Elf Island New Blog 8/29 SMA Month- game screen shot


<font color=royal blue>One day at a time.<br>Yeste
May 6, 2003

August 29th, 2008
For many kids, spending time on a virtual world allows them a creative escape from the daily doings of life. For others it is a chance to feel a true sense belonging.
Many kids suffer from a disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy, or SMA. This disease affects over 25,000 people in the United States. The disease limits a child’s ability to move, such as walking, crawling, head movement, and even breathing or swallowing! Because of this, many kids cannot climb trees, enjoy playgrounds, or play outside with other kids.
However, many kids who have SMA have discovered the magic of virtual worlds. Communities such as Elf Island give kids who are ordinarily confined to the great indoors a chance to play and interact with other kids in a fun way. On Elf Island, we are dedicated to making a game accessible to all kids, especially those with special needs. Elf Island also empowers kids to make a difference and help special causes that help real people, animals and the planet!
With your help through entertainment, gaming and storytelling we hope to support causes like SMA! Everyone take a moment and grab a breath – very soon you will be making a positive impact to those in need through Elf Island!
Glad to see they are supporting the causes that impact their future players and their families. Its nice to see a game that actually cares about their future audience and how the game will impact them.

Hugs Princessmadiro :)
I'm abandoning my character, I'm starting to lose interest in this game for some reason.
:( characters look flat i thought this would be a more wizard101 kind of graphics but i still like it
:( characters look flat i thought this would be a more wizard101 kind of graphics but i still like it

I wasn't exactly thinking the same but I was hoping for a bit more detail, lol. Oh well, not to judge it by it's look.
eh, I dont think hurrying the game would be beneficial. It's not like life is stopping while we wait for this game :rotfl:

Go get yer wizard and help me for crying out loud, I just got wiped by achillies @_@
eh, I dont think hurrying the game would be beneficial. It's not like life is stopping while we wait for this game :rotfl:

Go get yer wizard and help me for crying out loud, I just got wiped by achillies @_@

lmao :lmao:
:woohoo: WOOT!
This was such a nice surprise!
:thumbsup2 I want to thank Elf Island for listening to the kids who have raised their voice about the causes that are important to them and for showing them that you really do care!!!:goodvibes
This is so awesome that they are trying to make the game accessible to all kids and for giving them the power and an avenue to make a difference in the real world! :woohoo:

As many of you know princessmadiro princess: does have SMA so this cause is very close to our hearts. To bring any kind of awareness to this disease is huge! SMA is the leading genetic killer of infants and toddlers but not too many people (even doctors) have even heard of it. If you want to help now, please take 30 seconds to sign the petition to end SMA at www.PetitionToCureSMA.com

We can't wait for the game to open! "soon" :rotfl:
princess has been wandering the internet since VMK closed trying to find her friends and for a place for all of them to play again together.

Thank you all for your support!
What is meant by this: With your help through entertainment, gaming and storytelling we hope to support causes like SMA! Sorry I'm a little slow. Do they mean support through Pay-to-play? Does a portion of the membership fees go to support SMA or another disabilities organization? Or something else? This is one game I would really consider paying for (if I enjoy it and isn't too expensive) since it supports a disability.
I don't think anyone knows for sure how this will happen but just by bringing awareness to any nonprofit human, animal or environment related results in
making a difference and doing "good". :goodvibes


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