Dreams Unlimited Travel Podcast: Traveling to Disney as an Adult with Special Needs | 02/03/20


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Dec 19, 2008
Fans of the DIS Unplugged may remember a very popular episode from 2011 featuring Tracey Heinrichs' son Ben in which he talked about traveling to Walt Disney World with special needs. In this episode, Ben returns after many years to talk about how he visits Disney now as an adult!

I am trying to understand someone very close to me with Asperger's, and associated issues, who I have traveled to WDW with, and we didn't know then. I went back and found the first (audio) show, and it helped me understand tremendously. This show did the same. I also follow Ben's excellent blog mentioned in the show, for ongoing insights.

It also made me say "Hurrah!" to Tracey, for her fantastic job as a Mom (especially not having much info or resources for so many years, but just being intuitive - I SO identify with that!!!), and to Ben, for the fine young man he has become. And to BOTH of them, for being so open, honest, and outward-reaching with what they have discovered on their journey, and helping those, like me, to see things in a whole new way. THANK YOU!!!
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really great episode and I thought Ben had a great way of explaining things so that others can understand (at least a bit). I thought when he said that when one rides a water ride and gets wet, for most people 10% of their brain energy would be focused on the fact they were wet, but for him 100% of his brain is focused on it and becomes a much "bigger deal". That is something I can picture, can understand as many of the things mentioned that were challenges to him (the anxiety of what to do when a character comes at a character meal, etc) are things I can relate to - but for him it is probably what I feel but multiple by 10 or something

Another way to look at it that I discussed with one of my friends who has a daughter who has Asperger is that it isn't her brain doesn't work as well as other peoples - it's that it works "too well". And the analogy I came up with is that her brain is like a high performance car - but when you try to drive a car like that on a crowded street in Manhattan, it gets frustrating and overwhelmed and just doesn't perform like it is capable of.

Last point - I am jealous of Ben's hair
This was quite enjoyable! I work with folks with disabilities and was happy to hear this perspective. There are so many varied experiences to be had when it comes to this subject and a whole youtube channel could and should be dedicated to its many aspects. Thanks for the episode!
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Great episode! Our oldest son is 18 and on the autism spectrum. While no two people are exactly alike, he and Ben are similar. John and Tracey did an excellent job scaffolding the discussion. Ben’s word pictures and descriptions really helped illuminate some of the extra challenges he and others face. And it was all done in such a positive, helpful manner. Bravo!


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