"Every fiber of my being hurts, but this is SO cool".. Our 13.1 Mile Disney Journey

By this point, we'd been running for about 2 hours. Our whole bodies ached and we were starting to feel tired. We hadn't trained with Gu packets so we skipp the handout. However, we did pop a few of the energy reboost jelly beans that Jelly Belly sells for endurance. These taste a lot like the regular beans and are easy to chew/swallow when running. Finally, we reached Mile Marker 10:

Right after Mile Marker 10, we ran under an highway underpass where we could see the other runners up above us. After we ran under it, we were directed to head to the right up the on ramp. There was a music playing and a Green Army Man yelling for the runners to keep pushing through. Once we were up on the bridge/overpass, we could look down at the runners that were coming up behind us. We took another 1 minute walking break then started running again. I believe it was now that we ran back past the Winnie the Pooh characters again but I'm not sure? Then we saw Mile Marker 11:

And these cool guys from the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It Street Party:


And finally, Epcot started to come into view. We were running along the road to the left of the main entrance so we were more or less looking down on it and I snapped a quick pic of the sign:


Along this mile, there was a group from AllEars.net that was ringing bells and cheering all the runners on which was really nice. Also, we passed Tinkerbell again who was joined by Terence, Fawn, and Iridessa. Right before we entered Epcot, we passed Mile Marker 12:


Right after the marker, there was a stage set up where Off Kilter was performing for the runners. It was really cool and the live music was a nice touch. There had also been several places through the course where local cheerleading squads and bands were cheering on runners and playing music which I thought was really nice... I mean the poor kids got dragged out of bed so early.

Then, it was time for the last mile of the race. We entered Epcot from a backstage area where we stopped real quick to take some pics:



Then we taped a video of the actual entrance into the park. As you'll see, we pass Stitch on the way:


Once we exited backstage and entered the actual park, DBF snapped this pic:


We had entered from the right and turned right to head towards World Showcase. I took this picture after we first entered:


Now, we had just passed Spaceship Earth and were starting to pass Innoventions when I saw it. The one character spot that I just had to stop for. I looked at DBF and said "Omg, we have to stop, we just have to... PLEEEEASE." Haha, he just kind of laughed at me and agreed. Luckily this character spot had by far the shortest line we'd seen all day (probably because it was so close to the finish) and there were only two parties in front of us. We waited briefly for our turn and then stepped up to get our picture taken with...

Phineas & Ferb!

I love Phineas & Ferb and since they typically don't come out in the parks (as of now) I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. And, what was really cool was the fact that one of the "parties" in front of us was none other than Al Roker, so DBF snapped a pic too:


After our pic, we started running towards World Showcase again. As soon as we reached the World Showcase Plaza, we followed the CMs direction and made an immediate u-turn back towards Spaceship Earth again. We snapped this pic as we approached:


Then, after we passed, DBF took this picture of the two of us running:


I figured it was a good sign that we were still smiling in it. Then we made our way out another backstage entrance and headed back towards the Wonder Parking Lot where the race had began. Right before Mile Marker 13, this choir was signing and DBF snapped a pic:


And I took this video:


I thought they were really good and the music was a nice touch to end the race on. As you can tell from the video, we passed Mile Marker 13 right after:


We rounded right around the corner and the .1 mile to the Finish Line came into view:

We gave it everything we had left and made our way to the finish line.. here's a video as we finished:


Crossing that finish line was an amazing feeling. We had done it, I had done it. I'd ran 13.1 miles without anyone telling me I had to, I'd done it purely for myself and that's a really amazing feeling. After we crossed the finish line, we walked forward and were handed our medals:



They were also handing out those plasticy thermal blankets to people. Before we exited the area, we stopped and asked a CM to take our pic:


It had taken us just over 2 1/2 hours. Overall, the race was a lot of fun, an amazing experience, a big accomplishment, and one of the coolest things I've ever done. I hope you enjoyed reading the running portion of this trip report and I hope you stay tuned to read about the rest of our short weekend trip to WDW. Still to come...

We're going swimming with Nemo!
GREAT update!! Can't wait to watch the videos when I am home from work (I know I probably shouldn't be on here during my work day :rotfl:) I cannot tell you how much I LOVE :lovestruc Phineas and Ferb and I am insanely jealous of your picture with them!! Of course the picture of them with Al is pretty awesome as well!!

Great job on your half marathon, you guys did it in an awesome time and seemed to have fun along the way as well :goodvibes At least it looks it as you were both smiling right before and after the finish :thumbsup2
Great update, I love seeing all the videos! I would have loved running through Epcot, again, I probably would have cried! :rotfl2: Can't believe you met Phineas and Ferb, I'm not a big fan of theirs, but I know they are really rare to see in the parks! :thumbsup2
YAY!!!! That is so awesome you finished! Congratulations!!!!!!! I will have to watch the videos from home (I am reading this from work now) :surfweb:
Awesome update....and congratulations on finishing the race. Love the picture of Al Roker (and you guys too!).
Congratulations on finishing the marathon. I am sitting here with DH trying to convince him that we should do a marathon trip next year.
20thingamabobs, your DBF is not the only one who was outfoxed by the Spaceship earth balloon. From last year, the 2010 Mickey, I posted this comment in a thread where Dolce27 posted her first marathon training and experiences: "Dolce, I concur regarding Spaceship earth. I ran my first Marathon at the Disney this year, and every time I turned around it seemed I was at Epcot. I too thought the hot air balloon on the way to WDW parking was Spaceship Earth yet again, and it almost killed my spirit. I really wanted to get to Main Street USA so much, and feared I had to endure Epcot once more. (Is it true that Epcot stands for 'Everyone Pleads, "Cancel Our Tickets'"? or "Empty Promises Cannot Obfuscate Truth"?) Anyway, I finally figured out that the real Spaceship Earth does not have Mickey's arm protruding from it or a large fire underneath it, and settled in for the approach to WDW."

In my defense, it was a long way off when I first saw it:rotfl2:---no, really! I first saw it just after the 270 degree turn that takes your from Epcot to World Drive on the way to the MK paring entrance. I did not know my way around and I was sure it was a third trip through EPCCOT. Never more glad to be wrong! Anyway, tell your DBF he has company.:thumbsup2

It was kinda dark when I first saw it, but then it resolved to this:


Oh, and btw, when Dolce replied to my post, she said, "Seeing your pic's brings a smile to my face . Except for... (picture above snipped)
that one! It drove me nuts until I was finally at an angle to see it from this side and realize that it wasn't the real Spaceship Earth. Plus, when I saw it, the sky was just beginning to lighten up so the darkness + distance helped it to look like the real mccoy.

I'd like to think its a common mistake.

But then, I'd also like to think that leaving one's car running for two hours unoccupied while at the Expo at the ESPN is a common error. But I'm guessing its just another of my "senior moments.":lmao:
I'm the opposite of others right now, I can only see youtube from work due to my dumb connection at home being so bad. So yay! I've watched all your videos back to back and I love them! I was tearing up at some points to, I can only imagine how you felt.

The cheers as you're running, the trumpets from the Castle... awesome! That choir singing We Will Rock You -- ROCKED! How cool you got to meet Phineas and Ferb and Al Roker? Too funny!
Great updates! I love the trumpets playing when you went through the castle. Just that moment makes me want to run the half-marathon at Disney! Thanks for all of the video clips. They were a lot of fun to see.
I have to admit, I am just not watching the videos now because they were making me motion sick. LOL!
But what a fabulous run. I love that you saw Phineas and Ferb. I would've stopped too. And then Al Roker too. How cool. He looks really good there too. I wonder how many characters he stopped for? LOL!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Congrats on finishing!! I've been reading along! Your trip report inspired me, I think my dad and I are going to register for the 2012 half marathon!!

Congrats again, I'm sure it felt great to finish!! :cool1:
Did you get a picture of Tinkerbell and the other fairies? Could you post if you did? Pretty please?

I saw Tink and one of the other fairies on Sunday, but it was at a place where I was starting to have trouble maintaining pace, and then the weirdest thought went through my head when I contemplated stopping for a photo with them:

"Oh, it's probably not the real Tinkerbell, anyway." :laughing:

What was I thinking? If ever there is a time in life where smacking oneself on the forehead with one's palm is appropriate, then that was one of those times. I think my glycogen levels must have been depleted earlier than I thought!

And now I really regret not stopping to get the picture taken.:sad2:
GREAT update!! Can't wait to watch the videos when I am home from work (I know I probably shouldn't be on here during my work day :rotfl:) I cannot tell you how much I LOVE :lovestruc Phineas and Ferb and I am insanely jealous of your picture with them!! Of course the picture of them with Al is pretty awesome as well!!

Great job on your half marathon, you guys did it in an awesome time and seemed to have fun along the way as well :goodvibes At least it looks it as you were both smiling right before and after the finish :thumbsup2

Thanks! We did have a lot of fun and I can't wait to do another one! i'm not sure if you read the DIS blog post this morning but it looks like Phineas & Ferb are going to start doing a regular meet & greet starting in May! I can't wait to get their autograph and I hope Perry is with them!

Great update, I love seeing all the videos! I would have loved running through Epcot, again, I probably would have cried! :rotfl2: Can't believe you met Phineas and Ferb, I'm not a big fan of theirs, but I know they are really rare to see in the parks! :thumbsup2

I'm glad you're enjoying the videos! DBF bought me the video camera for our 5 year so that was the first time I really got to use it and it's so fun to go back and relive everything through the videos! I can't tell you how many times I almost cried though!

YAY!!!! That is so awesome you finished! Congratulations!!!!!!! I will have to watch the videos from home (I am reading this from work now) :surfweb:

thanks! We had so much fun!

Awesome update....and congratulations on finishing the race. Love the picture of Al Roker (and you guys too!).

Thanks! We had so much fun!

Congratulations on finishing the marathon. I am sitting here with DH trying to convince him that we should do a marathon trip next year.

Thanks! I hope he agrees! It took some major convincing to get DBF to agree but even he talks about how much he enjoyed it and how it was even more fun than he expected! In fact, I've already got him to agree to another one but there will be more details on that later!

20thingamabobs, your DBF is not the only one who was outfoxed by the Spaceship earth balloon. From last year, the 2010 Mickey, I posted this comment in a thread where Dolce27 posted her first marathon training and experiences: "Dolce, I concur regarding Spaceship earth. I ran my first Marathon at the Disney this year, and every time I turned around it seemed I was at Epcot. I too thought the hot air balloon on the way to WDW parking was Spaceship Earth yet again, and it almost killed my spirit. I really wanted to get to Main Street USA so much, and feared I had to endure Epcot once more. (Is it true that Epcot stands for 'Everyone Pleads, "Cancel Our Tickets'"? or "Empty Promises Cannot Obfuscate Truth"?) Anyway, I finally figured out that the real Spaceship Earth does not have Mickey's arm protruding from it or a large fire underneath it, and settled in for the approach to WDW."

In my defense, it was a long way off when I first saw it:rotfl2:---no, really! I first saw it just after the 270 degree turn that takes your from Epcot to World Drive on the way to the MK paring entrance. I did not know my way around and I was sure it was a third trip through EPCCOT. Never more glad to be wrong! Anyway, tell your DBF he has company.:thumbsup2

It was kinda dark when I first saw it, but then it resolved to this:


Oh, and btw, when Dolce replied to my post, she said, "Seeing your pic's brings a smile to my face . Except for... (picture above snipped)
that one! It drove me nuts until I was finally at an angle to see it from this side and realize that it wasn't the real Spaceship Earth. Plus, when I saw it, the sky was just beginning to lighten up so the darkness + distance helped it to look like the real mccoy.

I'd like to think its a common mistake.

But then, I'd also like to think that leaving one's car running for two hours unoccupied while at the Expo at the ESPN is a common error. But I'm guessing its just another of my "senior moments.":lmao:

:lmao: I read DBF your post and got all smug and was like 'see, I knew I could be the only one" :rotfl: It is reassuring to know though and I suppose if you don't know the area very well that from a distance it could look like the real thing!

I'm the opposite of others right now, I can only see youtube from work due to my dumb connection at home being so bad. So yay! I've watched all your videos back to back and I love them! I was tearing up at some points to, I can only imagine how you felt.

The cheers as you're running, the trumpets from the Castle... awesome! That choir singing We Will Rock You -- ROCKED! How cool you got to meet Phineas and Ferb and Al Roker? Too funny!

It was an awesome time and we made some awesome memories! DBF made fun of me for almost crying so I'm glad other people "get it".

Great updates! I love the trumpets playing when you went through the castle. Just that moment makes me want to run the half-marathon at Disney! Thanks for all of the video clips. They were a lot of fun to see.

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I think the trumpets and the choir at the end were some of my favorite parts!

I have to admit, I am just not watching the videos now because they were making me motion sick. LOL!
But what a fabulous run. I love that you saw Phineas and Ferb. I would've stopped too. And then Al Roker too. How cool. He looks really good there too. I wonder how many characters he stopped for? LOL!
Thanks for sharing this with us.

HAHA yea, I knew the videos would make some people sick.. they make me a lil nauseas when I watch them on the tv because it's so big in front of you. I was so excited about Phineas & Ferb but the DIS blog announced this morning that they'll be making appearances in the parks starting in May so we'll see. I think Al Roker stopped for all the characters (or at least most of them). He started in the very first wave which was about an hour in front of the wave we were in. And he does look really good since losing all that weight!

Congrats on finishing!! I've been reading along! Your trip report inspired me, I think my dad and I are going to register for the 2012 half marathon!!

Congrats again, I'm sure it felt great to finish!! :cool1:

Thanks! It did feel really good and once you've finished your first one, it's really addicting. I had to beg DBF to do this one and when I asked him to do another one, he said yes right away and we booked it. I'll have more on that later. My dad is running in the ESPN 5k with me in March through Hollywood Studios! I hope you and your dad do the half next year! I think it'll be a lot of fun for both of you and it's a great bonding experience!

Did you get a picture of Tinkerbell and the other fairies? Could you post if you did? Pretty please?

I saw Tink and one of the other fairies on Sunday, but it was at a place where I was starting to have trouble maintaining pace, and then the weirdest thought went through my head when I contemplated stopping for a photo with them:

"Oh, it's probably not the real Tinkerbell, anyway." :laughing:

What was I thinking? If ever there is a time in life where smacking oneself on the forehead with one's palm is appropriate, then that was one of those times. I think my glycogen levels must have been depleted earlier than I thought!

And now I really regret not stopping to get the picture taken.:sad2:

I'm so sorry but we didn't get a picture either :confused3 Talk about glycogen levels being depleted, Tinkerbell is my absolute favorite character, we passed her twice and neither time did I bother to take a picture.... I can't believe I didn't either... I have to admit though, I laughed a little when you said you thought it wasn't the "real" Tinkerbell anyway. I had a couple moments like that too! :laughing:
OK, I'm going to do a little mini update to get through the remainder of race day. I'm sorry but I don't have any pictures from now until we get to Epcot this night.

Once we finished the race and collected our medals, we were ushered forward to the race central area again. To get to it, you have to wait in a very short line and get your picture taken in front of this back ground with your medal. So, we did that and then went in. We received a bottle of water, bottle of poweraid, a blueberry muffin, a banana, an orange, and a power bar. I'm assuming you didn't have to take all of it but they just kind of hand it to you as you're walking through so we did. Then, we went back to our designated baggage claim area (they were sorted based on first initial of your last name) to pick up our bag. We walked back outside and called our parents and ate our bananas and muffins. Once we were settled, we made our way through the exit and towards the monorail. I was so sore and DBF kept laughing at me saying I looked like a 90 year old woman :laughing:. I got a little turned around trying to get on the monorail because I forgot you had to go through bag check to get to the entrance. So, we went through the bag check, then proceeded up the ramp. We were hoping to head back to the resort to shower before our breakfast ADR but the lines were really backed up. There was a monorail filling up that left then another one came and we still didn't make it on so we had to wait for the next one. We finally got on the monorail and we were already pushing it on time. We made it to the TTC and switch to a Resort Monorail. These weren't as bad since most people departed to cars at the TTC. By this time, I knew we weren't going to have time to shower before the ADR and we couldn't skip it because my aunt and uncle drove an hour and a half to come meet us. So, we just got off at the Grand Floridian to meet them. We checked in at the Grand Floridian Cafe and waited about 5 minutes to be seated. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast; I had the eggs benedict, DBF and my uncle ordered the American and my aunt had the Citrus Pancakes. We all really liked our breakfast and it was nice visiting with them. I'm sorry but I don't have any pictures of this. After breakfast, we walked with them to their car. They grow a TON of fresh fruit in the back yard so they brough us Tangerines and Grapefruit to take home. Since we were already at their car, they went ahead and drove us back over to our resort. When we got back, I hopped in the shower and DBF got all fancy with the camera taking pictures of our medals. I'll have to post them later because I forgot to upload it. Once I was done, DBF hopped in the shower and I tried to clean up the room a little. Then we took a very nice well needed nap. It was around noon and we set our alarm for 2:30 because I wanted to leave us plenty of time to get to Epcot. So, at 2:30, our alarm went off and we got up. We got ready a lot quicker than I anticipated and we were on our way to Epcot. We also got to Epcot a lot quicker than expected too... We arrived at Epcot at 3:30pm which would have been great except DBF didn't have a ticket so he couldn't go in the park and our "tour" didn't start until 4:30. So, we went through bag check and then found a bench to sit on. DBF said he was a little hungry so I left him on the bench I headed inside Epcot (since I have an Annual Pass) and got us two soft pretzels and a bottle of water. Ahh, I love my AP :lovestruc. I came back out and we sat on the bench eating and relaxing for a little while. Once we finished, we still had a little time left so we meandered through the gift shop before heading over to the check in area. Right at 4:30pm, a CM walked up to us to check us in for...

Epcot DiveQuest! DBF and I are both certified scuba divers and I've been wanting to try this tour forever but my usual travel companions aren't certified. They spent some time asking our shoe size (for our booties), what colors commemorative bag we wanted, and checking our certification cards. Now, this tour dominately takes place backstage and you aren't allowed to take a camera so sorry no pics...

We entered Epcot through the main gate then immediately headed back stage. They started the tour by showing us the water filtration system. JIMINY CRICKETS is that thing efficient! They can filter the whole tank in 3 hours. They said they filter twice as much water in half the amount of time than that of the whole city of Orlando :eek:. We recognized the area we were in as the place where we had entered Epcot during the Half Marathon. We headed to our left and entered the building that hold the Living Seas Aquarium. Our first stop was a visit with the manatees then the dolphins. This section basically consisted of an overview of where the animals had come from, how old they were, and their care. Next we proceeded upstairs to see where all the food is prepared every day. It was pretty stinky in this area :snooty:. Finally, it was time to head into the prepping area. We watched a brief Welcome Video and then received some general do's and dont's. Mostly, don't touch anything. Yes, the sharks are wild so please don't torment them :thumbsup2 and you are "onstage" so please be profeesional. My favorite though was when they told us to make sure we put on our bathing suits first and then put our wet suit over them :confused3 Apparantly they've dealt with that issue before :rolleyes:. Once finished, we headed downstairs into the locker rooms to change...

To be continued...
Can't wait to hear about the actual dive part :goodvibes I bet that was a very cool experience...I love when they warn you about something like "don't put your wet suit on until your bathing suit is on"...because you know someone must have tried it before :rotfl:
How exciting. So you don't have to have a ticket to go on that tour? I thought all tours required a ticket...good to know..I guess...since I'm not a diver, I guess it doesn't matter :lmao: .
Can't wait to hear about the dive
How neat to see Al Roker. He just ran his first marathon in New York in November. Y'all did amazing for your first time, you were able to run the whole way and make good time even with your stops. Way to go:cheer2:
DH and I have done divequest a few times and we LOVE IT. it's a must do if we have time/money. The sharks where really fiesty when they where redoing the ride in '05, and they got REALLY close. But it is truely an awesome dive!

Thank you for inspiring me, DH and DSIL. We are a military family too and DH is deployed right now and has agreed to do the 1/2 marthon next jan with his sister, I will run the 5K with the stroller and my little people. Staying connected and having a goal while deployed is a big challenge sometimes. ( mostly the goal is to come home safe and in once piece breathing LOL)This will not only give us something to aim for but include our family's happy place!

Congratulations on your race! Great report and great time too! I can't wait to hear about the DiveQuest. You definitely made the best of a short weekend trip! And of course you stop for Phineus and Ferb. I mention in my report that I would have run the whole 26 miles just for the opportunity to meet them:laughing: Huge bonus that you got the shot of Al Roker with them too. That is awesome!


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