DVCSince02 Baby Watch


Thanks so much for posting your birth story. I understand the wanting another. I have 2 and even though I know I am done if I did happen to have one more I would be thrilled.

He is a handsome boy!
AWW jen you are too lucky! very sweet way to start your son's life with more joy than you two can handle!

Thanks so much for posting your birth story. I understand the wanting another. I have 2 and even though I know I am done if I did happen to have one more I would be thrilled.

He is a handsome boy!

You know I can remember when we finally decided to have a 3rd child. We were driving to the beach house and just talking away when Chris said something along the lines of do we really want another because the two we already have are happy and healthy. I thought about it for a minute and started to tear up at the idea of not having another and that's when I knew I wasn't done yet.

Plus when I found out we were having a boy I never gave up the idea of having another girl. Now if Evan was a girl, I think it would be easier to stop at 3.

I think I'm in the baby-ga-ga stage right now, that's why I'm not making any big decisions. Plus my hormones are totally wacked out. Did anyone else break out into a full sweat when the baby cried?
Well I can't believe it has been 4 weeks today. Time is flying by.

I thought I would post the last of the events at the hospital while Evan is taking a nap.

After Chris left to get the kids and go home I got settled in for a long night. Not because the baby was going to be awake, but because the nurse shift changes at 11pm and who knows when she'll be in.

Luckily most newborns sleep a lot that first day so I got as comfy as I could on the terrible thing called a bed and tried to fall asleep. Unfortunately my room was right at the entrance of the post partum floor. That means everytime someone would come through the doors you would hear either a loud bang as the doors slammed closed or the hum of the automatic door opener. Even with my door closed I could hear entire conversations.

Great! It's going to be a long night. Whrrrr.... Slam! With all the noise I couldn't fall asleep but the baby was sleeping just fine. Finally around 11:45 I fall asleep. About 30 minutes later guess who shows up... my new nurse. She's come to take my temperature and blood pressure and check the baby's vitals. What... you're going to wake my sleeping baby?!?!?!??? UGH! When she's finished, she offers to "make a deal". She is supposed to come in and check the baby every 2 hours, but since it's night, she'll hold off until the end of her shift to check on us. DEAL! Now that the baby is awake, time to feed him.

Whrrrr....Slam! I think I heard that sound 100 times. Around 6am Evan wakes up and though I'm tired, I feel pretty good. I feed him and the nurse comes in to check on us before she leaves. The funny part is she asks me when he fed last and I tell her after she left us last night. Well the look of horror on her face was priceless. You mean you haven't fed him all night. Nope, I don't wake sleeping babies to feed them, and yep he slept for 5 hours straight. Needless to say I was glad to see her go.

My new nurse comes in around 8am and believe it our not I recognize her from when I delivered Ethan and she recognized me too. Luckily we liked each other :laughing:. i explained that I want to check out today if possible and she is already aware and made all the calls necessary. The rest of the day is a whirlwind of activity. Between the circumcision, and the gyno, the lactation lady and the pediatrician my door opens every 20-30 minutes. I'm not joking, we timed it. The last person to show up was the hospital photographer. Evan managed to scratch his face just in time for that. Oh well.

Finally around 2:30 everything is finished and we are released to go home! I am so gald I came home a day early. No more whrrrr...bang, and I finally get to sleep as Chris is taking the first night. Woo Hoo!

Well folks, that's it. It's now 4 weeks later and Evan is a good baby. Not fussy and though his sleep schedule is a bit off, I can handle that. I want to thank everyone again for the well wishes and words of support. It has meant a lot to me and I really felt the encouragement.
Thank you!

Well I promised a play by play of the big days events and here it goes....

After things settled down, Chris brought him over to me leaned down and kissed me and simply said with tears in his eyes, Thank You. We cried some more and thanked God for our blessings.:love:

Life is good.

I'll be back later with the rest of the events.

Ya knooooow, I check out from the boards for a couple of months and ya see what happens!!! Geez! ;-)

CONGRATULATIONS JEN!!! (and to Chris as well!) :yay:

Side note - Nov. 7th coming up fast, since I'll be in Disney through the 8th, I'll try to send out prior to Oct. 31st, or from Disney. Just so you know I didn't forget. :D
Ya knooooow, I check out from the boards for a couple of months and ya see what happens!!! Geez! ;-)

CONGRATULATIONS JEN!!! (and to Chris as well!) :yay:

Side note - Nov. 7th coming up fast, since I'll be in Disney through the 8th, I'll try to send out prior to Oct. 31st, or from Disney. Just so you know I didn't forget. :D

Chris - Where in the H E double hockey sticks have you been? We've been talking about you... ;)

Chris - Where in the H E double hockey sticks have you been? We've been talking about you... ;)


Oh yeah, I'm sure I've been discussed ad nausium... LOL Tons of stroller related questions no-doubt!

Glad to hear your keeping your sanity with all of them kiddies! Two is enough for me! Our littlest (born Turkey day last year) is almost one, man does time fly when you're cleaning spit up!

Oh, and OMG on this thread! I'm not certain, but pretty sure WebMD has a link to it now in the "What to expect when you're expecting" category. :rotfl2:
Seriously -- we did wonder where you were Stroller Boy. Glad to hear from you again. :thumbsup2


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