Does anyone ever apologize anymore?

It's infuriating, isn't it?! It seems like most people don't have manners anymore.

Last week I was in a crowded grocery store. An elderly woman came zooming down the aisle and shouted, "Somebody better move!" I was at the front of the aisle, and not in her way, but those in her way simply let her though without a word. I was kinda surprised because that was way rude of her, but me being me said loudly, "An excuse me would have been nice!". :P
No? Was always taught/told to thank the person for the transaction, but not specifically for handing over cash. If that were appropriate, then thanking the seller for providing the purchased item would be as well

Years ago when I managed in retail it was never a policy to thank someone when they handed you their cash, or credit card. At the end of the transaction, when handing them their bag we would say "thank you and have a nice day..." or something like that.

In every day life I don't come across people who don't apologize, and I don't even live in Canada.
It's infuriating, isn't it?! It seems like most people don't have manners anymore.

Last week I was in a crowded grocery store. An elderly woman came zooming down the aisle and shouted, "Somebody better move!" I was at the front of the aisle, and not in her way, but those in her way simply let her though without a word. I was kinda surprised because that was way rude of her, but me being me said loudly, "An excuse me would have been nice!". :P

I would have been stubborn enough to stand my ground if I heard someone shout that and expect people to get out of her way. There is no excuse to be rude like that, no matter how elderly you are.
I live in the northeast which gets a bad rap for being rude. However, I can't imagine those situations happening here and there not being an apology. The Disneyland one is particularly disgusting. Did you say something to the mom? I certainly would have, not in a rude jerky way, but she'd understand I wasn't pleased.
I didn't say anything to her. When the baby threw up I think everyone around made a collective ugh sound. The disgust was obvious. Then I was focused on getting the stuff off of my leg. I was the mother of a baby who spit up all of the time so that memory probably kept me from saying anything in anger. Of course I never held her and let her throw up on anyone or fed her a bottle in a crowded, hot line at a theme park.
It's infuriating, isn't it?! It seems like most people don't have manners anymore.

Last week I was in a crowded grocery store. An elderly woman came zooming down the aisle and shouted, "Somebody better move!" I was at the front of the aisle, and not in her way, but those in her way simply let her though without a word. I was kinda surprised because that was way rude of her, but me being me said loudly, "An excuse me would have been nice!". :P

The other customers gave her the "old pass",lol.

Oh those big "car" carts should be done away with, those things are too bulky and not very maneuverable.

And all those cases especially barf baby, people should have been a grown up and apologized.
The other customers gave her the "old pass",lol.
That was probably the case because one of the women that was in her way heard my comment and said, "I hope I never get that nasty when I'm old". But jeez, it still annoys me when I think about it. IMO it's hard to be mean/rude, and so easy to be nice/polite!
Wow, that is so rude, especially making the baby spit up on you, I would be profusely apologetic if my child spilled or threw up on someone!

I find most people I encounter to have fairly decent manners, but there are always exceptions.
The other customers gave her the "old pass",lol.

Oh those big "car" carts should be done away with, those things are too bulky and not very maneuverable.

And all those cases especially barf baby, people should have been a grown up and apologized.
I love "barf baby". That will be used in any future mention of this incident.
Wow, that is so rude, especially making the baby spit up on you, I would be profusely apologetic if my child spilled or threw up on someone!

I find most people I encounter to have fairly decent manners, but there are always exceptions.

I'm guessing you wouldn't hold your baby it to throw up on other people though. Someone who would do that isn't really concerned with being rude. It's not like we're talking The Exorcist level projectile vomiting. The woman had to know the Op was in the puke path.
I know it's not actually all millennials (that was a little snarky on my part), but my recent experience seemed to lean towards people being, for lack of a better phrase, "young and arrogant".

. ..... But there's a level of arrogance with these guys (and, often youth in general) that seems to preclude them from admitting that maybe they're in the wrong. I know that if they were there on time, they would have ripped into anyone who was there late. :mad:

That's issue with most of these. If they apologize it means they are accepting responsibility and blame for what they did and admitting they did something wrong. No wants to admit they do anything wrong.
I'm guessing you wouldn't hold your baby it to throw up on other people though. Someone who would do that isn't really concerned with being rude. It's not like we're talking The Exorcist level projectile vomiting. The woman had to know the Op was in the puke path.

Exactly, goes beyond "impolite" into total...well, a word I can't say here...being a total jerk!
My go-to response to bumping someone, even when they bump me, is to say "sorry". I also apologize to animals and the occasional inanimate object.

OP, I'm sorry you had such unfortunate run-ins with rude people. I wish I couldn't believe that a vomiting baby wouldn't be enough to elicit an apology, but unfortunately I can.

Yeah, DH was laughing at me the other day for apologizing to amazon Alexa after saying her name accidentally, then having her turn on :D
The cart ones while bad I probably would have fumed then gotten over it by the time I was in the parking lot. The Disneyland one though purposefully letting your kid spew on me instead of taking it yourself and then not apologizing I definitely would have said something. Accidents happen but turning the kid in a line where others are standing to let them puke so you don't get it just boggles my mind where did she think it was going to go?
Yeah I really don't get this, when my little ones were young I had at least a back up shirt and bra in the bag in case in was thrown up on.
Once on a plane DD managed to throw up so hard it went across me, DH and to the person on the other side of him, we were incredibly apologetic bought him a drink and offered to buy him a shirt at the airport which he declined, he was amazing about it all.
Now to be honest if I was the OP I would have said something to the mother about it when she didn't apologise.
No, not an issue where I live, but I live in Canada.

Bieber even wrote a whole song apologising....

My go-to response to bumping someone, even when they bump me, is to say "sorry". I also apologize to animals and the occasional inanimate object.

OP, I'm sorry you had such unfortunate run-ins with rude people. I wish I couldn't believe that a vomiting baby wouldn't be enough to elicit an apology, but unfortunately I can.

I think there are two kinds of people in the world and you can tell by the accidental bump reaction. Some people will automatically say sorry, the other groups reaction is automatically HEY!
If someone else's child barfed on me, my first reaction would be to get the vomit off of me. If they were still there after that, I think I would probably have to ask why they let the child do that on me. I would be very unhappy about it, to say the least.
I know these type of rants open me up for abuse but when did it become OK to not apologize when you obviously should. I have had something happen three times in the last two weeks where I am amazed that nothing was said. The first was in the line for Peter Pan at Disneyland. It was sunny, 80 plus degrees and the lady on one side of us was giving her baby a bottle. With the heat I am not surprised but the baby threw up. She held the baby out and let it spew all over my legs. The smelly stuff ran down my leg and into my sandal. The lady did not say one word to me. Thank goodness a lady on the other side of the queue had extra napkins she gave me to wipe up the mess on my leg. The woman with the baby was wearing a pretty long blue dress so I think her main goal was to keep the spit-up off of it but still you need to at least say 'I'm sorry'.

Then yesterday two different times I was run into at the grocery by other people pushing carts. Nothing said by either person. In one case I was standing at self checkout and a lady bumped me so hard that I fell into the scale thing holding the bags. She had one of those huge kid car/shopping carts and was trying to slip past the people checking out. At least in that case a store employee came over and apologized for her but she was long gone.

Seriously, what is wrong with people?
....I'm sorry but you are posting on the wrong Board....popcorn::


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