Ei$ner now has a DEADline !

I'm no engineer, but I don't know how whole fresh water lakes as large as these could be treated effectively as the problem isn't specificaly pollution but rather a natural production of bacteria that forms in extremely high temps...

As for Hariss, threw her name out with Weis becaus it seems like both do "get it."

Based on your comments and those of Sara (DL update) it sounds as though folks are unhappy with DL? We were thrilled and saw no real problems (other than the Carousel was missing) -Granted my rose colored glasses were firmly in place...
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Rude CMs and deferred maintainence. When I went, I saw that the buildings in Fantasyland were literally falling apart.
Actually the bigger problem is good old simple pollution. Walt Disney World is no longer this small little resort stuck way off in the middle of rural Central Florida. WDW now has the population of a good sized city most days (well over 150,000 employees and guests) and is surrounded by blooming suburban sprawl. What once were nice lakes in the middle of the wetlands have now become ponds in the middle of a city.

Imagine all the oil and pollutants that spew out of all those cars, boats and busses that ply the property. Imagine all the stuff that 100,000 guests toss into the lakes, streams, ponds and waterways every day. Imagine all the runoff of pesticides, herbicides, paint, dirt, grease, oil, solvents, etc. that finds its way into the WDW water system. These are big city problems.

And even the bacteria levels are linked. They are linked directly to all the industrial and agriculture runoff that’s been increasing dramatically in Florida over the last twenty years. There’s a price to pay for growth – and in this case it’s closed beaches. Instead of cleaning all that water, it’s cheaper to build pools and chlorinate just a little bit.

P.S. - Disney had a very long term and very extensive plan to deal with all the water issues on property. Some of it was so innoivative that it recieved government and university funding. Those plans were killed to save money.
Well, if that IS true, it is indeed very sad. I long for the day to arrive again when a company (hopefully) Disney could actually lead the way into the future rather just just worrying about making a buck from it!

Hey, that was quite a pronouncement from me was it not?

:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Frankly, it'd much rather spend some time relaxing at a beautiful grotto pool with wonderful slides and such rather than swimming around in a man made lagoon.

Have you ever gone swimming on the Poly's Beaches?
I have and the old pool wasn't bad either. There's something about swimming at a beach that is totally and completely different from a pool. As to AV, I don't think he was suggesting that the Pools weren't done well and weren't an example of WDW doing the best with what it had. Merely that they had had much better plans that would have been much more satisfactory to more guests that were squashed.
Scoop, I don't see anyone disagreeing with your supposition. Why are you arguing?
AV Merely states that the Pools however well intentioned replaced a grander plan.

I on the other hand disagree with you in that I think Cynthia a better choice. A Point you have not addressed.
I was wondering if anyone else had "not good" feelings about Cynthia? From what I heard and seen to some extent, is Cynthia is a VERY good schmoozer. The press and everyone that has to deal with her on a infrequent basis just eats her up. She's a people person, she's sassy, she's funny, she's got a great smile. But when you get down to the nitty, gritty, business details she's a lot like Pressler. Maybe, it's just a result of what she's been told to do, but I'd want to see her perform under a different style of leadership first, and not just hand the whole show over to her.
Okay Hope, I can see that. Still, you cannot deny the improvments she made over Pre$$lar's reign even though there is still a lot left to do.
Originally posted by DISLOVE
I just wanted to know if anyone has heard who will take over WHEN Eisner is outed....snip...

The rumor I heard was Katzenburg - yep, the same guy the paid to leave
All indications are that Ms. Harris is a well liked, hard working and capable person. She is, however, just an hour drive south of a many unliked, non-capable people.

That has caused her many, many, many, many problems.
Also, if my memory serves me,I beleive I was told by a CM at DL that Cynthia Harris started out at DL working in stores, so she is an actual Disney employee who worked her way up from the bottom, and it seems those who have done that, really tend to appreciate DL, because that's where they started from. It's the difference between your "home" and just the place where you work. If you think of it as your home, you put alot more pride and care into it than if you "just work there".
Also, if my memory serves me,I believe I was told by a CM at DL that Cynthia Harris started out at DL working in stores, so she is an actual Disney employee who worked her way up from the bottom, and it seems those who have done that, really tend to appreciate DL, because that's where they started from. It's the difference between your "home" and just the place where you work. If you think of it as your home, you put alot more pride and care into it than if you "just work there".
Cynthia's background is the same as Pressler's. She did work in stores...Disney Stores.

Here's an excerpt of an interview she did with Laughing Place

LaughingPlace.com: How did you come to work for Disney?

Cynthia Harriss: I came to work for the Walt Disney Company in 1992 at the Disney Stores heading up the operations for many years in retail, and I was with the Disney Stores for about five years during its biggest growth period. We went from 140 stores when I joined to about 460 stores in North America and about 650 total. I then came to Disneyland, a little less than three years ago, and at that time my first role at Disneyland was heading up operations and then subsequently, when Paul [Pressler] was promoted to his current role as president of Walt Disney Attractions around the world, I assumed a leadership role here and most recently, last December, was nominated to the role of president. So I am the luckiest person alive. To think, gosh, eight years ago I was in retail selling apparel and to come to this is pretty exciting.

LP: What did you do before you joined the Walt Disney Company?

CH: I worked for a firm called Paul Harris Stores. No relationship, it’s just the name of it. It’s a specialty retail chain. They had about 500 stores based in Indiana selling women’s apparel. Along the way I did just about every job. But the last job I had there was senior vice-president of operations.

Here's the rest of the interview:

I have to say that as nice as the GF pool is ---it is NOT good show..it's not well themed to that resort...where in Florida is there any topography like that? How is it even Victorian?


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