Does Disney Still Not Allow Same Sex Unions?

RickinNYC said:
Actually, from what I understand, WDW did send out a CM memo (someone can correct me if I'm wrong but a CM friend told me about this) stating that they would soon allow commitment ceremonies. So that's the good news! Fingers crossed!

A couple of years back, my partner and I were looking to do something and were in the planning process. So I called WDW and did speak with a few different folks at Disney about allowing same sex ceremonies (non-religious, not legally binding) on their premises and I was told by one and all that it wasn't possible. From what I was told, this was because FL state law did not allow it so Disney had to abide by it. Made sense to me because Disney, the corporation, has been extremely accomodating and protective of it's gay/lesbian guests and cast members.

By the by, Disney does not sanction Gay Days. It's an independent effort started by one gentleman many years ago that has grown over time. Disney's only stance on this is, when someone complains, that WDW is for guests and families of all types.

Thanks for the info! I never knew that Gay Days was not an offiicial celebration. I can't imagine how Florida could stop people from celebrating thier lives together....but I don't doubt that they will try! I find it painful to live in a state that won't allow lesbian and gay couples to adopt. Yet it is a state that allows them to foster care a child for 15 years. As a social worker I am horrified by that, love is love. How sad , in my opinion.
Ahhhhh weddings I love them!! Weddings, re-hitching ceremonies, commitment ceremonies etc...I LOVE THEM!!!!!
I have no problems explaining to my children why 2 men or 2 women are holding hands or kissing. They love each other. That's it. That is the answer. Simple and beautiful. They love each other. I have never seen 2 men or 2 women "mauling" each other in the parks. I don't think I have seen a man and a women "mauling" each other in the parks either. I have seen teenagers in the parks doing this. That, I have a problem with because I have to hear "eeewwww that is gross" from the kids. Kissing anyone kissing is GROSS. I am sure that will be changing fast as they get older.
I just don't understand are in a beautiful place, you are probably with your family, you are with people you love, you are happy, you are excited so you kiss the person you love....who the heck cares. I know I don't. I have no problem with it. I don't care if you are 2 men, 2 women, I don't care if you are purple, green or blue . I don't have time ...... I have to go get in line for Dumbo ;) hee hee. As long as you are not stopping on Main Street and causing a traffic jam go ahead and kiss, hold hands. Show the person you are with that you are happy they are there with you. Show them you love them. This world needs more love. If it bothers you don't look, walk away go in the other direction. for goodness sake run if you have to but don't pass judgement.
If you see a Wedding taking place and you don't like what you see, stop watching. If you continue to watch a traditional wedding remember you may just have to explain to your children about divorce, spousal abuse etc. Ok I know I am being terrible but really now do you think that Disney allowing same sex unions is going to mean that people are standing there announcing their orientation to the whole park?? I know that if you see 2 men standing there happy declaring their love for one another you probably can figure it out but I doubt if your young children can. I don't think they are going to be screaming their vows out on Main Street. That is just absurd. If your children ask, explain it to them. Use any words you are comfortable with. It is a great time do explain about different people.
I have been to WDW many times and I think I have only seen one wedding . We have seen brides and grooms but not the ceremony. I am pretty sure these are all done in private. I think Disney should consider allowing some kind of cememony for same sex couples. I would love to see it.
Ok so I can explain to my kids about LOVE but now help me explain WAR and senseless killing???? That is the one I have trouble with........... :scratchin.
ECurto said:
I personally don’t get why gay people insist on "marriage". Marriage is religious, and i think should be between a man and women. What i want is all the same rights, and benefits, which comes out of a legal ceremony. Call it a "union" "ceremony" or "film flam" for all i care. I don’t get why both sides have to be so stubborn.

I'm one of those gay people that feels strongly about wanting the right to "marry". It's not so much that I believe in the institution of marriage, I just believe that I should have the same rights as everyone else.

I'm not willing to settle for a civil union in leiu of the right to marry. I believe everyone, gay and straight, should have the right to choose either. If the church I attend sanctions gay marriage, then my country should recognize it in the same way they recognize every other wedding. If my church does not sanction gay weddings, I am free to choose another church. If I am able to choose a civil union, then my straight friends should have this choice too.

I'm also sick of having to try to figure out what to call my partner, significant other, girlfriend, lover, etc. When my straight friends refer to their husbands and wives, everyone automatically knows what their relationship is to one another. That's one of the benefits of being able to marry. Yes, marriage is a religious ceremony but it has been generalized over the years. Many people that are not particularly religious get "married". I've been to plenty of weddings that didn't have any religious part to them and those couples still consider themselves married. They refer to each other as husband and wife. There is a lot of power in language - and I'm tired of being perceived as 'less than' because I cannot use the same language to describe my loved one.

Those are my reasons for supporting the rights of gays and lesbians to marry. Having said all that, if all was equal, I probably would choose a civil union. But that pretty much is the core of the issue for me - I want the right to choose, same as my straight friends.

Wow - I think this is the longest post I have ever made on the DIS! Barrie
And you should have that right. Period.

And I know I shouldn't waste energy on this but I just have to comment on this:
What I disagree with is choosing a CHILDREN'S place to make a public display.

I see kids a weddings all the time. Most weddings HAVE KIDS IN THEM! The "public display(s)" (of affection) at a, the kiss (dur!), some romantic gazes, that's about it.

I gotta wonder what you think goes on at a gay wedding? :confused3
RickinNYC said:
Actually, from what I understand, WDW did send out a CM memo (someone can correct me if I'm wrong but a CM friend told me about this) stating that they would soon allow commitment ceremonies. So that's the good news! Fingers crossed!
Oh! How wonderful! I really really really REALLY hope and pray that this is true! My partner and I are currently engaged, and are planning our ceremony for late 2007/early 2008, and we both have our hearts absolutely set on having our commitment ceremony at Walt Disney World. Here's to hoping that by that time, WDW will have gotten it's act together with the progressive thinking and began allowing non-legally sactioned same-sex unions.

Otherwise, I'll be looking for a loophole! As one person suggested, going to Mass. or Canada for a marriage certificate, then booking a Vow Renewal... If that doesn't work, by god I'll just rent out a meeting hall or banquet area at one of the resorts! My money is just as good as the next person's, and I don't have to be COMPLETELY truthful regarding to purpose of said "banquet," now do I? :rotfl:
I just wonder why people are so against some kind of ceremony at the resort between gays?!? aren't these ceremonies somewhat private and or after park closing? who is going to know it is even happening, if they are not in the wedding party?!?!? :confused3
Elevationist...I love how you did your pictures in your signature. How did you do that? I also hope things get worked out at WDW and all of you desiring a ceremony in the midst of the Magic can do so!

As far as Sarah Elizabeth goes...people like you make me Soooooo tired. I feel that you're implying that gays are always out and about making out, tongue-ing each other, and who knows what else. That kind of thinking shows your ignorance. I suppose next you'll say that all gay men are out there wearing butt chaps all the time :teeth: . Sorry, but I get so freakin' tired of this kind of thinking. I have yet to see any of this anywhere in Disney. The other day DH and I were eating at Golden Corral and I saw two younger guys holding hands. Good for them! You don't see that very much around here, and I was glad they weren't afraid to show their affection for each a very polite way, mind you! What is the problem with two matter their sex..loving each other and sharing a life? This world has enough hate without the ignorance of homophobic people. I teach my DD's tolerance in every aspect. They are 16, 12, and 2.5. The two older ones think nothing of homosexuality and as my 2yo grows it will be even more of a normal thing for her than it was for the other 2. I want my kids to know that not everyone in this world lives in the midwest in a small town and has a mom and dad and a dog and a cat. I want them to be able to handle any type of society when they go out into the world..and handle it without judgment. I want them to appreciate the differences in all of us. Life is so much better that way. More friends made. More memories too.
I used to a member of another Disney discussion board. I won't get into it, but I am no longer a member there nor do I desire to be. I love DIS because I can be myself(and though I am not a HUGE weirdo, I do tend to be my own person :crazy: )...judgment doesn't reign supreme here as it does other places ;) . I am just a pretty normal human being who loves Disney and wants a place to congregate with other Disney lovers. The fact that DIS isn't too above itself to have a forum like this is part of the reason I love it so much. Much more diversity here. Okay...I am horrid at going on and on in my posts, so off my soap box now. Just wanted to post my opinion...thanks for listening! :goodvibes
I have not read this post for some time, so I had to wade through three pages of commentary. And while I was doing all this reading something occurred to me. Many people are upset at the thought of a same-sex couple getting married at Walt Disney World. But why?

In all my years of going to Disney I have seen many wedding parties walking around the Grand Floridian and Yacht Club. I've seen groups of men in tuxedos. I"ve seen groups of women in fancy dresses. Sometimes I've even seen these groups mixed together. But the one thing I have never, ever seen is the actual ceremony. Why? It's none of my business. The wedding ceremony is private and open to only those who are invited to observe. A wedding at Disney is never broadcast on TV, in the parks, as background noise or anything like that.

So why do people get up in arms over this? Unless you are invited, you'll never actually see the two men (or women) standing together or seeing them kiss at the end of the ceremony. If you see two men (or women) out being photographed, why immediately assume they are gay? I have dozens of pictures of my straight brother and myself from his wedding where I was his best man. It was just the two of us. No one ever implied anything about anyones sexuality.

As far as the "Disney is for children" excuse, I would encourage them to look around. Take a good, long, hard look. There are as many adult groups as there are groups of adults / children. We love going to Disney and enjoy the atmosphere, fun and magic in the theme parks. Kevin and I probably won't have a commitement ceremony anytime soon, but doing it at Disney would be fun. But it would also be for those we invite, and not broadcast on TV screens throughout Epcot.

Just my two cents worth.


Sarah_Elizabeth said:
Actually, I agree with him, and it's not because I'm homophobic in any way, shape or form. I see nothing wrong with choosing who you want to be with. What I disagree with is choosing a CHILDREN'S place to make a public display. I don't have pictures of me hugging and kissing my boyfriend all over the internet, so I don't see why you need to either. Whether it's biological or just a life decision, you know that your choice is one that makes a lot of people uncomfortable to see. While you may say "screw them," you're being selfish when it comes to children. They're at a very vulnerable age where they don't understand things like that. I would never make out with my boyfriend some place where I knew little children would be. I know someone who's gay and whenever he's home you'd NEVER know it. He never talks about it, never calls anyone his "boyfriend" and would never kiss or hug a man in front of his family. That's the way it should be. No one should need to announce or show off their sexual preference. Neither of us goes around announcing we're straight or making a production of our rights, so I don't know why so many gay people feel the need to have gay pride or march in a parade. It's not something I can understand, as a straight person I'd never flaunt it, and if I did I'd be considered homophobic. Are you heterophobic? I think if you did things quietly and blended into society instead of trying to stand out and show you're proud of being gay, people would be more accepting of things, but you force people into trying to understand something that they can't see as natural. I'm going to get a million replies from people flying off the handle and I couldn't care less. I have absolutely no hate in my heart. My opinion is my constitutional right, just as much as yours. And if you'd stop for a minute and think outside your defenses, you'd understand what I'm saying.
Okay, just so you know, this is coming from a person that some may consider a "child"...

I partially agree with the remark about gay and bisexual people flaunting their lovers and such...
But I don't like explaining, so forget that.

"They're at a very vulnerable age where they don't understand things like that."
Children don't understand a lot of things...
They shouldn't be sheltered completely from the world, or they won't be and might never be used to it.
Sarah_Elizabeth said:
Actually, I agree with him, and it's not because I'm homophobic in any way, shape or form. I see nothing wrong with choosing who you want to be with. What I disagree with is choosing a CHILDREN'S place to make a public display. .

Dear you are way off base. My two children have seen their mother's being affectionate towards each other for 16 and 17 years and they are two of the most awesome children - about to be adults - on the planet. Clearly, it's not the affection, per se, which is the problem, is it?
I just don't like how that in the first place everyone thinks that not being straight is unnatural... Whether you're homophobic or homoplilic.
For example, people being overly gernerous and polite to people that are new to the area, three feet tall, or wear back braces, etc...
They just think they're so~ nice...
bffkitty said:
I just don't like how that in the first place everyone thinks that not being straight is unnatural... Whether you're homophobic or homoplilic.
For example, people being overly gernerous and polite to people that are new to the area, three feet tall, or wear back braces, etc...
They just think they're so~ nice...

Well, lemme see...I think being WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE is what's natural. I don't believe people CHOOSE to be gay. I think something happens when the fetus is developing that causes it(just as it caused me to be attracted to men), it's natural for that human to be that way. What is NOT natural is pretending to be someone you aren't, making yourself extremely unhappy for the rest of your life. Yeah, could say that sexually men and women were made to "BE" together. Well, physically maybe. But when something changes in the womb to allow that person to be attracted to ONLY members of the same sex, well, then...that changes things a little doesn't it?? Having a relationship with someone you love doesn't just have to do with sex. Whether it be your preference or your gender. It means you are attracted to that person, you make each other'd jump in front of a Mack truck for them(that might hurt though :goodvibes ). It means committing the rest of your life to someone you LOVE. THAT, my dear, is NATURAL.

As for the being extra polite thing....I am no more polite to a little person, a handicapped person, or a person of a different race than I am of someone who looks like me. We are all the same. If I'm in WalMart and I pass someone the right way and make eye contact then I usually smile at them..but not because they are in a wheelchair, or black, or because its two men holding hands. I'd do it if it was one 5'8 avg. looking female. Who cares?? That's the way we all should be. It's the way I was raised.

ETA: Okay..did I misunderstand the above post?? Oh well....I voiced my thoughts...its late and I'm frazzled! :teeth: Sorry if I misunderstood...
mickeymousemom said:
Elevationist...I love how you did your pictures in your signature. How did you do that? I also hope things get worked out at WDW and all of you desiring a ceremony in the midst of the Magic can do so!
Thanks! We're keeping our hopes up, too! :love:

As for my signature, I just made it using Adobe Photoshop . I'm fairly decent with the program, so I decided to try making a sort of photo collage using some of my favorite pictures from our Jan. 2005 trip. :p I've been intending to make a new version of it, using pictures from our most recent WDW journey in Feb. 2006, but haven't had the time... So I'll just file that away under "Coming Soon!" ;)


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