Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge

hey, team! some co-captain i am disappearing like that for a week. :rolleyes1

so, as far as i know, my surgery went well. who knows, though, as i am in a sling and not allowed to use that arm! i had a rough day a couple of days post-op, due to the pain meds. mostly off them now. first followup visit is this afternoon.

not much training last week, obviously, but i got out for 2 short walks.
total of 1.3 miles/1:00 hours. how sad. :sad2:

but should be able to ride my bike on the trainer more now (did a short ride yesterday), so hope to not lose all my fitness and continue to contribute.

happy thanksgiving to all!!

Hope you recover fully quickly! I know how difficult it is not to be able to work out when you are used to regular workout routines.
Mike Take care of that leg. I would rather see you at Marathon Weekend than to think that you further injured yourself making it where you couldn't compete. I know I can't compete with your speeds but I am looking forward to meeting you.

Hey Bryan, thanks for the nice words - I also look forward to meeting you (are there any meets scheduled for the WDW marathon weekend?). Turns out that I actually did the right thing by dropping out - it is still hard saying that after 21 years of never doing it - of the marathon on Sunday. Had 2 days of soreness in the hammy but with a lot of stretching and deep (read painful - very painful) tissue massage I was able to jog 2 miles with little to no pain on Tuesday evening. More importantly, again with continued deep tissue massage every day, I was able to run a 5K with 5 kids (11-years-old to 14-years-old) from the cross country team I coach this morning with NO pain at all. I paced the one running the least taxing pace and pulled her to her goal of a sub 25 minute 5k in 24:43 and was very comfortable. The other 4 all hit their goals - 1 sub 20 minute ended up at 19:37, 1 sub 21 minute ended up at 20:14, 1 sub 22 minute goal ended up at 21:53 and the one with a sub 22:30 goal ended up at 22:07. A great day for all.:banana: :banana:

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving day all,

Mike "GG" B
My only run this week was the Weather Channel 1/2 Marathon. I was around 2:20 with 13.1 doubled so 26.2 miles. Sorry I haven't checked in for a while.
Betsy - I hope you feel better and heal quickly!

All my training this week was on the treadmill. I'm just too much of a wimp to go out in the cold & rain we had this week.

I did a little better this week, although I still only ran twice rather than the 3 times on my training plan. However, I'm just glad I'm keeping up with my long runs.

Miles: 10.6
Minutes: 130

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I am beginning to get excited for January!!
I hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

My totals for the week ending Thursday, Nov. 27:
330 minutes 14 miles

We leave early tomorrow AM for a wonderful week in WDW to enjoy the Christmas programs and decorations. I'll try to make it to the workout facility a few times. :)
Hello DDD's! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving This was a slow week for me, short work week and one day of rain only allowed me two days of biking. Total miles was 50 and time was 3 hours. I did ride a little in NYC on Thanksgiving, but it involved many stops and not much distance, probably less tan 3 miles over four hours, so I will not count that. And no excuse for additional miles other than too little time.....

GoofyGuy, never ran into my neighbor so do not know how he did in Philly. Good to hear your leg is better.

Hope everyone has a great week!
THe fear of being out for a while almost got me but as it turns out some rest and easy running seem to be doing the trick. Only minor discomfort in the hammy now but I wll continue to take the runs easy (time wise that is) and run another day. Miles for the week = 22.1 running in 3 hours and 15 minutes but there was a 5 K in there with my XC team so miles should be 25.2. Alos had 2 hours of weights this week.

Ironz - hope you are feeling better and back in the training mode real soon. That goes for everyone else out there who is fighting through an injury too.

Great training all,

Mike "GG" B
Hey Gang! I do hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend. We all do have plenty to be thankful for. It is sometimes sad to think that we can only think about that one day a year and the rest of the year, we are looking at the negative and downside of things. (Sorry for the little "high horse" session.)

I had a real good training week in both my weight training and cardio. I am upset with myself in the fact that I had planned on going out for a run/walk on Thanksgiving Day and I got lazy and didn't do it. I hate that. But I still ended up with a good week.

My totals are:

Miles - 125.5
Hours - 12.75

I am planning on updating the spreadsheet tomorrow when I get home from work and the gym so anyone that hasn't posted their time still has plenty of time to do so.

Brand new month. Oops! Wait! It is the last month of the 11 month saga. 4.5 weeks more to go. I am sure this will be a tough 4.5 weeks too with all the Christmas parties that I am sure that we will all have. Let's just get out there, relax, not let the Holidays stress us out and have fun!!

Have a great week everyone!
Hi, Team!!! are my totals for the last week of Nov. (through Nov. 30).
Bike (stationary or on trainer): 23.7 miles/ 1:35 hours
Walk: 3.9 miles/ 1:10
Turkey Trot (modified b/c of my shoulder): walk 1.8 miles (doubled is 3.6)/ :35
Physical therapy/stretching: 3:00

Total: 31.2 miles/ 6:30 hours

Trying to get more bike time in this week, though I am travelling and the exercise bike at the hotel is not very comfy.
I'll do what I can, though, with this crazy shoulder!
Rehab seems to be going well. :thumbsup2
Hey DDD's,

I've been negligent in my posting duties again.

Week of 11-1 to 11-7:
15.35 miles
138 minutes

Week of 11-8 to 11-14
42.7 miles
355 minutes

Week of 11-15 to 11-21
11.99 miles
96 minutes

Week of 11-22 to 11-30
57.83 miles (includes double miles for Philly Marathon)
269 minutes

Kind of inconsistent but it's tough with the recovery from MCM, taper for Philly, and the subsequent recovery again.

Take care everyone and keep up the great work.
Weekly numbers include:

33.75 miles running in 4 hours and 59 minutes
Weigt training for 2 hours and
Yoga for 1 hour

I will be late posting next weeks numbers as I will be in WDW from Thursday to Wednesday.

Great training all,

Mike "GG" B
Busy, busy time.

Hours and miles for week ending 12-4:
13 miles 3.5 hours
Hey Team! Sorry for being somewhat MIA this week. I have been getting in a good bit of training in but I have also been working a lot. It is the Holiday season and I work in retail so that just means my workload will be going up. Plus, I hired a new kid to help out at the store and I have been having to train him too. Oh well. No more excuses. I promise to do better for the next few weeks that we have.

BamaEd Great to hear from you again. It has been a while but I am glad that you are back. Hope all is well.

Optimator I will be updating the numbers tomorrow night when I get home from work and the gym so I will get you caught up then. Thanks for sending that in and way to go on the 2 different races.

Goofyguy Almost 34 miles in 5 hours! WOW! Remind me not to ever challenge you to a race. :lmao: I am the typical turtle. I'm not looking to win but just to be able to finish the race and not die afterwards.

Betsy Everyday you still amaze me. If I am not mistaken, you have had 2 minor procedures since the triathlon and you are still getting out there and staying active. :worship: :worship: To me, that is a testiment to your work ethic and the type of person you truly are. What a warrior!

My Updates For this past week, I was able to get some good miles and time in so here it is.

Miles - 113
Hours - 11

I was hoping for at least 125 but I am still happy with the outcome. Plus, I am doing more weights and lifting heavier again so I am happy about that as well.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
Bryan:cheer2: :cheer2:
Excellent work, everyone!!!

I think I had a pretty good week, considering the week started when I was just 2 weeks out from shoulder surgery (and I really can't move my arm other than my PT --physical torture--exercises). haha!

For week of Dec. 1-7, I did what I could, while on the road travelling for work.

PT/stretching: 3:20 hours
Spin bike/bike on trainer: 2:50/43.3 miles

43.3 miles/6:10 hours.

Will be travelling part of this week, but definitely doing my PT every day. Tomorrow I will see the actual physical therapist to see how I progressed with my exercises and range of motion since my first visit. Lots of travel coming up...need to get some good bike miles in while I can!!

Note: not to sound like I'm patting myself on the back, but if I can put in the time after surgery, I hope everyone can make sure to keep moving!! Remember, it makes us feel good and is good for us!!!:goodvibes
Hello everyone!

Looks like frigid weather has hit here, yesterday there was even snow on the ground in some places. Better snow than rain, but sunshilne is even better!

Last week only rode in to work three days again, this time it was having to do with getting the car inspected. So my miles and time is 75 miles and 4,5 hours.

Yesterday I went on a club mountain bike ride, but I will add that to next weeks totals.

Have a good week, everyone!
Hey team! I have the numbers updated with everything that has been posted. We are only 221 miles away from the 17,000 miles mark. We also have a lot of holes in the spreadsheet. If anyone has any miles and hours that they can send in, please do. Let's see what our combined efforts have truly accomplished.

You are all so awesome! Keep it up, team!!!:cheer2: :yay: :banana:

I have no doubt that we will reach 17,000 miles. Maybe we can reach 18,000?

My mileage for this week is 89, and there is 6 hours to go with that. All on the bike. We had a few days of rain here again this week.

I don't believe Christmas is so close. Boy, I have a lot to do.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Hey guys,

A quick report of the two weeks from 11/29-12/12, all running:
Miles - 15
Minutes - 170

Keep up the good work everyone! I think we'll top 17,000 easily!

OMG, I still have lots to do before Christmas and it's only 1 degree outside right now. Yikes!!!

My totals for the week ending Thursday, Dec. 11:

16.5 miles 275 minutes


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