Every Mile is a Miracle


As you all know, training hasn't been going too well. This weekend I had my final long run scheduled for Saturday morning -- a 15 miler: 11 miles at my Long Run pace (10:24) and 4 at my Marathon Tempo pace (9:32). But my daughter also had a swim meet this weekend that we had to be up early for in Vegas. The idea of running around in the dark in an area that I am not super familiar with just didn't sound appealing, so I skipped it. Then I figured, well, I could wake up early Monday morning when I am back at home and get it done. It would still give my body plenty of time to recover and not really mess up the taper and stuff. So that's exactly what I did.
Even though I wanted to go back to sleep.
Even though I... I mean I just really wanted to go back to sleep.
And even though it made me 20 minutes late to work, ooooops.

I DID IT. And... AND.... I hit my forking paces! Boom. This was a huge confidence boost that I so desperately needed. I can do hard things. Look at me go.
11 miles @ 10:16 + 4 miles @ 9:22

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As you all know, training hasn't been going too well. This weekend I had my final long run scheduled for Saturday morning -- a 15 miler: 11 miles at my Long Run pace (10:24) and 4 at my Marathon Tempo pace (9:32). But my daughter also had a swim meet this weekend that we had to be up early for in Vegas. The idea of running around in the dark in an area that I am not super familiar with just didn't sound appealing, so I skipped it. Then I figured, well, I could wake up early Monday morning when I am back at home and get it done. It would still give my body plenty of time to recover and not really mess up the taper and stuff. So that's exactly what I did.
Even though I wanted to go back to sleep.
Even though I... I mean I just really wanted to go back to sleep.
And even though it made me 20 minutes late to work, ooooops.

I DID IT. And... AND.... I hit my forking paces! Boom. This was a huge confidence boost that I so desperately needed. I can do hard things. Look at me go.
11 miles @ 10:16 + 4 miles @ 9:22

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Taper Crazies + Almost on Vacation Crazies = Extra Crazy Jenna

With 10 days until my Marathon (yikes) I am actually feeling pretty good. The problem (not really sure if it is actually in fact a problem) is that we are headed to Disneyland for 4 days before my Marathon. I will have a few days at home to stretch and relax though before heading to Long Beach, so I should be fine. But here is the plan:
Saturday 10/5 - Head to Vegas to drop off the dogs with my parents
Sunday 10/6 - Drive to Anaheim: Beach & Oogie Boogie Bash
Monday 10/7 - All day at Disneyland
Tuesday 10/8 - All day at Disneyland
Wednesday 10/9 - Half day at Disneyland, then drive home
Thursday 10/10 & Friday 10/11 - Back at home and work, lame
Saturday 10/12 - Drive to Long Beach: Expo, Pizza, Wine
Sunday 10/13 - Long Beach Marathon............. then drive home! Ugh.

Just need to get through these two work days. And I really don't wanna be here.
Hey y'all! I am just gonna do the quickest of re-caps from our Disneyland trip this week.

Sunday we did the Oogie Boogie Bash. It was fun, it wasn't crowded, but we basically spent a ton of money to ride our favorite DCAs rides and get some candy. At least we looked cute doing it.


Monday and Tuesday were full park days that included things like Character breakfast at Plaza Inn, lunch at Lamplight Lounge, and dinner at Carthay Circle. Lots of rides and lots of snacks. We went with some friends and their kids, so we had a big group and it was a lot of fun.

Obligatory photo of me and my main squeeze:

Wednesday was a half day and the parks were P A C K E D. It was crazy. Then we came home.

I have been at work these last two days and tomorrow morning we head back to California so I can go run the Long Beach Marathon!!!!

How do I feel, you ask? Fine. I think I feel fine. Maybe because the reality hasn't set in yet. Or because I kind of threw time goals out of the window (it's gonna be an automatic PR anyway since I don't have EE to ride in the middle of it). Or because I feel like my body can probably run a sub 5 hour Marathon because I have trained it to do so for the past 19 weeks. In any rate, I got 26.2 miles ahead of me on Sunday. I will pop back in tomorrow and let y'all know my bib number and if there is tracking available.

Oh yeah and only 20 days until I am at WDW for Wine and Dine!
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I've been so busy with life garbage that I forgot your race is this week. Yay! So excited for you to crush this race.

Now I gotta go track down runner tracking...
Great pics, your costume is so cute! I already have my spot on my favorite chair and coffee cup ready for tracking some friends running Chicago, so I will add you to my list of people to stalk and yell at loudly from inside my house this weekend.

Also - you got this!!!! I re-read my Chicago race recap last night for nostalgia but also to remind myself that I'm capable. And it reminded me that my mantra was "I can't believe I've already ran this far this quickly" I would say it even when I was slowing down. I hope that can maybe help you :)
Shildt and I say (flip) up that (dang) course, kick some (apps), don’t take any (stuff) off no one and show everyone who’s (fracking) boss.


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