DVC Response About Ebay Commercial Sellers

Jay Foster said:
One more update.

I searched ebay for disney vacations and noticed that DVC did not have just that auction that I emailed them removed but ALL COMMERCIAL auctions were removed.

Unless I missed something on ebay, it appears they are really cracking down on the commercial renters.

Good work, Jay. :thumbsup2
Makes you wonder what websites they'll be going after next. Disney is conflicted about rentals. They want the price you can get for points to be low so that your incentive to rent is low. At the same time a low price competes in your favor against Disney. WDW really needs to have the rental floor be at about 50% of Disney's cost and not much lower.
Jay Foster said:
One more update.

I searched ebay for disney vacations and noticed that DVC did not have just that auction that I emailed them removed but ALL COMMERCIAL auctions were removed.

Unless I missed something on ebay, it appears they are really cracking down on the commercial renters.
I'm no eBay expert, but I did find two auctions active...both touting BCV.
Jay Foster said:

DVC had the auction REMOVED from ebay.

Further update: I spoke with DVC today and they are not going to tolerate commercial renters any longer. They are cracking down on the ebay auctions on this.

This will NOT affect people who just rent because they can't go on a vacation. In other words, what I call the "casual" renter.

So, if you want to stop the commercial renting, a simple email with the link to the ebay auction works.

Just curious how you know that DVC had them removed? Who did you speak with at DVC?

DVC had better hope that those auctions removed were in fact "commercial renters." Renting IS and has always been allowed. If in fact it isn't allowed then this board should shut down the Rent/Trade board. I don't see that happening.

I'm still not buying that YOUR email got them removed. In fact I don't believe they were removed. As it stands there is still a listing there for Saratoga Springs Resort and I'd bet others as well. Maybe they accepted an offer?

DVC doesn't want to open this can of worms. They would lose big time if it went to court. I will continue to rent points until the time comes that I can use them all myself. I double dare DVC to do anything about it. If they do I'll sell immediately as well as take legal action. They knew full well I would rent a large portion of my points and it was stated that it was clearly allowed.

The transfer change I fully support. Points changing home resort status is simply wrong. Renting is not.
I don't see where anything has been removed either. The VWL christmas one is still up too.
Sorry folks, but there are plenty of DVC rentals on eBay right now. Unless and until there is verified proof of an actual cancellation expect business as usual.
rinkwide said:
Sorry folks, but there are plenty of DVC rentals on eBay right now. Unless and until there is verified proof of an actual cancellation expect business as usual.

Well, the link for the one I sent them was definitely canceled. Apparently, they did not get them all but I know for sure they got more than one because the search I did the other day showed at least 10 and now none of them are there. Using different search terms it is obvious you will get different auctions since there are probably tons on ebay.

In any event, the manager at DVC said they had contacted ebay about this and would not tolerate it.

How about if we see a commercial renter on ebay we email to DVC asking that they remove it for violation of the rules?
dumbo71 said:
Just curious how you know that DVC had them removed? Who did you speak with at DVC?

DVC had better hope that those auctions removed were in fact "commercial renters." Renting IS and has always been allowed. If in fact it isn't allowed then this board should shut down the Rent/Trade board. I don't see that happening.

I'm still not buying that YOUR email got them removed. In fact I don't believe they were removed. As it stands there is still a listing there for Saratoga Springs Resort and I'd bet others as well. Maybe they accepted an offer?

DVC doesn't want to open this can of worms. They would lose big time if it went to court. I will continue to rent points until the time comes that I can use them all myself. I double dare DVC to do anything about it. If they do I'll sell immediately as well as take legal action. They knew full well I would rent a large portion of my points and it was stated that it was clearly allowed.

The transfer change I fully support. Points changing home resort status is simply wrong. Renting is not.

I certainly have no reason to lie. I'm trying to think of a motive for lying. . .Uhhhh. . .None thought of so far. Moreover, I have the EXACT LINK for the auction and it was REMOVED PER EBAY.

In addition, I also used the same search terms I used the other day and NONE, I repeat NONE of the auctions I saw showed up.

Again, as I said in the previous message, you are certainly going to find different auctions by using different search terms. It is up to the members to provide the links to DVC and let them know we do not appreciate the commercial renting.
I just checked E-Bay, and here's what I found, without even much of a search:

Wilderness Lodge - 3 listings. 1 was by smw, and didn't have any dates assigned to it. 1 was by boardwalkmagic, for an October reservation. Both of these sellers had lots of comments about previous DVC trips that had been sold. The 3rd one was for a "sold out" holiday reservation in December. However, it doesn't appear that this seller has any previous comments about DVC trips.

Old Key West - 3 listings. 1 was by vacation4u, no specific dates. 1 was by smw, no specific dates. 1 was by boardwalkmagic for a sold-out Halloween week.

Beach Club Villas - 2 listings. 1 was by smw, no specific dates. 1 was by disdvcer for a "sold-out" food & wine date, and a statement that there was an additional week available also.

Boardwalk - 6 listings. 1 was by disdvcer for a "sold-out" Halloween week, with comments that 2 other additional weeks were available. 1 by smw, for a standard view, no specific dates. 1 by smw, not standard view, no specific dates. 1 by boardwalkmagic for the 1st week of October. 1 by jidivine for a standard view in December. 1 by jidivine for another standard view with a different December week.

Saratoga Springs - 3 listings. 1 by boardwalkmagic for a "sold-out" New Years week. 1 by smw, no specific dates. 1 was for Labor Day week, but this seller doesn't have any comments about previous DVC trips that were purchased.

If a listing had been removed, it was probably because it was purchased, or the time had expired on it. I don't see any evidence of a crack down by Disney on the E-Bay listings.
disneygrandma said:
I just checked E-Bay, and here's what I found, without even much of a search:

If a listing had been removed, it was probably because it was purchased, or the time had expired on it. I don't see any evidence of a crack down by Disney on the E-Bay listings.

Nope. You are incorrect. I have the link. I even printed a copy of the auction. It did not expire and did not have a buy it now on the auction. And per the ebay link "if the listing was removed by eBay, consider it canceled."

Of course, we could keep arguing about it or you could actually take the time to email disney one of the links you found.
Jay, I didn't mean to offend you with what I said. I wasn't attacking you. I was just stating the listings that I found on E-Bay, and possible reasons why some listings would disappear.

I think that's great that you were able to have a commercial renter removed from E-Bay. As you can see from what I listed though, there are a lot more of them out there. What was the name on the one that was removed?

Again, I'm sorry that you took this wrong.
Come on everyone...Grab your pitchforks and torches and lets "Kill the Monster"!!! The rental monster that is. :rolleyes:

This whole commercial rental issue seems to be a band-aid solution to DVC's inability to properly track transfered points the way they claim they will be tracked per the POS. Period. It's a CYA move on DVCs part. I've never rented transfered points so I never expect DVC to ever search my account for commercial activity. What I do with my annual allotment is my business, even if none of the reservations is in my name.

I used the search words Disney rental and I am currently "watching"
10 DVC auctions that are up for bid.
mushpurple said:
Disney knows what is on Ebay and they have known about it a long time. Disney is going to do what they are going to do. Why not live and let live? Don't you think they will set up shop somewhere else? There are so many big renters on the Dis Boards who have not paid to list there DVC and that has been going on for years..Not to mention that there are people who have web sites for renting their DVC points (which is actually setting up a business - which is different than someone listing on Ebay).

People who rent (commercial or not) are not hurting you or Disney. ...

This commercial renting business is not much different than the reuse of mugs, five in a room, etc. It might not be hurting me (but then again it might be) but it is against the rules. Whether you like it or not.
Jay Foster said:
I certainly have no reason to lie. I'm trying to think of a motive for lying. . .Uhhhh. . .None thought of so far. Moreover, I have the EXACT LINK for the auction and it was REMOVED PER EBAY.

In addition, I also used the same search terms I used the other day and NONE, I repeat NONE of the auctions I saw showed up.

Again, as I said in the previous message, you are certainly going to find different auctions by using different search terms. It is up to the members to provide the links to DVC and let them know we do not appreciate the commercial renting.

Whether you are lying is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you failed to answer my question. Who did you speak with at DVC? Who exactly is in charge of this "crack down on commercial renters"?

As soon as I read your post I checked Ebay. Nothing has been removed that I can see. There are tons of listings there as others have stated. Many listings from the same owner. Why weren't they removed?

I have to say, it is business as usual, just like Rinkwide stated. Short of calling you a liar, I just don't quite believe this post or your follow up posts.

Maybe you could post a copy of the email to DVC or the link to the Ebay auction you claim was removed. Lets hear the response from DVC and what was stated.

Anybody else skeptical about this? Sorry if this offends but I need a little more evidence.
dumbo71 said:
Whether you are lying is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you failed to answer my question. Who did you speak with at DVC? Who exactly is in charge of this "crack down on commercial renters"?

As soon as I read your post I checked Ebay. Nothing has been removed that I can see. There are tons of listings there as others have stated. Many listings from the same owner. Why weren't they removed?

I have to say, it is business as usual, just like Rinkwide stated. Short of calling you a liar, I just don't quite believe this post or your follow up posts.

Maybe you could post a copy of the email to DVC or the link to the Ebay auction you claim was removed. Lets hear the response from DVC and what was stated.

Anybody else skeptical about this? Sorry if this offends but I need a little more evidence.

Whoa, chill, slow down a bit. You're acting a mite threatened here.
Deb & Bill said:
This commercial renting business is not much different than the reuse of mugs, five in a room, etc. It might not be hurting me (but then again it might be) but it is against the rules. Whether you like it or not.

ITA and thats the problem the real only way they could catch them and do something about it is win the Auction see what member sends them the ressie. Then cancel the ressie for commercial renting and try to get their money back or convert those points as they are theirs to cash for CRO.

The bottom line is DVD still owns all your points and they can default them for any policy broken at any given time.You are using E-bay as a way to sell thus advertising and it becomes commerical at that point . Renting to a family or friend is not advertising and will still be OK .

I just don't see DVD really being hurt by this so why would they care. Thats my biggest concern.

As far as the ones dropping off they may have been scared here on the DIS and are just going to relist them later.


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