Drink Mugs? Can you bring them back?


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2000
I know this question probable gets asked a lot but I have been away from the boards for a while. We just booked to stay at the ASSports the first week of Aug. We have stayed at all three All Stars and have drink mugs from two of them. When we were there two years ago you could bring them back and refill them as much as you wanted. Can you still do that? I know there had been talk about changing that policy.

Thanks for any help!!
There are signs up at the All stars that say : Unlimited refills for your CURRENT stay. However, I'm sure you will get a variety of responses on this thread. Have a good trip.
I always thought it said "Unlimited Refills for the length of your stay." As long it's the mug for that resort, you should be OK.
We've never thought to ask! We've taken our refillables back to the CR every trip since we bought them last year and never had a problem. Please don't tell us its a "no-no".
This is a touchy subject. But the signs now say that the mugs are good for the length of stay in which you purchased them. They are not good forever like they used to be.

It is up to you what you plan to do but this is what the signs say at the food courts now. I just returned from CBR on Saturday.

It's a misconception that they used to be "good for life". That's never been WDW policy. However, a lot of CMs have told people that in the past, and still do even when signs are posted a few feet away telling people otherwise. That's because effectively they are "good for life". I haven't heard a single report of a CM stopping anyone from re-using resort mugs.... or anything else for that matter, Disney or not, at the soft drink stations. I'd say as long as you don't try and fill up one of those 5 gallon orange Igloo drink coolers with Coke, you're free to do what you want.
Well I am ones of those that prefer to go by the posted rules. I don't care what the rules were back when I first started going to WDW.

I think the drink mugs are a great deal even if you have to buy them every trip. I have seen people using the old mugs but that's their problem.
I think you'll be fine bringing back your mugs and even using the sister All-Stars mug at All Star Sports. If you think you would be uncomfortable or have a "problem" using them, then I would suggest that you buy one for this trip too. They make a lovely souvenir and the newer varieties are car mugs with a narrow base. I'm drinking out of my All Star Sports mug as I type :).
I don't think that you'll have a problem with it, unless they change the mug design since then. I say bring them and if it's not the same then you could buy new ones.
Well I am ones of those that prefer to go by the posted rules.
Me too. But it's a bit silly to debate this topic when the resorts make no effort to enforce their own policy and CM often tell people to violate it.

We've bought two sets of mugs on previous visits, but we don't bother with the mugs any more. It's a lot cheaper to bring a case or two of soft drinks from off-site and that way I can enjoy a nice cold Mtn. Dew or Dr. Pepper which I prefer over Coke products.
Just don't get caught at the GF or the Poly pools with your old AS mug!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Please forgive me Tag Fairy!

The CM's don't seem to care. In the last couple of years worth of "mug threads", I don't recall one person reporting seeing a CM stop anyone from using any questionable drink container. During the same time people have witnessed people using fast food cups, 7-11 mugs, sports bottles, you name it. Specifically to your example, in one recent thread a CM told someone's mom that any WDW mug was "OK".
Originally posted by Geoff_M

The CM's don't seem to care. In the last couple of years worth of "mug threads", I don't recall one person reporting seeing a CM stop anyone from using any questionable drink container. During the same time people have witnessed people using fast food cups, 7-11 mugs, sports bottles, you name it. Specifically to your example, in one recent thread a CM told someone's mom that any WDW mug was "OK".
Some CMs do care. At my October stay at the Poly there was someone there using a different resort mug. I won't say from what resort, and was told they have to buy a Poly mug and use it. Of course this guy went out in a huff! So there are some CMs that do tell you the real rules, thank goodness.
I ask every time I go down there when checking in to All Stars Music and every time I get the same answer..
Yes Disney wants you to use your mugs, they dont care how old they are. So I plan on buying one new one, and using my old ones too..
So I guess the next time I go down I should ask the CM why they post they are only good for the length of stay?
I was making a joke about the Mug and Pool Hopping threads I have read on this board! that's why I said sorry to the tag fairy!!!

I have no idea if the CMs enforce the rule or not. I have never taken my old mug back. I do good to remember to pack what we need for the trip.
Me and my fellow Mug Men have noticed that as long as you use the same resort mug, there is no problem. Although I have seen a few people use an old Dixie Landings mug at POR!

Geoff_M has a great point – there is no effort on the part of the Food Court CMs to enforce the mug policy except when someone is using a non-standard mug. So, if you use an All Stars Mug at All Stars, no matter how old, you should be fine.

Good luck, and have a great trip!

Geoff_M – How dare you suggest bringing your own soda! Doing so would put many a good Mug Man out of work! They’ll be using their mugs for “other” purposes!


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