & I shared at the movies...oh and maybe the margarita with dinner ;) But why is it that it takes like 2 weeks of healthy eating to lose a pound or two. But just one night of bad eating and 2-3 pounds are so easily gained?!?! Anyway, my motivation for this week...lose those extra pounds that I gained this weekend!

Sometimes it's just water weight from the salt in the bad eating. Weigh again tomorrow, and it might not seem so bad. :)

What is motivating you this week?

Getting through it!! - It's going to be a crazy week here because a bunch of big stuff is just falling all at once (some exciting and some nerve-wracking.)

But on the good side, one of those big things is DS getting his braces off tomorrow!! :teeth: And one of the things he's actually looking forward to is eating apples without peeling and cutting them - so I'm counting that as a healthy eating win! (Not saying he isn't also looking forward to some sticky candy, but I'll take what I can get. :laughing: )

After this week is February school vacation week, and we can relax.
Nothing is really motivating me this to work out. My Disney trip is what is motivating me. I am very motivated though with my water intake and not drinking pop. I have had 20 oz every day this month. I think this is the most consecutive days of doing this. Also, I had a few sips of Ginger Ale on Friday (my stomach was not too good because I ate to many green onions the night before) and only a few few sips of pop on Saturday when we ate out. I don't even think I came close to 5 oz pop over the 2 days. I did work out yesterday. I didn't get 10,000 steps but walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes. When we got there at 3pm I had less then 1000 steps. DH is keeping me going. He walks a lot and gets me to go when I just want to sit on the coach.

Saturday was a rough day. We had Karate, horse back riding lessons, DS had 2 basketball games and DD had 1. Lots of running around. DD hurt her finger in the first quarter and didn't play the rest of the game. I am a little worried about it. She still can't move it much without being in a lot of pain. I think she just jammed it but I think by Wednesday if it is not better I might take her in. DS broke his finger a few years ago and hers does not look like his did. Though he shifted part of his bone to the side so this may be different. She has a tendency to over react/ lots of drama when she gets hurt. About 2 weeks ago she thought she broke her wrist after hitting in on a chair. She didn't move it for a like 2 days. We are at the point of she has cried wolf too many times and we just don't know what is real and what is not. This all goes back to her anxiety too. SO we will see how this week plays out with her.
Well, looks like we might have 9” of snow before this is over. Sigh. Although I bet Oneanne is dealing with a lot more after the two storms out her way.
We got a nice walk in yesterday around Baltimore on our way to lunch, and it’s a good thing, because it will be a mess here the next couple days. I probably won’t be able to get out until Wednesday because they’re calling for ice tomorrow.
I’m enjoying everyone’s posts, because to be honest I’m not feeling very motivated right now.
Topic Tuesday

What are you doing do build or maintain strength? Weight bearing exercise is important for more than just building muscle and metabolism. For those of us in certain stages in our live it is important for bone density to help guard against osteoporosis.
Topic Tuesday
What are you doing do build or maintain strength?
I’ve been thinking about weight training/weight bearing exercises a lot b/c I know how beneficial it would be. Hopefully this being the topic today will be the catalyst I need to stop thinking about it & actually do it tonight. I have a few dumbbells collecting dust that I can start using. I found beginner weight training videos on YouTube by HASfit that look promising. Please send positive thoughts my way & hopefully I’ll actually watch one of those videos & pick up my dusty dumbbells tonight!
Topic Tuesday
What are you doing do build or maintain strength?
I use weights in my 21 Day Fix workouts. However lately, I have been switching to some of my dance workouts for the extra cardio (and for the extra steps on my Fitbit). But I know it's important to use the weights as well. Always a good reminder that everything in life needs balance...even exercise routines. Thanks!
One of the best things I ever did a couple years ago, was sign up with a personal trainer at my local YMCA for several sessions. I started with two sessions a week for a month and then once a week for another two. She gave me a couple pages of things I can do at home-I have one of those large balls you sit on, some weights and a set of bands. Also a weighted ball (the size of a basketball). I talked to a couple trainers before I decided on Dawn. She really listened to me and I loved working with her. In fact, now that my gym membership is paid for by my insurance, I’m thinking of calling her for a “tuneup.” It really wasn’t that expensive and learning to do things correctly and having a plan to do at home was well worth it. Make it a Valentine’s Day present to yourself!
Hallelujah! I'm out of the house and in the office this morning.

I'm having totally mixed feelings about the snow: it has been a once in a lifetime event, second highest snowfall in the month of February since it's been recorded (we're at 20 inches for the month). I live at the bottom of a great sledding hill and it has been so much fun seeing the neighborhood families out sledding and playing in the snow. And it has been beautiful. But there's been so much of it... yesterday early afternoon I cleared snow off the front deck (for the 4th time), and within an hour there were 5 new inches. Late yesterday it started to warm up and at first the flakes got really big and wet, clumps really, then around bedtime it turned to rain. Thankfully it remained above freezing over night so everything is soft and smooshy, not frozen sheets of ice.

First day it was nice to hunker down and take it easy, but by day two cabin fever was already setting in... and I really wanted a hamburger, like really bad. I thought and thought and thought and finally remembered that the bar that is walking distance from the house serves food, so I hiked up there and got my burger. It was full of other people suffering from cabin fever.

Aside from the burger, I haven't had proper protein or fruit since last week... for some reason when I went to the grocery store all I wanted was carbs so I've basically been eating pasta for the past few days. I am so going out for a decent lunch today!

Hallelujah! I'm out of the house and in the office this morning.

I'm having totally mixed feelings about the snow: it has been a once in a lifetime event, second highest snowfall in the month of February since it's been recorded (we're at 20 inches for the month). I live at the bottom of a great sledding hill and it has been so much fun seeing the neighborhood families out sledding and playing in the snow. And it has been beautiful. But there's been so much of it... yesterday early afternoon I cleared snow off the front deck (for the 4th time), and within an hour there were 5 new inches. Late yesterday it started to warm up and at first the flakes got really big and wet, clumps really, then around bedtime it turned to rain. Thankfully it remained above freezing over night so everything is soft and smooshy, not frozen sheets of ice.

First day it was nice to hunker down and take it easy, but by day two cabin fever was already setting in... and I really wanted a hamburger, like really bad. I thought and thought and thought and finally remembered that the bar that is walking distance from the house serves food, so I hiked up there and got my burger. It was full of other people suffering from cabin fever.

Aside from the burger, I haven't had proper protein or fruit since last week... for some reason when I went to the grocery store all I wanted was carbs so I've basically been eating pasta for the past few days. I am so going out for a decent lunch today!
So nice to hear from you @Oneanne! And glad to hear you are out of the house. 20 inches of sounds awful to me, but I can definitely appreciate the beauty of it. Sounds like the neighborhood kids are really taking advantage of it too. Good for them! Going for a walk for a burger sounds like a great things to do when you are snowed in. We used to have a tradition of going to TGI Fridays for lunch with the neighbors on the first snow day. But that tradition has faded away. We are having a "snow day" today, but it's mostly freezing rain and ice. So not fun at all. My son and I just tried to shovel the driveway and only got about half of it done (and it's not very big). But the ice is making it tricky. So we decided to take a break and will try again in an hour or so.

Woohoo it's Wednesday

Share your triumphs with us and we will celebrate your amazingness this week ... all woohoo's are celebrated no matter how big or small - we love them all

Keep that energy high as tomorrow we hit the halfway mark of our February love month
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Please send positive thoughts my way & hopefully I’ll actually watch one of those videos & pick up my dusty dumbbells tonight!

pixiedust: :goodvibes Here is your pixie dust and good vibes to help with using those dumbbells :D

Always a good reminder that everything in life needs balance...even exercise routines. Thanks!

That's what I'm here for :-)

Starting small and doing just the treadmill or walking. As I lose weight I will add some weight training.

Adding pieces at a time is a good idea - then we don't get overwhelmed - you are doing great with your water and your walking this month so far :P

In fact, now that my gym membership is paid for by my insurance, I’m thinking of calling her for a “tuneup.” It really wasn’t that expensive and learning to do things correctly and having a plan to do at home was well worth it.

That is awesome that you get that benefit. I love your idea of the 'tune-up' to make sure your form is correct to reduce chance of injury so you can workout at home :-)

I live at the bottom of a great sledding hill and it has been so much fun seeing the neighborhood families out sledding and playing in the snow.

So glad to hear from you and that you are ok after all that snow! But ...... I'm wondering why you didn't ride a sled down the hill too ;) :rotfl:I have never been to the snow .... looking forward to it one day.

My son and I just tried to shovel the driveway and only got about half of it done (and it's not very big). But the ice is making it tricky. So we decided to take a break and will try again in an hour or so.

Hope you got that snow shovelled out of the way - that would definitely count as a workout and weight bearing/strengthening ;)
Woohoo it's Wednesday

I am woohooing:

  • Almost finished with the pavers out the back - should be done by tomorrow afternoon - its starting to look good - and it has given me a good workout.
  • We had an afternoon tea at a work PD today - I took fresh berries (as they are one of the fruits I can eat - and they are delicious at the moment) and despite yummy things like cake, rocky road, etc. I was more than satisfied with my berries and some brie (that someone else brought along) - I said NO to that cake and I didn't even care (it probably helped that it was carrot cake and not chocolate cake :rotfl2:)
Woohoo it's Wednesday

Woohoo...Today we celebrate the 100th Day of School (with a 2 hour delay due to icy road conditions this morning). For the celebration, we ask each student to make a shirt with 100 items and wear it for our 100th Day Fashion Show. My shirt is covered with 100 Mickeys, of course :)

Also woohoo... @PollyannaMom, you were right. The extra weight from my poor night of eating did come back off pretty easily!
So glad to hear from you and that you are ok after all that snow! But ...... I'm wondering why you didn't ride a sled down the hill too ;) :rotfl:I have never been to the snow .... looking forward to it one day.
You know, it never even occurred to me to do it myself... possibly because I don't love the sensation of slipping?
I am woohooing:

  • Almost finished with the pavers out the back - should be done by tomorrow afternoon - its starting to look good - and it has given me a good workout.
  • We had an afternoon tea at a work PD today - I took fresh berries (as they are one of the fruits I can eat - and they are delicious at the moment) and despite yummy things like cake, rocky road, etc. I was more than satisfied with my berries and some brie (that someone else brought along) - I said NO to that cake and I didn't even care (it probably helped that it was carrot cake and not chocolate cake :rotfl2:)
That is a woohoo! Congrats on making excellent choices.
Woohoo... this morning for the first time in almost two weeks I left the house without a hat on. Granted I did pull up the hood on my coat, but it's warm enough that I didn't feel like I also needed a hat. And I brought indoor shoes with me, so today will also be the first day I'm not wearing my snow boots all day long.

It's going to be a long slow thaw... this will help with the urban flooding that would happen if it rained and melted everything at once, but it's going to be several more days before I can drive my car because there's deep slush on my street. It should be passable by the weekend, and it is looking like there won't be any more snow between now and when I'm planning to head to the beach next week - so woohoo to that! Double woohoo, because I have next week off and I'm going to the beach.
The snow and freezing rain are over and things are starting to thaw. I guess I have just been enjoying my snow days-I’m lucky I can stay off the roads and be safe at home in front of the fireplace with a good book.
Also getting a few little projects done.
Enjoying everyone’s posts-this is such a tough time of year-spring still seems so far off-but we’re all hanging in there, aren’t we?
I have a few woohoo's that are being overcasted by some issues with DD.

1. I have had 20 oz of water every day this month. Some days have been rough but I finished the 20 oz.
2. DD's finger is not broke. She just jammed it really bad.

So now the issue with DD. I got a call from her today from a friends phone crying. I couldn't hear her and I am not a fan of her calling me from someone else's phone. She doesn't have her own though. I told her to go to the office and call me. Which she did. Some kids are making fun of her on the bus and she doesn't want to ride the bus home. She was trying to ride the bus to a friends house and we would pick her up there. That was a no. I am not fans of this family and won't DD over their house again. DD would not tell me what was being said so I had go talk to the principle or councilor. the principle emailed to tell me basically what DD said and that she gave him names and and also that this is happening to a 5th grader too. SO now I am stressed. I just want to be able to sit down and talk to her to really see what is going on. I was on my way to get a healthy lunch when she called and then went back to my office so I could hear her when she called me back. I ended up with Chariles for lunch. Philly steak sandwich, fries and a pop. Not a good day. I will let her therapist know all this so they can talk at their next appointment.


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