DON'T Read This TRIP REPORT If You're a Princess Hater!

Loving the trip report!! I loved looking through your last photo report, so much so that we almost planned a road trip exactly like it! (We're from KC too!) But my daughter's only 2.5 and doesn't really do well in the car, so that's off for a while anyway.

I also make clothing (although NOTHING like yours), but I usually don't like the "costumey" (sp?) ones and stick to the appliqued type. However, yours are amazing! And your daughter always looks so cute!!

Can't wait to see more! Thanks!

Loving the trip report!! I loved looking through your last photo report, so much so that we almost planned a road trip exactly like it! (We're from KC too!) But my daughter's only 2.5 and doesn't really do well in the car, so that's off for a while anyway.

I also make clothing (although NOTHING like yours), but I usually don't like the "costumey" (sp?) ones and stick to the appliqued type. However, yours are amazing! And your daughter always looks so cute!!

Can't wait to see more! Thanks!


Hi Jessica! Welcome to my trip report!


I've seen your stuff on the Disboutiquer thread and am a huge fan of your work. That Small World set you just posted recently is TDF! :worship: You do AWESOME work!

The road trip is something I recommend wholdheartedly. But if she's not good in the car yet, just save it for a bit.

I don't think I realized you were here in town. SMALL WORLD, isn't it????? :rotfl2: OK..... sorry about that.......

There seems to be a lot of KC folks showing up here, and I think that's great!

If you ever have questions down the road about the great westward journey, don't hesitate to ask!
First thing, I adore the princesses, so I had a feeling I was going to like this trippie. princess: I love it!! The costumes you make for your daughter are absolutely amazing, the Belle one was so cute with the cape -- and those fairy godmother costumes look better than the Disney costumes! Same goes for the Cinderella ones, just beautiful. :lovestruc Plus that story of your very own FG is PURE PIXIE DUST!

Love all the pics, can't wait for more. I hope we get to see the decorations you set up in your room, they sound really cute!
Whew, I'm caught back up. I'm so sorry things didn't work out with Beauty and the Beast show. I was looking foward to seeing Gaston pictures especially since I have never seen him pose with anyone. I do hope the guy who had the attack is okay.

We're opposites, I love Tower or Terror and don't care for RRC. It lives me disoriented. Danielle loves RRC and rides TOT to please me. The rides itselft didnt' really bother her it was the GHOSTS.

Once again your pictures are fabulous! I wish I had your talent.
Hi Jessica! Welcome to my trip report!


I've seen your stuff on the Disboutiquer thread and am a huge fan of your work. That Small World set you just posted recently is TDF! :worship: You do AWESOME work!

The road trip is something I recommend wholdheartedly. But if she's not good in the car yet, just save it for a bit.

I don't think I realized you were here in town. SMALL WORLD, isn't it????? :rotfl2: OK..... sorry about that.......

There seems to be a lot of KC folks showing up here, and I think that's great!

If you ever have questions down the road about the great westward journey, don't hesitate to ask!

Loving the trip report!! I loved looking through your last photo report, so much so that we almost planned a road trip exactly like it! (We're from KC too!) But my daughter's only 2.5 and doesn't really do well in the car, so that's off for a while anyway.

I also make clothing (although NOTHING like yours), but I usually don't like the "costumey" (sp?) ones and stick to the appliqued type. However, yours are amazing! And your daughter always looks so cute!!

Can't wait to see more! Thanks!


It IS a small world!! I love that so many KC'ers are popping up!!
First thing, I adore the princesses, so I had a feeling I was going to like this trippie. princess: I love it!! The costumes you make for your daughter are absolutely amazing, the Belle one was so cute with the cape -- and those fairy godmother costumes look better than the Disney costumes! Same goes for the Cinderella ones, just beautiful. :lovestruc Plus that story of your very own FG is PURE PIXIE DUST!

Love all the pics, can't wait for more. I hope we get to see the decorations you set up in your room, they sound really cute!

:welcome: fellow princess lover! I'm glad you found us!

Many thanks for the kind words. Lots more fun ahead........

Whew, I'm caught back up. I'm so sorry things didn't work out with Beauty and the Beast show. I was looking foward to seeing Gaston pictures especially since I have never seen him pose with anyone. I do hope the guy who had the attack is okay.

We're opposites, I love Tower or Terror and don't care for RRC. It lives me disoriented. Danielle loves RRC and rides TOT to please me. The rides itselft didnt' really bother her it was the GHOSTS.

Once again your pictures are fabulous! I wish I had your talent.

Yeah.... I was looking forward to some Gaston pictures too! But honestly, I just hope the story had a happy ending for whoever was involved.

And that's too funny that you're my polar opposite with RNR and TOT. I think it's the disorientation on RNR that I like so much! And tell Danielle the ghosts are the best part of TOT! It's the ride itself I'm not fond of.

Thanks for coming along, and for the kind words! :flower3:

It IS a small world!! I love that so many KC'ers are popping up!!

Maybe we need a KC DIS meet?????? Your place? :lmao:

I'll try to do at least a short update soon........
PARK DAY 2: Monday 12/13/10

OK, another day, another scheme, right? :lmao:

I admit it. I have an obsession with wanting to be Family of the Day at the Magic Kingdom. I stalk threads here on the DIS and ask others who have gotten to do this what their secret is. What time were you there? What were they wearing? What do they think did the trick? And I daydream..........

So as we planned the trip, we decided we'd pick one day to get there REALLY early and see if anything magical would happen. And this was it. I figured with 2 nights at the Christmas party later in the week, a really early morning would be out of the question. So of course, this turned out to be the coldest morning of the cold snap. DANG! And they weren't kidding about the wind, which made it so much worse. We dug out the new long johns, chemical hand warmers, gloves, hats, jackets....... you name it, we put it on!

We had initially planned to get there by 7 or 7:15 for the 9AM opening, in hopes that being the first ones there would do the trick. We weren't quite that early, but I still figured we were in good shape. After all, who would be crazy enough to drag their kids to the park THAT early on such a cold morning???? Heck, that's practically child abuse, right?

To increase our odds, we decided to use the taxi voucher they had given us the night before. I asked our taxi driver to take us to the Grand Floridian, where we would hop on the monorail, zip over one stop, then head on in to open the park. Easy peasy, right??????:rotfl2:

We've taken a taxi to the Grand Floridian from the POP before. I recall seeing the Swan and Dolphin on the way there, but I didn't remember seeing them up so CLOSE........ or seeing the OTHER Epcot resorts up so close...........

As luck would have it (or not! :rotfl:) it appeared our taxi driver was lost...... or confused....... or some such thing. DANG! :lmao: I said something and he eventually radioed in for directions and we were on our way. I still wasn't worried. After all, the park wouldn't open for another 90 minutes. And it was down in the 20's........ Surely no one else would be this crazy!

So we pulled up to the Grand Floridian and scampered up to the monorail platform for our short trip to the Magic Kingdom. There were other people on the monorail of course, but they were on their way to breakfast. SURELY no one else would want to wait over an hour in THAT cold!

At 7:40, we scurried down the ramp and through security. Over to the right I see all the patrons lined up for 8 AM entry with early ADR's. And I looked to the left......... to the regular park entrance gates and see..............

Anyone wanna guess how this goes? :lmao:
Another family getting chosen to be family of the day? :sad2:

Hope not, but that's what it sounds like you're leading up to!
Now where was I.........

I looked to the left and saw............ lots of open space...........

and ONE ........... count 'em ONE.............. family standing by the turnstiles. Mom, Dad, and 3 really small kiddos....... chatting with a CM. I sauntered over and saw them putting their tickets into the machines. Knowing full well what was happening, I decided to make sure and asked if the park was opening already. No..... they were going to help open the park. :sad:

What were those people THINKING? Dragging those poor little kids out in the COLD like that? Maybe I should call the authorities and REPORT them....... Gonna be hard to open the park if they're tied up with child services!!!

No ......... wait. I had my OWN kid there in the cold. Oops.

Well, all I can say is that we tried. And I'm glad we did. So what next? Did we turn into popsicles while that other family was back in Toontown meeting like 20 characters and getting ready to ride the Steam Engine in with Mickey to open the park?

Nah. I might be crazy. But I'm not STUPID! :rotfl2:

I had a backup plan. Even I knew the odds of my scheme.........errr...... PLAN ........ working out were small. We had 8:05 ADR's somewhere warm and inviting for breakfast! We walked over to the breakfast turnstiles with just a few minutes to wait before being admitted to the most magical place on Earth. Not a bad backup plan, huh??? :goodvibes I would have gladly given up breakfast at the Crystal Palace for a chance to open the park. Well, I guess there's always next time, right???? And yes, I'll plot. And I'll scheme.......and give it another try.

It didn't take long for them to open the gates for the breakfast crowd. And we were greeted with our first view of the castle:


That street was empty for a reason. Between the wind and the cold temperatures, nobody wanted to delay on Main Street for long. We stopped for a quick photo, but you can see Katie's hair blowing, and how cold we looked!


As we got to the Crystal Palace, we were treated to this view:


Fortunately we were seated quickly and didn't take long to warm up. We both ordered hot chocolate and sat down to enjoy our first morning in the Magic Kingdom. It didn't feel very magic out in the cold, but inside.......... sheer heaven. I still look back at that morning and remember Katie sitting there sipping her hot chocolate.....with a view of the castle..... and us looking ahead at our first of several days in the Magic Kingdom. Would it have been nice to open the park? Sure. But we still found the magic sitting there in the Crystal Palace instead.


Soon a few friends came by our table:





I loved the holiday topiary!



We had a nice leisurely breakfast and almost forgot just how cold it was outside. As I looked out the windows toward Main Street though, I saw people swarming down Main Street and realized we would need to leave our warm table and brave the great outdoors.

As we got near Main Street, we caught the Trolley Dancers decked out for the season:


No time to stop though! We were on a mission to find our very own personal Fairy Godmother! :wizard:
Just started your trip report and I love it! It looks like you guys had so much fun. I wish I had a mom like you when I was a kid, but mines hated taking me to Disney World :sad1:

I went on the 12th also but to the MK, for a one day thing, since it was a MVMCP that night, there was no one in the park, we rode every single ride and the coasters twice! There was about a 5 minute wait on Space Mountain! How crazy is that?

Anyways, I really enjoy your trip report and all your princesses talk and your daughter is so adorable!

Looking foward to reading the rest! :goodvibes
Bummer that you missed the Family of the Day. However, I really like your idea of having the breakfast as a backkup. Then if you don't get it you don't have to just sit around and wait for an hour! I think I may try that sometime. I wonder what they are doing for Family of the Day now that Toontown has closed. Have you heard any reports?
Just started your trip report and I love it! It looks like you guys had so much fun. I wish I had a mom like you when I was a kid, but mines hated taking me to Disney World :sad1:

I went on the 12th also but to the MK, for a one day thing, since it was a MVMCP that night, there was no one in the park, we rode every single ride and the coasters twice! There was about a 5 minute wait on Space Mountain! How crazy is that?

Anyways, I really enjoy your trip report and all your princesses talk and your daughter is so adorable!

Looking foward to reading the rest! :goodvibes

Glad you're on board ......... and .........


I'm not surprised at all that Sunday was slow in the Magic Kingdom. From everything I read that night before was a near 10 crowd level. The Christmas Party really drives the crowds in the Magic Kingdom that time of year. Everyone jams up on the nights there's no party so they can see Wishes and the Electric parade. And since Saturday was the only warm non-party night in the forecast for a week, it really packed them in. I'm glad you got to enjoy the slower day that followed!

The princess fun has barely started, so I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Bummer that you missed the Family of the Day. However, I really like your idea of having the breakfast as a backkup. Then if you don't get it you don't have to just sit around and wait for an hour! I think I may try that sometime. I wonder what they are doing for Family of the Day now that Toontown has closed. Have you heard any reports?

Yeah.... a bummer. But we were JUST close enough to whet my appetite and want it MORE! :rotfl2: So I'm sure we'll try again.

The problem is that from what I've read, it sounds like maybe all that character fun has ended with Toontown closed. I saw something here on the DIS. I think they said they just go in and meet the mayor and go up to the platform for the show. I'm hoping that will change back at some point.

Actually my REAL dream is to be Grand Marshalls in the MK afternoon parade. But that's so remote I don't even have a scheme for it!
Don't get me started on PIN Codes. I have officially given up. I think I'm on the NO PINCODES masterlist at Disney. I have tried it all....... signed up under various email addresses.......saved itineraries...... made changes........... you name it........ no pin code. I refuse to ever try again. :sad2:
Not trying to hijack here, (and I am a princess lover! princess:) but I'm 1/3 of DisneyAddict4Ever's trip!

Count me in with you and the "no PIN club". :sad2: I'd LOVE to get one though... DH wants a hubby/wife trip - and that ain't gonna happen unless I get me some help! :rotfl:

Those should be decent dates. Of course, if Disney releases a general public deal for that time, it will busy up, but not worse than any other time, and not NEARLY as bad as the following week.

And the weather should be decent. We were there that week in 08 and I barely ever needed a jacket, even wore shorts and a T to the Christmas party after dark. 2010 was a different story with record lows. That was out of the ordinary though. Typically it's beautiful and warm in the afternoons and cool enough for jackets in the evening.
I sure hope this past December was a fluke! I'll be coming from Indiana and I'd really like to thaw out - I'd settle for 60*! :laughing:
Not trying to hijack here, (and I am a princess lover! princess:) but I'm 1/3 of DisneyAddict4Ever's trip!

Count me in with you and the "no PIN club". :sad2: I'd LOVE to get one though... DH wants a hubby/wife trip - and that ain't gonna happen unless I get me some help! :rotfl:

I sure hope this past December was a fluke! I'll be coming from Indiana and I'd really like to thaw out - I'd settle for 60*! :laughing:

Hi there! And ........


Wanna start a support group for us "NO PIN" people? :rotfl2: I thought I'd accepted it, but every time I see yet another person posting about their pin...... well....... It all comes flooding back...... :sad:

Like I said, our weather in December 08 was heavenly....... last year had to be a fluke, right?

The bad thing of course, is that regardless of the forecast you need the "kitchen sink" packing method. It ALL has to come along since you never know what you'll need.

I just could never bring myself to wear my winter coat. We had them along, but it just seemed like admitting defeat or something. We opted instead to wear lots of layers and fleece jackekts. In that photo of us on Main Street, I think I was wearing every shirt out of my suitcase! :lmao: Well, it was at least 4 layers. And throw in some of of those chemical handwarmers. We found that if our hands and feet were warm, it helped TONS!
Great report. I can't believe how amazing the dresses you make look. What a gift. Great memories your daughter will remember forever. Thanks for posting.


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