Extreme Makeover: TAGLIARCHY Edition

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It's actually warm here - it's 49 outside!!!:banana: :banana:
I stepped outside to get the newspaper, and I couldn't believe it - feels like Spring :flower: But I know it won't last to long - it's just a tease!!!!!:sad1:

We are just hanging around the house today, which is great!!! :thumbsup2
Kevin can rest his sore foot, and Katie has a cold, so she can rest that. I rented lots of movies yesterday, so we are doing that - all day!!!! :goodvibes I'm going to enjoy these low keys days in the winter, because when the nicer weather comes, they are very few and far between.

geffric - Very nice picture of you all!!! :goodvibes
That sash is awesome - I"m assuming that every item on the sash is something Geoff accomplished. You must be so proud of him!!! :goodvibes

Well, I gotta go check on Miss Katie - I hear her blowing her nose alot.
Have a good day today everyone!! :wave:
Good morning everyone!

Not much going on here. My mom left town last weekend, so we have just been relaxing.

Geffric - I am glad the scouting is going well. I was in girl scouts for years. I think Lily is going to start Brownies in two weeks. I really want her to do it, but I don't want to push her.
Hi Ho.. Greetings from Chi..

thanks for the nice words about Geoff..I have just finished the list for Geoff's Eagle letters, Scott went to work to print out the latest so we can mail those. Now onto laundry. If anyone wants to write Geoff a congrats letter , pm me and I will forward you the address.

BlueBayou I was a girl scout when i was young too. :thumbsup2 She would enjoy it as there are lots of fun things to do.. but you know kids.. they march to their own beat..

Kids are mad and pouting around as I won't let them play puter games or watch TV.. I told them to get ready for school and finals.. mean Mom strikes again..
:cheer2: Geoff---you look great as an Eagle. He almost looks like one of my cousins at that age (I wished that he had got involved into the scouts).
I was a girl scout anddid Girl State before my senior year (Girl and Boy State are programs by the American Legion, former President Clinton is a Boy State alumni from his home state as a teen).

:goodvibes NC Beast cooked the last of the gift steaks on the bbq along with some chicken for a couple of dinners for the week. It was nice out today.
Well, life is going back to normal today.:surfweb:
Here I am at 5:30am :faint:
I have to wake Stephanie up in an hour and battle with her to get her out the door on time.:rolleyes:
I have to work everyday until 7pm :rolleyes:
Yep........I liked life alot better during the holidays ::yes::

BB - How was your visit with your mom?
I would like my girls to be in Girl Scouts too, but the time has worked out for Stephanie. This year I was the only mom that couldn't have her child meet on Tuesday, due to Stephanie having CCD, so I was outvoted. :guilty: Therefore, Stephanie is not in girl scouts again this year. Oh well, maybe next year:rolleyes:

geffric - Yep, Stephanie is pouting too ::yes:: The DS is elsewhere now, and that bums her out, because she's been playing with it in bed every night since she received it. Tonight I made her read a book ;)

Belle - It was nice here too, so we grilled also :thumbsup2

Well, I'm off to start my morning
Have a good day today everyone!! :wave:
Morning.. a beautiful day here... it is supposed to be warm today. I am hoping to get outside at luncha nd go for a walk..
BB - How was your visit with your mom?
I would like my girls to be in Girl Scouts too, but the time has worked out for Stephanie. This year I was the only mom that couldn't have her child meet on Tuesday, due to Stephanie having CCD, so I was outvoted. :guilty: Therefore, Stephanie is not in girl scouts again this year. Oh well, maybe next year:rolleyes:
My mom's visit was okay. It is just so hard to see her health decline. It is difficult because the girls do not really like spending time with her. She is just not 'fun' to them. My mom is pretty crabby and she doesn't think we discipline our kids firm enough.
BB - How was your visit with your mom?
I would like my girls to be in Girl Scouts too, but the time has worked out for Stephanie. This year I was the only mom that couldn't have her child meet on Tuesday, due to Stephanie having CCD, so I was outvoted. :guilty: Therefore, Stephanie is not in girl scouts again this year. Oh well, maybe next year:rolleyes:
My mom's visit was okay. It is just so hard to see her health decline. It is difficult because the girls do not really like spending time with her. She is just not 'fun' to them. My mom is pretty crabby and she doesn't think we discipline our kids firm enough.
My mom's visit was okay. It is just so hard to see her health decline. It is difficult because the girls do not really like spending time with her. She is just not 'fun' to them. My mom is pretty crabby and she doesn't think we discipline our kids firm enough.

:hug: I'm trying to recall some of the activities that my Sis and I did with my maternal grandmother who had severe RA plus other health issues (joint replacements, strokes, poor vision, later on--dementia) until her death in 1994. I recall snapping beans, watching tv on her bed, and reading books when Sis and I were young. My family nicknamed her the Bionic Grandma (reference to the 70's series, Bionic Woman). Well, Grandma lived longer than most doctors thought she would and was lucky to found a great nursing home where she got involved in some simple outings and activities until the final year or two of her life. She enjoyed being in that home's elevated garden and watching tv in the rec room with other residents.

Boy, did I sleep great last night, after such a bad night sleeps the other night (we had alot of rain and heavy storms). Then I had somewhat of a crappy day yesterday, that I was glad the day was over (the reason why I had a crappy day is because I fell in a pool of mud before leaving for work, and then I had to reget ready for work. I quickly put my clothes in the washing machine so the stain wouldn't set, and I realized halfway through the cycle that my cell phone was in there, and now that is destroyed. Then when I took the garbage cans out to the street last night, they had water on top of them, and it rolled off onto the back of my legs, and down into my shoes. Yep, these things didn't make me happy :sad2: )

BB - I remember you talking about your mom's health after last Christmas. I'm sorry to hear of her health declining, and I agree, it's very hard to see that happen (I"m watching it with my dad). I'm also sorry to hear that your girls don't have fun with her. Hopefully they'll understand when they are older that her crabbiness was due to her poor health, and not because of them.

To everyone else - :wave2:

Well, it's time to go jump into the shower
Have a good day today everyone!!! :wave:
I just made a post, but it's no where to be found :confused3

On the front page of The CB, it's says I made a post, but it's no where to be found:confused3

So hopefully it will surface eventually, it's on The DIS Cyberspace:rotfl:
I see it surfaced - now we can go back to our regularly scheduled program :teeth:

Yesterday was a much better day :thumbsup2

I gotta say, it's so nice now that I'm leaving my 16 yr old employee alone longer. It gives me a chance to go home and feed the kids dinner at a decent hour (I hate eating dinner at 7pm). Tonight she doesn't work, so tonight we'll be eating dinner late, but I can handle doing it once in awhile - that's no problem.

Well, I"m off to make the "poll of the day"
I don't know what it's going to be yet, so I better do some quick thinking :scratchin

Have a good day today!!! :wave:

Slo-- I'm glad that you are having a better day(s).

We eat dinner after 9 pm on NC B.'s overtime days and on weekends it would be anytime after 6 pm except when we go to WDW. We tend to favor the late afternoon for sit down WDW dinners so we can walk off the heavy meals. I'm working on some new recipes/meals to keep from being tempted by take out.
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. We are back at work at things are, well as bad as ever!! The head teacher is off and we don't know when she will be back, one teacher in our team of 5 is off, no one knows why or when she will be back and 2 assistants in my team (including mine) are off and we don't know when they will be back! My assistant, Helen is very poorly and I doubt she will be back. I am very worried about her (she weighs 98lb and her hair is falling out!!) On top of this we have more work to do than ever and the inspectors will be back again in a month or 2!! But the good news is that it is Friday tomorrow!! After work I plan to take my work home (I'll deal with that all day Sunday), head for the gym, do my workout, then sit in the spa, sauan and steam room for a long time!! Then my best friend is coming over for dinner.

Have a good Friday everyone (it is already Friday here as it is gone midnight!!)
Danauk--- I hope that the workout will help get rid of some of that work stress. I hope that your DLP and your summer trip plans are going well.

I made some dark chocolate chip cookie dough and about to bake them for dessert when NC Beast gets home.
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. We are back at work at things are, well as bad as ever!! The head teacher is off and we don't know when she will be back, one teacher in our team of 5 is off, no one knows why or when she will be back and 2 assistants in my team (including mine) are off and we don't know when they will be back! My assistant, Helen is very poorly and I doubt she will be back. I am very worried about her (she weighs 98lb and her hair is falling out!!) On top of this we have more work to do than ever and the inspectors will be back again in a month or 2!!
Yuck! That does not sound like fun. I hope things get better.
It's Friday!!!! :cool1:
I just love the fact that I don't have to rush Stephanie off to school tomorrow - it's one less thing that I have to think about while getting myself ready for work :) Plus I can sleep a couple of hours longer :teeth:

Belle - You eat dinner late too. Please share the receipes to your new receipes if you like them :teeth:

Danauk - I'm sorry work stinks right now :guilty: Sending hugs and PD your way for it to get better soon :hug::wizard:

BB - :wave2:

Well, it's time to get this day started
Have a good day today!! :wave:
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