Effect of 9/11 Tragedy on DVC...

DW and I will be driving from NH to WDW in DEC. anyone for a Convoy? We had planned to drive with friends who cannot go, so we still plan to go but in our Beetle instead of the van.:smooth: :pinkbounc :bounce:
Wow, lots of replies. I couldn's imagine that I was the only person thinking about this, but had not seen anything on the board. I haven't even received by "deed" yet, as DVC received my papers and $$ 3 weeks ago yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about all of this. I can't seem to "be sure" of any way that I feel. I can't even imagine the anguish all of you in the northeast are feeling. I'm way down here in the South, and can't escape it. All of this is just something that I've literally never thought possible. As one who always drives to WDW (9 hours), the airline situation is not problem for me, but I know it will be for some of you. I definitely continue to plan our June 2002 vacation for 14 nights, but I can't get rid of this nagging anxiety in the back of my mind that something will interfere with it. Then I feel guilty and ridiculous for even worrying about something as "insignificant" as a vacation compared to what many of our fellow-Americans are dealing with, and will still face in the weeks/months to come. God, I hate this! How wonderful our lives were before this tragedy, and we didn't realize it. Hopefully all this confusion, anxiety, etc... will recede as does grief, with time, and we'll be better able to put things in perspective.

I'll continue to pray for us all, and my heart will continue to lift a little when I think of our favorite playground!!:) GOD BLESS AMERICA and us all!
We need this entire nation to go back to living as we were prior to this tragedy!
If we don't, the whole economy will continue on a downward spiral. That means going on any vacation that is already planned, flying to that destination, if planned and scheduling future vacations. We need to keep spending our money. Every action has a triclke down effect. An "insignificant" vacation, not taken by thousands and thousands of families means no money for the entertainment and tourism factions. No money for the store owners, no money for the airlines, layoffs in all of those areas which means more and more people on the unemployment line.
We cannot live scared! The airlines are safer now than before when no one was afraid to fly. They have truly gone overboard on what items are no longer allowed in a carry-on bag, nailclippers? come on! I don't want to be guilty until proven innocent. That is what is happening now! That is not what our justice system is built on! But everytime your bag is searched, that is what is happening.
I will continue to vacation, spend money and leave my money in the stock market. I am a proud American! I will not be afraid!
The economy was bad and the attack on our nation has made it worse. We are still a great nation, and though we have been shaken, we will not fall. We will recover. I for one will not let a bunch of cowards make me afraid to lead my life. Yes there will be changes, and we must become more aware. There may be more attacks but we will pevail. I never liked to fly, but I will continue to do so. I am mortal, and therefore will not live forever, so what shall be shall be. Life will go on. Jerry.
We are headed down to Disney the first week in Oct. Taking a Disney Cruise for 4 days and then the parks for 4. One thing our travel agent mentioned to us is that this is a big time for foreign tourists to visit (especially England), and MANY of them have canceled their overseas flights.

We were going to fly, but have now rented a minivan and will drive, because this is a vacation, and we dont need the added stress of just getting on an airplane right now. Stopping in Chattanooga for the night (halfway) and looking forward to letting Disney take some weight off my shoulders.

BTW - Alamo has a deal on their website where you can rent a van by typing in MINI1 into their coupon code. Saved us about $150 for the weekly rental.
Caractacus_Potts, good for you!:) We drive down every year, but it's only about 9 hours. We still break it up going down about half way or a little further so on our first official day there we can arrive around mid-morning. Although I don't wish decreased business for anyone or any industry, this airline situation may force more Americans to slow down and see more of this beautiful country of ours, instead of flying over it. That's my "silver lining" spin on it for today!!!;) Anyway, enjoy your trip, stay safe, and enjoy the scenery!:)
We have reservations and airline tickets to be in WDW December '01 and May '02. We won't cancel our plans unless something unforeseen happens between now and then. I think we need to try and continue to live our lives as normally as is possible and not let the enemy win. We are a strong nation, and it may take some time, but we will prevail.

Incidentally, we just arrived home Saturday from a week in Sun Valley, Idaho. We left Sunday, Sept 16 - flew from Houston to Salt Lake City and onto Sun Valley and back on Saturday, Sept 22. The airport security was tight, and I have to say I honestly was not scared. I thought I would be apprehensive of flying, but my husband and I both felt safe.

God bless everyone.
We have a trip planned for December and again in June. The reasons we refuse to cancel:

(1) The men and women who are overseas at this moment in time and sitting on our borders to protect our freedom;
(2) To show our children that we do not cower and hide because of a terrorists threat;
(3) To do our part to help the economy move in the right direction - gotta get our money out there in order to prevent recession;
(4) So much to do - so little time. If this tragedy showed us anything it's that we need to take advantage of living every day to its fullest;
(5) WDW/DL are the happiest places on earth and that's where I want my family to be!

This is coming from someone who has white-knuckles during every flight she's ever been on. I'm use to flying with a body full of fear so this will be no different. Good luck to all you DISer's and have a great time on your trips.



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