Father just diagnosed with cancer - so sad


Mouseketeer & Disney Vacation Club Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hi all,

I just found this area and thought I would post.

My 78 year old father was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it has spread to his lungs. He was admitted to the hospital about 3 weeks ago, and the results of his biopsy came back positive just 2 days ago.

He was complaining of abdomenal pains, lack of appetite, etc. We never thought it could be something so terrible.

I have been making the 45 minutes trip every night to see dad at the hospital. This man wants to live and it is so hard seeing him lose weight, not eat and feel sad. We are waiting to talk to an oncologist to find out about treatment options...

I am having a really rough time with this and feel very overwhelmed, sad, scared, angry, and helpless.

During the holidays, please say a special prayer for my dad. He is a wonderful father and an amazing man. He is not only my father but my best friend.

Thanks so much...
My heart goes out to you..

I will say continuous prayers for your Father. :grouphug:
I know your pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and the rest of your family.:hug:
I will keep your dad in my prayers. It is always painful to see a loved one suffer. Hugs to you....
I am so sorry you are going through this right now. I am kind of in the same boat with my dad right now, who is 70. Feels like it's been forever since the diagnosis of cancer, yet it's only been 2 weeks since they found a tumor on my dad's liver. It's just surreal right now. Sending hugs and prayers your way.:grouphug:
Thank you everyone. I am just going to take it one day at a time. Sorry Debbie to hear about your father. My thoughts are with you too and everyone who is going through such sadness during this time of year.
Please go to www.pancan.org -

it is the pancreatic cancer action network and they will help you with all kinds of questions you will have now.

Also John Hopkins University Hospital has a pancreatic cancer discussion board. Those people on the board are in your shoes or your dads and will be a tremendous help to you.

My mom has pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. She was diagnosed in Jan. 2004 (her tumors are neuroendocrine tumors). We just started Hospice thursday(yesterday). It has been a extermely long and difficult journey.

I won't sugar coat this and tell you everything will be alright because you need to know your dad is in for the battle of his lifetime. You must stay strong - contact pancan and the JHU discussion board - they will become your lifeline.

PanCAn # 1-877-272-6226.

Your dad can fight this. Find out what is CA 9-19 numbers are? Find out what kind of tumor? is an adenacarinoma or neuroendocrine? Could have the whipple surgery?

Mostly love your dad and be there for him.

email me anytime : jlrmiller@verizon.net (i'm julie in pa on the jhu discussion board)

I will keep you and your dad in my prayers.
Also.. I am here as well with my husband dealing with Pancreatic Cancer......As the previous poster suggested Pancan is a wonderful source of knowledge and also the Lustgarten Foundation as well.. I have done pancreatic cancer walks for both worthwhile organizations to raise money for PC research....

My husband has had a whipple and his cancer is adenocarcinoma... we are starting treatment again in the New Year to attack a specific area that he has had the disease come back. So radiation and chemotherapy and the battle begins. It is a fight but with love and support you can have some good days with the not so good days..

I am here if you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.. I am always willing to help..


Hugs to everyone here--- my MIL was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June (adenocarcinoma, Ithink, inoperable). She went into the hospital on Monday because fluid was building up around her heart and lungs. It's been drained, but the cancer has spread to her lungs. DH flew out on Wednesday to be with her, and DD and I will fly out on the 26th.

I'm just concerned about DD -- she adores all her grandparents, and grandma is a special lady. DD is only 8, but she's handling all the uncertainty and worry like a trooper - even with Daddy gone at Christmas.

Last minute airfares have just gone waaaay up, but giving DD and MIL time together will be priceless.

I hate those words inoperable... Please go and have the best Christmas ever and we will here if you have any questions when you get back.

We need more research and more recognition for PC and I was hoping that Pavarotti would bring that recognition and maybe some funds, but so far nothing.. from what I have been told.. Very sad...
Thank you everyone for your compassion. I am hearing from the oncologist that chemo and radiation will not improve his quality of life. It is so devastating. Just 5 weeks ago we all thought he had an ulcer and now we are dealing with Stage 4 cancer - and yes..it is adenocarcinoma. He did have fluid in his lungs and they put him on lasix to remove it a few weeks ago. He is on oxygen, IV and a TPN. We are going to get a second opinion from Pricness Margaret Hospital (a cancer hospital here in Toronto).
I will definitely contact Pancan today. Thanks for all your advise and my prayers are with all of you.
I've walked in your shoes, my Dad has Brain Cancer, You are in my Prayers.:grouphug:
Thank you everyone.
I spent last night in the hospital with my dad. Needless to say I couldn't sleep so I put on my IPOD and listened to the Podcasts.
Thanks again Podcast team.
My heart goes out to your family. Your Dad will definately be in my prayers:hug:
I too, have walked in your shoes. My Dad passed away last February and we were told chemo and radiation would diminish his quality of life as well. It is very, very difficult to watch someone you love so much go through this. We're here for you. God bless you all. :hug:


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