Dramamine: The Story of 4, no wait 5? Wait no, 6! Friends in Disney -- Updated 12/13!

Ohhhhh. Scaaaaaary!

After our Midway Mania we walked to our next FP+ reservation.

Where were we heading? Why the Twilight Zone, of course!

We stopped to get some Photopass pictures. The photographer was a lot of fun. He got some great shots.






We headed to TOT. I know Anne wasn’t with us. Maybe she can enlighten us on what she did while we went on our tour of the hotel?

Our ride was hilarious. Kerri was so scared. She hates the feeling of her butt lifting off the ride and she kept mentioning it. Once we got to when we were about to drop she screamed “OH MY GOD. IT’S WARM. IT’S HOT. OH MY GOD”. The guy behind her goes “It’s about to cool down, REAL QUICK”. We got a nice little kick out of that.

The ride was great as usual. Our pictures and ride video were so good!


A Must Watch!

After we dropped in on our ghost friends we browsed the gift shop and I debated over buying my favorite TOT shirt. I went back and forth on our last trip about buying it. I decided against it. I was so mad at myself that I didn’t buy it that I asked Anne when she went that December to look for me, but I think they might’ve been out of it or my size. So I couldn’t believe I was standing with it in my hand and I was going to walk out without it.

But we had a dinner reservation to get to!

We headed towards Echo Lake and found Anne and Steve. And checked in for our reservation at 50’s!

For months I had tried to add an extra person to our reservation. I was able to add one to every other reservation except for this one. So I was scared when I walked up and told them we had 6 instead of 5…

And it was totally fine. Should’ve known!

We sat and waited in the living room. It was packed but we were able to get a spot on the couch and not long they were calling our strange little family.

I was so excited for this meal. Nora and I were giving each other knowing glances. Making sure our elbows and phones were off the table while we hoped our friends got yelled at for their bad behavior, but we got nothing.

Our waitress was nice. She didn’t really give much schtick. She did leave our plates for those of us who didn’t finish our food so we all decided to pile our leftovers on to Steve’s plate, hoping someone would get in trouble!

She just laughed. Oh well. We tried.

We all really liked our meals. I got the pot roast. It was delicious and really filling. As was the HUGE slice of chocolate cake I got. Which turned out to not be the best idea since we had a FP+ right after our meal. We were all so full and were all on board with this whole Free Dining thing.


After our meal we headed to Star Tours.





Steve decided to sit it out. I don’t do well on Star Tours but I was really hoping that Kerri was the rebel spy since she loves loves loves Star Tours. So we told him where to meet us at the end and we got in line.

As we made our way through the queue, we made it to the spot where the CM asks how many are in your party. The CM shouted out that he was looking for 4 people and I immediately raised my hand and tried to get his attention.

Except we had 5 people.

I would never live that down. Especially since it wasn’t the last time.

We got on the ride and we had the Wookie planet (Ker’s favorite planet) and I tried not to throw up my giant cake.

Her verdict? She was not a fan. The scene we got must’ve been from a newer movie and she did not approve. So we met back up with Steve. Played around in the gift shop, Ricky pin traded, and we decided what to do next.

We took a walk around Streets of America so we could see it before it was most likely torn down.

We then decided to head to Muppets. We must’ve entered right after a show started because we were the first people in the pre-show and we waited for a long time. While we waited I checked Amazon again for an SD card. I was still so mad at myself for forgetting the card. I decided I was just going to bite the bullet and buy one the next day at the camera shop in Epcot.

We were let in to the show and it was hilarious as always. I absolutely love Waldorf and Statler. They crack me up every time.



After the Muppets we decided we had enough time to catch the Great Movie Ride before we had to check out what was going on for the second showing of Fantasmic.

I didn’t mind the new narration. I do love the Great Movie Ride but I definitely understand that to keep it running they have to do stuff that the sponsor wanted. The guides seemed to do well with the new recording. Everyone loved the ride. I was so happy that we were all happy.

So we decided to head towards Fantasmic when we heard an announcement saying the showing was no longer letting people in. This couldn’t be right. The first show hadn’t even started yet? How was this happening?! We needed to figure out what was going on. So what did we do?

You guessed it! Photopass!



Okay now we really needed to figure out what was going on. We spoke with a CM outside of the entrance and she explained it was for the first show and that they would start allowing people in for the next show in a little while. I asked if she thought it would fill up and she said absolutely not.

With that knowledge we checked out the line for Rockin’ Rollercoaster but the wait was way too long.

So what should we do? We decided to head back to TOT. Anne and Steve had never been through the line so we brought them through. As we waited for our elevator they called for a party of 1. We found a guy and Kerri started clapping for him so everyone else clapped along. It was a lot of fun.

Anne and Steve took the slow elevator down and we had such an awesome ride sequence. It was so good that everyone clapped!



We got to that awesome gift shop and…

I did it! I bought the shirt with my AP discount. I’m really happy I bought it. I’m definitely wearing it to work on Halloween.


After that we decided to head in for Fantasmic. We were all a little tired so I passed out some glow sticks that I bought and we all waited for the show.

It was fantastic. I talked it up like crazy to Steve because I knew he’d love it. Kerri did too. She had this look on her face and I knew right then and there that we had her hooked.

We exited the show and we decided to shop on the way out. At some point we shopped on Hollywood Blvd and looked at all of the mugs and stuff previously so myself and Nora knew we wanted the Chip mugs.

As we checked on the way out Kerri went ahead and decided to head back right away. She said she had no problems at all.

Nora purchased her mug and we headed to another store for Anne to buy the Chip and Dale mickey ears hat for Halloween costume. We checked out a few more stores to try and wait out the lines.

We headed to the line and talked about how great our first day was and how we pretty much couldn’t believe we were actually there.

Some of us showered and some people laid in bed. We all definitely slept well that night. That’s for sure!

Coming up: I finally buy an SD card for my DSLR and I take more pictures than you’ve ever wanted to see in your life. We have WAY more Disney fun. And could there be some drama on the horizon?? You’ll just have to come back to find out!!
I am also not the biggest of fans of Star Tours (one I am not a big fan of the movies and two...sometimes the movement is too jerky for me).

I love Muppets...It is one of those things that I like to do when I go to DHS.

Good luck with getting a memory card. That is always my biggest fear when I travel.
I am also not the biggest of fans of Star Tours (one I am not a big fan of the movies and two...sometimes the movement is too jerky for me).

I love Muppets...It is one of those things that I like to do when I go to DHS.

Good luck with getting a memory card. That is always my biggest fear when I travel.

The movement and the screen give me a hard time! And the Muppets are always a favorite! I'm pretty worried about losing them in the refurb, maybe they'll move them? And the memory card thing was the worst. It's so rare that I even take it out of my camera that it must've been sitting out for months that I didn't realize it. Of course I found it sitting on a dresser as soon as I got home.

drama is always fun when you look back on it.

It gives you a good laugh, that's for sure!
“We’re going to meet some characters!” “They’re gonna meet some characters too.”
And real pictures abound!

So our last look had us going to bed after a jam packed day. We woke up around 7:45 and headed down to the food court for breakfast. Landscape of Flavors wasn’t too crowded. I feel like I might’ve gotten the challah french toast, I’m not sure but I remember it being so good!

After breakfast we ran back to the room to get our bags and drop off our mugs.

We were on our way to Epcot around 9:45. We headed towards the turnstiles and bag check and it was already SO CROWDED. So much for September being pretty slow!

Once we got in a made a beeline for the camera shop, requested a memory card, used my AP discount, and paid for the most expensive 8GB SD card you’ll ever see in your life.

Here is my first real picture of the trip.


A little blurry from running out of the air conditioned store to the hot, humid, air.


Much better!!

So our first stop had us at Spaceship Earth.


This is a favorite of us all. Kerri and I rode together and our future turned out pretty great, except for some reason I think she said we were from California. Oh well!





After our time traveling adventure, we headed over to see what the waits for TestTrack looked like.


We stopped for a pic at the Fountain of Nations and the Cast Member said “Hey, nice camera! I have the same one!” Thank you, kind sure! I just got a memory card back in it!


TestTrack was down so we headed over to Ellen’s Energy Adventure. We’re all big fans of Ellen, so it’s always a good time.


It was so disgustingly hot outside so it was another bonus to head inside.






When we got to the part where you actually sit in the ride, the woman behind Ricky was throwing a hissy-fit and talking about how she “can’t see because of tall people”. Look lady, it’s a ride. Chill out, everything’s around you, not in front of you.

The ride was great, Ellen’s animatronic was gone. They should definitely just update the ride with Ellen and Bill Nye now.

We checked the wait time again for TestTrack and it was still down.

Moving on to The Land!

It was PACKED. Ricky and I usually go during the summer and it honestly felt like summer crowds. We quickly got over it though since we figured the rest of the week would be crazy.

We had a Soarin’ FastPass+. We decided to take a bathroom break and then head on the ride.

Steve and Kerri have never been on it, but they both absolutely loved it. We must’ve been on the ride with a bunch people who have never been on it because everyone clapped.

I have to say, I’m really excited for Soarin’ Over the World. I’m a little sad it’ll be closed during our February stop when we go for our cruise, but we’re really considering another group trip in November so I’ll be excited to see it then.

After we got off the ride we looked at the wait time for Living with the Land. 30 mins was way too long for our liking so we headed over to Imagination. For a quick 5 minute wait.

After our Open House with Figment we played around in ImageWorks. I always send my Dad a Figment email because he actually likes Figment!

We walked around the gift shop and Ricky of course tried to go upstairs. He doesn’t ever remember being up there!




We decided to head into Captain EO because most of us are pretty big Michael Jackson fans.

As we walked in to the pre-show the Cast Member said Happy Birthday to Anne and he got the chorus of “Happy Birthday Anne” from us. When she walked away he stopped me and asked what her name was and I told him. I told Ricky and whoever was behind me not to say anything.

As we waited for the show the CM came over the loud speaker and mentioned that we would be going in to the show soon and we had a special birthday girl in the group! It was so nice! The wonderful CM’s continued to shine and we had so many more encounters with them!

Kerri's also pretty freaked out by the 3D movies. She refuses to go on It's Tough to Be a Bug because she hated it and she vaguely remembers Honey, I Shrunk the Audience. We had to drag her on to Muppets the night before.

After the show we checked out the jumping water and tried to decide what we should do.



We had a FP+ for the Character Spot so we decided to head over there.



I’ve never been in there before and I had to say, that building smells SUPER moldy! It just smells like theres water damage in there. We noticed it a few other times during the trip too. It wasn’t pretty.

As we waited in line, the title of this chapter comes in: “We’re going to meet some characters!” “They’re gonna meet some characters too!”

And characters we are.

First up was Mickey!





Next was Goofy.



He had us all sing Happy Birthday to Anne. Ricky was super excited about that.



Why Steve is biting Goofy, I'll never know!

And last was Minnie.

She absolutely LOVED Steve. Him and the Photopass guy kept saying things like “But Mickey’s right over there!” “Mickey’s going to get so jealous!”



He’s a charmer that one.




The last two pictures crack me up!

Once our meeting had been complete, we decided that we would all split up. Ricky, Nora, and I decided to get some lunch in World Showcase, while Kerri, Steve, and Anne headed back to the resort to hang out by the pool.
One of my favorite spots is the Character Spot because you can get three big characters with not that much of a wait.

I haven't been on TT since the new refurb. Maybe next Nov I will finally get on it since the plan is to be in EPCOT 2 days.
Check out our awesome trip video here: Can we go back??

Awesome! We Belong Together from Toy Story 3 is one of my favourites!

Cute dress :goodvibes

I love this picture :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Nora gave us all presents…crab claw pens! I don’t know why, but those things entertained us really well. We pretty much all sat there and pinched each other with our pens.


Why do I want one of these so bad??!?!?!

At some point before we got on the bus though, I realized I had forgotten something extremely crucial: the memory card for my DSLR.

Noooo wayyy!! What a nightmare! I'm glad you were able to get a new one though :thumbsup2

While this is a lovely photo of you all, all I can look at is your shoes !!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

I’ve never had a band that’s worked on a door before. Ever.

That's crazy?! Jamie and I have had 3 sets of Magic Bands each and neither of us have ever had any problems with them!

We headed to the bus and saw that there was a Studios bus waiting so we decided to run. BIG mistake. We lost Steve in the process and we were off without him.

:rotfl:Show no mercy!!!! There's Disney fun to be had!!!!

Amazing :laughing:

She refuses to go on It's Tough to Be a Bug

To be fair, It's Tough to Be a Bug is terrifying...! :scared1:

I’ve never been in there before and I had to say, that building smells SUPER moldy! It just smells like theres water damage in there. We noticed it a few other times during the trip too. It wasn’t pretty.

It's SO GROSS!! Every time I walk through that area I can smell it so bad :crazy2:

Hahaha he looks like an innocent child!!!! :laughing:
One of my favorite spots is the Character Spot because you can get three big characters with not that much of a wait.

I haven't been on TT since the new refurb. Maybe next Nov I will finally get on it since the plan is to be in EPCOT 2 days.

Character Spot was new for me! It was great to get to knock them all out in one shot. We had some really fun CMs in there too!

I really enjoy the new refurb. Ricky HATES it, which is super weird because he's a big car guy. It seems like it depends on how you felt about the original.

yay photos i like the first shot it does not look blurry but foggy it looks cool.

Thank you! I wish I could tell you it was intentional :goodvibes

Awesome! We Belong Together from Toy Story 3 is one of my favourites!

Cute dress :goodvibes

I love this picture :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Why do I want one of these so bad??!?!?!

Noooo wayyy!! What a nightmare! I'm glad you were able to get a new one though :thumbsup2

While this is a lovely photo of you all, all I can look at is your shoes !!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

That's crazy?! Jamie and I have had 3 sets of Magic Bands each and neither of us have ever had any problems with them!

:rotfl:Show no mercy!!!! There's Disney fun to be had!!!!

Amazing :laughing:

To be fair, It's Tough to Be a Bug is terrifying...! :scared1:

It's SO GROSS!! Every time I walk through that area I can smell it so bad :crazy2:

Hahaha he looks like an innocent child!!!! :laughing:

Hey girl! Glad to see you back (and on Instagram!) The picture of Kerri in the shark is one of my favorites and show no mercy should be the official slogan of Disney World! Thank you for the compliments on the dress and the shoes :lovestruc I'm going to write up another entry and then pop over to your report (and catch up on the end of your other one!)

Following! Great report so far.

:welcome: Thank you! Stay tuned, I'm going to start updating more often!
Photopassin’ Around the World
And Shhhh, Don’t Tell Anne!

My midterms are done so it’s time for an update!

When we last left each other, the gang was splitting up for an afternoon of food, swimming for some, and World Showcase for others.



Ricky, Nora, and I made our way to World Showcase for some lunch that we had talked about for weeks. As we made our way around, we looked at the Food & Wine booths and talked about what to expect. Nora was a CP during the Fall a few years ago and she was so bummed she’d be missing the beginning of the festival. I had looked at the calendar from last year and tried to time our trip for the first week, but Disney pushed back the start of the festival :sad:


We stopped a bit for the lumberjack show. To be honest, we never stopped for Off Kilter. The music was good and who doesn’t love a good bagpipe? But it just wasn’t ever on our radar. The lumberjacks were pretty interesting and they drew a nice sized crowd. It was different and not as terrible as people made it out to be!

We decided that since we had no plans other than food and we paid for Photopass that we would Photopass around the world.

Our first stop was the UK pavilion. Nora and I LOVE this pavilion. Along with being a CPer she also studied abroad in London so we spent a LOT of time in this pavilion later that night.




We moved right along to the bridge towards France. The Photopass guy there was seriously awesome. He was so funny and nice. He took a ton of pics and even got us a magic shot!



After the bridge we visited France.




I love this picture.

More France!



As we made our way towards lunch, we stopped in Morocco and checked the time for Aladdin and Jasmine. There was a meet that was about to happen in about 15 minutes. But, we had to decide…do we risk losing Anne’s friendship?? Aladdin is her favorite movie and Jasmine is her favorite princess. We could go, you know, and not tell her until we get home…and we didn’t want to skip a country so we decided to head back into the pavilion.


Their Meet & Greet area is cute. We hadn’t been back there since Senior Trip so I was excited!



We asked how Rajah was and they asked us if we had any tigers at home and how we were enjoying Agrabah. It was highly adorable.



We said thank you and decided to move along, we were reaching our lunch destination!




Ricky and I have a thing for Udon in Japan. The first time we ate there it was terrible. The second time we gave it a try and it was fantastic. Nora loves Japanese food so that was the choice!


I believe I had the beef udon and the wonderful green tea ice cream. I’ve been dreaming about that ice cream since I’ve been home!

We relaxed in the restaurant and looked out over the pavilion. We talked about how happy we all were and how great the trip already was and would it be crazy if we started planning coming back? (The answer: no, it’s not crazy).


I have a note that says “Chopstick Joke”. I think that means Nora was going to put the chopsticks in her purse and pull them out at dinner that night as a joke? We’re hilarious.

We left Japan and took a stroll around the lagoon, giving up on our mission to Photopass around the world.



We talked about the birds that you always see in Disney. Nora named them Frank. All of them. It kind of fits!

At this point the heat and humidity were pretty killer so we decided to head back to the resort.

But first, Photopass!



We walked up to another photographer and we all looked at him and were like “heyyy! we know you!” It was the same photographer as from the bridge! He was hysterical.



He took our pics and made us move a little to the side because he was making it look like a palm tree would be growing out of someones head, but he wouldn’t tell us who’s it would be!


After a good laugh we grabbed a bus back to the resort for a nap.

When Steve, Kerri, and Anne left they took some pictures too!




It was such a fun, albeit HOT, morning in Epcot. Would the night be just as fun? Stay tuned!
“This is so enjoyable, it really is.” & The Most Magical Group Hug I’ve Ever Been In.

After the morning in the park we headed back to the room to hang out and relax. When we got back Kerri had fallen asleep for a few minutes so we decided to wake her up. (Check out the video on the first page for how we did it!)

Tonight we were heading back to Epcot for dinner. Nora and I decided to try and be fancy. I had planned an outfit, but when I went to iron my shirt…I burned it! A big old hole right in the middle of one of my favorite shirts.

Oh well. I decided on something else to wear and we decided to head back to the park. Meanwhile, Steve had decided that he was going to miss dinner to watch the Eagles play the Cowboys…and they ended up losing and he missed out on a fantastic meal!

Of course on the bus ride back to the park we discussed how silly it was of him and we headed back to the Coral Reef!


I was a little nervous about this meal, I have to admit. I’ve never eaten there and generally what any of us heard about the meal wasn’t great, but we definitely wanted to try something new and I have to say that I’m THRILLED we did!

We waited to be seated and told Kerri all about The Living Seas and that there was a clam-mobile that you get to ride and she couldn’t wrap her head around what it was!




Finally we were called. The hostess took us to our seats and Nora and I acted like major goofs telling everyone “watch your step, watch your step” and making weird movements with it. (This doesn’t seem important, but it plays in to my next update…stay tuned!) As she was taking us to our seat, we started to get closer to the tank and we all kind of started freaking out.





We sat down and the age old question was asked “is it weird eating seafood, in front of fish?”


The answer to that is no.


Our waiter Tony greeted us and I’m pretty sure he’s the greatest CM I’ve ever encountered. He was so knowledgable and adorable and so sweet and a lot of fun.

While we ordered our food and hung out we got the opportunity to talk to Tony and he told us all about the dolphins and how they weren’t allowed in the tank anymore with the turtles and we asked him how the sharks don’t eat the other fish. He gave us all the great stories and we really loved him so much. We even decided that we were going to kidnap him by tying our napkins together and using them as ropes.

We really liked the little fish spotters that they gave to you. We had the hardest time finding the grunt! It was like a fun little game trying to find him.

At some point during our meal someone said “this is so enjoyable, it really is”. And I honestly thought life couldn’t get any better than it was in that moment.

Boy was I wrong!!

The only downside to the meal was that it took a little longer than planned so we had less time to do more things in the seas.

By the time we were done we got a text from Steve that he was on his way to the park and the Eagles lost. We told him to meet us at Nemo and we all hopped in a claim-mobile and adventured through the big blue world.


We went through the seas a bit and did a little exploring.





I wanted to show everyone the manatees at the top of the tank, they’re probably my favorite thing about the seas, but it was closed for viewing. Time was running out and we had to head over to IllumiNations!

As our time at the seas ended we headed over to World Showcase Lagoon. We figured we’d wander until we found a spot and we actually got a pretty great spot right in-between Canada and the UK.

We had some time to kill so I showed Steve and Kerri the little cart outside of the Rose and Crown where they could get drinks.

As they were trying to decide, Kerri and Steve got into a little squabble (pretty much a common occurrence when you hang out with them) and Ker told Steve “traveling with you is frustrating”. The guy behind us started laughing so hard and him and Steve struck up a conversation.

Steve got a beer and I think Kerri got a pear cider. The only reason I know that is because she hated it and gave the rest of it to Steve.

We made our way back to our spot and hung out and then stood up to watch the show.

As we watched the show, I felt people moving away, but I really couldn’t think why. I also kept feeling Ricky going into his pocket. A few times he pulled out his phone, but he loves IllumiNations so I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t just watching?

Well. He put his hand in his pocket one last time, turned me to face him, and asked me to marry him!

(There's a video of it HERE)

Of course I said YES!








I only remember a little bit of what he said. I remember crying and our friends taking tons of pictures. And then there was a group hug. THE MOST MAGICAL GROUP HUG EVER. And they thanked Ricky for including them in on our proposal. It was honestly magical and wonderful. It was during one of my favorite parts of the show and IllumiNations is my all time favorite and it was with some of my oldest friends in the whole world and it was perfect.

After the show was over we mingled around in the spot. I called my parents. He called his. We texted our siblings. And we all kind of just enjoyed being together in that moment.

We all decided that since it was Extra Magic Hours we’d try and hit Test Track.

On our way there we found a photopass photographer and everyone told him how we were just engaged so he got some pictures of us alone. I remember him being super nice as well.



Everyone jumped in the pictures together.



The single rider line was the goal for Test Track. It was just as fun as always and I really don’t mind the new TT theme. I like how it’s all futuristic and what not. I do, however, dislike single rider. I felt super awkward being alone and my picture looked like I was having the worst time ever!





I'll spare you my picture. It's very "I had fun once, it was awful".

When the ride was over we all decided to split up. Nora, Ricky, and I decided to take a trip around World Showcase while Anne, Kerri, and Steve decided to see if they could hop in line for Soarin’.

As we were walking away from the Odyssey, someone pointed out that there was a mouse running around. The little guy looked like he was so afraid, but not as afraid as the big dude who jumped and screamed when he saw it!

A group of people had gathered and tried to usher Mickey’s cousin away from the crown.

Our first stop was Mexico. I don’t remember what we did, just that we got a picture.


Next I think we stopped in the bakery in Norway for a bottle of water and to talk about how sad we were that the Maelstrom was closing. We all have memories on it, but things are always changing in Disney so we kept moving.

Somewhere along the way, Nora mentioned that when she was a CP, Canada was selling these really great blankets (I think?) and we decided to see if they had any.

But first was our stop in the UK! The Twinnings shop is probably my favorite store in the World Showcase and I’m pretty sure it’s up there for Nora. She decided to do the deal to buy a lot of tea for a certain price. We went through and picked some good stuff. I definitely know she picked up the gun powder green tea because I told her I’ve never had it but my sister loves it (I actually had it for the first time out at breakfast last weekend, I’m currently a true believer. It was fantastic.)

After our tea stop, I headed to the ladies room and Nora and Ricky headed into the sportsman shop. I caught them chatting with an International CP named Caitlyn I think! She seemed super nice and they had a really great conversation with her.

By now everything was starting to close up. I think the store in Canada may have been closed and Nora looked for her blanket at the cart. Sadly she couldn’t find it. Ricky and I even looked for it in the store later in the week and I was sad we couldn’t find it because it sounded lovely.

We made our way out and Nora said bye to World Showcase. That’s always one of my least favorite parts. We made our way out and if my memory serves me correctly, we ran into the second half of our group! They had just taken one last spin on Spaceship Earth.




The AOA bus stop is pretty far away. But we were all so happy and made the trek back. It had been an incredible night, one of the best ever. There was no way this trip could get any better. I was in my most favorite place in the world, with some of my favorite people, and I had just gotten engaged. BUT IT WAS ONLY DAY 2!

Stay tuned! When I have the time, I’m going to give you Ricky’s POV for part of the night. It’s a pretty good story and you won’t want to miss it!!
Congratulations too both of you. Happy wedding planning. Can't believe how much you did on day one having gotten up long before the sun did.
Congratulations!! Now you can start planning a Disney themed wedding!


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