February 2017 Wish Lifestyle / Weight Challenge: Beat the Sugar Rush and Earn Your Hero Medal!

Quick check in: I am at 10%. It is really difficult to get in those 8 hours. Mainly because I don't go to bed early enough. But I still have slept at least 7 hours and 45 minutes every night. So, an improvement!

I am currently feeling kind of lousy, wondering if I am getting a virus. I just hope not!!
Checking in - I am at 12.5%. I have lost a half pound since Tuesday.

This weekend was a busy one. Lots going on. We had karate, I got my hair done, basketball, getting glasses fixed, and a birthday/super bowl party for my nephew. My daughter slept over a friends house on Friday, I went to dinner with a friend and my son went to a friends house for a play date. I am not sure where the weekend went.

I haven't seen my mom since about Christmas. I was so excited that she can see a difference in how I look. I was so excited. Coming from my mom is the best thing. She can be critical of our weight at times. I don't think she tries to be but it comes off that way.

At the party I did have a small piece of cake and a small scoop of ice cream. I need to learn though that I need to eat before I go to parties. Most of the parties in the family involve pizza as the main food. I can't eat cheese anymore so pizza is out for me. They did have chicken and it was really good but it was fried and then baked so not the healthiest. I did find a new chip to eat. My mom has celiacs so she can't have gluten. My sister bought her a bag of lentil chips. 30 chips is only 130 calories. I tried them and they were pretty good. Through my mom I also now eat nut thins. I do not like nuts but the nut thins are pretty good.
Checking in at 25%. I'm the same in the weight dept but have bumped up to 4 miles for 2 of my runs this past week so I consider that progress. As for the weight, I got glass seats to a hockey game for my husband's birthday which included all you can eat and I definitely got my fill of the nacho bar.
Question of the Weekend:
Feel free to get feedback on your plan.
Do you need help with eating within calories?
Are you trying to run but don't know how to get started?
Do you want us to build a grocery list for you? What about workout programs?

I'm always looking for tips and tricks to stay good over the weekend without feeling restricted!

How about recipes?

I'm a boring eater and mostly live off of chicken, rice, and some veg. It's cheap and easy. That said I recently discovered Mrs. Dash seasonings which are no salt or MSG and they're very very tasty!
I'm at 13% for the month! I got up 2 mornings last week (which is out of 3). I'm feeling pretty tired this week and I already missed today because of the super bowl. So hopefully I can get myself back on track. I also ate waaaay more food this weekend than I intended to so I'm happy to get back to my regular eating plan.
Had a pretty good weekend... this is day four without caffeine, but I can't say the same about sugar. My mood is starting to mellow out, which is a very good thing.

Saturday we went out to breakfast down at a cafe by the beach, which is so close but so easy to forget about. My Sister mentioned that she's been finding being in the house alone in the evenings challenging, so we decided to go to a movie Sat night. Before the movie we went to eat at a place right by the theater and I was really blown away. I hadn't been in there in 5+ years, but did remember liking the look of it, which is Southwestern/Mexican. It was so beautiful, with lights strung across the room, and candles in niches in the walls. It really reminded me of Terlingua TX, so I ordered a Prickly Pear Margarita in remembrance and it was divine.... the food was also very yummy, so I'll remember to go back more often. We saw Hidden Figures which was really good, on many different levels. I'm old enough to remember that period of the space race but had no idea the role the women played.

After my feeling crappy last Thursday, I canceled going up to the mountains/snowshoeing with my Brother, which turned out to be a good thing. He blew out something in one of the wheels on his back-roading truck, but they did manage to get out. We started to have snow fall in the city during the Super Bowl yesterday and by this morning it was several inches. I had to drop my rent off this morning, so I got a bit of a walk in the snow in... without having to go to the mountains. The bus commute in to work this morning was slow but only slippy in a couple places... I caught the bus at pretty much my regular time but I think it was actually the earlier bus running late. It's going to be a (nice) quiet day in the office today as everyone is emailing they are working from home. I think it's supposed to turn to rain midday so the ride home should be very easy.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy week ahead of them!
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Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you're all off to a great week. :)

My second dress for Dapper Weekend came in yesterday, and I think I'm more excited about it than I am the first dress. Saturday's Dapper Day is at Magic Kingdom, which is what the second dress is for. The first dress is for EPCOT's Dapper Day, which is on Sunday. I am insanely excited for this trip. 80 days to go!! The menus for the Flower & Garden food booths came out last week, and I've already made our "must try" list. It's making the low-carb plan a little easier to stick to, knowing there are wonderful foods in my not-that-distant future!

Weighed in again this morning and I'm down another bit, putting me at 54% of my goal so far! I need to stay on top of my water intake during the day - I get so caught up working that I forget to drink anything. Not getting enough water really stalls the losing, I've noticed. I'm on a 9 day tracking streak so woohoo for that! I've got a ton of orders to get pressed and packed today before the post office closes so I really need to get a move on. I ordered a few pieces of clothing for our trip and they're coming today so I'm excited for that. I'll be sitting by the window waiting for UPS for the rest of the day, haha.
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February 6 - Let's Get Moving

Vanellope is Plotting... and Planning.
Our first week results are coming in and we're seeing some great numbers. Keep adding them into the thread and I'll get them added tonight. :)

This week I want to have us try something new and get out of our comfort zones. Let's use this week to do something new as part of our lifestyle change and see if it helps! Vanellope's programming wouldn't allow her to race, but she found a way around it. Find your inner Vanellope and do something new!

Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)
It's a super busy weekend for me. We were at a trade show in Orlando. Which was fun, but also meant lots of food and alcohol around. I did decent on the eating, but I did indulge on Sunday at Universal. We went to the chocolate emporium that opened recently. I mean I should not have even gone, but...... Anyway, we only had an appetizer and dessert, but the scale said Nope this morning! LOL

Checking in: 25%

I went to OT last week and killed it with my steps this weekend. So that's good. Now it's back to my cleaner eating for the rest of the foreseeable future.
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

I'm going to start Shakeology tomorrow and see how that makes me feel. I am feeling as though I'm lacking some nutrients, so I figured that having one of these each day on my drive to work will help me feel better about myself.

I have no idea how to make one of the shakes, so this week will be all about trial and error. So... why not do it now!
February 6 - Let's Get Moving

Vanellope is Plotting... and Planning.
Our first week results are coming in and we're seeing some great numbers. Keep adding them into the thread and I'll get them added tonight. :)

This week I want to have us try something new and get out of our comfort zones. Let's use this week to do something new as part of our lifestyle change and see if it helps! Vanellope's programming wouldn't allow her to race, but she found a way around it. Find your inner Vanellope and do something new!

Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

This will be a hard one. I like where I am at and it is working. I will think about this today and get back to you. Maybe I should really try to drink at least 20 oz of water a day. I am horrible at that. I know I need to drink it but I just really drink anything in a day. I am lucky most days to get 8 oz of any type of drink. Ok I have talked myself into it. I will drink at least 20 oz of water every day this week. I will give my percentage at the end of the week and then will continue to work on this and up the amount.

Bonus Questions - Our next to unofficial trips will be something new to us. We have decided on a Disney Cruise in summer of 2018 and Disneyland around 2020 (if we don't change our minds or I should say hubby doesn't change his mind). For WDW (when we go back) I want to take is slower then I normally do. I am very much a rope drop to close and had to learn for my husband and kids to take a break. I got that down now but I want to talk it slower in the parks. Really look around and the little details in things.
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

I had intended to get up early today and do some of the exercise videos I Youtubed this weekend, but I overslept, and now really need to knock out these orders. I'm going to try to get to the videos tonight after I've made a trip to the post office. I've got to start getting out of bed earlier, but I sleep through all of my alarms, and I'm not entirely sure how to fix that. I do try to fix as many meals/snacks in advance as I can, because I am 10,000% lazy, haha.

Dapper Days are new for us, plus this will be DH's first Flower & Garden visit. It's also his first trip to Hoop Dee Doo. We're also hoping Rivers of Light will be running when we go, and maybe a sneak peek of Avatarland, too!
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

I would love to start getting some freezer slow cooker meals ready that can be easily put in for the summer months especially when it gets to be in the triple digits here. ( The joys of living in a Steppe climate you get slightly more rain than a dessert, summers are short but hot and winters are long at cold with lots of snow unless your in the middle of a drought, let's not forget that the wind blows 7-9 months out of the year though not in the summer when a breeze would cool you off)

Honestly I am not sure what I would want to try on my next trip since due to finances we are easily still looking at 3-5 years out unless a group of people show up in a mini van with a big check ( lots of zeros after a number), balloons, flowers, and champagne ( well since neither DH or I consume alcoholic beverages for religious reasons they can skip this) in which case I would like to try flying first class.
We saw Hidden Figures which was really good, on many different levels. I'm old enough to remember that period of the space race but had no idea the role the women played.

Glad to hear you liked it - it is out here next week and we are busting to see it.

What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Well last night I tried spaghetti squash for the first time ever... I have been thinking on this and I am mixed between trying to eat yoghurt every day and adding a 5 minute sworkit app workout each day .... do you think I could do both? ... hmmmm ok I talked myself into it I will give both a go!

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

Well similar to @sweetpeama finances will stop us from getting there any time soon - it costs us between $4500-$5000 just for flights for the 4 of us to get to LA! But we are hoping, planning to come back and the biggest new thing we are looking forward to is Star Wars Land - I hope its worth it - DS16 thinks he will just spend his whole time there lol!
February 6 - Let's Get Moving

Vanellope is Plotting... and Planning.
Our first week results are coming in and we're seeing some great numbers. Keep adding them into the thread and I'll get them added tonight. :)

This week I want to have us try something new and get out of our comfort zones. Let's use this week to do something new as part of our lifestyle change and see if it helps! Vanellope's programming wouldn't allow her to race, but she found a way around it. Find your inner Vanellope and do something new!

Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)
I quit caffeine cold turkey last Friday, so that's still a new thing for me... unfortunately not one that is going to result in weight loss. I did actually go to the grocery store over the weekend, and have food in the house to eat, so that's also something new :). Oh, and one of the things I picked up was pre-cut Jicama, which will be a nice snack.

I do try a couple new things each WDW trip... last time it was easy with FEA and new Soaring having opened since I had been there. Not sure when the next trip will be, possibly November but not sure enough to start thinking about it.
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Glad to hear you liked it - it is out here next week and we are busting to see it.

Well last night I tried spaghetti squash for the first time ever... I have been thinking on this and I am mixed between trying to eat yoghurt every day and adding a 5 minute sworkit app workout each day .... do you think I could do both? ... hmmmm ok I talked myself into it I will give both a go!

Well similar to @sweetpeama finances will stop us from getting there any time soon - it costs us between $4500-$5000 just for flights for the 4 of us to get to LA! But we are hoping, planning to come back and the biggest new thing we are looking forward to is Star Wars Land - I hope its worth it - DS16 thinks he will just spend his whole time there lol!
@4Mickeys - we noticed that a lot of young girls were in the audience, which was really cool... if just a couple were inspired to like math/science that would be awesome.
wait till they are off looking at something else have the cashier at the thrift shop wrap it and then sneak it and the ring up in with your other purchases later. Bring it home and about 13 months later when it was all forgotten about give it as a birthday gift)

Hehe, I do this, too.

February 3 - Motivation for Improvement
Question of the Day:
Let's talk about your "ah ha" moment. When do you recognize that you needed to make a change?
Do you have something motivating you to reach the finish line?

Bonus Question: name your favorite video game 'bad guy'.

Hmm... the aha moment was a number on the scale (WAYYY more than 150... which is actually my goal... well, 149.5 puts me back in the "normal"... but I'll settle for getting back to "overweight," first!) and also a bad picture, shot from the side when I didn't know it... I looked full-term pregnant... The current motivation is that every pound I drop before June is one less pound I'm carrying around the parks in July... Bonus question... I don't play video games (like the entertainment, but can't figure out the controllers! Sad but true...) BUT, I love (love, love, love, *LOVE* Loki from the Avengers movies, and I know that he made it into the video games, so there, video game villain. Done.

Some part of my kitchen is nearly always covered in flour because I am also a messy cook (happy to read I'm not the only one)
Me three!

February 6 - Let's Get Moving
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

Hmm... if things (that are beyond my control) don't work themselves out very soon, I may very well be pulling an all-nighter tonight into a long day tomorrow... that's not EXACTLY new... but I haven't done it in a loonnnggg time... (hopefully it won't come to that.) But somebody mentioned jicama... maybe I'll try some of that... that would be new-ish... I think I had some as part of something in a restaurant once... not sure. Overall, I've got a lot of new-ish things going on already. One thing I do want to add back in soon is Abs, but time has been critical the past few days, meanwhile I'm afraid to make my abs hurt and then be unable to participate in my dance class.

We are trying a couple of new things on our trip. BoG was not built yet the last time we went, so we have a dinner reservation there. We are going on the FW trail ride the last day before we leave, which will be the first time my 10yo will have ever ridden a horse. We are sleeping offsite in a condo, but are named on my parents' FW campsite (since they are staying there and paying over $2k, I feel absolutely ZERO guilt over this...) so we may actually make time to go the resort pool. We are planning to tour some of the resorts on one of our non-park days, though I'm not sure exactly which ones yet. Oh, and I'm trying to fit in a few hours at the water parks... won't have time for full days, but I've never been to either of them, and it's really not much at all to add them to our tickets.

We went to the chocolate emporium that opened recently.
Oohh! Toothsome? How was it? I have it on our itinerary just for the theming alone, but I'm not sure it's going to happen because they aren't taking reservations at this time and I don't want to spend hours waiting around.
For Feb 6 got in a 15 minute lap completing 24 infamous house laps.
I noticed that my balance even when walking was off yesterday and could tell that my body was swelling from the fibro today especially since I "gained" 7 pounds in one day. I know I didn't eat the healthiest at Golden Coral especially since we stayed later than we normally do and there was hardly anyone there so it was so easy to just go and grab another item if I wanted it. I did try to stick with the lower calorie items but could not resist the butterfly shrimp. I knew I was going to be eating more that meal so did eat lighter earlier in the day to try and make up for it. I also know when my body decides to turn on itself that it can be a few days before I start to see the drop in the scale again as the water retention in my joints and muscles comes down. In the meantime sleep is in spurts between the pain and the having to answer those darn nature calls. I have noticed that I seem to have them be shorter if I push the water which I am doing but again more nature calls.
Now to get 9 year old out of the tub otherwise known as her happy place and into bed sometime in the next hour or so before DH gets home from work. At least we don't have to have her up in time for therapy in the morning as she is sick and is not going. I am seriously thinking of rubbing her back down with some vapor essential oil mixed in some fracturated coconut oil and see if that helps her.
Feeling much better today, so I am up for some chatting!! :goodvibes

I haven't seen my mom since about Christmas. I was so excited that she can see a difference in how I look. I was so excited. Coming from my mom is the best thing. She can be critical of our weight at times. I don't think she tries to be but it comes off that way.

That is wonderful!! It is always great when others notice a difference and I can totally see why it is important if your mom is the one who notices!

Checking in at 25%. I'm the same in the weight dept but have bumped up to 4 miles for 2 of my runs this past week so I consider that progress. As for the weight, I got glass seats to a hockey game for my husband's birthday which included all you can eat and I definitely got my fill of the nacho bar.

You are doing great with the running! Also have meant to comment on your avatar for quite some time when I first noticed the Danish flags. Is that a picture from Nyhavn in Copenhagen??

I'm always looking for tips and tricks to stay good over the weekend without feeling restricted!

My best advice, and I learned that from @pjlla, is: meal planning. I always was very much against it because I thought it would restrict me. However, I have learned that it frees me up to plan treats, because I have also planned on how to incorporate them without doing damage. I am still not as good at keeping it up as I want to be, but it really keeps me on track so much better. I find that it actually really frees me up as I don't have to constantly think, can I eat this or should I eat that. Instead, I know what the plan is and what I have to play with. For example last weekend I knew I wanted to go out for sushi, so I planned that for one meal and put everything else around it.

Weighed in again this morning and I'm down another bit, putting me at 54% of my goal so far! I need to stay on top of my water intake during the day - I get so caught up working that I forget to drink anything. Not getting enough water really stalls the losing, I've noticed. I'm on a 9 day tracking streak so woohoo for that!

Well done! I am so happy to hear you sound so much more positive again!

We went to the chocolate emporium that opened recently. I mean I should not have even gone, but...... Anyway, we only had an appetizer and dessert, but the scale said Nope this morning! LOL

I guess this was the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium? What is your verdict? We are thinking of going there on our next visit.

I'm going to start Shakeology tomorrow and see how that makes me feel. I am feeling as though I'm lacking some nutrients, so I figured that having one of these each day on my drive to work will help me feel better about myself.

I have no idea how to make one of the shakes, so this week will be all about trial and error. So... why not do it now!

Good luck! I hope it helps you with what you want to acchieve!

Well similar to @sweetpeama finances will stop us from getting there any time soon - it costs us between $4500-$5000 just for flights for the 4 of us to get to LA! But we are hoping, planning to come back and the biggest new thing we are looking forward to is Star Wars Land - I hope its worth it - DS16 thinks he will just spend his whole time there lol!

Have you considered Tokyo Disneyland? I have seen that there are quite a few Australian DISers who seem to visit quite a bit. I am totally excited about our visit there later this year, it looks like an amazing Disney park! It should be cheaper to fly to Japan than to the US from Australia?

For Feb 6 got in a 15 minute lap completing 24 infamous house laps.

Yes!!! You made it to the 15 minutes! Remember how at the beginning of January you said how others were saying that you need to do at least 15 minutes but that this did not work for you yet. You have proven them wrong, you did what you thought was right for you and now you are at the magic 15 minutes! :cheer2:

Sorry that your body is acting up at the moment, hope you feel better soon!
I'm alive! After another trip to the ER this weekend for uncontrolled coughing, I got a new diagnosis of walking pneumonia, a prescription for antibiotics, and a new inhaler. But it seems to have worked! I woke up this morning feeling 100% human for the first time in WEEKS. I'm not coughing. My head doesn't hurt. And I can breathe. Yay!!!!!! Hoping that I will be able to start weaning off the steroids this week so I won't be so hungry and start up my pre-C25K training plan again by the weekend.

Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

QOTD: I rarely cook meat at home since the smell bothers me and husband doesn't eat it. But I thrive on protein and unfortunately don't do particularly well on a mostly vegetarian diet. I started roasting some sort of beast once a week a few weeks ago because I've been so hungry on the steroids and it requires little effort beyond seasoning and remembering to take it out of the oven on time. Yesterday afternoon's candidate was roast chicken. I was skeptical of this because I'm not much of a fan of roast chicken and won't go near the rotisserie ones at the grocery. But I totally feel like I have money in the bank now. Still not in love with roast chicken it was good enough and but so little work gave me dinner last night, enough chicken for salads all week, and a carcass for the freezer and a future pot of soup. And the liver and kidneys made for some happy pets.

Bonus QOTD: My next Disney trip is likely to be Disneyland Paris next year as a side trip on a longer France visit. I've been to France but never to DLP so the Disney part will all be new! Particularly looking forward to Pirates, Phantom Manor, the Ratatouille ride, and seeing the dragon under the castle.

We may try to squeeze in the original Disneyland sometime this year as it is by far my favorite place in the world, neither of our 2016 WDW trips was all that great, and I could use some proof that Disney can still bring the fun and magic. As far as something new, I would really like to do the Walt's Footsteps tour. WDW is definitely off the table for the foreseeable future except for a side trip to Boma if we go back to Universal or Discovery Cove.


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