"Duck, Duck, Brown Anole!" The Newlyweds Visit Disney World...Again! 1/23/12-1/31/12

I really need to bring you and Josh on our next trip so my boys can see some of the critters you are able to find!!! :thumbsup2

Great update! Love that you got so much done in such a short period of time! I was very impressed with ridemax, too, on our trip!!!
I really need to bring you and Josh on our next trip so my boys can see some of the critters you are able to find!!! :thumbsup2

Great update! Love that you got so much done in such a short period of time! I was very impressed with ridemax, too, on our trip!!!

We do find lots of critters on out trips :lmao:
Great update, Kira. You and Josh and your critters -- :goodvibes.

I wonder if the young boy you ran into at Pecos Bills was a "special" needs child? Some of them have problems with crowds, etc.

I didn't care for the new Tiki Room so much; not that I liked the Iago version, but this one still isn't true to the original.

Great photos...and what a way to start your first day.
Day 1, Part 2: It Was the Bread!

So I forgot to share this picture on my last update.


On our walk, Josh found a water snake hanging out in the lake. It is a really blurry photo because he couldn't get any closer and we were using our smaller camera (our other one has a much better zoom).


After the walk and the nap, we headed back to the park. I was a little hungry, so we headed to Liberty Square to get a...


Nutella waffle! I ordered it without bananas. It was sooooo yummy! I hope these stay on the menu!

After that we went on a few rides. I can't remember the exact order, but I think we saw the treehouse (AKA "the line ride") first. Then we finished off the rides in Adventureland (Pirates, Jungle Cruise, and the carpets). After that it was time for dinner!

We took the boat to the Polynesian, then went up the stairs to Kona. We were about 30 minutes early, but they were able to get us in right away. We started off with bread...


And I got a virgin strawberry daiquiri (on the DDP)


Before our entrees were out, the nice waitress brought us another thing of bread. Josh looooves the bread. And he would lick the macademia nut butter off the tray if I let him :lmao:. So the extra bread made him very happy. Then came our entrees...

Josh got the steak...


And I got the Tuna Oscar.


For dessert I ordered the white chocolate cheesecake...



And Josh got the Kona Cone.


When we were done, the waitress came to take our desserts away. She noticed that Josh barely ate his cone and pointed it out to him. He told her that he filled up on steak. And she said, "Nooooo! It was the bread!" :rotfl:

When she came to take our check, she brought us each a pineapple coconut macaroon. Josh hates coconut, so I got to eat both of them :goodvibes. Here is a picture of one...


I know the picture makes it look like something a seagull would leave behind, but it was really good!

Now this is the part I am not so excited about reporting. For some reason, my itinerary said that the park closed one hour after our dinner ressie. That meant that we would have about an hour of bus/monorail time to get our butts back to the resort. Well, MK actually closed when our reservation began. And we took about an hour and a half for dinner. Since the monorail only runs for an hour after park closing, that meant that we just barely missed the last monorail back to the park. We tried to get on a boat, but the boats weren't running either. This part was totally my fault. I should have doubled checked to make sure the park was closing when I thought it was.

So we decided to take a bus to either DTD or Epcot (which closed two hours after our ADR). Well, since all of the parks closed so dang early, everybody and their dog was heading to DTD. The busses from the poly to DTD were insanely full. We waited at the bus stop for awhile. A DTD bus came first and was already very full. The bus driver said he had standing room only. No one volunteered at first. Josh said, "oh, we can stand" pretty quietly to me. We didn't move because there were people that had been waiting longer than us. However, some cranky lady obviously heard Josh. She shoved past me and yelled at me, "SOME OF US HAVE BEEN WAITING LONGER THAN YOU!" and dragged her poor daughter onto the bus. Annoying, right? But it gets better!

So we wait another 15 minutes or so. An epcot bus finally pulls up (no other DTD busses yet). Obviously no one steps forward to get on the bus because at this point, epcot had just closed. So I go up to the bus driver and very politely ask, "Do you know if Epcot is still running busses to Pop?" he gets on his little intercom thingie, says a few words and then tells us that yes, epcot is still running busses. Keep in mind, Epcot JUST closed. So we happily board the nearly empty bus and he drives off to his next stop. The Contemporary. When we stop at the contemporary, a lady asks the bus driver the same thing for a different resort. Again, he asks the bus dispatcher guy. Then he turns to the lady and says that all resort guests are being transferred to DTD. He turns to us and tells us to get off, and that we had to take the DTD bus.

So we followed instructions, despite my instinct telling me to just go to Epcot. A little side note here, Epcot usually runs their busses two hours after park closing because of the number of late ADRs at WS. We were pretty sure we were being rerouted to DTD because they wanted us to go shopping in DTD. Disney loves money, after all.

Anyway, so we were kicked off of the bus. We had to wait for who knows how long before a DTD bus came with room on it. We boarded the bus (I got a seat, Josh stood up). I happily talked to a little girl for a little while. Josh and I were both a little annoyed at the busses, but at least we were on our way to DTD. Unfortunately, on the bus ride I looked at my phone. I had a text from my mom saying that my kitty had an accident. When I called her to see what happened, she said that our maintenance guy had closed the bathroom door.

Now, maintenance is supposed to respond within 24 hours. Because of the storm, they were busy chopping trees down the day I called. I just needed my bathroom sink unclogged and told the apartment assistant that I was fine with them getting to it later, as long as it was done by our vacation. Well, they didn't get around to it before we left (3 business days later). I had asked her to note that we had a cat in the apartment. I assumed that anyone with half a brain could see the litter box in our bathroom, see the word "cat" on the apartment notes, and realize that a door that was left open should remain open. But I guess that new maintenance guy was just too dumb to figure that puzzle out.

Josh and I were livid. So when we stopped at DTD, I decided to call the apartment myself to complain. Josh had to run to the bathroom really quick, so that gave me some time. The office had just closed a few minutes ago, and they did not answer the phone. Now, they had just changed office staff. We had some problems with the new staff recently, so this was a "last straw" kind of thing. I left them a pretty angry message (no swearing or anything, just a message explaining what had happened in a very angry tone). I felt better, and Josh and I went to the bus stop. We waited through several full busses before we were able to get on. But eventually we were on our way.

When we got back to the hotel, I saw an epcot bus at the pop bus stop. That was the last straw. I wanted to tell someone about that bus driver that kicked us off the bus. So I walked over to reception and waited at the check-in line for about 10 minutes. Well there are two check in lines. A family walked up to the second one just as the CM became available, and cut in front of me :headache:. So I went to the shop. Trying very, very hard to not look like this: :mad: with steam coming out my ears, I walked up to the register and said through gritted teeth, "I need to see a customer service person now. Not 20 minutes from now. Now!" Then I added a please for good measure :laughing:. A CM in a black shirt swooped down and started talking to me.

She was awesome! She listened to my story about the busses. She was really, really nice. She was pretty amazed at how long it took us to get back. It was after midnight, and we were done with dinner at 9. She said that it sounded like I had a pretty good plan with the epcot thing, and that the bus driver should not have kicked me off of the bus. She wrote down the times so that she could try to "track down" the bus driver that kicked us off. And then she gave us a few FPs for the next day. Awesome customer service! Not once did she make me feel like I did something wrong. The staff at our apartment could seriously learn a thing or two (or 50) from this disney CM. Just wait until you hear how my apartment handled my complaint.

So that was it for our first full day. Not the best ending to be sure, but at least we had the rest of our vacation ahead of us :goodvibes

Great update, Kira. You and Josh and your critters -- :goodvibes.

I wonder if the young boy you ran into at Pecos Bills was a "special" needs child? Some of them have problems with crowds, etc.

I didn't care for the new Tiki Room so much; not that I liked the Iago version, but this one still isn't true to the original.

Great photos...and what a way to start your first day.

That's what I thought at first, too. But then, don't most parents of "special needs" children understand how to handle their outbursts a little better? I don't know. I think the kid and the mom were both overwhelmed. I hope their vacation went better after that incident.

Thanks! I think we had an awesome start to the day. Not so awesome finish, though :sad2:
You had me scared at ....... WATERSNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: I am pretty thankful you cannot see too much of it! :scared1:

Your dinner looks yummy and Josh is not the only one who loves that bread - it is just so good!

But every time I read one of those bus "horror" stories I am even more happy we drive to the parks! I would have long taken a taxi and had a little "tantrum" myself, had it taken me three hours to get back to my resort - and then to see the Epcot bus :scared1:
You had me scared at ....... WATERSNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: I am pretty thankful you cannot see too much of it! :scared1:

Your dinner looks yummy and Josh is not the only one who loves that bread - it is just so good!

But every time I read one of those bus "horror" stories I am even more happy we drive to the parks! I would have long taken a taxi and had a little "tantrum" myself, had it taken me three hours to get back to my resort - and then to see the Epcot bus :scared1:

I am just glad josh didn't dive into the water to try to get it!

Kona was awesome as usual. Not a thing I ordered that I didn't like.

Yeah, I am just glad that CM handled my little tantrum so well. I was about two seconds away from throwing myself down on the ground :rotfl:. Add that to the drama from my stupid apartment and I was a wreck. But no tears were shed...yet. She did a good job of making me feel better. And hey, at least we didn't have a flight to catch!
I am just glad josh didn't dive into the water to try to get it!

Kona was awesome as usual. Not a thing I ordered that I didn't like.

Yeah, I am just glad that CM handled my little tantrum so well. I was about two seconds away from throwing myself down on the ground :rotfl:. Add that to the drama from my stupid apartment and I was a wreck. But no tears were shed...yet. She did a good job of making me feel better. And hey, at least we didn't have a flight to catch!

Oh my gosh, reading your bus dilemma I completely forgot about your cat ...... hope she was still safe! We have a cat of our own and she had to go to a cat "hotel" while we were on our DREAM cruise. Not that she doesn't like it there and isn't well cared for, but it breaks my heart having to hand her over to someone else. ;)
Oh my gosh, reading your bus dilemma I completely forgot about your cat ...... hope she was still safe! We have a cat of our own and she had to go to a cat "hotel" while we were on our DREAM cruise. Not that she doesn't like it there and isn't well cared for, but it breaks my heart having to hand her over to someone else. ;)

My mom took good care of him, as always. It was just that stupid maintenance guy. It kills me to think that my poor cat was even more stressed out because he couldn't get to his potty. His accident was right in front of the bathroom door :sad2:. But at least he wasn't hurt. We are lucky that dumb guy didn't let him out.
My mom took good care of him, as always. It was just that stupid maintenance guy. It kills me to think that my poor cat was even more stressed out because he couldn't get to his potty. His accident was right in front of the bathroom door :sad2:. But at least he wasn't hurt. We are lucky that dumb guy didn't let him out.

I know.. I don't normally post to your TR... but I just had to say. :eek: I didn't even think about how Dibb could have been let out and then I would have been so stressed out about finding him. It was bad enough one of your critters ended up dead.:rolleyes:
joining in...you guys are very cute and I like how you look for animals while you're at the parks! that is so annoying about the buses, I would have been very angry too.
3 hours to get back to your resort?!? :headache: I am so glad we "splurged" on a cab and didn't have to go through that headache. You should seriously consider taking a cab next time you eat late at a resort. It really isn't that expensive, and so worth the time saved!
Ooooh....Kona looks yummy (we've never done dinner, only breakfast).

That is absolutely horrible about the buses. They reallloy need to do something about the transportation issue. I must say that even thought it costs us a few hundred dollars more, I'm so glad we have a car and drive most of the time.

I hope the next day is better.
With all that talk about the bus problems, I totally forgot about THE BREAD!!!!!!! Yummy yummy wonderful sweet bread. :lovestruc Next time I go to Kona I'm kinda planning on filling up on bread, an appetizer and dessert. No space for an entree! :rotfl2:
Kira - just letting you know I'm here and reading along. What a bus nightmare! I hope the rest of your trip is better.
I'm really sorry about the bus issues and apartment issues! But how about that cone from Kona?? Was that cotton candy??? (yes, my DH calls me Doug often from the movie UP) But seriously... was that cotton candy? :goodvibes
I'm really sorry about the bus issues and apartment issues! But how about that cone from Kona?? Was that cotton candy??? (yes, my DH calls me Doug often from the movie UP) But seriously... was that cotton candy? :goodvibes

:rotfl: Your enthusiasm made me giggle... I don't mean to hijack my dd's TR... but can you believe that is in fact cotton candy?
I cannot believe we have been home for almost two months!

Work has been beyond crazy lately. That is why I haven't really been on. Here is the story for those who are interested...

I received my six-month review a few weeks ago. It went very, very well. The manager really had nothing negative to say about me. I even brought up a few things that I thought I could improve on and was told not to worry and that I was doing a great job. Later that week, the store had a visit from the "higher-ups". They picked through everything in the salon. They found several minor mistakes made by everyone (including myself). But they were really angry with the grooming manager and general manager of the store.

Flash forward to last Thursday. I was called into the office by the general manager of the store and the grooming manager. Keep in mind, both of them are under fire from the higher ups and have the strong potential to loose their jobs. I was told several hurtful things. The general manager actually said that my quality of work was what they would expect from someone who had only been working there a month. When I asked why these issues were not on my review, the only explanation he could give me was that "they wouldn't have been on your review". And yet the manager kept saying that none of the issues he was brining up were recent (some of the issues were months old)!

Along with that nonsense, I was told that several coworkers had been complaining that they were "helping me too much". That made me very, very angry because 1) no one had actually had the guts to tell this to my face and 2) I am always helping my coworkers. I finish their dogs when they are stressed or want to go home early, I stay late so that I can help them finish their tasks so they don't have to go home so late, I wash the groomer's dogs, I hold dogs, and the list goes on and on.

So I was a very unhappy person during this "meeting". The GM asked me (with a smile on his face, I might add) if I wanted to work there anymore and I said no. He "gave me the option" of staying for two-weeks or leaving that day. I said I would give my two-weeks. He then handed me a piece of paper and told me to write my two-weeks . He wanted me to write down that I felt I was unable to meet expectations, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. After I handed him the paper, he asked me if he needed to get someone to cover my shifts because, "most people who give their two-weeks just stop showing up". By this point, I had regained my composure and so I was the one with the smile on my face. I told him that I would show up for my shifts, and that I would "work just as hard as though I hadn't quit".

So that is the story. I am still really sore about what happened. But there is a silver lining to all of this. I am looking into going back to school :goodvibes I am currently looking into a state online college. They have a good early childhood education program. It would make it easy for us to stay near Josh's work if we didn't have to move close to a four-year college. And depending on the way the classes are set up, I may be able to start soon and "take time off" (meaning finish my assignments early) so I can go on our Disney trip in September!
joining in...you guys are very cute and I like how you look for animals while you're at the parks! that is so annoying about the buses, I would have been very angry too.

Welcome! Yeah, we love the animals. The busses...not so much.

3 hours to get back to your resort?!? :headache: I am so glad we "splurged" on a cab and didn't have to go through that headache. You should seriously consider taking a cab next time you eat late at a resort. It really isn't that expensive, and so worth the time saved!
Yeah, we probably should have done that. But I was just being stubborn. Next time, taxi for sure.

With all that talk about the bus problems, I totally forgot about THE BREAD!!!!!!! Yummy yummy wonderful sweet bread. :lovestruc Next time I go to Kona I'm kinda planning on filling up on bread, an appetizer and dessert. No space for an entree! :rotfl2:

Mmmm. Bread :goodvibes

Ooooh....Kona looks yummy (we've never done dinner, only breakfast).

That is absolutely horrible about the buses. They reallloy need to do something about the transportation issue. I must say that even thought it costs us a few hundred dollars more, I'm so glad we have a car and drive most of the time.

I hope the next day is better.

Kona is always yummy. I heard they are going to test some new high-capacity busses (the ones with the accordion thingy in the middle). I hope they help!

Kira - just letting you know I'm here and reading along. What a bus nightmare! I hope the rest of your trip is better.


I'm really sorry about the bus issues and apartment issues! But how about that cone from Kona?? Was that cotton candy??? (yes, my DH calls me Doug often from the movie UP) But seriously... was that cotton candy? :goodvibes

Yep. That is cotton candy. And it is the best flavor of cotton candy...BLUE! Haha! I love blue cotton candy :goodvibes


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