Expedition Everest Challenge Trekkers

Me and DH picked up our packet earlier this afternoon. We got there just in time for the 2PM course overview. We had enough time to sign out waivers, pick up our packet and goodie bag. We ended up buying t-shirts for ourselves. Mine is brown and pink and says Inagural then the EEC logo and the date - its all scratched up looking like it was attacked by the Yeti. My DH's t-shirt says - and then I was chased for 5 kilometers by a Yeti and all I have to show for it is this shirt - and the date - at the top it says Inaugural and the logo. I will upload the pics I just took in a sec. Unfortunately I requested a L shirt for both of us without realizing it was a tech shirt - well mine is way too big and I probably couldn have used a M but I couldn't exchange it - I got a pic of that too.

We then went to our hotel - for tonight we are staying at the HOJO just around the corner from Wide World of Sports on 192. Right next door is a mini golf place so we ended up walking over there and playing the 2 different courses. It was a fun time. Tomorrow early in the AM we will be heading to CSR and then on to Epcot. Can't believe tomorrow is the challenge!!! I am so excited.




Hope you enjoy the pics - sorry about the quality - I only used my camera phone since that was right in front of me for now.

Can't wait to see everyone and get this race on - Yeti here we come.
We are finally back in the room after a long long day of the parks :)

I spotted Wendy and managed to get a photo of her and her brother. So there are 2 photos of people sitting in the "camp" the other couple would me me and my DH Ray. I met a lady named Carol but now I see someone said they saw Carol (blizzard) and I thought there was CarolA never realizing we had at least 2 Carols. So I'm not sure who I crossed paths with. Later while running around Epcot I received a call and Anne has arrived!

I managed to get a photo of the lady 'report' who was 'reporting' on the expedition. She was too cute all dressed in her PARKA and Expedition wear. When I asked for a photo, knowing that a photo was needed for future trekkers ;) that and I DID promise Robert and everyone that I would be taking photos. So I took one for the team when she asked me back to her 'camp' for a photo.

The Expedition is sounding less scary now. Still hurdles, still a cargo net we have to climb and yes there is the balance beam and crawling involved but I'm not as worried but then again talk to me at 6 pm Saturday night when my tune has changed ;)

There are photos of foot prints, those are YETI prints we were sooooo early we saw the guy put the 1st one down. He never finished the Exp Everest logo before we left but I have a photo of his chalk outline and him working on the Champion logo. The merchandsie someone else has already posted on. We had it before we had checked in. Like I said, we were soooo early they told us to wander around and we did... we found the shop and were the only ones in there and the first to order from what I could tell of the guy saying.

So we spent from like a little after 9 am till 12:30 pm at the WWoS. A little more time than I would have liked to spend but I wanted to get the course talk out of the way.

So here are my photos so far. The base camp they have set up is too cute. The wording for some refreshments was cute. You could hear the Yeti growling on a tape every so often and some other sound maybe wind? I never caught it well enough.


Well that's it for tonight. I still haven't decided if I am wearing my camera or not. I really really want to but then there is the though of me hurdling myself at well at HURDLE! But I think wearing it will win out.

Later Team!!!

As always WISH you were all here. :grouphug:
We are relaxing back at the AKL as well, I saw a WISH person during packet pick up today, but I was so distracted and hyper (let alone shy), that I didn't have the courage to go over and say hi :rotfl:
I promise to try harder tomorrow.

The obstacle course is freaking me out (well... maybe just the net part), but they seem pretty easy going about it, so it is all good. My friend, (whose team member didn't show up), will be able to run as a solo runner, so that's awesome.

Went to DTD for an Earl of Sandwich dinner, then came back to the hotel and hung out by the pool bar... yeah I might regret that pinacolava tomorrow, but I am hoping it is a non-issue by tomorrow afternoon :rotfl:
DianeL: Thanks for sharing the photos!! That's pretty cool.

Hope everyone has a great time tonight!!

Wendy: Take care of that foot!!!!!!!
Good luck to everyone! I can't wait to read some race reports, as my mom and I want to do this one next year. Mom is 65 (and spry!) and wants to know what the obstacle course is like.
Sounds like it is going to be a cool race!! I am so jealous of all of you that are down in WDW right now!! Hope everyone has a blast, and I can't wait to hear all the race reports!!
Lets see who will be the first to post right after the race and party......

ok, just waiting around to hear something..........

I just got back from the race and the party. It was awesome. I'm just happy I finished.

Some things Disney could improve upon:

1. Have a race timer at the end of the 5K. Having only the one at the end of the whole enchilada was kind of a bummer.

2. Have the fruit/water/bagel/food after you run stand at the end of the 5k, as well as at the end of the obstacle/scavenger hunt.

3. More food places open (only things open were Flame Tree & Restaurantasaurus)

4. Scavenger hunt was a ton of fun :) They knew people would 'cheat' so there were at least 8 or 10 versions of the 4 questions. Good show.

5. More rides open. I think the only things open were Everest (which was truly amazing to ride in the full dark), Dinosaur, Kali & Triceratops Spin.

All in all, it was a really fun race (even for the walkers :) ) and everyone was supportive and cheered everyone else on. I would definitely do this one again.
My husband had signed up to complete this with a co-worker and at the last minute, the co-worker had to cancel due to an injured knee. Well 2 days ago, I decided to join him. I have never done a 5k before and I am completely out of shape, but I walk at Disney all of the time, so I figured what the heck. I actually completed the 5k in 50 minutes. The bad part is that I was in wave 11, so I was the last person to cross the finish line of the actual 5k. I met some fellow diser's who wore a great shirt that inspired me because at least I started the race and I finished it. I actually really enjoyed it and will probably start competing in more 5ks.
That was fun!!!
I was SO scared waiting for the start, but I was sitting right by wonderful DISers on the front of wave 6. I ran a bit at the beginning, but that first mile, I tell ya it was hard for me. Stopped to re-tie my shoe and it messed up my rythm :rotfl: (yes... that sounds like a good excuse :upsidedow ).

To me, the part that felt the longest was the backstage path in the middle of the race going into mile 2. It never seemed to turn around!:scared1:

I can't believe how amazingly sweet and supportive the WISH team was, so happy I found you guys :grouphug:

I had to skip the obstacles, with my weak knees and running out of steam I could just see the ambulance taking me away. But DH went bananas on them! He jumped, climbed, balanced and crawled like a maniac!!! I had never seen that man move so fast, so at least half the Benjamins went through with it!

The clues were fun, and the different passports were awesome! I wish I had one of each as souvenir. We had no problem with the clues, so we made up some time at the tail end of the race. Once I crossed that finish line, got my medal and our passport was given the OK I was SO happy!

I tried to ride Everest, but it was already a 30 min wait by the time I got down there (had to find my lost friend), and my feet were a bit bummed, so we went back to the resort and headed to Mara for dinner. We had some folks stop us and ask us what the medals were for. One lady told me she had JUST completed her first 5K, so she was def. in the Challenge if they did it against next year.:)

Wow long post, anyway, great race, good times, wonderful people. I'll be coming back for more!!!:cool1: :dance3:
Chocokat--Congrats on the race!! Thanks for the report, glad to hear it was a lot of fun!

Do you have a picture of the medal??
Man - I had a whole race report typed up and BAM my computer crashed!!! UGH didn't think I would get it to come back up - I was starting to freak for a bit. I will be back later to do a full race report - with pics. Its time for us to get ready to go to the parks - I think MK today and then Epcot again.

I promise to be back later and do my report. We had alot of fun and enjoyed it. I would definately look forward to doing it again. We only rode Everest (which is really AWESOME in the dark) and Dinosaur. We watched the award ceremony, got take out from Flame Tree and went back to room - it was around 11PM (thankfully we drove to AK so we were able to drive right back to the resort and right to our room)

Oh well I better get going since my dh is ready to get to the parks - even though he can hardly walk :lmao: He could have run the whole 5k without getting out of breath (and he smokes cigs and does NO training) but he is paying for it today - I on the other hand had breathing trouble and my mouth was dry but today my legs feel ok - for now!! Lets see after walking around the parks!!
Good morning!
I'm typing this up as we are leaving Ft Wilderness to head home.

I had fun and was glad I decided to participate in this first race. I was in Wave 1 because I was not apart of a team. So I will probably never be that close to the front again. LOL!!

I finished up the 5k and there were still waves that had not started. I did the obstcle course. The frist one I just went under instead of over. I was not going to hurt myself. I do know my limits. LOL! I did the rope climb, balance beam, and crawled on the ground. I was more nervous about the scavenger hunt because I was having trouble w/solving the first 2 ones in the emails. So I got 3 out of 4 and went to the finish line.
I am trying to talk people into doing this w/me next year. I saw some wishers, but they were far from me. I did have a chance to meet Sneezie and her sister before the race. They are very nice. Well I'm signing off now. Have a good day everyone!!!
Can't wait to see pictures of this race and hear more about the challenges. Congrats to all of you that participated and finished. Sounds like lots of fun.
Hello Trekkers!!

Hate to say this...., but.....

WE WANT PHOTOS and Details!!!!!!!


Just sitting here waiting, not sure why you would not want to get up this morning and post everything instead of going to the parks.:confused3

Photos please:worship: we are begging here.

Ok so you wanted pictures - I got pictures of the obstacle course before the race started so here you go

Marine Hurdles

Cargo Net

Cargo Net

Balance beam

Cargo Net Crawl

5k Start Line

I don't really have pictures during the race but I do have a few of the start line but they are on my cell phone and I don't have them uploaded yet.

Getting ready to go walk around CSR and then on to Epcot again - love the F&W festival.
Sounds like it was fun! I am going to echo Tracy because I want to see the medal too and some WISH pics. :goodvibes

Thanks for sharing those pics, Tricia!
Hi Everyone!

The Race was so much fun! I just wish they had had more clues - I could have doen the scavenger hunt for hours!

Dh and I were in wave 7. We got to know some of the other couples as we waited to start and a group of about 8 of us were out in front. We took off at our start and left most of our wave way behind us. We passed the first walkers about 1 miunte into the run and from then on we were threading our way though the course.

The run was great. We took off at 7 minute miles but we settled into an easier pace pretty quickly. When I hit the lap timer on my garmin at the obstacle course it read 25:11. I was too breathless to care at the moment.

The obstacle course was super easy. Of course, I had dh to practically throw me over the first hurdles. By this point, we had caught up with most of the women who were competing alone. I felt bad for the ones that were trying to tackle the hurdles alone.

The scavenger hunt was awesome! They had several different variations of clue books so people were going every which way. We missed the easiest clue because we were trying to go too fast. I was shocked that almost everyone was walking around looking for clues. Dh and I ran the whole time.

I think we finished in about 50 minutes. Since most of the winners had times of 45, 47, 44 I think we did pretty well! The winners had to have gotten all the clues right so some people who thought they had won, had not. Since we miss counted the number of feet on a sign, we have been telling everyone we lost by one foot.

The after party was great. You could literally shoot onto almost every ride. The raft ride was awesome in the dark!! The line for everest gone long for about 20 minutes but shortened up quickly.

All in all, it was loads of fun. A great race for Disney lovers.

The only thing I wish they had done differently is to set the waves up by expected 5k time. I don't mind passing walkers, but this was us pasiing walkers who were also passing walkers. in the dark. on windy narrow trails. It made it a bit sketchy for those of us that wanted to run.



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