DonnaS's Thanksgiving Trip-Day 7: Our last full day


Ratsrule & CathyCanada-- 2 who are greatly missed
Aug 18, 1999
<font color=blue>Cast Members:
DonnaS, late 30's, a Disney Connoisseur
RogerS, Donna's DH, early 30's, a Disney Connoisseur but not to extent that Donna is.

Guest Appearances by:
Teri and her family (Teri on the DIS)
Matt (Eeyore'stail on the DIS)
Nancy (NancyIL on the DIS)
Dan Murphy
Ted and his wife Von (Tednvon on the DIS)
Mindy (Donna's former co-worker who now lives in Florida)

Last trip to WDW was last December when we came for two weeks and bought APs for that trip. This trip was added in when we found airfares too good to pass up, especially since our APs were still good.</font>

Monday, November 27, 2000

Today is our last day in the parks since we leave very early the next day. Mickey called at 7am and we were out at the bus stop by 8am. We called Mindy and confirmed our plans to meet up. We had recommended that we meet at 830am since the park often opens early. We were there by 815am and got in line. The father in line behind us reminded us of the teacher in Ferris Buehller's Day Off. "Class. Class." Except that he was talking to his son about how they would do whatever the son wanted but when what the son wanted to do didn't agree with the Dad's itinerary the father was not very accommodating. Kind of "we'll do it however you want, as long as it's my way."

They opened the gates at 833am and Mindy wasn't there yet so we went on through. Roger waited by the gate while I went to see if I could get us FastPasses. They had all but the beginning of Sunset Blvd. roped off so I returned to Roger just about the time Mindy showed up. We headed over to Sunset Blvd. and once they let the rope down we sent Roger ahead with our passes to get FastPasses on RnR. He proudly told us that he got the very first ones. They were for 940am-1040am. We walked right onto RnR and Mindy liked it a lot. She doesn't normally like thrill rides but she thinks it being in the dark helped. We rode Tower of Terror before doing our FastPasses at RnR.
Before lunch we did The Great Movie Ride (gangster), saw Bear in the Big Blue House for our 1-year old Godson who is a big fan (we had never seen it but happened upon it with good timing), saw Little Mermaid (I love this), and took some photos with Eeyore, the Toy Story green men, and of course, Mickey Mouse.

We ate at the ABC Commissary and everyone enjoyed his or her meal. Roger had the Fish 'n Chips (not as good as at UK in Epcot but still tasty), I had the tabbouleh wrap, and Mindy had the stir-fry. Roger's and mine were under $15 total.

After lunch we did Muppet 3D and the Backlot Tour before having our dessert PS at Brown Derby. I had the grapefruit cake (wonderful as always), Roger had the warm chocolate rum cake, and Mindy had the pumpkin cheesecake. The bill before tip was about $16. We each tasted each other’s and they were all very good. Afterwards we did Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, which seems to have had a few minor changes since Roger and I saw it three years ago.

Star Tours was next and the line was long because of all of the FastPasses coming after the parade and Indiana. Before leaving around 5pm we also did Drew Carey's Sound Dangerous (since we have only done it once before it was a lot of fun) and the Animation Tour (lots of changes since we did it 3 years ago).

Mindy hopped her tram to the parking lot and we hopped a bus to the Grand Floridian for our dinner PS at Citrico's at 7pm. The bus took quite a while to get there and stopped at WL and Poly first. Even still we were at GF by 6pm. Citrico's was able to seat us right away. This is a lovely restaurant and at least at this time of evening it was quiet. We shared the shrimp cocktail as an appetizer and Roger had 10oz steak. I had the chicken. We asked our waiter if we could just order one wine pairing and share the wine since otherwise it would be too much for us; he said fine.

We thought he'd just fill one glass but instead he poured for both of us. It seemed like he filled them half full which is not that much less than they normally fill them. We became a little worried that he had misunderstood. The wine with the shrimp was an Alsace and it was very good. With our entrees the waiter poured both the wine with my meal and the wine with Roger's . We don't know if he gave us less than they normally would or if he was being super generous. Neither of us would rave about our entree wines although my chicken was fantastic. Both the chicken sauce and the sauce with the steak were very good. I also had a side of spinach and asparagus with my meal. For dessert I had the chocolate torte which was very large and very very good. It was rich chocolate with rich chocolate ice cream on it. Roger had the chocolate terrine that wasn't as good and also was kind of small. The wine with our dessert was "port like" but we liked it better than port.

When our bill came we were curious to see if he had charged us for two wine pairings but he hadn't. We don't know if normally they really fill the glasses all of the way with wine pairings or if he was generous with us. Our total bill was about $105 before tip. It was very good but we'd still rank Palio's and Yachtsmen's Steakhouse above it for our tastes.

We went down to the bus stop for GF and noted that not only did they have lots of benches to sit on but they also had a TV tuned to the Disney Channel. The first bus to Downtown Disney was so packed when it arrived and they sardined everyone who wanted to go there onto it but we decided to wait for another. The next one came about 20 minutes later and it was SRO but not as bad as the first. We waited a bit at DD for the CSR bus and then finally got back to the resort.

We got off at stop 1 so we could buy a last minute souvenir and also check at the front desk for our room charges. Our towncar was picking us up at 7am and they said they would put the express checkout envelope on the door between 6am and 8am so we wanted to double check.

We walked back to the room and packed and turned in around 10pm.


<font color=darkblue>Donna S.

WDW 1990,1992,1994,1995,1997,1999, 2000
Disneyland Paris 1998
Disneyland California--too many times to count
</font color>
Oooohhhhh that food sounds yummy, Donna. :)

It's too bad your trip is almost over. :(

Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

Lisa :)

<img width="250" src="" border=2 align=left><p align=center>
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank> <font color=blue font face="Times New Roman" size=3>Visit my DISney website -
trip reports and scrapbook pages!</A>

<p align=center> <font color=#FF0033 font size=6> Happy Holidays</font>
Donna, loved the wine pairing story, I am sure you were wondering if he had heard you right.. I like Citrico's myself, I thought they had great service and food was good.. Glad you enjoyed your evening..

Mac-key Mouse QOBGOC

<font color=red>Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention </font>


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