Dutch & Matt Take On Disney - Our First Time in Forever Feb 2020 TR - UPDATED 5/27 - COMPLETE

Chapter Fifteen: The Last Morning

And so it was here - our final day at Disney.


Like how did it already get to be the last day?!

The night had been pretty uneventful ... for one of us. I had some trouble falling asleep and soon realized I hadn't put on my face moisturizer for the evening! And an incomplete skincare routine is always the cause of insomnia - right? :rotfl:

So - off I went to find my moisturizer. Thinking I would be quick and not turn on any lights ... I reached right into my toiletry bag and proceeded to cut my thumb on my razor.


Me @ said razor

So I spent the next 30 minutes applying pressure and raising my hand above heart level. Sparing you the gory details - it was not a simple paper cut. Since Matt was fast asleep, I didn't want to wake him, but I did get an oh-so-glamorous shot of me in my glasses and all.


Anyway, after all of that, I was a little slow to get up on Saturday. We both were - little sleep combined with last day made for a later start than usual.

Eventually, however, we did get up and I decided to head to World Showcase to grab us breakfast from Les Halles. Along the way, I dropped off our one checked bag at airline check-in.


I love how Stormalong Bay looks in the morning!


An empty France...


Soooo quiet!


After grabbing breakfast (ham and cheese croissant for me and a bacon roll for Matt) - I headed back to YC.


Never got tired of this view!

I sadly did not get any food pics - but everything was delicious! We had one FP left, Slinky Dog Dash at HS, and so we did a little packing before heading over. At some point - we also called Housekeeping and managed to snag a late checkout :worship:.

We took the walking path, which was super close to our room, and really enjoyed it.


Tower of Terror in the distance...

We were right on time for our 10:30 Slinky Dog FP and so we walked straight over to the FP line.


The Stand-By line was already at something crazy like 180 minutes and so we were very glad to have our FP's. We really enjoyed Slinky Dog! We had heard that it was more "mild" than some of the other coasters - but we still had fun. Matt said it was one of his favs!


This was one of my favorite toys as a kid :laughing:


Riding Slinky Dog...

After riding, we started to make our way back out of the park, as we really only came to use our FP and soak up some last minute magic. On the way out, however, we stopped at a DVC Info Center and spoke with the most awesome guide ever. She was only a little bit older than us and actually from the town where Matt's sister attended college. We had been wanting to stop - but kept putting it off - so we were a bit bummed to find out we could have made out with $150 in gift cards and 4 fast passes for taking the tour :rotfl:. All the more reason to go back! Anyway - shout out to Kayla - cause she was awesome!! And if it wasn't for our student loans - we would have been buying on the spot :laughing:.

We took the boat back to YC and while Matt spent some time packing - I called Reservations and booked the Bounce Back offer for September. Sadly - we've ended up canceling that trip - but it was a decent bounce back when we had it! And we do plan to go back within a year or so (fingers crossed).


Goodbye Room!


A bit sad to be leaving ...

After we got all packed up, we said goodbye to our room, and dropped our bags at Bell Services before heading to the pool. We still had 2 hours until ME was coming and we wanted to sneak in some pool time!

On the way down in the elevator, we rode with an older couple, who hit us with the "Oh - how nice. Two brothers on vacation." :rotfl: When Matt responded "Oh - we're not brothers. We're boyfriends." Their eyes came all the way out of their heads :laughing:. The wife then said something about us both being "tall and lean" and that we should "stay that way" and to have "a nice day." Got to love a good awkward elevator encounter :rotfl:.


We also grabbed lunch at Hurricane Hanna's and some ice cream from Beaches & Cream. Again - abysmal at remembering to take food photos - my apologies!!

Before long - it was time to get ready for our M.E. bus and so we headed off to get changed in the nicest locker rooms ... ever!


We then stopped by bell services, grabbed our bags, and headed out to wait for M.E.


Up Next: Our Trip Home & Wrap-Up Thoughts!
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Aww last day. The absolute worst. :(

"An incomplete skincare routine is always the cause of insomnia." Honestly yes. I do this so much. Either that or it explains a deteriorating mental state. One or the other. Ouch on that razor cut though. That does not sound fun to be stuck awake an extra 30 minutes so you don't bleed out everywhere. A good reminder that it's not always a good idea to skip turning on the lights.

Glad to see you had a nice last morning! Slinky Dog honestly still surprises me with how fast it goes. It's not to the level of a lot of my other favorite launch coasters, but it might be just a tad more fun than some of the others.

Dying at that elevator encounter. If that were me, I definitely would've just started laughing hysterically and fed into the heteronormative assumption because I'm that type of chaotic energy. I love how they tried to glaze over their mis-step though. Definitely a story worth remembering lmao
Last days are always so sad, but it’s awesome you got to ride Slinky before leaving. I agree, it’s a mild coaster, but the story and theme make it a lot of fun!

and again.... you guys really don’t look that much alike... what a strange elevator encounter.
I love the cool photo pass pictures. I haven’t seen the castle one with Mickey, nice!
I’m glad you enjoyed SDD and your last day! Always sad to leave.
I hope you both can return next year!
We're going on who knows how many days of "pause" here in NYC - not complaining - it is totally necessary and I am beyond thankful to be healthy and for our state leadership/essential workers - so it's been a bit difficult to get motivated to write about the trip.
Thanks for writing! I'm in NYC, too, and barely leaving the apartment once a week (for 2.5 months now), so reading trip reports is really keeping my spirits up when I'm not able to go out, see friends, take barre, have auditions (Broadway closed until fall? Frozen Broadway shut down entirely? Disney+ releasing Hamilton over a year early is really the only silver lining). I'm loving your report!
"An incomplete skincare routine is always the cause of insomnia." Honestly yes. I do this so much. Either that or it explains a deteriorating mental state. One or the other.
Yes!! Matt doesn't get that one :sad2:
Glad to see you had a nice last morning! Slinky Dog honestly still surprises me with how fast it goes. It's not to the level of a lot of my other favorite launch coasters, but it might be just a tad more fun than some of the others.
It surprised us too!! We thought it was going to be a bit more mild.
Dying at that elevator encounter. If that were me, I definitely would've just started laughing hysterically and fed into the heteronormative assumption because I'm that type of chaotic energy. I love how they tried to glaze over their mis-step though. Definitely a story worth remembering lmao
One of our favs :rotfl:("fed into their heteronormative assumption" is my new fav line)

Last days are always so sad, but it’s awesome you got to ride Slinky before leaving. I agree, it’s a mild coaster, but the story and theme make it a lot of fun!
::yes:: we love it!
and again.... you guys really don’t look that much alike... what a strange elevator encounter.
I know! Maybe if you squint :laughing:

I love the cool photo pass pictures. I haven’t seen the castle one with Mickey, nice!
We LOVE the photo pass pics with the Mickey head - we had never seen that one either!

I hope you both can return next year!
We're crossing our fingers as well! I'm hoping things will settle somewhat!

Thanks for writing! I'm in NYC, too, and barely leaving the apartment once a week (for 2.5 months now), so reading trip reports is really keeping my spirits up when I'm not able to go out, see friends, take barre, have auditions (Broadway closed until fall? Frozen Broadway shut down entirely? Disney+ releasing Hamilton over a year early is really the only silver lining). I'm loving your report!
:wave2: fellow New Yorker!

I know - I haven't left our building complex in almost 2 months :eek: (thankfully we do have access to outdoor space) - and summer in the city is always my fav! We haven't had rehearsals in months and obv no auditions either ... it's crazy! Sending you :grouphug: - cannot wait for when the city is back to being the city!!
Like how did it already get to be the last day?!
Ugh this is like one of the worst thoughts ever and it always comes on the last day of a Disney trip 😭
and soon realized I hadn't put on my face moisturizer for the evening! And an incomplete skincare routine is always the cause of insomnia - right? :rotfl:
I find this funny because last night I got into bed and was about to shut out the bedside light when I realized I hadn't taken off my makeup yet! And as tired as I was it HAS to be done because if I woke up in the middle of the night and realized this it would be a tragedy.
"Oh - how nice. Two brothers on vacation." :rotfl: When Matt responded "Oh - we're not brothers. We're boyfriends." Their eyes came all the way out of their heads :laughing:. The wife then said something about us both being "tall and lean" and that we should "stay that way" and to have "a nice and day." Got to love a good awkward elevator encounter :rotfl:.
Omg! Ok.....ok I don't even know what to say lol. This is funny and cute but at the same time......really in this day and age?? You know what happens when we "assume" :rolleyes: If I had been in the elevator with you guys I probably would not have been able to control my facial reaction to her comment as innocent (I guess) as it was. I'm just so happy Matt set her straight!
I find this funny because last night I got into bed and was about to shut out the bedside light when I realized I hadn't taken off my makeup yet! And as tired as I was it HAS to be done because if I woke up in the middle of the night and realized this it would be a tragedy.
YES! Matt always makes fun of me because I am always forgetting - but it's a necessity! ::yes::
Omg! Ok.....ok I don't even know what to say lol. This is funny and cute but at the same time......really in this day and age?? You know what happens when we "assume" :rolleyes: If I had been in the elevator with you guys I probably would not have been able to control my facial reaction to her comment as innocent (I guess) as it was. I'm just so happy Matt set her straight!
Right? Every time it happens we're like "This - again??" :rotfl:
Chapter 16: Wrap-Up!

I can't believe it - the very end of our trip!! This post is really just the last little bit of our trip + a wrap-up! SO ... without further ado ...

Our M.E. took forever to arrive! I think we were scheduled to leave at 2:00p.m. and it didn't arrive until 2:30p.m. We then proceeded to stop at two more resorts (can't remember which) - we were running so far behind that at the other pickups there were people trying to get on for the next M.E. bus.

Not sure why there was a backup - but thankfully we made it to the airport okay! Security was a bit of a nightmare as well - it took a long time to get through (definitely thinking about getting TSA Pre-Check for the future...).

Sadly - we were flying coach home instead of first class (oh the struggle :rotfl:) - our flight departed on time and was uneventful (always a good thing when flying). I finished watching Frozen 2 and I think Matt watched a documentary of sorts?


Much smaller seats this time...

Before we knew it - we were back in NYC! The airport was the emptiest I have ever seen it...



LaGuardia is a bit of a mess (understatement of the year) and trying to find the Lyft pick-up point after grabbing our bags was a little bit complicated - made all the more complicated by how C-O-L-D it was! We put on every layer we had accessible and we were still freezing. It reminded me of this scene from Cool Runnings (which I had on VHS as a kid and must have watched close to 200 times - I still have almost every line memorized :laughing:)...


Click to watch one of our more glamorous moments...

Our Lyft did arrive quickly - our ride home, however, was not quick. We're usually about a 20 minute drive from LGA but it took us close to an 1 hour and 20 minutes to get home!!! Major traffic + Saturday night (everyone driving into the city for dinner/etc.) + Detouring to a different bridge because of an accident = a very long ride home.

Wrap-Up/What's Next:

And that was it! Our first time (in forever) going to Disney! It was truly an awesome trip - with so many first time highlights. From staying at Yacht Club to first class to experiencing Pandora - we had a really magical time. We also learned a lot about things we won't be doing next time (thinking Epcot would be an easy choice for a quick lunch in the middle of the day), things we have to do every trip (Happily Ever After! Flight of Passage - twice!), and things we are really excited to try on our next visit (The Tea Tasting Experience in Epcot, a "fancy" restaurant, Mickey + Minnie's Runaway Railroad).

In terms of next visits - we were planning on going down in late September/early October of this year and booked a bounce back offer on this last trip - we were even going to buy Annual Passes!

With everything going on, however, we've canceled that visit. A long pause in work for me + a little bit of uncertainty and we've decided to wait until 2021. That being said, we're going to be booking for early March 2021, about a week later than this visit as we want to hopefully experience Flower & Garden (we'll move the dates later if we have to). We are also planning on going down in October 2021 for the 50th anniversary. Something we're both very excited about!

I want to end by saying THANK YOU for reading and commenting along.

I've had so much fun writing this TR and interacting with everyone who's read it - I was a little nervous about writing my first one but it was really so much fun ::yes:: . Matt has been reading along the entire time and loved everyone's comments as well- it's been close to three months since we've been able to see each other and so having this TR has been a really nice way to escape back to a happy place! I hope you all stay healthy and safe over the next few months - and I can't wait to keep reading everyone else's TR's! Until next time... :goodvibes
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I feel you that switch from warm lovely Florida weather to unbearable cold so much. Every time I've come back from the DCP, it's almost always been freezing and I just want to cry. Also, my condolences on having to deal with La Guardia or any NY/NJ airport. I've heard the worst things. I'm truly spoiled when it comes to Logan and Manchester. Everywhere else nightmare (shoutout to LAX 0__0)

So sad that this report is over. :( I really enjoyed this one and I'm glad to hear it has helped keep you in touch with Matt, that definitely must be hard. Suffice it to say, the LGBTQ+ representation is severely lacking on the TR side of these boards so this was the breath of fresh air I've been needing for awhile. My "gay in theory but not always in practice" persona was carrying a lot too so thanks for alleviating some of that stress as well lol

Happy to hear you're still looking towards more trips! 2021 seems like the best idea for everyone. No shade towards anyone going sooner (heck I'm looking for getting my job as a CM back by either the fall or earlier), but if you're worried about anything 2021 seems to be the time when things will be way more back to normal than they are now. Definitely make sure you do Rise when you go back. I know you're not big Star Wars fans, but Rise is on some other level in terms of any Disney attraction. Mickey & Minnie's first since it will definitely mire that experience a bit, but try to get both in. Also, Not So Scary during October. The most fun you will ever have at a Disney park sober lol

Looking forward to what you have for trips in the future! Stay safe! :mickeyjum
Ahhhh, the end of a trip (and a TR) is always a little sad. So happy to have followed along as you remembered your trip. I love love love February at Disney and honestly want to do it every year (Hubs says no, every 2-3 years at best :sad:).

Your report definitely has me thinking about future resorts and where I want to stay next... also has me seriously considering park hoppers next long trip because you’re right about Epcot lunches...

Glad to see your flight home was uneventful, even if the lyft at the end was long. Keeping an eye out for your next trip report, hopefully early next year!
This is such a late reply but I finally got all caught up with your report and I loved it!!! Staying at Yacht Club looked like such a treat. The Epcot resorts look to have a stellar location—something about that shot of Tower of Terror on the walk to studios sold it to my. Hoping that y’all are going to able to be back at the parks soon. Stay healthy and well!
Thanks for an awesome report! I truly enjoyed every post! Stay safe and healthy! Here to hoping Broadway is back sooner than later as well as travels to Disney!
Dutch! I thought I recognized your picture.
OF COURSE you are a Disney fan.
I'm a huge fan of your TikTok. I find you hilarious and love all the NYC content.
I didn't think I could like you any more yet here we are :lovestruc


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