Doreen's Fresh Start & Success Story! (Welcome Friends!)

It's so important to exercise, Doreen. I'm feeling that it's a priority for me right now, too-maybe not 12 miles at a stretch :p --but it's something that I have to do to relieve stress and to take care of myself. All the good habits--the water, the vitamins, the spiritual, the exercise, eating right foods--will nurture us as we walk the healthy living walk. We're doing it. :) Together. :cool1: :cool1:

Good morning Doe,

I want to send you a great big :grouphug: today. How did yesterday go?

I pray you have a wonderful day today, filled with God's peace and strength. :grouphug:
DoeWDW said:
I'm determined to have a 6 smilie day! :sunny: I'm doing all I can do to help get rid of these anxious feelings and confront my issues head on. In a prior life, I would have gone home and eaten an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's. Not this time!! I don't know about tomorrow, but for the next 6.6 hours (until bedtime) I'm going to do the things that lead to healthy living!!

Who was this girl and where did she go? After work, my son asked me to come home instead of work out. He was having car trouble and needed me to help him retrieve his car from the school's lot. Then he ran some errands and I wanted to be home, in case his car wouldn't start again and I had to go get him. By the time he got home, I had crashed and didn't do anything else. :rolleyes:

Moral of the story - DON'T GO HOME!!!! Go STRAIGHT to the health club no matter what and tell DS, DD and DH and anyone else trying to sidetrack me that they'll just have to wait.

Of course this evening I have an appointment with DS so I CAN'T go straight to the health club. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter. My job is to do the best I can.
1. Devotions - Time with God restores our energy. We need to find or create quiet moments during our busy days to bask in His love and feel Him restore our energy. A firefighter takes the time to put on his protective gear before going into a burning building - you don't catch him running in yelling "I don't have time to put on my gear!". We have to take that time to restore our energy in the Lord or we won't have it to give to the many other people in our lives.
2. Pills - will take with breakfast.
3. Water - on my first of 5 mugs.
4. Healthy eating - I'm feeling queasy again, so I'm not sure. I may opt for a small amount of oatmeal this morning.
5. Exercise - if I have any energy left when I get home.
6. Bedtime - 10 PM.
:hug: Good morning, Doreen. :sunny: Listen, you did the best you could yesterday. Today's a brand new day and a fresh start. Hooray! :Pinkbounc

I'll be raising my cup of tea to you around 3 p.m. :goodvibes

That girl was still there - she just made her family a priority. Nothing to feel bad about there :) I know you are feeling a little off center today - try to do some stretching when you get home, it is exercise!!!

So far today:
1. Devotions :p
2. Pills :p
3. Water - on my 3rd of 5 mugs
4. Healthy eating - B = 3/4 C oatmeal, 15 raisins, 1/4 tsp brown sugar, L = burger w/ no bun, PM snack will be 1 oz cashews and/or an apple w/ PB, D?? not sure yet
Yesterday I earned smilies for devotions, pills and bedtime. There was no exercise, not quite enough water and dinner was definitely carby. I'm trying to be OK with my efforts this week. The fact is that I've been using all my energy to get through the days and battle my depression, with no energy left to focus on healthy living.

The key for these crazy stressful weeks is to use the energy I have on the weekends to make my next week as easy as possible. Have all the laundry done and 5 work outfits ready to go. Cook ahead and have healthy food to take to work. These are the things that help me stay on track but don't require extra energy during the week.

Today my focus is on survival. I have to get through this last stressful workday of the week. I'll do the best I can. I'll be exhausted when I get home so I'm not going to set an exercise goal or cook an elaborate dinner. I need to be realistic.

So, the plan:
1. Devotions - God encourages us often in the Bible to not only help others, but to ask for help ourselves. My independent streak often tells me I can do it all if only I work harder, when God may be telling me to reach out and ask for help. I know how good I feel when I help someone else. There is someone out there who would feel that joy if I let them help me.
2. Pills - will take with breakfast.
3. Water - on my first of 5 mugs.
4. Healthy eating - ummm, I'll do the best I can.
5. Exercise - no, I'm giving myself the day off.
6. Bedtime - 10 PM.
:sunny: Good morning, Doreen! :sunny:

How are you doing today? I'm here to send some :flower: and :wizard: on your day. Let the Friday party get started! :rockband:

Looking forward to our walk this weekend. Let me know if there's any change in plan.

Good morning Doe,

I am sorry that this has been a tough week for you. I am sending you some :sunny: and more importantly, some prayers to help you get through today.

I like how you have planned to use your weekend to get a jump on the week ahead. That is a great idea!

I like Erin's idea of a TGIF party! :Pinkbounc Looks like a visit from the Village People and the cabana boys in on tap for today! (Let's just hope the Village People are NOT the cabana boys!!! :earseek: )

Have a great day Doe! :flower:
I've hit a rough patch as well. I know most of mine is due to unneccessary stress at work. You and I will get through this!!!!

Can't believe I forgot about the Friday party!! :confused3 Thanks for getting things started, Erin!

Bring on the fun!!

A quick update:
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - on the 2nd of 5 mugs.
4. Eating (won't call it healthy ;) ) - B = bagel w/ butter

I'll start working on the playlist for the band. Any suggestions??
Let's start with "Roll with it baby, c'mon & just roll with it baby!"

I'll be around to journals later in the afternoon - I have 2 meetings this morning. :rolleyes: Can I have a drink to go, please?? :teeth:
Hi Doe!

I brought a few drinks with me to share. :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :teeth:

And a little music.... :rockband:

"I can see clearly now the SNOW is gone! (WISHful thinking;) )
"I can see all obstacles going away!
(Don't know the next 2 verses)

"It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright TGIF Friday!" :sunny: :sunny:

Woohoo!!! :Pinkbounc Time 2 party!!! :cool1:
The best laid plans..... I wanted to kick back and relax yesterday afternoon but had another meeting pop up and some issues I had to deal with.

I only have a moment - we have to leave soon so DS can take the SATs at my old alma mater. :p I'll truly be on later to visit everyone.
You made it to Saturday Doe! Be sure to do something nice for yourself today! :grouphug:
:wave2: Hi, Doreen. Just stopping in to say "hi" and wish you a happy Saturday. See you tomorrow for some mall fun! :cool1:



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