~*~ Dream ~*~ Believe ~*~ Achieve ~*~ (Comments Welcome)

At Epcot again. MercyMe is one of my favorite Christian artists and they are playing tonight. I booked an Eat to the Beat dining package at Rose and Crown almost three months ago. Rob was supposed to be here with me, but stupid work.....
At Epcot again. MercyMe is one of my favorite Christian artists and they are playing tonight. I booked an Eat to the Beat dining package at Rose and Crown almost three months ago. Rob was supposed to be here with me, but stupid work.....
How was the concert? I haven't listened to MercyMe in years!
Monday - Daniels I pace workout was on the schedule
  • Plan: 2 mi WU + 2x(5 min @ I 8:58 w/ 4 min RI) + 3x(4 min @ I 8:58 w/ 3 min RI) + 2 mi CD = 7.87 miles
  • Actual: 7.68 mi @ 10:47
  • Splits: (12:00, 11:22) + (8:58, 8:58) + (8:49, 8:46, 8:56) + (11:38, 11:19)

Granted, it's only 4-5 minutes in crazy FL weather, but I'm still excited!

Don't sell yourself short. That is an incredibly difficult workout and only that much more impressive in crazy FL weather. Once you reach a cooler climate, watch out because I think you'll blow the top off your next race.
It always feels good to hit a target and I hope you have found a way to celebrate.

I'm getting a massage on Saturday!

Yay! That's so exciting, congrats!
So... what's your new modified mileage goal for the year? :)

I don't know! I think I'll easily hit 1500 if I did the math right. Just don't know what kind of mileage coach is going to throw at me with for my Dopey training plan.
Just ordered new running shoes! I went to D's Sporting Goods and tried on the new Ghost 11's. I bought a pair of white, gray and pink, but wasn't in love with them. I looked at them for 2 hours and decided I couldn't deal with the color. Hopped online and saw this color was now available. I'm returning the other pair.

Love the new kicks! I wear brooks Ravenna but I think I'm ready for a change. Yay to 1000 miles!
So I changed gyms today. The new gym has classes - Yoga, Piyo and BodyFlow! I have missed BodyFlow terribly. I used to go every week when I lived in MA. I’m also going to buy some personal training sessions.
09/03/18 - 09/09/18
Fatigue was still carrying over from the previous week. It was hot. It was humid. These cuties made their appearance!

Monday - Labor Day! Weather was miserable all day. It sprinkled off and on during this run, but I finished before it poured! I'm not a fan of running in the rain. Sprinkles I'll deal with, but not heavy rain. Nope. Today was I pace intervals!
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 2x(5 min @ I 8:58 w/ 4 min RI) + 3x(4 min @ I 8:58 w/ 3 min RI) + 2mi CD = 7.87mi
  • Actual: 7.07 @ 10:54
  • Splits: (11:55, 11:51) + (9:07, 8:57) + (8:50, 8:51, 8:45) + (11:34, 11:39)
Tuesday - Went to see MercyMe @ Epcot. I booked an Eat to the Beat Dining package at Rose & Crown so I could get good seats. Rob was supposed to go, but work got in the way of fun again.
  • Plan: 4.5mi @ EA 12:36
  • Actual: 4.6 @ 11:52
  • Splits: 12:00, 11:55, 11:58, 11:42, 11:47
Wednesday - Woke up not feeling so good. I had a headache so I took some Tylenol and waited for it to dull down. I didn't make it outside until 8am which meant weather wasn't ideal with the sun beating down on me! Today I had T & R paces. I don't normally walk between the T pace intervals, but today I did. My workout ended at 8.7mi & I was still a little ways from home so ran an extra .30 miles to bring total mileage up to an even 9mi.
  • 2mi WU + 3x(1.5mi @ T 9:46 w/ 3 min RI) + 4x(150m @ R 8:36 w/ 150m RI) + 1mi CD = 8.158mi
  • Actual: 9.01mi@ 11:13
  • Splits: (11:59, 11:45) + (9:43, 9:46, 9:52) + ( :36, :42, :40, :36) + 11:12
Thursday - Nice easy run today. Hit my goal of 1000 miles in 2018!!!
  • Plan: 4.5mi @ EA 12:36
  • Actual: 4.52mi@ 11:45
  • Splits: 11:41, 11:46, 11:39, 11:51, 11:51
Friday - This run felt great! Joined a new gym and I'll be signing up for personal training in October. I don't want to start anything new before race day!
  • Plan: 7.5mi @ EB 11:47 + Strides
  • Actual: 7:52mi @ 11:23
  • Splits: 11:29, 11:28, 11:35, 11:27, 11:29, 11:28, 10:49 (strides), 11:14
Saturday - Fantastic run today. It felt like I could run forever! I tried Honey Stinger chews for the first time. I've been using Sports Beans, but the last two times I used them they gave me GI issues. Honey Stinger chews don't stick to your teeth as much, taste better and most importantly...I had no bathroom issues. I have one more long run to test them before my half marathon. Rob and I went for massages in the evening. We upgraded to 80 minute massages and OMG, it was heavenly. I had no idea just how tight my upper body was until after it was over. I even had a foot massage and it felt like I was walking on clouds when I left.
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 5mi @ M Tempo 10:36 + 1.5mi @ T 9:46 + 1mi @ M Tempo 10:36 + 1mi CD = 10.5mi
  • Actual: 10.6 @ 10:31
  • Splits: (11:43, 11:46) + (10:25, 10:28, 10:24, 10:23, 10:24) + 9:30 + 10:15 + 10:26
Sunday - Rest day. Went to brunch with the ladies in my neighborhood.

Looking Ahead
I've got a sore throat and runny nose. I made it out for my run today, but the last mile was rough.
Rob & I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary on Friday and will be dining at Victoria & Albert's on Saturday. I'll do a mini dining review!
26 days until Under the Oaks Half Marathon!!! Saturday's run had me feeling really good about some race goals that I have in mind.
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I hate my new shoes (Ghost 11). At least I think I do. My shin started hurting in the middle of my run, then my knee and by the time I was done the bottoms of my feet were sore. I’ll give them one more run, but I’m going to order some Ghost 10 as a backup plan.


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